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Yeah, uh, hey.


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So Popo decided to give my home on the internet the benefit of the doubt and hang out over there even after she wasn't feelin' it that much the first go around, so I figured it'd only be fair if I did the same thing.

Screen name's primarily Zeth—that's what I went by on FESS and then later at FEU for a little while before it...pulled what it did. I'm actually Cassius on FEP, I've just never posted there because I signed up to look at the board with the Petrine skin while going through media. I care about things like that. Real name's Ethan; doesn't bother me using it online all that much at all.

Truth be told, I've been looking for a good FE community to settle down with ever since FESS closed up shop. that I'd finally done so with FEU, but, yeah. I stay really busy with admining my own forums and writing and real life, so mayhaps I've simply missed my window of resettling in the FE community, but, just in case I haven't, I'm going to lurk around here for a while and try it out again. See if it feels right.

When it comes to FE: I sprite. Imma spriter. Always wanted to be a hacker too, but every time I've gone to taking a crack at it I've never been able to fully wrap my head around many of the processes and procedures. Almost had a thing going once with FE6.5: The Lost Years, but no...

So yeah, hi guys.

I know the intro wasn't all that exciting. It's been years since I've made one.

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=o Hiya!! Welcome to SF!!

Lol so we like had the huge influx of fess-ers but one is running really late XD

Spriting is fun! =D Although I haven't been as into it as I used to anymore... (I think it's just kinda like a writer's block atm, but in this case a spriter's block XD)

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Yeah, I'm really out of practice, myself. I see Vamp and Char are active here in the splicing contests though, so maybe if I have time I can start easing into it again. The last time I sprited I was experimenting with a new, somewhat more photoreal style but never finished the first portrait. Now I'm not even sure if I can keep going like I was without practising in the more conventional FE7 and FE8 styles first.


Don't think I could finish it as planned.

(Also, every time I tried inserting that image I got an error message that "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board" ?)

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Hey, you...you're like...like that one guy who does that stuff. I like you. You're pretty cool.

Nah, I think you have me confused with someone else.

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So Popo decided to give my home on the internet the benefit of the doubt and hang out over there even after she wasn't feelin' it that much the first go around, so I figured it'd only be fair if I did the same thing.

Screen name's primarily Zeth—that's what I went by on FESS and then later at FEU for a little while before it...pulled what it did. I'm actually Cassius on FEP, I've just never posted there because I signed up to look at the board with the Petrine skin while going through media. I care about things like that. Real name's Ethan; doesn't bother me using it online all that much at all.

Truth be told, I've been looking for a good FE community to settle down with ever since FESS closed up shop. that I'd finally done so with FEU, but, yeah. I stay really busy with admining my own forums and writing and real life, so mayhaps I've simply missed my window of resettling in the FE community, but, just in case I haven't, I'm going to lurk around here for a while and try it out again. See if it feels right.

When it comes to FE: I sprite. Imma spriter. Always wanted to be a hacker too, but every time I've gone to taking a crack at it I've never been able to fully wrap my head around many of the processes and procedures. Almost had a thing going once with FE6.5: The Lost Years, but no...

Hey! It's Zeth! :newyears:

It's nice to see you around these parts! Serenes Forest is actually a really fun place, and I've met some really nice people here. :3 If you want to interact with other spriters, go here! The FE4 thread is also a fun place to make friends. I didn't post there for the longest time until I realized that it had absolutely nothing to do with FE4 the game. XD

Nah, I think you have me confused with someone else.

Don't be so modest. :P:

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Hey, thanks, Popo.

I was actually poking around the spriting board for a while just after I signed up. Depending on how things turn out timewise, I might pop in on the next splicing contest.

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I appreciate bluntness when done tactfully, which, IIR Seph C, he usually accomplishes.

People have a tendency to explode prematurely on the internet when presented with a bluntly stated opinion. I get that. But it seems any more people are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Their hints are either so obscure that I miss them completely, or else they end up going on for posts and posts before the point is made, and then they've made so many comments that something is bound to upset the target anyway.

It takes a gentle balance. That's hard to find.

And thanks, Seph. Hopefully my first handful of sprites getting back in the game won't let you down too much.

EDIT: Thank you too, "Popes." (That is your name from now on.)

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Popo... he posted it right here xD

I appreciate bluntness when done tactfully, which, IIR Seph C, he usually accomplishes.

People have a tendency to explode prematurely on the internet when presented with a bluntly stated opinion. I get that. But it seems any more people are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Their hints are either so obscure that I miss them completely, or else they end up going on for posts and posts before the point is made, and then they've made so many comments that something is bound to upset the target anyway.

It takes a gentle balance. That's hard to find.

And thanks, Seph. Hopefully my first handful of sprites getting back in the game won't let you down too much.

EDIT: Thank you too, "Popes." (That is your name from now on.)

Yes... Usually... :B

well at least I've been trying lately~

Yeah, I see that too often. The person is either unresponsive to bluntness, or they simply refuse the kind criticism as another person's opinion. It's rather annoying, at times :<

And if you can sprite like that (that being the previous example) I doubt I'll be disappointed.

though I do hope they're not of the quality of the one on your profile...

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though I do hope they're not of the quality of the one on your profile...

Well they can't all be winners, so I'm certain some will be—though the one on my profile hasn't been updated in years. It is, you may say, a classic. I think it was last updated...2 years ago. Or somewhere around there. the one I linked to in this thread was intended to be the replacement. It's based on a photo of me. (but with armour, hrrr)

If I wanted to really shock you I could go back to some of the splices I originally posted back in '07 on FESS when I was an actual noob. One or two anyway. I think all the others have been expunged from the record by this point.

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Oh god hnnnnng Dx

I still have all my old sprites, reminding myself of their shitty quality is enough xD

But yeah, you should get around to making a gallery, I'm sure you've got some great stuff hanging around :3c

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(Also, every time I tried inserting that image I got an error message that "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board" ?)

I'm pretty sure the "readfile.php?file=actualfile" confuses the forum software. If it were just a path without the scripting, I think it would be fine.

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