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[FE4] Rate the Unit II

Caliban of Sycorax

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Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications)

- Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

- Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Sigurd/10", etc.

- Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please!

- Make votes easily visible, please and thank you!

- Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 10:00 PM (or 22:00), EST.

Units and Ranking

Sigurd: 9.96

DAY 2: Noish


Noish isn't horrible, by any means. He's mounted in a game where horse means instantly superior, he has Critical, and he's got lots of availability. The issue is, he lacks Pursuit whereas his mounted counterpart Alec does. Even Lex, who joins a turn later, has the Hero Axe in Chapter 1.

Noish also lacks evasion and attack speed, so he gets hit. A lot. And because he can't naturally double, he has a much harder time killing mooks than Sigurd, Alec, or Hero Axe!Lex. Noish does, however, come with Charge, which is essentially Pursuit... but for both combatants. I see it more of a strike against Noish because Charge provides more chances for Noish to get hit.

Noish does have better father potential over Alec, being one of the best parents for Fury's kids. He also isn't bad for Ayra or Lachesis' kids, but both of them have better options. Hell, even Fury has Levin and Claude, but Noish at least can keep up with her.

overall I find Noish to fall behind quickly, and he's really only good for playing backup to Sigurd. While he's mounted, his lack of Pursuit or strong claim for a Hero weapon really hurts him.


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He arrives early and is tough enough to hold out against most opponents. Despite his impressive strength and defense, his skill and speed are bad, and no pursuit means he has to rely on Critical and Charge... which doesn't suit his stats. However, with the Pursuit Ring/Hero Sword/Lance(when promoted), he's not too shabby. Although, like most units, he falls out of use during chapter 4.

He also has a pony.

Fatherwise, Noish produces good results with Ayra and Fury. NoishxAyra is a personal favourite of mine and Sety doesn't need magic with that skillset. He doesn't do too badly with Lachesis or Briggid, he might want a pursuit ring.

Overall, 6/10. His movement and parenting are pretty good, however, his lack of reliably attacking more than once mean his damage output is limited.

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The pony is nice; the lack of Pursuit isn't. Still, he makes a good father who can pass down Critical and Duel to Fee, among other things. 6/10

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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The pony is nice; the lack of Pursuit isn't. Still, he makes a good father who can pass down Continue to Fee, among other things. 6/10

Duel and Critical, rather. Noish doesn't get Continue, but Fee learns it on her own, and Sety always has it.

But yes, great father, decent performance. 6/10

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Duel and Critical, rather. Noish doesn't get Continue, but Fee learns it on her own, and Sety always has it.

But yes, great father, decent performance. 6/10

derp. *edit*

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Noish makes a good dad, and he's pretty. His grab-bag of skills are good for Fee, and his offense isn't wretched.

Not that it's, y'know, good or anything.

I'm BEATING THE CURVE with 7/10.

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6/10 he's a fairly decent character . he would be s pretty good character if he had pursuit and a slightly higher sppeed growth. He's still pretty useful up until chapter 4 like others have said . The fact that the red and green knights were kinda average i n this game disappointed me . The red and green knights are usually pretty good in other fire emblem games.

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Noish is a good father, has WTC (he's actually quite tanky with a lance), and once he promotes is insane. Probably one of the best candidates for the skill ring, the other being Dew. He has a horse, which is awesome, he can keep up. Pursuit not being on him sucks though.

6.5/10, +.5 being because I like him.

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Lack of Pursuit hurts him. Having a horse helps him. Being a pretty bitchin' dad for any kids who will have Pursuit anyway (Fee/Sety, the twins) is a big plus. He's a very underrated husband for Fury or Aira. I'd say 5.5/10 or so. I hesitate to give more, as there are much better characters than him.

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Underrated for Fury, yes, but I thought NoishAyra was a pretty well known good pairing that just isn't done as much as Lex or Holyn due to having to glue a mounted unit to a foot unit without any helper convos for x amount of turns.

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Let's see...

He's vaguely useful in a draft. Less so than his counterpart, although that's because the Pursuit Ring is generally reserved for others. As a father he rarely disappoints (unless you pair him with like, Sylvia or Tiltyu). Ayra, Fury, Briggid, not bad at all. Cons? Pursuit, and Critical is based off of the two things that Noish sucks at.


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6.5. Half-point off because his character is boring, from what I remember of it. However, mounted, pulls his own weight on the field and in the arena (critical is pretty much an "I win" button), and passes on good genes. Lacks pursuit, though, which hurts a lot.

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