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Tormod in Part 3



29 members have voted

  1. 1. DB Tormod or GM Tormod?

    • Greil Mercenaries
    • Dawn Brigade

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Given the choice, would you put Tormod with the GMs starting in 3-1, or the DB starting in 3-6?

Greil Mercenary Tormod:

-More availability and potentially more experience

-May lag behind in movement

-Decent speed but low MAG (may struggle to 2HKO)

-Mediocre durability

-Can transfer items

-Makes more sense in terms of plot

Dawn Brigade Tormod:

-Potential to support units (only Fire affinity available in DB)

-Great offense (ORKOes Tigers, leaves Cats on single-digit HP)

-Poor durability (usually 2HKOed, not doubled)

Edited by Anouleth
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Perhaps Tormod would be good in the Dawn Brigade, since their only magic users are Micaiah and Laura, neither of whom can use beast-effective fire magic, but it makes no sense in the story line for Tormod to be with them. Even if Sothe is his friend with the DB, even if he thinks Micaiah is okay ... does anyone really think that Tormod is going to stay with the DB once he realizes that they're fighting against the laguz, when the laguz are very much in the right and Daein has nothing to do with the war? I'd rather have Tormod in the Greil Mercenaries, and I think it makes sense to have him there as well, if he were in part 3.

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Story-wise, I think they could work in the DBs like Zihark/Jill. Like, give them an option to be recruited over to the GMs.

Or maybe have Tormod stay with the DBs while Vika/Muarim leave earlier and he's forced for 3-6 only, but leave when the Black Knight appears because he doesn't like what he's done to the laguz.

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I really don't think it makes sense to have Tormod in the DB after part one. Even if he stayed with them, the moment that he heard that Daein was going to be fighting laguz, he would have been like, "Screw this, I'm out." He's not exactly like Zihark and Jill, who are conflicted throughout but loyal enough to Daein to stay until recruited by someone on the other side. Tormod has nothing to do with Daein. He's closer to laguz than to beorc. Literally, the moment he finds out, he's gone. He wouldn't stay long enough in 3-6 to kill even on laguz.

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Erm, he heads (IIRC) the Laguz Emancipation Army. So he'd be joining the GMs. Also, I would take Tormod over Soren any day in the GMs. While Tormod's MAG could be better, his durability, SPD, and Celerity are really nice compared to Soren's.

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@ Anouleth - 3-1 or 3-P?

Story-wise => Laguz Alliance.

Gameplay-wise => DB: effective against beast tribe laguz, can use resolve and may have a similar scenario as if Ilyana stays in the DB. Good unit for 3-12 and can meteor Ike for a 1 turn.

Result => DB Tormod.

Edited by Quintessence
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I honestly think that the only thing keeping Tormod from being the best sage in FE10 (sage, not all magic users) is his terrible availability. He caps defense in both tiers on average. He has no problem maxing out his speed. He caps HP on average (despite its low cap). He can wield Rexflame, which gives a +3 boost to speed. Sure, his magic is a bit low, but he should be doubling more than Soren and Ilyana and soaking up more hits. Really ... it's his availability that kills him. I would've been really happy if he really was in part 3.

And while I agree that Tormod being in the DB would help the DB more, I still don't think he should be with them simply because of story reasons.

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I haven't seen CR-S01 post outside of drafts.............0_0.

Tormod could go either way, but going with the GMs would make better sense.

But, the GMs have so many units to choose from, all are useable.

Tormod would still be better than Illyana IMO, due to 35 Spd, and Fire being quite string in fe10.

He'd also have better speed though.

And better luck.

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35 speed? You're talking about after he gets access to Rexflame, right? Because yeah ... while Micaiah has the highest speed cap of all the magic units, she's not likely to reach it. Can't remember what Calil's average speed at -/20/20 is, but Tormod is DEFINITELY likely to hit his speed cap and get that +3 speed from Rexflame if he can wield it.

Mind you, I ALWAYS use Tormod, always. Ever since I played PoR and RD enough times to realize, "You know, Tormod is awesome as a character, and he's a decent unit if I can get him there. He's now my favorite FE character."

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35 speed? You're talking about after he gets access to Rexflame, right? Because yeah ... while Micaiah has the highest speed cap of all the magic units, she's not likely to reach it. Can't remember what Calil's average speed at -/20/20 is, but Tormod is DEFINITELY likely to hit his speed cap and get that +3 speed from Rexflame if he can wield it.

Mind you, I ALWAYS use Tormod, always. Ever since I played PoR and RD enough times to realize, "You know, Tormod is awesome as a character, and he's a decent unit if I can get him there. He's now my favorite FE character."

PEMN, but

Try an fe10 draft.


THe less resources that a unit uses to become good, the better the unit is.

Tormod has his uses, but needs a bit of BEXP in POR.

in RD, it's BEXP dumping time.

Also, his high speed growth means early capping of speed, and his 55% str growth means no AS loss in RD.

40% magic is average-ish, but is BEXPable.

Celerity is being ripped off, that I can say.

I always use Calill, due to better availibility.

But, I've got Tormod in a draft, lets see how he turns out.

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I really don't think it makes sense to have Tormod in the DB after part one. Even if he stayed with them, the moment that he heard that Daein was going to be fighting laguz, he would have been like, "Screw this, I'm out." He's not exactly like Zihark and Jill, who are conflicted throughout but loyal enough to Daein to stay until recruited by someone on the other side. Tormod has nothing to do with Daein. He's closer to laguz than to beorc. Literally, the moment he finds out, he's gone. He wouldn't stay long enough in 3-6 to kill even on laguz.

Yet Nailah and Rafiel, who are laguz who have nothing to do with Daein, also fight on Micaiah's side.

There were also points in FE9 where Tormod was happy to fight laguz: specifically, Ravens of Kilvas. Despite not having any loyalty to Crimea.

But it's nice to see that people are thinking about this from a storyline perspective rather than purely about winning!

Greil Mercenaries, but starting in 3-4, not 3-1.

I don't really think that makes much sense. It would be weird for Tormod to be fighting directly alongside other laguz. He'd probably just get in their way! Even though the Greil Mercenaries are on the same side as Gallia, they don't actually fight alongside each other. They're used more as a small, elite force to take care of assignments that the laguz can't (such as being airdropped, using ballista, serving as a distraction). That seems like more of a fit for Tormod. Plus, I imagine that Tormod would prefer to fight alongside his former allies than with the Gallians, who he wouldn't know as well.

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I've never played a draft before now, and that's the FE8 draft you gave me. Not sure if I mentioned it to you, but I'm a super casual player. I get Tormod to as high of a level as I can get him, then BEXP him to 3rd tier when he comes back. Also, I never mentioned celerity in my posts. Anyway, I'm not sure when I used my personal experience to argue anything. I was using stats. Even if he doesn't hit 20/20 or -/20/20 (and I know that efficiently he's not likely to), he still has pretty solid averages.

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Plus, I imagine that Tormod would prefer to fight alongside his former allies than with the Gallians.

I meant that Tormod (and company) join up with the GM's in 3-4, just like how Neph, Brom, Heather and Haar suddenly join the GM's in 3-2 (in other words, they just appear out of nowhere).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I've never played a draft before now, and that's the FE8 draft you gave me. Not sure if I mentioned it to you, but I'm a super casual player. I get Tormod to as high of a level as I can get him, then BEXP him to 3rd tier when he comes back. Also, I never mentioned celerity in my posts. Anyway, I'm not sure when I used my personal experience to argue anything. I was using stats. Even if he doesn't hit 20/20 or -/20/20 (and I know that efficiently he's not likely to), he still has pretty solid averages.

Tormod would be better if he came in p3...

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I meant that Tormod (and company) join up with the GM's in 3-4, just like how Neph, Brom, Heather and Haar suddenly join the GM in 3-2 (for no discernable reason).

Why would he join as late as 3-4, though? I don't think that Tormod is such a great character that he would somehow break the game or be unreasonably good if he joined in 3-1. I mean, he's only going to be level 6 or 7, so he kind of needs that availability, too.

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Storywise, it would make more sense for Tormod and co to be on the GM side of things. Especially what with being somewhat allied with the Apostle herself.

Gameplay wise, i would also pick GM because he has a real chance to grow there. His usefulness would kinda tank though since you would have other mages/sages to choose from. (still, i think Tormod would have a better chance of being better than Calill. Yeah me no like Calill.)

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Storywise, it would make sense for Tormod and crew to join at the same time as the other Begnion units. Having him accompany Sanaki (whom we already know are working together from part 1) to join up with the Laguz Alliance on their march back into Daien and Begnion would have been completely reasonable. Also level wise, the various members of the LEA wouldn't be horribly outmatched. Tormod (like in FE9) would be one of the most underleveled characters to join the game but with passable enough stats to survive. Vika and Maurim would also be able to join on the front lines just about as well as Ranulf, Kyza etc and would make them usable in part 4 and endgame. Gameplay wise, the GMs could make better use of his (and his allies) than the already EXP starved DB and while his fire magic would have been useful, the same thing could have been done by letting Pelleas join in part 3 with full access to fire magic (as opposed to thunder) along with his usual dark magic.

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Imagine, Resolve Muarim with 33 AS transformed; that's absolutely overkill for pretty much all of Part 3 and most of part 4.

But there's really no question that Tormod would be leagues better had he rejoined in early Part 3.

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