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Rate the Boss, Day 6: Lundgren


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- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard mode (LHM, EHM, and HHM). If they appear more than once, all of their appearances should be considered overall.

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The final boss of Lyn's story. Lundgren is a level 5 general with a silver lance and javelin, hoping to rule a tiny chunk of Lycian land that would end up getting absorbed into Ostia anyway. After Lyn beats him (not an easy task considering Lundgren can OHKO her), her story is over and she doesn't do much except help Eliwood who helped her earlier. Friends help friends, after all.

Rating later.

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Lundgren is actually a bit of a challenge. You can't beat him easily with Lyn alone, because if she's even slightly screwed in HP (or defense), she will die in one hit to his silver lance. The Lancereaver lowers the hit chance, but Lyn's not doing much damage with it, unless she got super blessed. And if she's screwed then she won't be doing any damage at all. You'll have to get some specifically armor-piercing weapons if you want to damage him, and swords have pretty terrible hit on him if they're not a lancereaver. Fortunately, Lundgren is weak to magic. Just chip away at him with Erk and/or Lucius. Just make sure they can survive at least one javelin hit. Hope you raised those two!

5/10, because magic is pretty much the only thing reliable against him, has a javelin to counter magic users if you leave them in his range, and for being able to 1HKO Lyn. Still, he's not that bad as long as you don't get impatient and try to speed things up.

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Erk and Lucius combined can take him out, especially if raised, and since both of them have claim to the Energy Ring fairly easily, it shouldn't be a challenge. Besides, you get Thunder in that chapter. Otherwise, you have to really hope Lyn gets lucky, because no way is Dorcas gonna be able to take Lundgren out. And lolheavyspears.

6.5/10 normally, 5.5/10 because he's an asshole.

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10/10 for letting me boss abuse Sain to level 20. It's pretty easy to whittle down his 40 uses with Serra at the side, as he's not strong enough to OHKO a competently leveled Sain/Kent.

Edited by Refa
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Oh wow, a competent boss.

-Has a very good chance to OHKO Lyn and doesn't use axes, so Mani Katti doesn't wreck him.

-High Defense + Gate makes him very tanky and gives him fair Avoid.

-Has a Javelin to snipe Erk or Lucius if you're not rescue-dropping them every turn.


-Is slow enough to be doubled by a fair portion of the cast.

-Is a General and you have several effective weapons at this point (though not all are effective).

-If you promote Kent/Sain/Wallace, they will destroy him.


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Hit him up with magic and possibly use an armorslayer, or better, a hammer, and he won't be too challenging, but if you're trying to use Lyn, she has to hit him or she might die in one hit (unless you got lucky with stats). However, he is usually not even close to the most challenging of bosses, but he can be annoying since he can use both ranged and melee, and that silver lance can really hit any unit hard.


Edited by Aran613
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Lyn can kill him.

With 2 weapons, and get some more durability against him with the lancereaver.

Hammer Dorcas

Wallace with heavy spear.

Overlevelled Florina with heavy spear.

Overlevelled Erk/Lucius

Sain/kent with Aslayers.

Crested Sain/Kent with heavy spear/armourslayer.

Easy as heck to kill.


1 for being a boss

+1 for IS attempting to make a challenging boss.

Now, if he was any other class, he'd be harder.

But, they give us every ASlayer weapon and 2 mages and a lancereaver prior to beating his face in.

Getting beat by base Wallace with a heavy spear is sad.

Wallace getting a perfect level up is even sadder.


Edited by The Creeper
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6/10. I actually like the fact Lyn mode ends with a challenge, and with "Rise to the Challenge" to boot. That aside, magic is your only real out against him (lolheavyspears, Hammer Dorcas probably won't have reliable hit rates, and the Armorslayer pegs you with WTD), though you'd best watch that Javelin (though if he DOES use it, I see it as a chance to get Lyn in there and attack with the Mani Katti - the Lancereaver won't do squat).

Edited by Metal King Slime
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6/10. I actually like the fact Lyn mode ends with a challenge, and with "Rise to the Challenge" to boot. That aside, magic is your only real out against him (lolheavyspears, Hammer Dorcas probably won't have reliable hit rates, and the Armorslayer pegs you with WTD), though you'd best watch that Javelin (though if he DOES use it, I see it as a chance to get Lyn in there and attack with the Mani Katti - the Lancereaver won't do squat).

Dorcas wouldn't be as bad as it could be if he weren't an axe user, since he has the weapon triangle advantage over him.

Even though it's still not good, it's not the worst hit rate in the world (it would be different if Lundgren used axes, then he'd be pretty useless).

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Dorcas wouldn't be as bad as it could be if he weren't an axe user, since he has the weapon triangle advantage over him.

Even though it's still not good, it's not the worst hit rate in the world (it would be different if Lundgren used axes, then he'd be pretty useless).

Dorcas's Skill isn't that bad, really - it's the fact that the hammer's hit rate is absolutely atrocious.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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