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Grandjackal's Pokemon Emerald Playlog!


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Swablu evolves something like level 35 (might be a bit lower). Learns Dragonbreath if you evolve it at the first opportunity. Swablu/Altaria is one of my favorite Pokemon.

Ahh, thank you for the answer. Ya know, if I have hte patience for Aron, I think I have the patience for Swablu. I dunno much about how it is specifically, but a flying type is never bad, and a Dragon at the end is pretty rewarding, especially if it gets the nifty keen Dragonbreath the moment it sparks.

Hmm..Already contemplating my next team. Already thinking Swablu and Marill, probably with a Torchic or a Treecko as a starter (I say Treecko because I wanna try out Slugma for the lols). My other two mons should be...Hmmm...Want two lategame mons. I'm thinking...a Shuppet and...Hmmm...Anything you can think of? Problem with a lot of lategame mons is that they're either straight water types or are evolutions with a crappy movepool the moment you catch them. Ice types are another option, but Ice types suck, especially gen 3's options.

So yeah, any thoughts on a lategame choice? I say lategame cause I like to pace my exp. Don't like to catch too many at one point in the game. Also, any of you guys would be interested in a gen 4 playthrough?

I like Aron, but it' slow levelling speed is it's problem

Cacturnes good, stab Needle Arm and Faint Attack, spikes and cotton spore.

Swablu is scrubby, but worth it.

This is informing, I look forward to seeing Aron grow.

Solrocks sp att is meh, but fire moves, `STAB psychic and solarbeam exist.

Its underrated IMO.

Keep going Grand one!!

Thanks much, man ^^

Anyways, suppose I'll be the judge on Swablu next time while I gauge Cacturne, but I know for a fact what I am seeing of Aron and I know Solrock is underrated. Solrock is underleveled sure, but it's bases are pretty damn good considering, and you get him before a lot of fire. Stab rock along with an actually pretty good Attack stat (THAT'S the part no one gauges, it's a rock type with attack and actual speed), coming before a LOT of fire ,and can ignore Magnitude thanks to Levitate. As for Aron, it has a really good movepool, but the problem is a lot of trainers from it's catched point for a good distance absolutuely troll his typing. Either it's fighting, a lot of Magnitude or he can't deal with things quick enough. I would appreciate his defensiveness more if everyone and their mom didn't have water, fire, or magnitude at every turn.

Edited by grandjackal
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Swablu evolves something like level 35 (might be a bit lower). Learns Dragonbreath if you evolve it at the first opportunity. Swablu/Altaria is one of my favorite Pokemon.

Ahh, thank you for the answer. Ya know, if I have hte patience for Aron, I think I have the patience for Swablu. I dunno much about how it is specifically, but a flying type is never bad, and a Dragon at the end is pretty rewarding, especially if it gets the nifty keen Dragonbreath the moment it sparks.

Hmm..Already contemplating my next team. Already thinking Swablu and Marill, probably with a Torchic or a Treecko as a starter (I say Treecko because I wanna try out Slugma for the lols). My other two mons should be...Hmmm...Want two lategame mons. I'm thinking...a Shuppet and...Hmmm...Anything you can think of? Problem with a lot of lategame mons is that they're either straight water types or are evolutions with a crappy movepool the moment you catch them. Ice types are another option, but Ice types suck, especially gen 3's options.

So yeah, any thoughts on a lategame choice? I say lategame cause I like to pace my exp. Don't like to catch too many at one point in the game. Also, any of you guys would be interested in a gen 4 playthrough?

EDIT: Noted, dondon

EDIT: Seems I had this weird-ass post splice.

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Swablu's level up rate is super slow. It's the fastest in the game past level ~60, but the slowest in the game before level ~40.

This is so true. Just saying, Aron is easy to level compared to Swablu. And Swablu isn't that good before it evolves. It's a royal pain to use.

Use a Spheal, if you can be bothered. See how it goes. To be fair, you can get one at up to Lv35, and evolve it immediately. Not sure how useful it would be, though.

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Shuppets good, just let it kill the trainers in mossdeep gym

Try one of these


Already said stuff


High attack stats

Immune to ghost

But is *****ing frail

Overall, its alright IMO


LateGame Electric+water stab and access to IB and Confuse Ray



Natural moves are good


Body Slam-lvl 20-22 something

Protect-lvl 26

Flamethrower lvl 29


SB access

Wing attack at lvl 21

Sludge bomb is not contested much

Confuse ray for filler

Altaria is availible in Sky PIlar

But its a bit underwhelming

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Swablu's problem before evolution is offense. Marill isn't that offensively inclined, IIRC. So maybe use another early-game Pokemon with the ability to hit hard.

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And Swablu isn't that good before it evolves. It's a royal pain to use.

Yeah, Zangoose is in the same EXP group, but Zangoose is actually easy to use.

While we're on the topic of EXP groups, Pokemon in the fluctuating group level up faster than most Pokemon until level ~36, but they're not really any better of an investment in the long run because they still require the second highest amount of EXP to get to level 50 (which is just about where you should be before the end of the game).

Edited by dondon151
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This is so true. Just saying, Aron is easy to level compared to Swablu. And Swablu isn't that good before it evolves. It's a royal pain to use.

Use a Spheal, if you can be bothered. See how it goes. To be fair, you can get one at up to Lv35, and evolve it immediately. Not sure how useful it would be, though.

If I am to use something that's bad I don't sit and accept it's bad, I look for how to make it good. Swablu though definitely sounds like a challenge, as until Fly all it has as a move that hits remotely hard is Steel Wing. Only issue is that it would essentially have no coverage, since Steel doesn't broaden it at all. It gets an additional of Rock (which it's weak against), and wn't hit anything harder than already resists Flying. This is why Skarm rocks: He kills rock without being weak to it at the same time. Among other things of course.

Shuppets good, just let it kill the trainers in mossdeep gym

I'm aware Shuppet's good, I've used him before. Just feel it deserves a second go.

Try one of these


Already said stuff

I can only test so many things in one playthrough. I might give Voltorb a thought.


High attack stats

Immune to ghost

But is *****ing frail

Overall, its alright IMO

Before the special and physical split though it's a lot less interesting.


LateGame Electric+water stab and access to IB and Confuse Ray

A Lategame water type though is so damn redundant though, that's what bores me about gen 3. 25% of the game, specifically is "Hey, look at all the water". Gen 3 gives you too many water options, and they all do the same thing: Surf. The only benefit Lanturn would have is being more awesome against the ice bitch in E4.


Natural moves are good


Body Slam-lvl 20-22 something

Protect-lvl 26

Flamethrower lvl 29



Fire type and being a tank is an oxymoron.

Might use if I use Treecko though. Sometimes you just gotta give the crappy starter a chance. But again, I wanna try Slugma for lulz.


SB access

Wing attack at lvl 21

Sludge bomb is not contested much

Confuse ray for filler

I know of Crobat's awesomeness, but my issue is more in opinion than fact. My opinion being that I hate happiness evolutions with a burning passion.

Altaria is availible in Sky PIlar

But its a bit underwhelming

I prefer to raise a mon when I can get them sooner. This is why I don't really like lategame catches that are already evolved stuff of things you could get earlier, like Lairon and Hariyama. That, and lategame catches tend to be too late to teach new things outside of TM moves.

But let's see what sounds nice.

Treecko/Marill/Torkoal or Slugma/Swablu/Shuppet/Spheal

Quite an interesting amount of coverage. Only issue is dealing with Wattson, which you pretty much need to be completely prepared for or else he smashes you to next week. Another reason I'm not fond of gen 3: Wattson's a dick and fucks up the gameflow entirely by himself.

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Don't bother

Its tedious to raise


Gets kllled by everything but some grass/bug types


Yeah I'd advise aginst using it

Numel has movepool and natural EQ and RSlide

Torkoal has movepool and such

TOchic is OP

Vulpx is better if you can wait

Maril s good

Shuppet is good and does well against Mossdeeps gym trainers

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I decide to go south of Meteor Falls to get exp I won't ever get besides this instance, heading south to encounter a Machop in the hands of a Blackbelt. I brainlessly had Aron out front, so I just do what damage I can before switching out Solrock with a Confusion. Got a flinch so I got two off before I had to switch. Rock Smash gets you a Great Ball and 6 Bluk Berries. I decide to go to the left afterwards to find a Battle Girl on the Beach with a Heart Scale hidden behind her (...). She has a Meditite, who only does 5 damage with Confusion. It then used Hidden Power and I got the fuck out. I switch to Zig as sacrifice, and to my shock it survives. Does not survive the Super Effective Hidden Power however. Combusken comes in to mop up the raccoon guts and kill Meditite. Vengeance is best served mild.

Solrock level 15: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Def, +1 everything else.

A Makuhita comes out next, so I do the bait and switch with Solrock back to Combusken. Even if this is a one sided fight, I don't wanna risk anything to my brand new Rock. It uses Focus Attack and I smack myself in the face. Peck deals death. Decide I have a lot of Oran berries, so I feed 3 to Solrock in the mean time. I head south and instead of doing a dual fight with the Maniac and the Psychic, I take them on individually, starting with the maniac. Zangoose (FUCK). I know Zangoose is a bit dangerous even if I AM using a Rock type, switching out to have Combusken kick his ass. A Quick Attack comes first, dealing 16 damage after a Leer. Seviper comes next...I just pray it doesn't have Crunch or something. I'm faster somehow, and Confusion doesn't even do half. Itmisses a Wrap however, so it's dead anyways. Oh, it has Lick. 11 damage...Well that was annoying. *Kills it*

Solrock level 16: +3 HP, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

The Psychic annoys me as she has another Meditite (Why is this guy everywhere!?). I'm faster this time, luckily enough and hit it with a stronger Confusion as it takes out about a 3rd. It uses Meditite, so I try to confuse it again, thinking I might make him question his religion. He tries to Confuse me back, clearly not fond of my attempt to undermine his faith. So I confuse him again, and he walks away cause he's tired of my rhetoric.

Solrock level 17: +0 Speed, +1 Sp Def, +2 everything else.

Oooh, a Spoink. I totally forgot about you, you little weirdo. Here, eat some rocks. Well that was almost a one shot. He uses Psywave..and gets lucky. *Switches to Combusken* and to think I was going to make a point about it leveling fast. Whatever, that's the last fight on the route and I grab the PP Up. Currently useless, but it will be nice for when I get Giga Drain for Tentacruel. Heal up at Rustburo, smash through the rocks at Rusturf Tunnel, head east towards Mauville and quickly get to the volcano by that means. More trainers, but it's a technically shorter and less annoying route since less wild mons are involved. It also benefits my Solrock greatly. Oh right, you also get a free Repeat Ball from hte Shroomish molester outside of Rusturf. It's absolutely pointless, but it's free. Oh, you also get HM Strength going this way. Quite clean, isn't it? Max Ether too. Then finally I find someone who has a problem with me, a Hiker. Geodude suffers from Confusion twice, curling up into a ball before death. His next Geodude did not have a chance due to critical hit.

Solrock level 18: +3 HP and Atk, +2 Sp Def and Speed, +1 Def and Sp Atk.

Machop is next....BFAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!

Slight detour to grab an HP Up and Blackglasses for Cacnea later.

Verdanturf is an empty vapid craphole.

Route 117

I don't skip the Breeder (Whoever said that running makes the difference with types like her, you are in fact correct. She followed me with her eyes wherever I ran) as much as I want to, but first nab the hidden Repel and Great Ball. Wingull? Rock Throw. Roselia? Confusion.

Solrock level 19: +2 HP, +1 Sp Atk and Sp Def, +2 everything else. Fire Spin? Sure, why not? Beats Harden.

Shroomish? Rock Throw. Marill? Rock Throw. Goldeen? Rock Throw. Skitty? Confusion cause Rock Throw only has 15 PP and I'm burning it quick. Route is chock full of trainers as a few steps is a Bug Maniac. Throws a Dustox at me, which succumbs to Confusion.

Solrock level 20: +3 HP, +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Beautifuly? Rock Throw. You see how simple it is for Solrock? This is a sign of an awesome mon. Hey Zig's got a new item! *Antidote* I already have like 50 million Pecha berries. Whatever, I decide to double team the Psychic and Runner with Sol and Skarm. Ralts and Doduo? Rock Throw and Steel Wing.

Solrock level 21: +1 Sp Atk and Sp Def, +2 everything else. Do you see how fast this thing is leveling up?

I decide to switch for the next trainer that could have been doubled to let Skarmory nab a level as he was right next to the level. Another freaking Meditite. This has to be Hoenn's favorite mon. One Peck wins it.

Sarmory level 23: +3 Def, +1 Speed and Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Cutting the north bush nets me a Revive, sweet! Another fight with a runner. Doduo? Rock Throw. Yet another annoying-ass breeder. Whismur? Confusion. Aron? Errrr, good question. Confusion? Critical hit. Poochyena? Rock Throw.

Solrock level 22: +3 HP, +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Makuhita? Confusion. Zigzagoon? Confusion. Taillow? This thing is so fragile it doesn't matter. Another runner, another Doduo, another Rock Throw. Finally, the Schoolgirls with their Zigzagoon and Makuhita. Steel Wing misses, but Makuhita gets whiplashed by Confusion. Zigzagoon only uses Tail Whip, however. Peck lands a critical hit, but it wouldn't have mattered.

Route 117 completed. Flawless Victory. Oh, and 9 Wepear Berries. I heal up at Mauville more for the PP recharge than anything, seeing as I haven't been touched since Rustburo. I find a Geodude in a Rock Smash, and let Solrock kill it, because...

Solrock level 23: +3 HP and Atk, +2 Def, +1 everything else. Look at that! The distance of Rustburo to Mauville and I tied it up with my Skarmory already! This thing has an absurd leveling speed.

Mt Chimney

Double Attack between the Magma Cult (I like to think they're a different kind of team, seeing as they're dressed in red hoods and dark clothes. They honestly look like Dark Brotherhood mages). Zubat and Numel. Peck does a thrd to Numel while Solrock straight kills Zubat with a Confusion. Numel wastes his time with a Magnitude. Repeat and down goes Numel.

Mini-Boss: A Man named Tabitha

Numel eh? Time to spam Confusion. Ember only does 3 damage to me. Oh-hoh, how easy Flannery is gonna be. Zubat? Come on, you call yourself eco-terrorists? The wild mons must give you guys trouble. Poochyena, please. Rock Throw you, and then...another Numel. It's slightly higher level so Confusion 3HKOs, and it's Ember deals about 5 HP. Rock Throw does the rest.

Solrock level 24: +2 to everything.

To think you're a direct underling to your comic supervillain boss.

Boss: Maxime

I lead with...THE ZIG! Why? To absorb the Intimidate from Mightyena of course. It bites and dies, now for Skarm. I mght as well have tickled him with a feather duster since I think Steel Wing did only 1/5 damage. It's Bite deal 8 damage, another doing only 6 so I'm in a lot safer territory. And as it turns out, it was 1/4. It tries to Sand Attack, but I have Keen Eye, fool! Eat more Steel! Super Potion used, and I don't care. Bite lands a crit and brings me to 32 HP. Now I do care. I miss with a Steel Wing and tae another 8 damage. It finally goes down however. Camerupt is next...and I realize I have no way to deal with Fire. Iswitch to Combusken to Double Kick, and he responds with a STAB Magnitude 10. Combusken is what we would call Super-Dead. In goes Solrock, since he's immune to Magni-fuck-your-life. Rock Throw crits and kills the rest. Zubat is last...Right. I Confuse, and it somehow survives to do a Bite back, which brings me down to 48 convincing me it landed a crit. Another Confusion, and Team Magma is thwarted hilariously. Ok, Super Potion first. Now dead.

Solrock level 25: +3 HP and Atk, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else. Psywave? Get out of here. Note: It's now the same level as the slow-ass leveling Aron.

I grab the Meteorite, even though I don't really care. In the mean time, I'm going to give you a stunning comparison.

25 Solrock Brave: 77 HP, 60 Atk, 51 Def, 39 Sp Atk, 43 Sp Def, 40 Speed

29 Combusken Mild: 77 HP, 61 Atk, 45 Def, 66 Sp Atk, 44 Sp Def, 40 Speed

Not quite equal levels and obviously the natures bend the stats a bit, but look how similar they are. Solrock actually will win at equal levels with superior defenses, despite clearly worse Sp Atk. It's also immune to and incredibly common Magnitude, along with having impressive coverage. Solrock: Underrated for sure, and you are seeing it right here right now.

Mt Chimney Descent

Hiker first, busting out the Hiker's favorite weapon, which gets almost one shot by Steel Wing (Stupid -Atk nature). A Baltoy next. It attempts a Rock Tomb which even with a critical did like 7 HP damage. Steel Wing kills. Next is a Picnicker, who throws a Shroomish for me to Peck. Stun Spore misses (I have to hit twice with Peck. Learn Wing Attack already!) and thankfully Effect Spore does not kick in.

Skarmory level 24: +3 HP and Def, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Oddish next, so much status...Peck doesn't OHKO (Stupid -Atk nature!!!), but it uses lolSweetScent. Swablu is next, and a Steel Wing hits it hard. It growls back (Rub salt in the wound why don't you?), finish off with Swift. I talk to the skulking Magma member to trigger a fight I'd have gotten into anyways, fighting a Poochyena. Yet to my amusement, Steel Wing OHKOs this thing! What the hell, game? In defense at that level, it should have been a Mightyena anyways. Numel Tackles while I peck, and like a moron it uses Magnitude. Time to double team a Magnemite and a Shroomish with Aron and Skarmory...Oh crap, electricity! Please don't target Skarm while I dig...Peck deals half to Shroomish, and Magnemite misses a Supersonic, along with a Mega Drain. I think they both went after Aron. GAHHH Effect Spore Paralysis! Dig however deals a deadly blow to Magnemite. One last one before Lavaridge, a Camper. A Zigzagoon while I'm paralyzed. Tail Whips me...It knows. I MISS A STEEL WING GODDAMMIT. Headbutt deals 3 damage...Yeah, and Flinching too. Good thing Steel Wing one hit kills (what the hell?). Taillow Wing Attacks for 5 damage, while I Steel Wing and kill. Phew.

Skarmory level 25: +3 HP, Def, +2 Atk, Speed and Defense, +1 Sp Atk.

Lavaridge Town

Now you can get an Egg for a Wobbufett, but I don't care for that pokemon at all. Another thing is that I want to get Charcoal for Combusken, but my bag is full. Time to sell garbage. I empty my bag at a seller of a Tiny Mushroom, a Stardust, an Everstone, a Nugget, and that's it (WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T BUY MOON STONES!?). Charcoal get!

Lavaridge Gym

Solrock? It's time to murder an entire gym. First off is a kindler-I did not see the other pot hole with the Hiker. Solrock kills Slugma with a Rock Throw, Aron Headbutts with an attempt to Flinch. I don't get it, but it just growls. Numel is not a mon bulky enough to be able to live with that move. Besides, I have Confusion. I pop up a hole to another unfortunate dual battle with a freaking Keckleon. Hehheh, interesting strat with Keck. Rock Throw first, Metal Claw next. Even get an attack raise on that claw. Ember from Numel is merely a tickle to Solrock. Ember at the sun? Fool. Confusion and Headbutt kills it. But ya know, whatever. Aron kinda needs EXP, and Solrock levels fast enough. Oh hey, Zig's got a new item! *Repel*

Kindler next, with a Numel. Rock Throw hits, and I get hit with a mere Growl. Confusion hits and finishes. Another Kindler, another Rock Throw.

Solrock level 26: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

A...Battle Girl shows up? She uses a FREAKING MEDITITE GODDAMMIT. STOP USNG THIS MON HOENN. Confuse war that I win easy since he only does 4 damage. IT BURNS ME WiTH A FIRE PUNCH, YOU FREAKING ANNOYING THING. Burn heal. Can't be serious...

Next up? The leader.

Boss: Flannery

Numel first hm? Rock Throw to nearly deal half health, where I take a silly Take Down. Rock Throw misses -_-;; I take another 6 damage. Next Rock Throw hits. Slugma next, guess what happens? More rocks, yes. Next is Camerupt. Wish I had a Water type right now. I actually use Fire Spn, in order to stack damage onto it. It then uses Sunny...Day...Uh oh. Confusion deals about 1/5 of damage, and it does the silly thing of Tackle, wasting a turn of Sunny Day, Fire Spin adding more damage. I land a critical hea, and then I eat a Sunny Day STAB Overheat. Ow. Well, I bust out Combusken to finish up with a Double Kick. Next up is the Tanky Torkoal. I just have to survive an Overheat in the sun while I Bulk Up and I'll be good. It uses Body Slam, and it criticals me. I double Kick in order to actually do damage. Overheat finishes me off. Torkoal uses a White Herb to remove the stat reduction. I send Zig to deal with an Overheat so that my purely steel types do not get smoked on arrival. Skarm comes next to attempt a Sand Attack, only to get blocked by White Smoke, and I get paralyzed by BodySlam. *Sighs*. Overheat misses luckily (It can miss?), so I land a free Swift. Overheat misses again (I cannot believe it missed twice. what's Overheat's acc?). Overheat lands again, and kills Skarmory, but now it's at -4, meaning my Aron is completely safe. I Rock Tomb it to be safe, it's Body Slam deals 4 damage. I then Dig, and rise up to nail it with a Dig. Rock Tomb is apparently more effective. It uses Attract (facepalm), forcing a Full Heal out of me. It uses Dig, but APPARENTLY FULL HEAL DOESN'T CURE ATTRACT AND I GOT PARALYZED AGAIN RAAAAGH!! I cannot believe this shit. Even lands a critical hit, but I decide I have no choice but to spam rock Tomb and hope I can muster through the Paralyze-Love. Another Hyper Potion (Sighs). It uses Sunny Day again, and I'm paralyzed. Paralyzed again...I feed it an Energy Powder because I cannot believe this shit is working. I use a Cheri Berry since Torkoal now seems stuck using Sunny Day. *Rubs temples* Love apparently has a higher success rate than paralyze. Finally, FINALLY I get it down to the red and just need to land one more Tomb. I do and that is the end of it. Stupid-ass Torkoal.

Aron level 26: +2 Def and HP, +0 Speed, +1 everything else. 4 more levels...

She gives me Overheat, which I have no one to really give it to since it's kind of a pointless move with 5 PP. Could give it to Combusken, but Blaze Kick is coming soon. Why would I bother? I walk out to run into Mid-Boss, who gives me Go Goggles which will allow me to catch my 5th member Cacnea! I go down the ridge to get the Nugget, and then head out to my next locale.

The Desert

Use Itemfinder a lot around here. Even in the middle of the road or near it you can find a Protein. Got the Stardust too without being spotted. Far as I'm concerned, if I'm fighting people here, it's all going to Cacnea. I wanna save Norman's gym for anything BUT training Cacnea. That place is filled with samurais and shit. Besides, my entire team is nearly built to deal with him. As I travel the desert searching for a cactus ball, I remember these annoying things called Trapinches exist. Because of this I stay with Skarm up front. Finally find one like it's a rare encounter, which I lower down with 2 Swifts. It Leech Seeds me first turn. Thankfully Skarm is immune to the sand storm. Whoa, wait a minute, did I see that right? Cacnea's immune to the sand? Interesting. Above half health and caught with a Poke Ball. Couldn't ask for smoother.

Cacnea level 22/Sand Viel (So that makes you immune to the damage, does it?)/Serious

30/55 HP, 48 Atk, 28 Def, 48 Sp Atk, 25 Sp Def, 22 Speed

Growth/Leech Seed/Sand-Attack/Pin Missile

So I can't help but notice the lack of...Attacks. It's got pretty decent attacking stats, but that's about it. It's speed is awful and it's durability isn't that great. I teach it Bullet Seed and Thief while replacing Pin Missile and Growth (I could always stack it with Sand Viel, and it's nowhere near tough enough to set up offensively like that. It's better to treat Cacnea defensively I feel, especially with that god awful speed). Oh, apparently it can't even learn Thief, so I need to wait until Faint Attack before I get an attack worth a damn against Psychics on this thing. So yeah, first note oc Cacnea: I could not have asked for a worse move pool. Bright side is it shows up pretty even leveled, and I always CAN teach it bullet seed.

First up is a Camper who uses Baltoy, whom I use Bullet Seed on. I get Mud Slapped (Grass resists ground?), and land two shots. It doesn't even 2HKO. It hits me wth Rock Tomb, which is slightly more damage but still unimpressive. Bullet Seed lands another 2 reps, and fails to kill again. Another Mud Slap for 2 damage. I miss my Bullet Seed of course, and it misses it's Rock Tomb as I miss again. Hey, anyone remember Mist in gen 4? My, that was fun wasn't it? It's a lot like what's going on right now as another set of misses curse us. Finally, HE hits a Rock Tomb which does 5 damage, and I hit bullet Seed to kill him. Next up is Sandshrew. It uses Scratch, and I know there's no way in hell I'll survive this so I go for a last ditch Leech Seed and miss. Dammit. Switch out to Skarm. Poison Sting fails, and Steel Wing misses. It has Sand Veil too, doesn't it? Swift does not work like it did in gen 2, so it doesn't hit while it's dug underground. I use Swift continuously because of Sand Veil while it taps me with Scratches. Another Baltoy, and I do another in and out with Cacnea and Skarmory. It Rock Tombs me for a mere 3 damage. Steel Wing takes off a hearty chunk as it nearly kills it. Before I kill it t does a Rapid Spin after I had eaten another Rock Tomb. Wow, a Camper made a paragraph this big. Stupid sand.

I recall a trainer up north I had skipped, a Coltrainer I believe. Since I'm in the neighborhood, I decide to hit him up. First mon an Electrike. Seeing as I'm sitting on literally 1 HP, I switch to Combusken who double kicks and kills. Next is the exotic Wailmer. Yeah, I'm at 1 HP and really damn slow. Skarm time. It uses Rollout(Tryng to troll me I see), and I look to spam Swift while it builds dumb damage with Rollout. A critical hit nabs me the kill. A Makuhita comes out, and I deal with it by switching to Solrock who eats a pathetic Arm Thrust which dealt a whole 6 damage to him. Confusion keeps it simple. Solrock is literally 1 EXP away from a level. I decide to heal up at the healing house since I'm nearby and I want this Cacnea up. I go to where I remember the Fossils being (Notthat I'd ever use them, but hey), only to find a Picnicker there. Sandshrew comes out, to whch I throw Seeds at, but he Digs. It misses, and I throw Seeds again when it rises back up. Now even if he's underground or I keep missing, I'm leeching health off, and staying more durable. It's then it uses Slash on me, and deals about 18 damage to me. land 3 reps of Bullet Seed and kill.

Cacnea level 23: +2 HP, Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

Next is a Picnicker, whom has a Sandshrew, whom I Seed. He Sand Attacks me so I don't care. 3 reps of Bullet Seed after a Leech. Baltoy next, and it tries to Rocktomb me but I miss anyways as he does. It lands, then it does Psybeam for an evil 17 damage. It Rock Tombs again for 8 damage. I land another Bullet and win. Another Picnicker, even though I'm at 12 HP. Sandshrew, so I Bullet Seed, which I crit first shot and kill.

Cacnea level 24: +2 HP, Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

Marill! Much easier thing to deal with. Bullet Seed again, 3 reps to nearly kill it, which it responds with a Tail Whip. One more Bullet and I win. Hey, Zig's got an item! X Attack, coolio. I find a Rare Candy in a rock (Might save this for Tenta). Another hidden Stardust nearby a wondering Ruins Maniac. Dude has a Sandslash, whom Cacnea cannot compete with. I switch to Combusken as it Digs(dammit) and I switch to Solrock. It uses Sand Attack on me, and I miss my Confusion (It has Sand Veil...Fighting in the desert is a bad idea). Confusion finally hits, doing only a 3rd, 8 damage only. 1 more Sand Attack, dammit. It spams Sand Attack...Bastard. Even uses Poison Sting in an attempt to poison me. After so much time spamming Confusion I finally kill it.

Solrock level 27: +3 HP, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Combusken level 30: +0 Def, +1 Speed and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

Double Team between a Ruin Maniac and a Camper. I didn't have Cacnea out on accident, having Skarm and Aron out first. Taillow goes down easy to a Steel Wing, Peck dealing with Nuzleaf. Headbutt spam and another Peck kills Nuzleaf and Sandshrew. Sandslash is out next. Steel Wing deals 1/3 HP, Steel Wing and Headbutt trying to get past the Sandstorm and Defense Curl. I head down south to nab Sandstorm, then deal with the last Picnicker. A Marill appears, which I bullet seed in the face until I have typewrote Chicago into it's gigantic white bulls eye of a torso. 4 reps is what I'm trying to say. Now it's sand and Lombre comes out, so I have no clue what Nature Power would do. It growls and I don't care as I Pin Missile. 3 reps, past half health with sandstorm stacking damage. Nature Power does indeed do Earthquake in sand AND I SOMEHOW LIVE!! Cacnea, why you so awesome? Pin Missile kills.

Cacnea level 25: +3 HP, +1 Def and Speed, +2 everything else. I replace Sand Attack with Ingrain.

I take a break after healing up at Mauville.


Name   Level   HP   Atk   Def   Sp Atk   Sp Def   Speed
Combusken 30   79    63    45       68       45      41
Aron      26   63    43    59       32       31      28
Skarmory  25   72    42    77       29       52      45
Solrock   27   83    64    54       42       46      43
Cacnea    25   62    54    31       54       29      25

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This will probably be another info post, cause I can.

(Whoever said that running makes the difference with types like her, you are in fact correct. She followed me with her eyes wherever I ran)

I knew that my random knowledge of stuff would come in handy someday. :D

Overheat misses luckily (It can miss?), so I land a free Swift. Overheat misses again (I cannot believe it missed twice. what's Overheat's acc?).

90 acc. It's great fun.

Love apparently has a higher success rate than paralyze.

It actually does though. 50% chance vs 25% chance.

Whoa, wait a minute, did I see that right? Cacnea's immune to the sand? Interesting.

Anything with an ability that benefits from the sandstorm (Sand Veil in this case) is immune to it, even if it isn't Rock/Ground/Steel.

(Grass resists ground?)

The power of logic strikes again.

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Time to head back through Rusturf Tunnel to kick my dad's ass!

Petalburg Gym

Fun little gmmick with this gym. It's basically 7 rooms outside of Norman's which have a single trainer that has one single pokemon of which they specialize in some random thing like accuracy or power or some such. I take the right room first, it being the Accuracy room. Delcatty is used, and simply cheese with a Leech Seed while she wastes time with an X Accu-Wait nevermind, it uses Faint Attack. Regardless, I Ingrain and basically ignore the damage it does. From 42 down to 20, but back up to 33. Stall, son. Then she uses a Hyper Potion...I forgot that Cooltrainers are smart. I keep getting 2 reps of Bullet Seed too, what gives? Whatever, I'm back to 39 from not being touched. Yeah, keep spamming Faint Attack, one day I'mma land more than 2 hits. Like right now where I land 3. Next turn I'm brought down to 7, and I land 4 reps for Leech Seed to finish the job. Ingrain still works even after a kill so 'm back in the yellow (15 HP). Nearly 800 exp too. Defense Room next, which I shall attempt to stall out depending on what mon it is. Wigglytuff. Oh yeah, you're defensive alright. How undeceiving as you blow me up with a Shadow Ball. Here, you want defensive? Here's a Skarmory. It uses Double Edge and does an astounding 12 damage...Touche, Wigglytuff. Defensive my ass, you're anything but Wigglyliar. One mroe Steel Wing and it uses Defense Curl. Gaurr, I know what's coming next. Well whatever, Steel Wing Spam to save the day. One of these has to proc Def. Once it starts getting low on HP it starts to spam Defense Curl. One last Swift and it's out of here. Before I go ahead I feel the need t take on the Speed Room, which has a lolSwellow. Wing Attack only does 7 damage, and yet...I don't even do half. Time to switch out to Aron. Wing Attack does a laughable 4 to him. Lets see how much you love that speed when I bury it under Rock Tombs. And now you're dead. Happy?

Skarmory level 26: +3 Def, +2 HP and Speed, +! everything else. It wants to learn (YES) Fury Attack (TROLLING MOTHERFUCKING GAME!!)

Aron goes into the lead this time into the Confusion Room. Spinda, predictably. I was unaware it would have Focus Punch. No matter, even if it doesn't spam it, it let me get away with a Rock Tomb, so Teeter Dance won't be as likely as he'll like to think. However, it seems like he DOES wanna spam focus punch, so I just go ahead and Headbutt him. I was hoping to kill him in 2 headbutts without a potion use, but I crit and get it to the red. No matter. This Spinda is really stupid. I just Headbutt it to death. This game really does love Focus Punch for some reason. You couldn't confuse my team enough? You didn't even do anything ya git. Recovery room. Tells me how bad it feels when someone uses a Potion. Everyone here uses it, what makes you so special? A Slakoth, for real? Here, watch me troll. *Digs to avoid the attack, knowing it will loaf the next turn*. So I dodge a Shadow Ball, and a Counter. I'm shocked that is it's moveset. It eats a Sitrus Berry and recovers a good chunk of health. It keeps trying to counter like I'd do that. This guy assumes I'm way too dumb. It then Slacks off and pisses me off. I use Metal Claw when I rise up again, knowing he would use a Potion. I forget how Loafing Around works, so I sit here hoping he won't counter me. I headbutt thinking it would land a killing blow but I come up short, but I get the flinch (Another reason Headbutt is a good move: It's safer than most).

Aron level 27: +2 HP, Def and Speed, +1 everything else. Soon...

OHKO room. Dude with the crits. Vigoroth comes out raging pissed. Uses Focus Energy while I use Metl Claw. Should have used Rock Tomb, now thinking about it. Slash does 5 damage while Rocks fall on his head and lower it's speed. He's STILL faster, so I land another Rock Tomb. Critical Hit only does like 10 more damage, so Aron's still good. I barely get it in the red again, so he heals up with a Potion while I go for Metal Claw, hoping for an attack raise. I decide to just keep going for it, since I'll live whatever it throws at me unless I sliver off again....Which I do. Out goes Skarm to peck it and win. Hey, Zig got another item! *Gets an Antidote*. Strength room is last, and out comes a Zangoose. Should have guessed. Slash simply straight kills Skarm with a crit. I think it's time to stop playing games. I send out Combusken, and witha shock it not only is faster than me, it uses Swords Dance. I don't even OHKO it with it's weakness. Seeing as it just Swords Danced, I decide to Bulk Up to solve both problems. It gets greedy with a Swords Dance, and a Double Kick ends him quick.

It is time, father...

Boss: Norman

Here is my strategy. I'm going to sit and Bulk Up in his face, since the idiot starts off with a Spinda. It uses Teeter Dance, but I use Bulk Up again before t blasts me with a Psybeam. I decide enough shenanigans and Double Kick it, nearly killing it the first hit. Don't piss off the chicken, no matter how mild. Vigoroth comes in and critical hits for the kill.



I start by putting a Persim Berry on Combusken as to avoid Teeter Dance shenanigans. Bulk Up. Ignore Teeter Dance. Bulk Up again. Get Teeter Dance'd. Attempt to hit. I hit myself. I get Psybeamed. I land the double kick. In comes Vigoroth. It slashes. I have to go through Cnfusion. I fail and die.



Welcome to Norman, AKA Flip a coin, if heads, hit restart. No no, I'm just getting greedy. One Bulk Up, then get Spinda out of there. I wanted to go that route, but he hits me with a Psybeam raw. You cheating game, goddammit. Ok, I'mma pray it goes with Teeter Dance while I go for another Bulk Up-DAMMIT it did it again. Ok, suck on a Double Kick. Not confused this time, so unless I get crit'd it's fine. He uses Facade, and it does 16 damage, allowing me to live. Linoone comes out next, and I take the opportunity to use that Hyper Potion that Zig had picked up. It uses Slash While I bulk up after it Facades me. Double Kick again and smash it.

Combusken level 31: +2 to everything

Slaking comes in only to be outsped, Double Kicked, Crit by a +3 Combusken who absolutely demolishes him. Bulk Up, kids. For when you want to sweep. I get Facade as a reward (gee, thanks dad...I know I ust made you look free in your own gym, but you don't have to be THAT salty about it). However, Wally's dad is cool and gives me HM Surf.


Route 105

I had forgotten about about a couple things. One thing namely that Tentacool can be caught out here, and that I gotta go get Ice Beam. I happen to run into a high leveled one, which I Leech Seed while it has me in Wraps. I Ingraine as well, but it dissolves me with Acid. Skarm comes in though to keep things safe. Bye, Zig! I take it out and instantly replace Constrict with Surf.

Tentacool level 33/Liquid Ooze/Docile

77 HP, 35 Atk, 32 Def, 46 Sp Atk, 72 sp Def, 56 Speed


Not the best starting moveset, but auto-Surf says I don't care. Also, it's already level 33. I caught the highest leveled member of the team in the wild. Just plucked him out and auto-highest. Why would you care to catch this early on when you can just nab one once you get Surf? I use a Rare Candy on it to get +2 in HP, Sp Atk and Sp Def, +1 everything else. Oh wait a minute!

Tentacruel level 34!

106 HP, 57 Atk, 53 Def, 68 Sp Atk, 87 Sp Def, 78 Speed

Meh speed? That's actually pretty fast by 3rd gen standard.

So I get back down there to find a swimmer in a bikini. Throws out a Marill, which I shoot with Bullet Seed. Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat, 5 reps to kill it in full. I then run into a swimmer in a speedo. A Tentacool...I switch out to Skarm, because Skarm don't mess around. Swift brings it to half health and Bubblebeam does...Well, not that much. I don't quite 2HKO though...Stupid -Atk nature! Decide to take it to dry land where a Ruin Maniac tells his Sandshrew to Poison Sting my Cacnea. Dude, don't be a douche. *Ratatatatatatatatatatat-* Sand Attack *ratatatatatatatatatata-*

Cacnea level 26: +0 Sp Def and Speed, + 1 Def, +2 everything else.

Sandslash up next, decide to Leech Seed which he evades by Digging so I switch to Skarmory. 4 Steel Wings does the trick. Well, just barely AGAIN (Stupid -Atk nature!!!). Another swimmer with a Carvahna it seems. It focuses up while I unload with a Bullet Seed. Ohhello, hidden treasure out here in hte open sea? Seems on one of the sand barges is a Heart Scale! for those of you that care to do smart things like use the Move Tutor, make sure to nab this. Though there's still an Iron out here. I give the Iron to Skarmory, the Protein to him as well since he's always just barely on the cusp for just about every-damn-thing, the HP Up to Cacnea, and that's the boosters I got. Continuing on I find another swimmer, whom is using a Tentacool. Dammit, back in goes Skarm. Swift works with success now that it has that Protein. 2 swifts and Tentacool's out. Another Tentacooland I decide to keep it in as it's about to level.

Skarmory level 27: +3 HP, Def and Sp Def, +1 everything else.

Another bikini Swimmer, and she throws a wail at me! Goddamn! It uses Whirlpool, and it does pathetic damage. Water Gun barely does anything better. Ratatatatatatatatata-

Cacnea level 27: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

Surf to Dewford

Free Protein! Also giving it to Skarmory. He needs it. Another reason to visit Dewford: Sludge Bomb. Replacing Tentacruel's Acid wth it. That is a 90 base power and STAB. I don't care that it's Poison and thus is done with the Atk stat, that is a crapton of power.

Route 107

Swimmer with a Wingull, get my Cacnea the hell out. Misses a Supersonic while it eats a Rockthrow. Goldeen next? Ok cool, time for Cacnea to troll. It starts with Water Sports (Seriously, wtf), and Bullet Seed deals half with 2 reps. Horn Attack deals 15 damage and it dies. LEARN AN ATTACK CACNEA, gawd. Relying on Bullet Seed sucks. Yet another swimmer, busting out Carvahna. It usesRage, whch even Cacnea giggles at. However, each hit of bullet Seed builds it's rage-oh, it's dead. Swim Siblings double team, whch I bring in Combusken for the reason of I want to get it to level 32. Bullet Seed on the Goldeen while Combusken Pecks the Tentacool. Only a Water Sport and a Constrict for the trouble.

Cacnea level 28: +1 Def and Speed, +2 everything else.

I find a wild mon for Combusken to take care of.

Combusken level 32: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else. hmm...Quick Attack, or Peck coverage? Well, Double Kick actually hits harder thanks to STAB, I think having a Priority is actually better, and in the instance I have to fight something I'm weak against, not only do I already have ember, I have Priority since Combusken is not exactly the face of speed.

Time to use Aron, since there are plenty of Tentacools and Cacnea can't deal with it all. It msses a Supersonic so I use Dig. The Swimmer then does something the computer never does, and it switches. To a Wingull to avoid it. That was annoying, so I use rock Tomb while it hides in Mist. Wing Attack does pathetic damage. Constrict tries to snatch me, but I dig and destroy him. Another Tentacool, another destroyed thing-Supersonic worked. Dammit. Swimmer double team with Aron and Skarmory. Staryu and Goldeen. Swift and Dig, because I don't want to get hit with Water. I want to destroy Staryu since it's obviously the better. Goldeen tried to hit the already dug Aron with...Flail...Derp. Peck and Headbutt easily deals with Goldeen. Another Swimmer and another Goldeen. The water pokemon who does not learn water moves. It uses Supersonic but I avoid it, Digging to do a bit more damage. Supersonic then works as I try to do Headbutt, succeeding through confusion to hit it.

Aron level 28: +3 Def, +2 Hp and Atk, +1 everything else.

Skarm out next. Carvahna gets Swifted.

Abandoned Ship

Now to find Ice Beam. I avoid the double team between the Youngster and Beauty, but still fight both, starting with the Beauty. Wailmer eh? So much damn water. Horsea next. I'mma learn to hate your later evolution later. *Continues throwing ninja stars*. Skarmory easily deals with the Youngster's Zigzagoon.

Skarmory level 28: +3 De, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Electrike coming up, which gets pelted with rocks from Solrock. Head downstairs, meet a Sailor with a Spheal. Rock Throw smokes the blob. Machoke soon follows. Confusion cuts it's health in half, and it uses...foresight? Time to die.

Solrock level 28: +1 Sp Def, +3 Atk, +2 everything else.

Cacnea is back in the lead. One of the rooms has an Escape Rope, a Dive Ball, before I go back up. Upstairs has an inner tuber with a Maril. Ratatatatatatata-*bubble beam*-Ratatatatatat.

Random room has another Innertuber with a Ruin Maniac, a Marill and Sandslash Duo. Sandslash gets dealt a critical from Bullet Seed, which with tandem of Steel wing is finished off. Skarmory gets Bubble Beamed and doesn't take all that much damage. Marill gets laughed at. Get me a Revive before fighting a Young Couple. Volbeat and Illumise. Volbeat Quick Attacks Cacnea, and everyone else misses or used Moonlight. Illumise then uses Wish on itse;f while Volbeat uses Tail Glow before getting Tombed. Leech Seed hits Illumise, so Cacnea can regaina bit of HP. Illumise and Volbeat Quick Attack Aron and Cacnea before Aron finishes off Volbeat with Headbutt. Cacnea Ingrains. More free recovery as the Leech Seed sucks out the Wish rom Illumise, and Ingrain stacks on. Illumise uses Encore on Aron, and while I would have preferred Rock Tomb, Headbutt with Pin Missile (3 reps) and Leech Seed kill it. Bit more recovery from Ingrain.

I find the captain and he says he's looking for a Scanner, something I'm sure I can't find without Dive, but I DO find the Storage Key. I get ICE BEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAM!! Getting rid of Wrap from Tentacruel, and now I have awesome-ass coverage with Tentacruel.

Back to 107

A swimmer with a Horsea! Ratatatatatatatata-Water Gun-Ratatatatatta-

Cacnea: +2 HP Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else. Faint Attack instead of Pin Missile, heal yeah!

Yet another Bullet Seed on Marill, ratatatatatatatata-Rollout-ratatatatatatata-

Cooltrainer and Sailor have a full team-JESUS THAT'S A MANECTRIC!! It Howls, and I'm scared to death. Wingull uses Mist while Aron Digs and Cacnea throws Seeds on it. t Sparks Canea (Good thing this isn't gen 4) while Wingull apparently attacks Aron underground. Static paralyzes Aron. I throw Seeds on Wingull too to get super awesome double recover. Next comes Swellow who smokes Cacnea predictably with a Wing Attack. Out goes Solrock. It uses Double Team, goddammit. Luckily, Rock Throw hits and one shots. Another freaking Manectric comes out! What gives, game? It uses Howl, and I want Aron to dig while Solrock throws rocks. A critical hit Water gun hits Solrock, because of course my luck turns sour when the game throws 2 Manectrics at me. It tried to Spark Aron for some dumb reason, and not wanting to risk anything else I Rock Throw it even if it meant Aron would miss it's attack. Another Critical Hit Water Gun hits Solrock and kills. Out comes Skarmory. Peck deals death to the Swordmaster Wingull. Machop comes out next and gets hit with a Headbutt, then gets Pecked and out, a Tentacool coming in and avoiding a Headbutt thanks to Paralysis. Headbutt and Swift finishes the fight however. All that for a Star Piece.

Swimmer next and-goddammt, a Tentacruel. Tentacruel misses a Supersonic and tries to Constrict. Bubblebeam, and a critical hit, killing. Stupid Paralysis. In comes Skarmory to Swift, taking only a Constrict. Supersonic misses. Bubblebeam doing 20 damage. Constrict barely deals damage.

Route 109

Double Team aganst a Fisherman and Birdkeeper. Skarmory and Combusken. Ember doesn't quite deal death to Skarmory, an impressive testament to it's durability as Skarmor Pecks Wailmer and it's retaliated with a Whirlpool. Skarmory Steel Wings...Skarmory, while Combusken finishes of hte pesky Wailmer with Double Kick.

Skarmory level 29: +1 Sp Atk, +3 HP and Def, +2 everything else. Replaced Peck with Air Cutter.

Tentacruel comes out, goddammit. Air Cutter deals some damage to Tentacruel while Tentacruel Supersonics Combusken-IT'S FASTER THAN COMBUS-dammit. Another Air Cutter lands a crit on Tentacruel before Skarm gets Bubble Beamed. So, now my Tentacruel sees action for the first time. Ember kills Skarmory. Combusken musters through confusion to Quick Attack which Tentacruel finishes with Sludge Bomb. Find some PP Up at a sand barge. I decide to just skip things and go straight to Slateport to heal up. Time for Cycling Road! I let Combusken lead, as I know there's a lot of Magnemite on the road. (First trainer has a Voltorb) ....Ember! Yeah either way I have a lot of ways to deal, and I just feed the road to Combusken.

Combusken level 33: +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Taking a break here, as the water route was pretty rough. All I can say is Tentacruel is such free awsomeness this late in.

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Route 118

I lead with Aron and Cacnea, seeing as I want both of them to evolve sometime this year. Double Team of a Youngster and Aroma Lady, but all their stuff is laughably low level.

Aron level 29: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Def, +1 everything else. Replaced Metal Claw with Iron Tail

Face off against a Fisherman with Cacnea. Though it's a Tentacool, it's all good. Next is a Rocker with a Magnemite. Good thing it'sSp Def is terrible.

Cacnea level 30: +2 HP, At and Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

I send Solrock out or the Whismur. Surf to the other side to begin my adventure east of the river. Run into a Fisherman with a Tentacool waiting to get Confused. Confusion does a bit over half, and his Bubblebeam nearly does half.

Solrock level 29: +1 Sp Atk, +3 HP, +0 Speed, +2 everything else.

Carvahna I send out Aron for, again cause I want this mon to evolve dammit. It tries to use Scary Face, but it gets buried under rocks. There's a hidden Iron near where you can find the news reporters. I give the Iron to Solrock. Aron and Cacnea against the news reporters, Iron Tail against Loudred does an explosive amount o damage, about 3/4. How I'm faster than Loudred is a mystery to me. Rocktomb finishes it off, Faint Attack doing about a quarter to Magnemite who paralyzes Cacnea witha Spark, who I attempt to Leech Seed after Aron eats a Thunder Wave. Attempt successful. Supersoinc on Aron, which prevents a Dig from happening while Cacnea Ingrains. Sonic Boom on Aron (Just use Spark, why do you even have that move?), while Aron musters through confusion to Headbutt and Faint Attack orm Cacnea. Leech Seed finishes it off and Cacnea gets a bit more HP out of Ingrain. Paralysis would be annoying, but there's only a bunch of Bird Keepers up ahead. First one has a Wingull (of course, me and my big mouth) who Supersonics me, but cannot avoid the Rock Tomb. The next one has Taillow who Quick Attacks for a pathetic amount o damage before going down. Swellow then comes out. Wing Attack hardly does any more damage (3, lulz) as I hit it with a Rock Tomb. It survives (!!!), and Quick Attacks while I finish it off with a Headbutt.

Aron level 30: +1 Atk and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

...Wha? I thought it evolved at level 30. Ffs, how long does it take this thing to evolve!? Whatever, to the right is a Hyper Potion and to the left are 4 Sitrus Berries. I put Skarm in the lead.

Route 119

Home to the famous and awful Mimic Circle who couldn't beat a paper bag to save their life. First up is a Ninjask who Swords Dances-Air Cutter, woops. It sucks to be the BUG of all the jokes, doesn't it? It's then I discover a problem. Linoone are fast. Specifically, wild Linoone. So fast in fact, Skarm can't really run from them. Be sure to bring Repels. Wurmple huh? This far in and you have a 24 Wurmple? At that point I could call it abuse. Silcoon might be even worse. Beautifly just shouldn't exist, this cheap knockoff of Butterfree. Speaking of which, you can find a Super Repel by the loser with a Volbeat. Quick Attack does peanuts. Air Cutter turns Volbeat into peanut butter.

Skarmory level 30: +4 Def, +3 HP, +2 Atk and Speed, +1 everything else

Illumise comes out next, and it's the same story sans Quick Attack. One last guy within the Circle of Crap, who throws another Wurmple at me. Then a Cascoon. I switch to Solrock when he buts out Dustox cause I wantto train him next. I use Rock Throw, but to my surprise it survives to Whirlwind me, getting Skarm out. Ok, you asked for it. *Ninja Stars*

Oh sorry, there's still 2 other Bug people. One has a Nincada who is tough enough to take 2 Rock Throws from a Brave Solrock and still live, giving me a pathetic False Swipe and tryng to read my mind. Ninjask is next, and he's actually easier to deal with. He tries to screech, but none will hear it's screams. Up north is a Hyper Potion before one last bug fight. Ahh, a Surskit! Sweet Scent! Wow, you have shown why it is an awful pokemon in a split second. Have some rocks.

Solrock level 30: +3 HP, +2 everything else.

Off to the side are 2 Leppa and Sitrus berries. A Pokeranger shows her face! Don't you have your wn game series to be in? Whatever, out comes a Gloom, who I realize Aron can't deal with so I switch out to Skarm. I get Stun Spored (I had a pokemon already Paralyzed out...). It then uses Poison Powder )...) and I use Air Cutter which somehow fails to kill (MOTHERFUCKING -Atk Nature!). The ranger then uses Full Restore (Sure, make this fight more annoying, rub my -Atk nature in my face you whore). I throw ninja stars, it uses Stun Spore (Ok I get it, you're tolling me, haha funny, stop it). Roselia up next, so I keep Skarm in. Leech Seed happens, and I get Paralyzed. How expected. Magic Leaf does 5 damage despite double resistance, and I get paralyzed again. Another Magical Leaf, another paralysis (see how crap my luck is? I lost nearly half health on Skarm just becausef a 25% chance hitting 3 times in a row). Air Cutter finally comes out and it gets smashed. Well that was annoying. Hey, ranger, what is the point of you having poisonous and paralysis inducing plants on your team, oh savior of those that are lost within the forest? Whatever, I come across another ranger and OH GOD BRELOOM (switches to Skarm). I come into a Mach Punch which does an ouchful 10 HP to my reletively tough Skarm. It takes another, but Air Cutter is an easy OHKO.

Skarmory level 31: +3 Def, +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Dual battle between an Parasol Lady and a Bird Keeper, Solrock and Aron out. Swellow and Goldeen. Well, the keeper is a lot wiser than the bug losers out front. Starts with Double Team while Goldeen lands a still pathetic crit with Horn Attack on Solrock. Solrock misses the Rock Throw. Wing Attack on Aron is laughable, Solrock misses again as another tomb is thrown on Goldeen. Wing Attack on Solrock does actual damage that's substantial, but still not enough as Solrock finally lands a Rock Throw and demolishes. Goldeen Flails while it's in the red and hits Aron for still nothing before Aron klls with a Headbutt. I take the right path in the fork despite being able to take the sand path up to the weather center, as there is an Elixer to the right. Dual between a Ninja Kid and a Kindler (Was not expecting you out here in the rain, dude). Still, Slugma and Ninjask is a silly combination that's easily dealt with. Screech on Solrock, but whatever. Eat rocks. A Koffing comes out after while Slugma Hardens and Aron gets paralyzed. Solrock continues to do all the work by throwing rocks at Slugma, whom is followed out by a Numel. Koffing Smokescrens Solrock while Aron hits Koffing hard with an Iron Tail. Confusion finishes it off while Numel puts Aron out of his misery with a Magnitude 6. I send out Cacnea if only to try and grab exp. Solrock misses a Confusion while Cacnea lands 4 reps of Bullet Seed and cuts Numel in half. Next Confusion doesn't miss.

Solrock now leading as I deal with a Bird Keeper who has but a Wingull to introduce me with. It gets a nice hello from Solrock.

Solrock level 31: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Speed, +1 everything else. Replace Tackle with Cosmic Power. Not like I was ever really using Tackle. Then he sends a freaking Tropius at me. Hey Tentacruel, let's test out that Ice Beam. It's super duper effective. Now to deal with Aqua again.

Weather Center

I rest at the bed (How many of you actually knew you could do that?) before going out to wrassle, and have Cacnea lead. First of the Aquas has their trademark Carvahna, who is not a fan o Bullet Seeds. Next one has a Zubat, the trademark awful mon of all teams. Wing Attack does a good chunk, but so does Faint Attack. Double exchange, and he goes down. Pooch comes out next and I decide to switch to Aron, but he roars Cacnea back in. I let him have the Cacnea while I switch back out to Aron and finish it off. I rest up because it's a rare opportunity for Cacnea to level. Dual between Aqua members this time, which I lead with Cacnea and Aron. Zubat and Pooch. I miss the Rock Tomb of course so Cacnea eats a Wing Attack while shooting up Pooch, who takes half. Aron gets roared out (groans) for Skarm. Air cutter kills the Pooch, and does nearly half to Zubat. Carvahna comes out next while Zubat Confuse Rays Skarm. Faint Attack finishes the Zubat off. Another Pooch comes out. Air Cutter crits Carvahna and kills, and Pooch is lowered enough for Bullet Seed to kill.

Cacnea level 31: +3 HP and Atk, +2 Sp Atk, +1 everything else.

One last Aqua member before their squad leader. A Pooch I see, whom I unleash the Chicago Typewriter on while taking a mere bite. Next is a Zubat (Why don't aqua members use aqua mons?), so I switch in Aron to deal with it. I miss a Rock Tomb and take a couple Bites.

Mini-Boss: Aqua Squad Leader (Yu're not an Admin, you're not an office nor are you running a website) Shelly

Carvahna first, and it uses Crunch. I barely survive to Bullet Seed it to death. I keep it on for Mightyena to absorb the Intimidate before switching Aron in. It htis me with a Faint Attack on the way in which deals quite a bit o damage, ad then Swaggers me. Bad idea as land a mighty Iron Tail to demolish it.

Aron level 31: +2 HP, Atk and Def, +1 everything else

I'm given a Castform as thanks, which is complete bullshit. I rest up before saving and continuing on.

Just south of where you fight Midboss is an Elixer!

Mid-Boss: Mid-Boss

Out first is Lombre. I switch out to Skarm from Cacnea and absorb a Fake Out, getting Absorbed (Swift Swimmer I see), which I Air Cutter and don't quite kill so I Swift. It Swifts first, but I giggle it off. Next is Slugma, whom I bust out Aron for, Dig and destroy (After it uses Amnesia). It survives with 1 HP actually, what the hell. I finish it with a Headbutt. Next comes Marshtomp, who I send Cacnea in on. Wonder how effective Bullet Seed will be. Take Down does a fair bit of damage before I can unleash the typewritter. Turns out it's amazingly effective as I straight kill it.

Cacnea level 32: +2 HP, Atk and Sp Atk, +1 everything else

Uh oh! Cacnea is evolving into Cacturne!

Cacturne level 32: 91 HP, 88 Atk, 52 Def, 87 Sp Atk, 48 Sp Def, 44 Speed. Does not exactly look a lot better, but that Speed makes a lot of difference. Still slow, but it's fast enough. The extra HP also helps. Still love those Attack stats, though it has nothing physical to benefit off of. Again, wishing it was 4th gen.

I get Fly for beating her ass. Skarm will appreciate this. Oh hi Scott. Bye Scott.

I get rid of Sand Attack for Fly, and move on. Dual between a Ninja Boy and a Rocker, Manectric and Ninjask. Oh god it's raining, please don't have Thunder...Fury Cutter on Skarm makes me laugh while Skarm Flies up, Aron Digging. We both want this Manectric dead because Ninjask s a joke. Fly hits for about a third, and the Spark misses as he was apparently targetting a dug Aron...It's dead as Aron surprises him. Swords Dance while I Air Cutter and win the fight with ease. One last Ninja Boy before berries and Treetop Town. A Koffing he throws at me, which I proceed to Steel Wing to death. Another Koffing, repeat ad nauseum. 6 Pomeg Berries and I hit town.

Fortree City

Sorry, been listening to too much Donkey Kong music. Nothing much to do here in town, aside form learn Sleep Talk from an old man. Something blocks my way to the gym. Ahh, well. Time to go onto the next route.

Route 120

First up is a Parasol Lady with a Roselia, which dies to an Air Cutter.

Skarmory level 32: +3 HP and De +4 Sp Def, +2 Speed, +1 Atk and Sp Atk.

Next up is a Wailmer, which I send Cacturne out on. 3 reps of the seed and he's down. Yet again I run into the newscasters who have a Magneton and Loudred waiting for me. Magneton attempts a Supersonic while Cacturne shoots up Loudred a bit and gets Supersonicd, Aron Digging to deal with Magneton. Magneton Spars Cacturne for minimal damage while Cacturne hits himself and eats a Stomp. Dig nearly kills Magneton while Magneton Sparks Aron, Cacturne hitting himself again, Loudred Howling and Aron Iron Tailing him. Supersonic on Aron, Cacturne hitting itself and dying. Out comes Combusken, cause this is getting annoying. Magneton Supersonics Combusken (Are you shtiting me, THAT'S faster than me?), and both of my teammates hit themselves, Aron dying. I send out Solrock to Confusion Loudred to finish it off while Magneton Sonic Booms Combusken. Combusken hits itself again (no confusion has failed yet, letting you all know). It then Sonic Booms Solrock, and it eats a Confusion. I would have killed it by now, but Combusken keeps hitting itself. Sonic Boom kills Combusken (Confusion alone has killed 3 mons), and FINALLY IT DIES TO A CONFUSION. Jesus.

There's a Revive hidden around here, and I run into a Bird Keeper with a Swablu. It succumbs easy to a Rock Throw. I find Steven who gives me a Devon Scope to see an invisible Kecleon. I hit it with Fire Spin first so that Rock Throw will be more effective. Misses first while I get Screeched and Fury Swiped, a Rock Throw following and nearly killing. It Faint Attacks and does almost 30 damage. Confusion finishes the job. Decide to tangle with another Kecleon in order to get an tem it's guarding. Psybeam (???) does peanuts sorts of damage. Rock Throw deals almost death after a Fire Spin while it Psybeams again. Conusion wins it or me.

Solrock level 32: +3 HP, +2 everything else

Get a Nest Ball for it...Errr, ok, crappy item. But now it's time to go back and get a badge.

Fortree Gym

First guy's a Bird Keeper, and I have Aron in the lead. Out comes Skarmory. It uses agility, and I don't care as just want to kill it. However, Rock Tomb does such meh damage, I take note to switch out to Combusen next time I see one. Swift does lulzy damage while I land a critical hit. Air Cutter doesn't fair much better as I keep throwing Rock Tombs. Fury Attack lands 2 reps, and doesn't do much better. 6 Rock Tombs (with a crit) and a Headbutt. Ugh...

Pinicker next, who has a Swablu. Rock Tomb misses, and it uses Astonish for no damage. Rock Tomb doesn't quite kill it, as another Astonish fails to impress. The next comes in and gets rocked by the tomb, but then it Sings and puts Aron to sleep. Not that I'm exactly scared, this thing isn't exactly packing Dream Eater. Third Swablu comes out, and I am already out of Rock Tombs. It sings, putting Aron back to sleep. It wakes up eventually and headbutts.

Aron level 32: +1 Sp Atk and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

Oh wait, Aron is evolving finally!

Lairon level 32: 82 HP, 66 Atk, 98 Def, 45 Sp Atk, 44 Sp Def, 43 Speed. It's defensively as tough as Skarm, though it's typing is worse. Hits harder now too. Still slow as balls, however, and that Attack Stat is merely playng catch up to the likes of Solrock and Combusken.

Solrock now in the lead. Bird keeper next has a Doduo which is somethhing that breaks to rocks. Then out comes a Tropius! Fortree loves it's bananas. In comes Tentacruel to Ice Beam. Skarmory comes next, which I bust out Combusken. Ember doesn't quite ill, but it just Swifts for 14 damage. One more Ember does the trick.

Combusken level 34: +3 HP and Sp Atk, +1 Def, +2 everything else.

Dual between a Bird Keeper and a Camper. Swellow and Doduo. I accidentally had Cacturne out second ;;>> Swellow Wing Attacks Solrock for...Some reason. Leech Seed fails to connect on Doduo, and Rock Throw fails to kill Swellow. Quick Attack on Cacturne (....), Solrock killing Doduo with a Rock Throw and Cacturne finishing off Swellow with a Faint Attack. Pelliper and Xatu out next. Xatu leers to lower my team's defense, Solrock throwing rocks at Pelliper (who's tough enough to still be in the yellow) while Cacturne Faint Attacks Xatu for an easy kill. PElliper Wing Attacks! ...Solrock! Not exactly a team of geniuses I see. It uses Protect which annoys me. One more Rock Throw kills.

Solrock level 33: +3 Atk Def, + 2 HP and Speed, +1 Sp Atk and Sp Def

Cacturne level 33: +3 Atk and Sp Atk, +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Another Bird Keeper unleashes a Tropius at me (It's a Dinosaur, you liar!). I switch out to Tentacruel to give him the Beam, only suffering a Sweet Scent on the way in. Bye Tropius. Rather annoying treck to Winona, but here I am.

Boss: Winona

Swablu first. Rather polite I guess. Rock Throw deals death quite easily. Tropius is out next, switching to Tentacruel to give it the beam. It's then I notice my full team of 6 is higher level than her team. What the hell, this late in with a full team and I still have level advantage? That was quick to change on me since Wattson.

Tentacruel level 35: +4 HP +1 Atk + 3 Sp Def, +2 everything else

Altaria next, which is another name Tropius has. Ha! I'm faster too! Not quite a kill though to my shock. It eats a Sitrus Berry, and knowing a Potion is coming her way, I Ice Beam again. It's then she uses Earthquake...Well that was unfortunate you didn't kill. *Ice Beam* So much for your Dragon Dance, eh? Tentacruel, why are you so boss? Then finally the Skarmory comes out, who is probably the more fearsome of her mons, or rather the only one. Ariel Ace does a hardcore amount of damage while Ember does half. It's faster than me however, so I lose that fight. Out comes Solrock to do a Fire Spin. It uses Steel Wing, which does again about half of the health I had. I throw Rocks and kill. She then throws out Pelliper, which I rock Throw and crit to kill.

Solrock level 34: +3 HP, +1 Sp Atk and Speed, +2 everything else.

Winona, you're a joke. I get Ariel Ace, which I don't really plan on using. I decide to heal up and head back to Route 120. No stopping till Lilycove! First I run into a Bird Keeper, whom has a Wingull. Since this is joke time, Aron will smash even though it's in the rain and it's weak to water. It Wing Attacks me because it's brain is really tiny. Rock Tomb for it. Next is a Natu. Very funny joke, game. *Headbutt*

Battle Girl and Ninja Boy dual. Starts with a Nincada and a Meditite. Oh how it's been too long, Meditite. Was hoping it would stay that way. Meditite uses Detect while Skarm uses Air cutter and Lairon uses Headbutt. Fails to kill the Nincada still (DAMN YOU -ATK NATURE). Meditite succeeds in another Detect. Nincada had Dug and manages to do nearly half of Lairon's health. Air Cutter kills Nincada and deals death to Meditite with a crit. Koffing and Makuhita follow. Makuhita eats a critical Headbutt and still doesn't go down (in the red). Air Cutter deals a tiny chunk to Koffing, and Headbutt cuts it to half where it Smokescreens. Steel Wing finishes the fight. Now I remember there being a troll who had a very potent water pokemon, and it absolutely sucks to fight it in the rain, so I make sure to save. I run into a Castform and Manectric dual...Great. I have Lairon Dig in hopes it can flee from the hell that is about to hit everything, while Skarm gets fried by a Thunder. Perhaps not the troll I was thinking of, but a troll nonetheless. Aron dies to an Water Pulse before it can dig. In goes Tentacruel and Cacturne. I use Surf because this is evil. Bullet Seed on Castform, and I fail to kill with 2 reps. Thunder hits Tentacruel (NOT EVEN HALF! WHY ARE YOU SO BOSS, TENTA!?) after Castform paralyzes it with Thunder Wave. Manectric wants Tentacruel dead, and apparently a damage proc wins. Out comes Combusken. Bullet Seed kills Castform. Thunder on Combusken, but then he survives and Double Kicks Manectric for the kill. I am so sick of Manectrics. I at least get a Revive for my suffering. I run into a cooltrainer gal, who has a Sableye. Cacturne out, not really caring what he does. I try to Leech Seed it, but it Detects twice to pester me. Faint Attack does 12 damage, which I recover 9 of from Leech Seed. I Ingrain to further help my recovery, as it Faint Attacks again and I recover 14 damage, so I recover more than it can do in damage. I Faint Attack and bring it to the red while it Faint Attacks back. The trainer uses a Full Restore (Pester me to death) While I was attempting to finish it off with a Bullet Seed. Faint Attack some more because at this point I don't care. I shrug off all the damage it does.

Pokeranger up next. Combusken in the lead. Lotad, for real? Double Kick, still good even into the lategame. Lombre next. Fake Out shocks about 10 health off while it uses Nature Power to fail to kill. I know she'll want to heal so I Double Kick again. Quick Attack to finish it off. Nuzleaf out next , and it gets the kick-oh right fake out. *Switches out Cacturne*. I ingrain because I wanna shrug off damage since I know this will be a long one. 5 reps of Bullet Seed with a crit deals about half his health as he Growths. Igrain giving me another 5 HP. Faint Attack finishes it off. Another Pokeranger, which starts off with a Seedot. I Ingrain, again to shrug off damage for free. It Hardens, which won't help. Faint Attack one shots.

Cacturne level 34: +2 Def and Speed, +1 Sp Def, +3 everything else.

Nuzleaf comes out next. Fake Out deals 8 damage, though I heal up 6. It growths while I shave off nearly half with Faint Attack. 5 reps of Bullet Seed which is what I would hope WOULDN't happen, and then it Torments me. Now it'll heal to full health as I use Faint Attack. Bullet Seed after does 2 reps while it Growths again. Faint Attack kills. Lombre comes out next. Fake Out deals 6 damage which I ignore with Ingrain. Nature Power turns into Razor Leaf to deal 8 damage. Bullet Seed does 2 reps with a crit for nearly half health. Another Razor Leaf for a Faint Attack for the kill. Find a nugget in the brush before moving on. The rain finally clears up as I run into a Bug Maniac. Surskits, and of course my Rock Throw misses. 25 damage to Solrock. Quick Attack deals 3 damage. Dead to rock throw.

Hyper Potion get! Along with a whole bunch of Berries. 3 Wepears, 3 Pinaps, 3 Nanabs, 3 Razz, a Figy and 6 Pecha Berries. Surfing across a pond gets me a Full Heal.

Route 121

Duel with a Hex Maniac and a Bug Maniac. Duskull and Dustox. Dustox annoys me with Protect to avoid a Rock Throw, while Duskull is not so fortunate with the Faint Attack. Shuppet is out. Dustox doesn't Protect and succumbs. Beautifly comes out next while Shuppet is downed. Rock Throw takes care of Beautifly.

Solrock level 35: +3 HP, +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Cacturne level 35: +2 HP and Sp Def, +3 Atk and Sp Atk, +1 Def and Speed. Replaced Ingrain with Spikes. Ingrain has used up it's usefulness, and Spikes will prove more useful in the upcoming portions. 2 Persims, 2 Aspears, 2 Rawsts, and 2 Chestos. I do not manage to sneak past the Beauty, so I have to deal with her Kecleon. Fire Spin into Rock Throw, only sufering a lulzy Bind. Next up is a Seviper. Confusion doesn't quite kill and I'm lucky in dodging a Glare. I get a Zing on my way. I want to get to Lillycove first to heal up, seeing as I only have 2 pokemon alive at the moment. Unfortunately I have to deal with a Cooltrainer to gain entry. Oh, they're the spazzy kind...*sneaks past both*.

Lillycove City

I gladly heal up before heading back out.

To Mt Pyre

I put Lairon in the lead for the levels since Cacturne and Solrock have essentially "Caught up". Cooltrainer with a Loudred gets Iron Tailed to near death (if only I had a +Atk nature), it Howls, I Headbutt while she heals, and I do another Headbutt to kill. Vigoroth is next which uses Uprarfr pitiful damage, and I miss an Iron Tail. Another Iron Tail and it does a good chunk to Vigoroth. Headbutt finishes the fight. Hidden in an obvious spot is a Max Revive! Useful thing you'll want to save for a good deal later. Next cooltrainer has...*Sigh* Another Manectric. I dig while it howls, because fuck him. It tries to Spark, but the earth attempts to swallow it. I don't kill, and I eat more than half heath to a Spark. Another Dig does the deal.

Lairon level 33: +3 HP and Def, +1 Sp Def and Speed, +2 Atk and Sp Atk. Lairon is the first mon to hit above 100 with a stat other than HP!

Shiftry is up next. Now I can't resist this opportunity...Out comes Combusken. It Hardens and I Double Kick. It Pounds (Lol, you still have that move) and I Ember.

Combusken level 35: +1 Speed, +2 everything else. I decide to put Combusken in lead as now he's so close to evolution. Next up is a Pokefan with a Pikachu! What's up classic man? *Double Kick* Don't really care about the Static hitting cause I have enough ways to deal. Cheri to douse it out. Dual with 2 breeders. Makuhita and a Pooch. Combusken Double Kicks the Pooch while Lairon digs to avoid whatever Makuhita has planned. Out comes a Shroomish. Maku instead does a Whirlwnd to blow Combusken out and bring in Tentacruel. I decide to Sludge Bomb Maku, killing it and bringing in a Wingull, which Lairon misses. Shroomish nabs a Mega Drain on the way back up. Another Sludge Bomb to take out Wingull while Lairon Digs. Freaking Tropius follows. Shroomish Headbutts Tentacruel. Tentacruel gives Tropius the beam, letting Lairon hit Shroomish with a Dig which doesn't do much. Sludge bomb kills the Shroomish while Electrike comes out, Lairon Iron Tailing it. Hits resistance, but it hits so hard it doesn't matter. Static hits, but it's Lairon. Between them was a Revive, which is nice. Time to fight Schoolgirls with their Spinda and Slacking. Slacking does a Faint Attack on Combusken for not much damage while it attacks bac with a Double Kick. Spinda does a Dizzy Punch on Lairon, successfully confusing it. Lairon Iron Tails it anyways. Quick Attack ends the Spinda. Slacking is Slacking, and Lairon is paralyzed. Slaking tries to Focus Punch, but it gets Double Kicked aHeadbutted, dealt death.

Mt. Pyre

I'll be dealing with Team Magma first, but I will be climbing the inside shrine itself as well. I want Shadow Ball for Solrock.

Pick up Skill Swap onto my way to the outside graveyard. Lots of hidden items here, such as a Max Ether, an Ultra Ball, a Max Potion and then we get to Pyre's peak. Oh, it's apparently Aqua. Here I was thinking it would be Magma. Well a Carvahna comes out and I have to switch out (embaressing sotry, Combusken was too slow to run from a Wingull 8 levels lower...), and n comes Skarm. Air Cutter does the trick. Next one busts out a Zubat, so I switch out to Lairon. Rock Tomb misses and it gets Confused Rayed after eating an Air Cutter. To my stunning, it kills itself. Ok, out comes Skarm. Steel Wing nearly one shots it (STUPID MOTHERFUCKING -ATK NATURE). Just a pathetic Air Cutter, but still. Dual Attack with a Pooc and a Wailmer. Skarm fles while Combusken Double Kicks the Pooch. Walmer rolls out and kills Combusken who was at 6 HP this entire time. I send in Tentacruel t Sludge Bomb while Skarm Flies at Wailmer. Another Rollout does a meh chunk to Tentacruel, which I sludge Bomb and kill. Swift hits Zubat on the way in and I overkill with Ice Beam.

Archie runs off and I nab the Magma Emblem. Could fly off to Lavaridge and go to it right now, but I still got Shadowball to get. While I'm here I find a Rare Candy hidden to the right, along with a Zinc. I give the Zincs to Tentacruel.

Mt Pyre, Shrine

Skarm's leading.

Dual between a Pokemaniac and a Hex Maniac, throwing a Spoink and Ryhorn at me. I miss the Steel Wing on Spoink, but Bullet Seed absolutely demolishes Ryhorn (Nearly one seed killed it).

Skarmory level 33: +3 Def, +2 HP, Atk and Speed, +1 everything else. Skarmory now ALSO has more than 100 Def.

Spoink uses Confuse Ray whih Skarm ignores as he and Cacturne double team Spoink and kill. Next up a Blackbelt with a Hariyama which I fly. It's so bulky though that it lives healthily, and I keep flying to avoid any possible Whirlwinds. It only hits me with a Knock Off. Next up a Young Couple here on a dair and thinking someone is out to get them. They're right. Delcatty and GODDAMMIT HOW MANY MANECTRICS ARE IN THIS GAME!? Spark hits Cacturne for some reason while Skarm throws a Swift and Cacturne hits Manectric with a Faint Attack. Delcatty hits all 5 reps on Double Slap. Spark hits Skarmory, while I Swift again to do more damage to Delcatty and kill Manectric. Faint Attack finishes off Delcatty. I grab the Ultra Ball and continue on.

Head Upstairs for a dual between an Breeder and a Psychic. WOBBUFFET. I will have no shenanigans from you! Steel Wing and Faint Attack, and you're down! Natu comes out while Skitty 3 reps Double Slap. Steel Wing nearly kills the Skitty (-ATK NATUUUUUURE!!!), and out comes Kadabra after Natu gets Faint Attacked.Swift deals with the Skitty, and deals about half to Kadabra. Kadabra tries to Recover, but to no avail. Pooch comes out which gets Steel Winged. Zig is last, and I probably should have Faint Attacked instead of Leech Seeded. Whatever, more health. Zig goes down easy anyways.

Skarmory level 34: +3 HP and Def, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Fight with another Psychic. A Ralts that I miss two Steel wings on to let t get Calm Mind and Double Team on me. Finally I land ne and smoke it. Another Ralts, another Steel Wing. Kirlia, Steel Wing, gone. Super Repel is what he was safeguarding. Up the stairs, find a Hex Maniac. Simple Shuppet, who to my shock does not die to an Air Cutter, and responds by Willowisping me. Well at least I'll finally put my burn healing items to use. Up the stairs to find another Hariyama user. It fakes me out, and I fly up afterwards. Come back down and do a hefty chunk, and he Vital Throws me for a hefty chunk himself. Up the stairs to the top floor. Hex Maniac again, who has a Sableye much to my dismay. It uses Fake Out, and I fly up. It attempts a Faint Attack and messes up, and then Detects to stop my flight. I decide to just switch out to Tentacruel who takes the Fake Out like a boss. Suck on surf...Oh wow, he actually took it. Fury Swipes back and does a nice chunk with 4 reps of Fury Swpes (he landed a critical). Go to finish it off, but Sableye being a pure pest Detects first to waste PP and my time. One last fight with a Psychic who has a Wobbufet. Crap. Can't switch either since it has Shadow Tag. I Steel Wing and it Mirror Coats. Fly and it Safeguards, which predictably it Counters. Nearly made it all the way to the top without running out of steam. Tentacruel comes in to Surf and kills it.

Tentacruel level 36: +3 HP and Sp Def, +1 Def, +2 everything else.

Shadow Ball get! Now down the pits to collect a Lax Incense, and a Sea Incense. I give the Lax Incense to Skarmory and the Sea Incense to Tentacruel.

Route 123

I'm going to avoid what I can as I'm pretty badly beat up, and all I want is Giga Drain. But I also collect what treasures I can. 2 Rawst, Pecha and Sitrus berries for example. Oh, the girl right next to the berry patch gives me the TM. Cool! give it to Tentacool, since it gives him coverage that Cacturne is already good against: other water types. Helps with survivability too for what it's worth. I replace Bubblebeam with it. So, Tentacruel is now complete and is a total badass. I fly to Lavaridge to deal with the Magma Hideout, healing while I'm there and heading there.

Taking a break. Ahh yes, and I replace Fire Spin with Shadow Ball on Solrock since Fire Spin has pretty much outlived it's usefulness.

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Magma Hideout

It seems I need Strength. Uhhhh, crap. I replace Lairon's Headbutt for Strength. Doesn't cause Flinch, but with his speed it'll not matter from now on. Strength hits harder anyways.

After a lot of vapid empty space I finally come across a Magma member, and he greets me with a Pooch. *Double Kick*. Really, he's your guys' watchdog? That's kinda sad. Now I don't fully remember the layout of this place, I just know it's humongous and confusing. I see two paths, one going int a cave, and one south. I take the south route, finding a big pit, where I find more Magma members. Logically since there is more ass to kick down here, it is the route I am to go. Guy throws a Numel at me, and it succumbs to a Double Kick.

Combusken level 36: +0 Def, +1 Sp Def, + 3 HP, +2 everything else.

Combusken evolved into Blaziken! I knew this day would come! Replaced Ember with Flame Kick.

Blaziken level 36: 109 HP, 101 Atk, 62 Def, 101 Sp Atk, 61 Sp Def, 68 Speed. I wish his speed was better, but it's great enough. Otherwise...Mph, look at that offense.

Puttng Lairon in the lead for now. Next in line for an asswhooping is someone with a Mightyena. Hey, those are higher level members only! Bites me for a surprising amount of damage while I hit it with an Iron Tail to about 25% and drop it's defense. Strength finishes it off. I then see two blokes circling around some odd thing like goons, attacking the inner circle one who has a Baltoy. Iron Tailed. It's nice to see Lairon actually one shot things. Zubat up next, gets Rock Tombed.

Lairon level 34: +3 HP and Def, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Outer circle guy also has a Baltoy. Hmmm...I use Strength as an experiment. Nope, doesn't one shot. Another Strength to finish the job. Numel next. Use Strength again, and still don't one shot. Anyone who wants to use Aron, do go for a +Atk and -Sp Atk variant. Another Strength sends it out of here. Should have probably used Dig, now that I think about it.

2 more paths. I decide to take the southern exit again, getting the sense I wanna go deeper down. Run into a guard by the ladder, and all he has is a Zubat. Get serious team Magma, I'm rolling you with one mon. Going in deeper into the bowels...Wonder if Molag Bal is down here. Man, having his mace would be bitchin'. Oh, guard with a Baltoy. Iron Tail. No more guard wit Baltoy. On my way I find a Nugget, and deeper and deeper I go in. Past some drill things Dr. Robotnik (I refuse to call him Eggman) would use to kill hedgehogs, finally hitting a guard with another Baltoy. We know how this goes. Double Team up ahead, so I have Skarmory on standby. Numel and Zubat. *Sigh* No intention of serious I see. Lairon Digs at Numel while Skarmory flies. I forgot about MAgnitude however, and just my luck Numel lands a Magnitude 10. I send out Solrock Fly one shots Zubat, and Rock Throw one shots Numel.

I start hitting a turnaround, and run into Tabitha again who's laughing his ass off maniacally. See, there's a reason I think Magma is more a cult than an organization. It's nutbars like him.

Mini-Boss: Tabitha

Numel's out first. Gets Fly'd while he Focuses. Not a one shot (MOTHERFUCKING -ATK NATURE), but it Magnitudes and it was k.

Skarmory level 35: +1 Atk, +3 HP and Def, +2 everything else.

Camerupt is next. Switch to Tentacruel and Surf. Super Dead. Mightyena is next, and it's time Blaziken got a test drive. Oh no, you intimidated me. *Oneshots anyways*. Zubat last and throw out Solrock to throw rocks at it. It misses and gets Confuse Ray'd. 1 hit to himself and a Wng Attack brings him down to 86 HP. Sorry, make that 88.

Solrock level 36: +2 to everything

Find a Max Revive behind some equipment. It's there I find Maxime awakening Groudon. The Behemoth flees, and Maxime is confused. This isn't Shadowgate man, you don't control it cause you used an Awakening on it. Clearly he's frustrated and can't blame it's his fault.

Boss: Maxime

Mightyena comes first, and I totally forgot to refigure the order of my team. His Mightyena is also a higher level than me, being level 37. This will not stop you from sucking you oily thing! I switch to Blaziken and he smartly pulls out a Scary Face so I can't just demolish him that turn. Swaggers me like I figured he would, BUT LUCK WAS NOT ON HIS SIDE. Mightyena goes down easy, and out comes Camerupt. Level 39 monster, but nothing lke level is going to help against a dual weakness STAB Surf from a Tentacruel. Ahh, Crobat. Confuse Ray and Speed, how I love Crobat. I love it when Ice Beam works too. Tomy surprise however it wouldn't have 2HKOd, so I throw a Sludge Bomb as a sort of damage buffer, but he oddly enough Super Potions at half health. Won't change much, but I guess good timing? Air Cutter deals a ton of damage, 36 to be exact. He uses another Super Potion. YOU CANNOT DELAY THE INEVTABLE MAXIME! IT IS TIME TO DRINK THE PUNCH. Another Air Cutter, and he's down for the count.

On my way out, I find an Escape Rope, but considering the shortcut out is pretty much built in I don't bother using it. Time to fly back to Lillycove and heal up. Ahh yes, I forgot about you.

Mid-Boss: Mid-Boss

You will never be worthy of the name Rival. So, first up is a Tropius. Rock Tomb does about half, so I'm comfy with doing it again, since all it does is use Sweet Scent. I miss though, and it uses Magic Lea to deal about 27 damage. Not sure why you have Sweet Scent when you were gonna use a move that can't miss. Marshtomp comes out next (This is our last battle and you couldn't even fully evolve that thing? I have a full team of 6 with 2 of them having a slow as balls growth and I got Blaziken, how are you such a slacker you useless waste of air?). Switch to Cacturne to Bullet Seed, 3 reps kills it. Pathetic.

Cacturne level 36: +3 HP and Atk, +2 everything else.

Slugma last and I go to Lairon to just Dig and put it out of it's misery. It uses Amnesia. I'd want to forget about this too. Woops, sorry, she has a Ludicolo left. You couldn't fully evolve your main, but you evolved that piece of garbage? You sadden me. Now to get teh exp to let Lairon level up I still keep it in before switching over to Skarm. I use Fly, but I wonder if I can kill considering it's apretty bulky mon. I notice it still has Astonish/Absorb/Nature Power-You're telling me you ddn't even bother to teach it an actual moveset? It doesn't even have Surf? How did you get over the river? Whatever, you went to the freaking shopping center of the entire island and you didn't even buy a potion. Air Cutter for you.

Lairon level 35: +3 Def, +1 Sp Def and Speed, +2 everything else.

So glad that's the last we see of her. Time to spy on the Aquas, learning they're off to Slateport to steal a sub. I fly there to see the commotion, then return to deal with them at their hideout.

Aqua Hideout

Front gate guy just circling a pond. At least he's not just sitting there, he's actually patrolling. But he also just has a Poochyena, which I tell Lairon to Strength it out of here. It's then I find two teleporters. The right one gets you a Max Elixer. Left one gets you on the path, and leads you to more Aqua members, such as this lass who has a Carvahna. It gets dealt with. Double Team against a Zubat and Poch. Enter the steel team. Steel Wing deals with the Pooch, Rock Tomb with the Zubat. Zubat and Carvahna next. I hit Air Cutter, not quite killing hte Carvahna though hoping it would. Crunch on Lairon does a pretty hefty amount o damage despite resistance. Air Cutter finishes it off. The left teleporter sends you to a set of teleporters. Take them in the order of :Right-Center-Left-Left. This takes you to a Nugget and the Master Ball, along with 2 Electrodes. I dig against one of the Electrodes as it Sonic Booms. If I can't Earth it to death, I can avoid a Selfdestruct. It Screeches, and I kill it with Strength. Second one blows up in my face. It only does 8 damage, thank you resistances.

Back to the main path. Another dude just wondering around the random equipment. His Carvahna eats Strength. I take the right teleporter, going up the stairs to find another Aqua member using a Zubat. Rock Tomb misses and I get Confuse Ray'd. Hits itself first turn while Zubat does no damage, recover the next and kill. Another double team. Zubat and Carvahna. Steel Wing kills Carvahna despite resistance, and Rock Tomb deals with Zubat.

Mini-Boss: First Mate Matt

Mightyena first, but I'm not keeping Lairon in. Out comes Blaziken. Swagger? Fine. Fails to get the confuse and one hit kills.

Lairon level 36: +1 Sp Atk, +3 HP and Def, +2 everything else.

Golbat soon follows, which I throw Skarm at. At this point I should really stop concerning myself with equaled off levels, since they pretty much are all equaled off. Perhaps it's just a bad habit of mine. I fly and take only a Wing Attack, and I miss my second Fly. Rrrr...Next hits though, and if I had a not shitty nature it would be dead right now. I Swift but he uses a Super Potion, which to my shock brings Golbat almost completely back to life. Fly still doesn't kill even after the Swift. One more Swift wins it for me. I heal up at Lillycove before we move onto the most boring part of any pokemon game ever.

The Fucking Ocean, Part 1

I give my Rare Candy I forgot I had to Lairon, because this is a portion of the game I don't really want to touch it, and it's exp gain rate is absolutely intollerable.

Lairon level 37: +3 Def +2 HP and Atk, +1 everything else. Forget about Protect.

Blegh Blegh Huge Blue Bitch

First swimmer has...*Sigh* Gyarados. Switch out to Solrock, who takes a mere Leer. Rock Throw, and a Thrash comes my way with 22. Another Rock Throw and I'm cleared of that problem.

Skarmory level 36: +3 Atk and Def, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Swimmer nearby has a silly little Marill. 4 reps and it's down. Even unevolved and from a Cacturne, I would find that impressive. Another Swimmer, with a Tentacool. Faint Attack only does about half, while Bubblebeam only does 10 damage. Wingull comes after, which switch to Solrock to Rock Throw. I miss of course, but he only gets Mist up. Quick Attack barely does anything, dying to the Rock Throw. You'll eventually reach Mossdeep City once you hold the right direction long enough.

Mossdeep City

Hey, you can learn Dynamic Punch here! Interesting...

Mossdeep Gym

Lots of Psychics in this gym. First battle is a dual, of which I have Cacturne and Skarm for. Kadabra uses Future Sight, because it's free against both my mons. Faint Attack smokes it instantly while Skarmory flies to avoid anything Kirlia can do. Kirlia dies without any resistance. Another dual battle. Girafarig and Xatu. Interesting to say the least. Xatu uses Future Sight while Skarm uses Future Sight. Really, I only need Cacturne, as Faint Attack kills Xatu, who is indeed teh problem. Confusion does diddly to Skarmory, and then Girafarig goes down.

Cacturne level 37: +3 HP, +2 Atk, +4 Sp Atk, +1 everything else

Another dual battle, this time between a Psychic and a Gentleman. Ralts and Spoin. Really now? Faint Attack and Steel Wing. To my absolute shock, Spoink survives the Faint Attack and Psychics Skarmory. Doesn't do that much damage, but damn. What does Magic Coat do anyways? Another dual fight, a Psychic and a Hex Maniac. Kirlia and Meditite. I'm not afraid of yu, Meditite. Air Cutter and Faint Attack wins. Kirlia uses Calm Mind like it'll matter. Another dual fight between a Hex Master and Psychic. Kadabra and Wobbuffet. I Faint Attack Kadabra while Skarm flies at Wob. Wob and Skarm double team it easy.

Skarmory level 37: +1 Atk, +2 Sp Atk and Speed, +3 everything else.

Another dual fight between a Gentlemand and Psychic. Girafarig and Natu, so an even sadder version of the second fight. Air Cutter and Faint Attack on the Rig, getting Stomped by the Rig for about 1/4 of Cacturne's HP. Ouch. Natu uses Future Sight. Then gets Steel Winged.

Cacturne level 38: +1 Speed, +2 Def and Sp Def, +3 everything else

Boss: The Psychic Twins

Claydol and Xatu. Claydol is the reason I have Skarmory out here. Xatu Calm Minds, and I throw out Spikes, before realizing "oh right, they all levitate". throw Seeds on Claydol to help offset the Earthquake damage along with whittle down Claydol. Steel Wing on Solrock while Cacturne is burnt to a crisp. In comes Solrock. My mission is to survive as long as I can while the Claydol wastes it's time. Enemy Solrock uses Sunny Day while it gets hit with a Steel Wing and a Shadow Ball (Thank you pre-gen 4 split and Solrock having pretty boss Atk). Xatu gets back in and does about 1/4 with Psychic on Skarm. Skarm retaliates with Steel Wing. A Hyper Potion is used on Xatu as I use Steel Wing and Shadow Ball it again. Yet ANOTHER Hyper Potion. Hey, whatever keeps it of Claydol and the floating rocks, right? A critical hit kills off Xatu, which is awesome. Lunatone uses Calm Mind, which is a waste of a turn since it gets Steel Winged and Shadow Balled. One mre hit on both mons is a death sentence. Notice how good taking Claydol out of the equation is. Don't try to kill it quick, just find ways to ignore it. Hyper Potion gets used on Claydol, Lunatone attempting a Hypnosis and failing as it gets Winged.

Solrock level 37: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Speed, +1 everything else. Replaced Rock Throw with Rock Slide.

Shadowball dimps the Claydol as it ges leeched of health. The next turn is self explanitory. It uses Light Screen, bahahahaha. Silly thing.

Calm Mind get! But as you can see here, Solrock was super-duper effective with that Shadow Ball and Levitate, Cacturne actually paying for it's weight with Leech Seed. I derped with Spikes on the first turn, but I could have Faint Attacked something for heavy damage. Those Spikes will help me against Juan and the E4 though I guarantee. Funny thing is? I have no one really to give Calm Mind to. As for Skarm, he was there ignoring Earthquake while finding a way to deal with the rocks. See, the best way around the psychics is to exploit how not psychic they are. Weird eh?

I heal up and head for the next destination.

Space Center

I remember when this place was a waste of space. Now it's just an excuse for it to exist.

Tentacruel leads for the moment, first dealing wth a Zubat. Ice Beam. Poochyena. Sludge Bomb.

Tentacruel level 37: +3 HP, +1 Atk and Def, +2 everything else.

Combusken now leads, like the true hero. A Numel? Hahahahaha! Prepare to eat Double Kick! Baltoy? Don't you know Blaziken is Fei Long? *Blaze Kick* WHATCHYAOU!! Mightyena? Ha! *Double Kick* Another Numel! YATATATATATATATATATA-YATCHYAAA!!Errr, Numel actually survived the Double Kick, and I take a Take Down for 15 damage. Quick Attack finishes.

Blaziken level 37: +1 Def and Speed, +2 HP and Sp Def, +3 everything else

Another Mightyena. Even with two intimidates, I destroy it. I switch out to Lairon cause I want it to evolve. I don't even remember when it evolves. I head upstairs and fight a Zubat. Rock Tomb misses, but all I eat is a pathetic Wing Attack. Mightyena. Iron Tail deals about 65%, and I get Scary Faced. Even after that, I still outrun him and Strength. I don't kill though and he Roars out Blaziken. Story spells itself out from there. Baltoy last. Iron Tail misses as it uses Sandstorm for no reason. Iron Tail connects and kills. Now we have an interesting team up with Steve against the Magma heads. I enter in Lairon, Tentacruel and Solrock. Steves pokemon are insanely baller though, so he should be able to carry you. First out is Camerupt and Mightyena, a rather annoying intro team. Mightyena Taunts Metang while we Metal Claw and Iron Claw it, Camerupt using Amnesia because he's a mo-ron. Mightyena Swaggers Metang. Metang hits himself while Lairon hits it again with Iron Tail, lowering it's defense. Camerupt uses Amnesia again. Leader withdraws Mightyena to it's own Camerupt, which gets Clawed and Tailed. Not even half health. The other Camerupt uses Take Down on Metang. Metang snaps out of confusion while it uses Light Screen *Suppose that's nt bad), and I use Rock Tomb. Doesn't do much more damage. Rock Slide and Take Down do awful damage. Metang uss Reflect while I use Iron Tail. Doesn't do a lot of damage. Camerupts use Take down, only one htting and hits Lairon. Psychic is used on the weakened Camerupt and it goes down, Maxime bringing out Mightyena again. It uses Swagger on Lairon this time, which is kinda dumb. Metal Claw finishes off Mightyena. Crobat comes out, and through confusion I nail it witha super-powered Iron Tail while Camerupt Focuses. Wing Attack hardly does anything while Metang's Psychic kills, my Strength going to hit the Camerupt. Light Screen goes back up and Lairon takes a couple turns hitting himself while Metang does actual work. Psychic finally kilsl the thing, Golbat coming in when I snap out of confusion with my Strength to do...Not a lot of damage. Confuse Ray hits my Lairon, which is funny because Metang is technically hte super powered one. He uses Metal Claw and lolkills anyways even though it had Psychic. Last mon is a Mightyena again. I miss the Iron Tail. MEtang just smokes it with a Metal Claw anyways.

Told you he'd carry us!

Lairon level 38: +1 Sp Def, +3 Atk and Def, +2 everything else.

Steve also gives us a gift, the HM Goddammit It's More Stupid HMs With Like One Use Dive.

Taking a break here. As a note, this is also where typically the game puts me to sleep.

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*Goes fishing for another mon to use both Waterfall AND Dive* Like hell I'm erasing any of Tentacruel's moves.

*Nets a Wailmer* Am I glad I don't need to use you a whole lot. Seeing as I won't be overly dependent on Tentacruel since he is basically a completely safe deal I deposit him. Especially since where I'm going, he won't be ultra-necesary. Ya know, you can catch this thing 5 levels before it evolves...Too bad it is a statistical ass bag and requires a CRAPTON of EXP. Like Aron levels.

Big Fucking Ocean Part 2-Find a Cave with a Mon I'll Never Go to Catch Anyways and Fight Magma Clones Except Blue and Still Have Shitty Pokemon Fuck 3rd Gen Lategame.

Really...Why does the entire thing have to be a shitton of ocean? Even worse I gotta go to Pacifidlodge. After so many already existing ocean fights and a huge shitton of blue and an ad nauseum amount of Team Derp fights that are like the same mons over and over and over again, it's not hard to see why lategame in gen 3 is easily the most sleep inducing of them all, nevermind it's E4 being a complete pushover.


This is basically how the rest of the game will go.

Juan will be a pushover until Kingdra where you will have to stall it out since it has very little PP in it's offense and that will take orever, then Tentacruel will Surf all over Victory Road, then the E4 will be killed by Blaziken, Cacturne and Tentacruel. If all else fails, you get a stupid powerful Rayquaza.

So, here are my thoughts on my team.

Torchic: A very solid starter, and though while not as braindead as Mudkip midgame due to the fact that Mudkip is the best answer to the most annoying and disruptive part of the game (Wattson), Torchic is still awesome since he is the rare combination of competent Fire AND Fighting type, two things you basically cannot find in Hoenn. Generally a lot of things have trouble dealing with him until lategame where it's "Shitton of Water and the Psychic Twins, feat. Earfqwake and Winona". He takes resources unlike the braindead Mudkip, but he's definitely more fun. Only issue is that in lategame, his speed is REALLY problematic. How the hell are you slower than a Claydol....Sydney will also have a problem with him.

Aron: His defensive stats do not go hand in hand with it's typing, since you mostly want stuff to tank things that can be hard to deal with: Electricity, Water or Ground. Aron cannot deal with any of this crap in any way. Offensively he's mediocre. Early on he gets stuff like Metal Claw and Rock Tomb (Geodude gets Rock Throw, doubt he cares much), but his Atk stat is just depressing. Even as Lairon (Which takes forever to get to), it's not really anything to write home about. He can even have good coverage and still it would be unimpressive because his Atk stat is so meh. He's basically a worse version of Geodude. His leveling speed is also unnacceptably slow for how crappy it is.

Skarmory: He would be awesome if he didn't have a -Atk nature, since he was basically on the cusp of perfection every opportunity. With a +Atk nature he would probably be stupendously amazing. While not exactly an offensive powerhouse like Blaziken or some such, he CAN deal with incredibly troublesome threats in unique ways, such as how well he handles the Twins and such. He's also undoubtedly the best recipient of Steel Wing, since it would be wasted on any other flying type. His bulk is especially nice, since while he doesn't kill real fast, he can go a long time without going out of steam.

Solrock: I remember it being mentioned that there are no good Midgame mons. Well, get yourself a Solrock since he damn well may be the best midgame you can find basically for free! Levitate gives him a real nice advantage with his typing when dealing with Magma derps since he can ignore Magnitudes and annihilate Bats. Great coverage as well, especially once he gets Shadow Ball, along with impressive offensive stats (even without the Brave nature, he would have still done pretty well, especially with the more speed. Note: Xatu). He's also a really good way to deal with the Twins since he can use Shadow Ball AND be immune to Earthquake while also having a good Attack stat. Stats are well rounded, his offense can at times mitigate his weird typing defensively, and is a great answer to the twins. What more could you ask for? Well, how about a ridiculously fast leveling speed? Got that too. Seriously, raise him please.

Cacnea: Really garbage when you get him, but ends up real good after he evolves. He basically ignores psychics and laughs at Team Aqua, and under unique situations can deal with threats one would think he can't deal with thanks to stuff like Leech Seed which again can help against troublesome types like the Twins. Spikes can present him with a unique deal as well, since Juan is basically wide open to it, along with being able to weather most of what Juan has to throw at him. Dark will also help against the likes of Phoebe later, along with Wallace.

Tentacool: You can get him instantly good the moment you get Surf, and it's astounding how free utility he is considering you also get him hte moment you get the likes of Sludge Bomb, Ice Beam and Giga Drain. His speed is also a surprising factor, seeing as he is surprisingly fast. His offenses are very usable, considering the super-powerful moves you can slap on him instantly, and on top of that he has a lot of Special bulk which will come in handy against the E4. He's the perfect lategame catch.

So, who wants me to do Platinum, a game that is slower but I love a LOT more than Gen 3?

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Ahh, ok.

Well, this run is about as successful as I care about gen 3. I feel that Solrock will be an easy shoe-in to get risen on the list with this, along with the likes of Skarmory.

So, expect a gen 4 playlog which I'll actually likely complete. Sorry I didn't complete this one, just I don't have any heart put into gen 3. I like the music of Ashy Alley and Meteor Falls, that's about where my love for gen 3 stops. It's very repetitive, very bland, and generally nothing sparks my interest about it. Hell, a lot of gen 3 mons aren't even good in-game, so it feels more like gen 1: the expansion pack. It's design is also really inexcusably lazy. Your most prominent town is Lillycove which makes Olivine look like a legitimate port town, 1/4 of your game is "The Ocean", and everything feels randomly placed like the desert next to the volcano which is just above this supposedly peaceful place that doesn't get any ash (how is that possible and why would I even be interested?), and the E4 live on a rocky crag that doesn't even qualify as an island. Team Aqua and Magma also make Team Rocket look really varied and random. Every time it came to a Team portion is a portion I wanna bash my head against something hard because it's usually like the same damn 2 or 3 mons over and over. Their team leaders didn't even get much more creative, just having the evolved forms.

Gen 3 is a snoozefest, and I'm glad it's over. Gen 4 playlog will be up, and you can consider this over. Feel free to ask any questions you have about the playthrough if you still have any, but otherwise I'm done with gen 3.

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Aron actually has pretty good Atk, and Blaziken's base Spe is higher than that of Claydol's - you probably had bad IVs, bad nature, a low level, or a combination of the three.

I feel I might be underleveled a bit, and that would oddly enough be Aron's fault since he takes WAY too much exp. Might be a combo of that and bad IVs.

Level doesn't seem to be too much of a problem, though. I'm guessing bad IVs.

See, I don't pay attention to things like IVs when I'm playing. I just go with what it gives me. In hte least it shows that Aron requires a lot of investment in Atk, since otherwise it's offense is more meh than a -Ak natured Skarm.

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So, Aron sucks more than Cacnea.


The point of gen 3 IMO, is that it blends so many themes together, and the whole continent looks like a mismosh out of a fairytale.

Still, its memorable.

I suggest trying a poison type, Gulpin, Grimer, or Koffing.

Since they are a bit underrated IMO.

So its a pick between a Yawn bot with good offense on both sides, durability and body slam.

Or one of the classic duo.

Blaziken may have problems with Wallace if its not levelled enough.

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The point of gen 3 IMO, is that it blends so many themes together, and the whole continent looks like a mismosh out of a fairytale.

Still, its memorable.

Emerald a mishmosh of everything and seeming to be a memorable fairy tale? You have the exact opposite opinion that I do.

I suggest trying a poison type, Gulpin, Grimer, or Koffing.

Since they are a bit underrated IMO.

So its a pick between a Yawn bot with good offense on both sides, durability and body slam.

Or one of the classic duo.

I will try none of them. My playthrough this time will have...

Mudkip/Shroomish/Torkoal/Tropius/Some ice type...


I seem to be missing a mon. Hmm...Perhaps I could do with a Poison type, but I'm going with Koffing. It's not gen 4, so Grimer sucks, and Gulpin is just a shittier version of it with Yawn. Koffing at least pretends to have stats.

Blaziken may have problems with Wallace if its not leveled enough.

Thanks Mr. Wizard, I never would have guessed.

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Emerald a mishmosh of everything and seeming to be a memorable fairy tale? You have the exact opposite opinion that I do.

I will try none of them. My playthrough this time will have...

Mudkip/Shroomish/Torkoal/Tropius/Some ice type...


Good luck with that


I seem to be missing a mon. Hmm...Perhaps I could do with a Poison type, but I'm going with Koffing. It's not gen 4, so Grimer sucks, and Gulpin is just a shittier version of it with Yawn. Koffing at least pretends to have stats.

Grimer isn't that bad, aside from finding it.

Muk has high attack and decent defenses

Koffing, is fun, it learns self-destruct early.

Thanks Mr. Wizard, I never would have guessed.

I'm not OZ.


I look forward to reading the updates.

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I will not be updating consistantly and in as big of detail like I was previously, but I will type up some interesting quips I see as I play.

So far with Mudkip and Shroomish, Shroomish upon catching has been rather self-sufficient. He also gets Stun Spore RIDICULOUSLY early, which will help against...Everything. Seeing as I won't be picking up anything else until Koffing and Torkoal, they will get a long time leveling, but it also means I will need to find a way to deal with Brawly, and I believe Stun Spore will be that answer. Wattson will be cake with his combo. My problem areas will most likely be Winona (which now that I think about it I can just plain skip and walk back to later) Norman.

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