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Grandjackal's Pokemon Emerald Playlog!


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Catching a Koffing currently, will also be nabbing a Torkoal while I'm in Lavaridge Passage. So far have used just Marshtomp and Shroomish, hovering at the 28-29 range.

Shroomish is absolutely ridiculous, since he's an answer not only to Roxanne, but to Brawly as well with Stun Spore and Leech Seed, then becomes a STAB Mach Puncher with 70 Atk backng it up in a package that resists Wattson's BS while also punching his lights out AND Paralyzing with Leech Seed. While he's no Marshtomp, he can exists in teams that lack Marshtomp so he can help the other starters who have trouble with that gym. All the coverage as well, Shroomish is an animal.

Koffing level 15/Lonely/Levitate

41 HP, 27 Atk, 30 Def, 27 Sp Atk, 19 Sp Def, 19 Seed

Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog

I am ok with it's nature. I am ok with it's ability. I am ok with it's stats. I am NOT ok with that god awful starting movepool! Off the bat, it starts off awful. It can learn 2 things, however. Namely Shockwave and Thief (I have no idea how the hell Thief works on it, but whatever. It's Sp Atk for it;s level I guess isn't THAT bad. If he needs to deal with ghosts or something...*shrugs* Not gonna use it on any one else. As for Shockwave, I have no planned electric types to be used. While it's true that it sucks against water with that awful Sp Def and Speed, it CAN at least be a functional anti-air. I see no reason to not give it both if you're not planning on any better users. Poison types lack coverage anyways, seeing as it's more a defensive type than anything. So while it starts off with a god awful movepool, it's TM access isn't bad. His only issue is competition, which I imagine comes n the form of the 2 awful twin bugs, or Electrike the Meh. Not to say he's the best user by a mile, but the current competition isn't too impressive. I'd suggest getting rid of Smog, because though Poison Gas has worse acc and does no damage, I'd take auto-poison over 70 acc and 30 BP when Thief can actually do more damage. Among other things however, I notice that with a Lonely nature which I recall boosts Atk, his Sp Atk is tied anyways. Wtf...Seeing he's level 15 while needing 721 exp to level up, I have the feeling his leveling speed will be around average to fast.

I decide to catch me a Slugma in case my patience kills me while trying to find an ever-rare Torkoal.

Slugma/Timid/Magma Armor

40 HP, 18 Atk, 20 Def, 29 Sp Atk, 18 Sp Def, 16 Speed

Yawn/Smog/Ember/Rock Throw

I could have done with a better nature. I like Timid's Sp Atk boost, but Slugma's got Rock Moves too, thus where Timid hurts me. Now if it got something like Speed drop because I know Slugma is slow as hell, or a Speed boost for some defensive stat (Sp Def, seeing as it sucks enough already against stuff like water. His typing isn't really defensive anyways) would have been fine, but whatever. What I DO like is his starting movepool. Outside of Smog, that's some pretty good coverage he has AND he's packing Yawn. I also thought Magma Armor caused burn on contact like Static, but it apparently is shit in that it protects the mon from Freeze. Ya know, a fire type's greatest fear. It comes at the same level as Koffing, AND has the same leveling speed from the looks of it. Cannot use Rock Tomb, much to my dismay.

Finally, I come across a Torkoal

Level 15 Torkoal/Lax/White Smoke

49 HP, 35 Atk, 52 Def, 33 Sp Atk, 26 Sp Def, 11 Speed


I got an uhh...Interesting nature to say the least. Rather beneficial I suppose, since rock and ground is more prevalent for most of the game than water is, at least up till the last quarter of it, and even then I wouldn't put Torkoal up against a water type any day of the year. Pretty decent movepool I suppose, though it's not entirely offensive like I would like him to be. You can't exactly be too bulky when you're a Fire type and all. Then again, it's either this or Slugma. Slugma has a better starting movepool due to Yawn and Rock throw for status and coverage, but Torkoal has him whooped in stats. While Torkoal also has the same leveling speed as these two, he also cannot evolve. He's living mostly off his bases. Suppose I'll have to see how he grows, won't I? Specially since I said I'd use him this time through. Next time I'm giving Slugma a run though.

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Catching a Koffing currently, will also be nabbing a Torkoal while I'm in Lavaridge Passage. So far have used just Marshtomp and Shroomish, hovering at the 28-29 range.

Shroomish is absolutely ridiculous, since he's an answer not only to Roxanne, but to Brawly as well with Stun Spore and Leech Seed, then becomes a STAB Mach Puncher with 70 Atk backng it up in a package that resists Wattson's BS while also punching his lights out AND Paralyzing with Leech Seed. While he's no Marshtomp, he can exists in teams that lack Marshtomp so he can help the other starters who have trouble with that gym. All the coverage as well, Shroomish is an animal.

Koffing level 15/Lonely/Levitate

41 HP, 27 Atk, 30 Def, 27 Sp Atk, 19 Sp Def, 19 Seed

Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog

I am ok with it's nature. I am ok with it's ability. I am ok with it's stats. I am NOT ok with that god awful starting movepool! Off the bat, it starts off awful. It can learn 2 things, however. Namely Shockwave and Thief (I have no idea how the hell Thief works on it, but whatever. It's Sp Atk for it;s level I guess isn't THAT bad. If he needs to deal with ghosts or something...*shrugs* Not gonna use it on any one else. As for Shockwave, I have no planned electric types to be used. While it's true that it sucks against water with that awful Sp Def and Speed, it CAN at least be a functional anti-air. I see no reason to not give it both if you're not planning on any better users. Poison types lack coverage anyways, seeing as it's more a defensive type than anything. So while it starts off with a god awful movepool, it's TM access isn't bad. His only issue is competition, which I imagine comes n the form of the 2 awful twin bugs, or Electrike the Meh. Not to say he's the best user by a mile, but the current competition isn't too impressive. I'd suggest getting rid of Smog, because though Poison Gas has worse acc and does no damage, I'd take auto-poison over 70 acc and 30 BP when Thief can actually do more damage. Among other things however, I notice that with a Lonely nature which I recall boosts Atk, his Sp Atk is tied anyways. Wtf...Seeing he's level 15 while needing 721 exp to level up, I have the feeling his leveling speed will be around average to fast.

I decide to catch me a Slugma in case my patience kills me while trying to find an ever-rare Torkoal.

Slugma/Timid/Magma Armor

40 HP, 18 Atk, 20 Def, 29 Sp Atk, 18 Sp Def, 16 Speed

Yawn/Smog/Ember/Rock Throw

I could have done with a better nature. I like Timid's Sp Atk boost, but Slugma's got Rock Moves too, thus where Timid hurts me. Now if it got something like Speed drop because I know Slugma is slow as hell, or a Speed boost for some defensive stat (Sp Def, seeing as it sucks enough already against stuff like water. His typing isn't really defensive anyways) would have been fine, but whatever. What I DO like is his starting movepool. Outside of Smog, that's some pretty good coverage he has AND he's packing Yawn. I also thought Magma Armor caused burn on contact like Static, but it apparently is shit in that it protects the mon from Freeze. Ya know, a fire type's greatest fear. It comes at the same level as Koffing, AND has the same leveling speed from the looks of it. Cannot use Rock Tomb, much to my dismay.

Finally, I come across a Torkoal

Level 15 Torkoal/Lax/White Smoke

49 HP, 35 Atk, 52 Def, 33 Sp Atk, 26 Sp Def, 11 Speed


I got an uhh...Interesting nature to say the least. Rather beneficial I suppose, since rock and ground is more prevalent for most of the game than water is, at least up till the last quarter of it, and even then I wouldn't put Torkoal up against a water type any day of the year. Pretty decent movepool I suppose, though it's not entirely offensive like I would like him to be. You can't exactly be too bulky when you're a Fire type and all. Then again, it's either this or Slugma. Slugma has a better starting movepool due to Yawn and Rock throw for status and coverage, but Torkoal has him whooped in stats. While Torkoal also has the same leveling speed as these two, he also cannot evolve. He's living mostly off his bases. Suppose I'll have to see how he grows, won't I? Specially since I said I'd use him this time through. Next time I'm giving Slugma a run though.

I agree on the Shroomish part.

Mach Punch assrapes.

Don't forget Sky Uppercut too.

Yeah, Koffing is nice, just slap a mixed moveset and keep it the fuck away from sp attackers.

Slugma is shit, you'd be better off Bringing Geodude to solo Wallace IMO.

Torkoal is nice, it learns body slam around level 18-22, I think, and a cursed Body Slam hurts like hell.

Oh and Torkoal can learn Sludge Bomb, for w/e it's worth. And it gets Protect in the late 20s for trollage, along with Flamethrower at level 29.

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Yeah, Koffing is nice, just slap a mixed moveset and keep it the fuck away from sp attackers.

It is most definitely NOT ok. Having no real STABs to rely on is terrible, and makes the TM moves terrible. Really, it's the only way he can function on the worst basis possible. I should note all 3 of these mon have 1 common problem: being underleveled. The trainers immediately after catching them have like 3-4 levels on them, and Koffing has to depend on Shoc Wave and Thief. Water pokemon still hurt him, he wants nothing to do with Psychics (by the way, the Spinda twins kick his ass), and there are no flying types. Koffing has an absolutely atrocious start.

Slugma is shit, you'd be better off Bringing Geodude to solo Wallace IMO.

I would honestly take Slugma over Koffing so far. He's at least got STABs and Yawn along with a typing to put Yawn to use on Flannery. All Koffing has that's reliable is Selfdestruct, and that is a double-edged sword since it kills his exp rate.

Torkoal is nice, it learns body slam around level 18-22, I think, and a cursed Body Slam hurts like hell.

Oh and Torkoal can learn Sludge Bomb, for w/e it's worth. And it gets Protect in the late 20s for trollage, along with Flamethrower at level 29.

I could not give a crap about Protect, and Sludge Bomb has no real point when he's already a fire type. He's already good against grass, even better with just fire since grass types tend to also share the Poison type. Poison is pretty much useless to him in any other way. What's he gonna do with it, hit water types for neutral?

So far though, I'm definitely the most impressed with Torkoal. It's starting bulk saves it's ass, so it can actually kill before it gets killed itself. Next playthrough I'mma use Slugma for real, but so far I'm vastly unimpressed with Koffing. Torkoal? I'll need more time with it, as it's start s pretty average.

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More testing on the likes of Koffing and Torkoal.

Torkoal is amazing. While it being Lax is awesome (Can take more than 2 shots from Norman's Slaking? Hell yeah), anything that boosts Sp Atk would be even awesomer since at around level 28, he can take Overheat and utterly mess up Norman's gym (though not necessarilyall of Norman by himself, but having a 140 BP STAB with it's kind of durability straight doesn't care). With the +Sp Atk nature, it could simply bypass the entire problem of all the Cooltrainers there having potions to use. It's durability also makes it care less about the likes of ground or rock type attacks. While I still wouldn't throw it at Geodudes (until it gets Flamethrower at the incredibly early level of 30), it can easily take on any random ground type with Body Slam until Flamethrower comes along. Once it gets Flamethrower, it's all good.

Koffing on the other hand has been meh. He hasn't really impressed me, but he hasn't really sucked either. Having access to Shockwave is good, but he never does anything useful till he gets Sludge for better coverage. However, he still has a problem with the tons of ground and rock types around the time you catch him, making his start pretty rocky. Once you get out of that portion of the game though, he's certainly not terrible. I just wish he had an earlier evolution time.

Have yet to get Tropius and Spheal.

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Yeah, Curse+physical moves does quite a bit of damage. I can see it moving up on the tier list.

Koffing is average, but lategame, it kinda sucks due to low sp def.

You cn try Grimer next, its fun to raise and find. But, it has good sp def and def. And starting with SLudge for stab, and is close to some guy who gives secret power tm.

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Yeah, Curse+physical moves does quite a bit of damage. I can see it moving up on the tier list

I got rid of curse a long time ago, I don't even need it.

Koffing is average, but lategame, it kinda sucks due to low sp def.

You cn try Grimer next, its fun to raise and find. But, it has good sp def and def. And starting with SLudge for stab, and is close to some guy who gives secret power tm.

Again we'll see.

As for Grimer, naw. Low level poisons just are not cool. The start for them is pretty damn awful. I'm already going to pick Slugma next time, I don't need him AND Grimer messing me up.

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Hmm...Spoink and Corphish I can do! Was actually curious about them too. Not THAT fond of Corphish (it's a worse Carvahna to me), but Spoink's always interested me.

Crawdaunt is more on the physical side, it is slower, but has good def, swords dance, and access to BB/A/SBomb/Dig.

SPoink is fun, it evolves at like lvl 30, but you may want to save shock wave for it, because aside from psybeam/HP special, it's movepool isn't that good w/o elemental punches.

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Koffing evolves into Weezing around Route 119 with an average team of 4, and statistically looks very similar to Torkoal except Torkoal has more Def while Koffing has more speed and better defensively. Thunderbolt and Sludge Bomb will make him greatly effective on Winona's gym.

Torkoal's still good, though the rain of 119 doesn't help him. He's still got decent Atk and Body Slam to back him up.

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Unfortunately, I do not have that game.

Tropius get. Wow, this thing is complete garbage. If it weren't for the fact it had an absurd amount of HP, it would be absolutely terrible. Would it have really killed them to give Tropius Wing Attack too?

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Unfortunately, I do not have that game.

Tropius get. Wow, this thing is complete garbage. If it weren't for the fact it had an absurd amount of HP, it would be absolutely terrible. Would it have really killed them to give Tropius Wing Attack too?

If you think this is bad, then wait till you start training Slugma....

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Magic Leaf, Fly and Lax nature help it a bit, since it means it's real tough and can take the "ha a lot of steam despite killing things slow" route, but it's still pretty bad. Doesn't exactly have a lot of coverage.

As for Slugma, again I'll see when I get there. I'll again stop around Liza and Tate because the rest of the game is pretty predictable from there.

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I'll put up results on the mons I was testing.



-Levitate helps mitigate a problematic start while allowing it to actually fight back against the multitude of ground types around the area.

-Though it gets Sludge later than other poison types, it still gets Sludge early enough.

-Instant access to Shockwave which it uses well enough, giving it coverage against water. Also gets Thunderbolt and Sludge Bomb.

-Weezing is solid, and is a great answer to Winona since even against her Tropius it has a poison move to blick that too.


-It's starting movepool and it's starting level equate to an appaulingly bad start. You are basically either stuck with Shockwave, or with Tackle/Smog.

-Poison is still a very meh typing. If it didn't have Levitate, I wouldn't even entertain the continued use of it.

Overall: He starts crappy and over time has to eat TMs to become really good. While some he has ownership of (Sludge Bomb), arguing Thunderbolt and stuff is a VERY hard argument to make. It seems like there's more pros than cons, but the cons are very heavy on it. It has no real useful STABS, and the few he does don't become useful till lategame because a lot of midgame in Hoenn is loitered with Ground types that resist Poison and immune to Shockwave of which it is dependent on to even exist. I would say Lower Mid or Low. It's finish does not justify the things it needs and the completely assy start he has.



-Lots of ground types and it's a fire type, but it's so bulky it doesn't care. 100 Def and decent HP by level 30, that deals with more of it's physical weaknesses. It also means that if it doesn't one shot it can still just out-survive most mons.

-Comes very close to Overheat, which basically laughs at Norman's gym since all his scrubby cooltrainers use a single mon and get their asses blown up by it. It also is a great standby move n a desperate situation.

-Gets Flamethrower REALLY early. Level 30? Quite awesome to get Fire's best bread and butter weapon.

-It's offensive stats are meh, but makes up for it by quickly getting HARD hitting abilities like Body Slam and the aformentioned Overheat and Flamethrower


-Shitty starting level. Really, any mon you can catch in Lavaridge Passage has that problem.

-Incredibly terrible speed, so it's always going to take damage, always going to eat debilitator moves, and always the most open to status effects hitting it.

-Slow Fire type is a horrible lategame mon.

-Doesn't have a lot of coverage. It's Fire and Body Slam. This is cool for a while for how early it gets these moves, but it becomes a problem later.

-Sp Def is meh. This is compounded more by how lategame is and it's terribad speed.

Overall: He's like the designated hitter. He just comes in on something that is scary threatening and blows it up, and in a bad situation can tan out most other mons. He's really solid, but comes with some serious problems, most notably that his lategame is absolutely atrocious. There's very little to justify it later on unless it's just so high leveled that it blows things up and doesn't care. That's possible, but I'm sure you could find better for that.

I would actually say upper mid to high. Definitely like...Until lategame.



-Great HP

-Instant catch for a Flyer, and can use it as a STAB.

-Grass with STAB Magic Leaf is nice for the lategame...


-...If it's offensive parameters weren't total ass. Offenses in the 60s with awful stats by level 35 and using a 60 BP move is garbage and trash.

-Outside of lategame, Grass is Ass.

-Until Fly and Magic Leaf, it just has Stomp and Razor Leaf. In short, no coverage.

-Slow as hell.

-Defenses still suck despite it's HP.

-Comes immediately before the Flying gym which it's useless against.

-Terrible leveling speed

Overall: Tropius is hot garbage. There's...Really not much else to say, other than the only use it has is a Flyer you can catch immediately around the time you actually get the HM, but you could just catch a Taillow early and keep it in the box and you got a flyer just as easy. It's not even that good in lategame simply because all it's stats are just terrible, as is it's movepool.

This fool should be Bottom.

Now, this run I'm testing Slugma, Spoink and Corphish. Currently already have Slugma and Spoink. Interesting fact: You can have Sceptile by the time you hit the ash path as long as you're soloing wth it. STAB Leaf Blade on Sceptile that early is silly.

Initial Impressions.

Slugma: Mehhhhhhh, very meh. It's leveling speed is ok, and it's got a good starting movepool. Slugma can win most fire vs fires with Rock Throw, and it using Ember is functional enough, and in case you're leveling Slugma, Yawn can help in fights when you 3HKO since it allows you to take only 2 shots instead of 3. It's still got terrible speed and...Well, stats. Basially it's Torkoal without the things that make Torkoal good. Suppose I'll just have to see how it fairs when it evolves, though I doubt it's any better lategame.

Spoink: Even with Quiet nature slowing it down, it comes instantly good with great Sp Atk, usable speed, STAB Psybeam and access to Shockwave for coverage. Great Sp Def too so it can level up in the fire gym with relative safety. While it has terrible Def, it's HP allows it to be ok still, but still doesn't like dealing with physical threats unless he can assuredly kill. I have high hopes for the hearty pig.

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Koffings already in lower mid.

Tropius is that high, the same reason as wingull.

HM slavemaster

Torkoal, yeah-2 flaws low speed and sp def.

I'm enjoying this.

Spoink has lowish HP, but is quite decent.

Hope you saved Theif and Shock Wave

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Tropius is that high, the same reason as wingull.

HM slavemaster

Not good enough, as Wingull has other excuses much like Zigzagoon, in that early on it's actually good. There is a point in time it's actually useful. It also learns Surf I believe. Tropius on the other hand is nothing but a Flybot, which is stupid easy to get without wasting your time finding his rare ass.

Spoink has lowish HP, but is quite decent.

Hope you saved Theif and Shock Wave

Oh, it learns Thief too? Sorry, playing this and Diamond gets me mixed up, since Emerald it's still a Sp Atk. Definitely teaching it that.

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Cut, rock smash, Strength, flash, fly.

Great HM slave IMO, only missing surf/waterfall/dive

Sp att types-









Physical att types










Theif/shock wave/psybeam hits a lot for at least neutrail damage. Toss in calm mind and its good to go.

Spoink is kinda underrated imo. Takes special hits like a boss.

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I'm insane, remember?

Well, better durability than Kadabra/Kirlia.

It can take more than 2 hits with a +def nature, I think. Damn, I really need to train one again...

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Ok, how do you find Corphish again?

As for a status report on Slugma and Spoink.

Slugma: I can say with a serious face that you can have an Overheat bot. He's doing decently, but he's mostly just an Overheat bot fr troublesome mons. Again, still like Torkoal without all the things that make Torkoal good. When does he evolve? He's level 33, still a lava blob. If it's later than that, I can say with certainty that he evolves WAY too late.

Spoink: Did not do so well in Norman's gym. Too much effort to avoid potions since he couldn't pierce their bulk well enough to do stuff like 2HKO, and he was too frail to withstand them at the same time. Can evolve by the time you surf over towards Fortree, and though it gives him a huge HP buff it doesn't help him THAT much. Like his stats haven't changed all that much. Also, a -Speed nature might be harmful to him, as it didn't help that Norman's gym outsped him too.

DID almost take out Flannery's gym with Spoink alone though, including herself. Slugma's Light Screen made it annoying though.

Edited by grandjackal
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Nevermind, caught one fishing at route 117. It's a better idea since it comes closer to the Good Rod.


Man this thing sucks. STAB Surf with a beneficial nature to Sp Atk in the freaing rain, and it can't kill a Ninjask. Not even underleveled either. It's like Krabby if Krabby had even worse stats.

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