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[FE7] Elieson's 2nd Attempt at a unique draft


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I choose Fir's parents.

On another note, since this is an EXP draft, penalties should be in the form of EXP and not turns, right?

Penalties are + turns, which equate to - levels.

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Plus there's no benefit to using extra units besides maybe if you're really stuck on a map, because they won't contribute to your EXP total.

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Elieson, question. On the OP, it says that there's a 4-turn deployment penalty for any undrafted units. If we take penalties simply for deploying undrafted units, a whole lot of us are going to be eating penalties, since I didn't draft Florina but I need her to recruit Fiora, eclipse has neither Priscilla nor Serra but she has to recruit Erk and Lucius, and others that I probably missed. Was this intentional or what?

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@Elieson: Fair enough.

@Refa: Do you mean their levels don't count towards your total? That makes sense, and is probably a better idea than an EXP penalty.

@Boron: Usually, the penalties only apply if you use them to perform an illegal action, i.e. anything not specified in rule 1. That said, the choice of words is interesting. Does that mean you wouldn't take penalties for using, say, Lowen in ch 13 or Hawkeye in the desert chapter, because you didn't deploy them?

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Well, the OP says that undeployed units have a 4-turn "deployment" penalty, so I was just making sure. Especially since there have been some drafts that disallow people from deploying undrafted units completely.

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Alright you got me there.

What I meant by that rule is only deployment of characters to do anything other than recruit fellow units (drafted or undrafted) is allowed. So I.e. only deploy.undrafted priscilla to recruit raven, or get a penalty for deploying her in any other chapter. Illegal actions by undrafted units deployed for reasons other than recruitment are penalized.

This would normally mean no deploying an undrafted thief for FoW maps, but I should have worded it properly.

Sorry about that

Edited by Elieson
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All right, that makes sense. Also, one other question (sorry, just want to be absolutely clear). I specifically wanted a flier for the desert chapter so I could rescue Pent and stop him from killing everything so that my units could grab more experience for themselves. I can also recruit Hawkeye on this level. So ... if I use Fiora to rescue NPC Pent and then give him to Hawkeye, does that incur me a penalty? Hawkeye isn't doing anything, Fiora is the one giving Pent to him. So if I recruit Hawkeye and have Fiora give Pent to him, is that a penalty or is that allowed?

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All right, that makes sense. Also, one other question (sorry, just want to be absolutely clear). I specifically wanted a flier for the desert chapter so I could rescue Pent and stop him from killing everything so that my units could grab more experience for themselves. I can also recruit Hawkeye on this level. So ... if I use Fiora to rescue NPC Pent and then give him to Hawkeye, does that incur me a penalty? Hawkeye isn't doing anything, Fiora is the one giving Pent to him. So if I recruit Hawkeye and have Fiora give Pent to him, is that a penalty or is that allowed?

Rule 1 applies to units in their chapter of recruitment. If they have to be deployed to recruit undrafted units, then its a penalty. This is just a general statement.

On topic, main lord recruits Hawkeye. If hawkeye holds NPC Pent, its ok.

And @ Refa. I meant I sent him a PM. I haven't gotten a reply yet.

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Rule 1 applies to units in their chapter of recruitment. If they have to be deployed to recruit undrafted units, then its a penalty. This is just a general statement.

On topic, main lord recruits Hawkeye. If hawkeye holds NPC Pent, its ok.

And @ Refa. I meant I sent him a PM. I haven't gotten a reply yet.

Thanks, Elieson, just wanted to make sure.

Also, I checked DE's profile earlier to see if he were online or not. He wasn't, but eclipse had already left a comment on his profile telling him that it was his turn to pick.

Look on the bright side, at least. We all pick five units, and after DE picks his two units he picks his fifth unit last, so the rest of us will have our five units and can start.

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That's correct Bo~

Between me PMing him and Clipsey bombarding his wall, hopefully he will respond soon. He posted last...20 hrs ago, so hopefully he will post around the same time again.

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He has just under 7 hrs to make his pick.

Technically, the 24hr limit starts when the person before him makes their pick. Baldrick picked at 0612 EST today.

At the upcoming 0612 EST, 24 hours will have passed from Baldrick's pick, and it being his turn. Thus, the timer will have passed, and we can come up with a solution.

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Well ... when Baldrick made his pick it was around 6:12 in the morning for me. I definitely won't be on then. Also, tomorrow's my busy day again. I'll be online at around 4:00 MST, so if you guys don't mind waiting for me then ... I'd send Elieson my pick again, but I'd have to send him at least four picks ... and I can't think of any at the moment. If it's my turn when I get on tomorrow, I'll have to see who's left and pick from there.

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Send me your top 7picks, in order of desire. That way, if all 6 picks after yours are picked, I can still get you who you want.

And remember, if you send me your picks, you can still pick for yourself ~

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Send me your top 7picks, in order of desire. That way, if all 6 picks after yours are picked, I can still get you who you want.

And remember, if you send me your picks, you can still pick for yourself ~

Well ... the problem is ... I really DON'T have seven units in mind that I might want in order. blink.gif I can only think of my next pick, and if that one's taken, the one after that. But ... if anytime before I go to bed I can think of seven units that I want (and in the order that I want), I'll send my picks to you.

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How did I miss this? I was in the chat when discussions were first made. I blame work... XD

This looks so fun. >.>

Yep, you were there the whole time...with me and Refa...

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