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[FE7] Elieson's 2nd Attempt at a unique draft


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Farina is AMAZING Boron, even in a non EXP oriented draft. Hey, if you didn't want her, I'd have been glad to have Farina on my team. tongue.gif

EDIT Elieson sent me his picks, so hopefully he doesn't get pissed if I just speed things along and pick his top pick.

Elieson gets Dart.

Edited by Refa
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Farina is AMAZING Boron, even in a non EXP oriented draft. Hey, if you didn't want her, I'd have been glad to have Farina on my team. tongue.gif

EDIT Elieson sent me his picks, so hopefully he doesn't get pissed if I just speed things along and pick his top pick.

Elieson gets Dart.

Well, it's not because I didn't want Farina. She was actually my second pick if my first choice got picked. The reason I was annoyed was because Baldrick took Nino. Now I don't have healer until endgame. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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Well, it's not because I didn't want Farina. She was actually my second pick if my first choice got picked. The reason I was annoyed was because Baldrick took Nino. Now I don't have healer until endgame. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Yeah, I know you love Rath and all, but you really should've picked someone like Lucius or Erk for your 2nd pick.

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I didn't expect all the magic users to go so fast in the 2nd/3rd round, to tell you the truth. I actually did have a strategy, and I know I wanted a flier for the stupid desert and Fiora was my first pick (because I have to train Heath in the desert, and he's susceptible to mages). Maybe I shouldn't have picked Guy third round ... but oh well! I think I've played without healers before. I'll just need a LOT of vulneraries and elixirs. No regrets. :P:

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I didn't expect all the magic users to go so fast in the 2nd/3rd round, to tell you the truth. I actually did have a strategy, and I know I wanted a flier for the stupid desert and Fiora was my first pick (because I have to train Heath in the desert, and he's susceptible to mages). Maybe I shouldn't have picked Guy third round ... but oh well! I think I've played without healers before. I'll just need a LOT of vulneraries and elixirs. No regrets. :P:

Well, I'm sure your picks would've been fine in any other draft. It's just that healers contribute so much EXP.

Not that they aren't fine here too, of course. It's just that no healers kinda puts you at a disadvantage.

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Yeah, but I purposely didn't want to pick Serra or Priscilla first because although they contribute to EXP with healing, I find that it still takes them forever to get them to level 10. And since this is an experience-driven draft, you'd want to promote them at level 20. By the time you do reach level 20, it'll probably be near endgame, and I'm not sure how much experience they can pick up.

Which is why my plan was to go for one of the mages, but ... obviously that failed. :P: But still, no regrets. This is half the fun of drafting -- having to change your picks and plans as characters that you wanted are picked by another drafter.

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With mounts, just bank on a slightly faster draft completion, and a ton of EP experience, and you will be just fine. Remember, you do get a bonus for completing the draft a bit faster, and since all your units fight from recruitment, you will get lots of exp.

That, and Farina can level up to 18 in her own chapter with relative ease, at a casual pace. I'm banking on Lowen to be a bit blessed to maximize EP combat.

That being said, good luck~


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With mounts, just bank on a slightly faster draft completion, and a ton of EP experience, and you will be just fine. Remember, you do get a bonus for completing the draft a bit faster, and since all your units fight from recruitment, you will get lots of exp.

That, and Farina can level up to 18 in her own chapter with relative ease, at a casual pace. I'm banking on Lowen to be a bit blessed to maximize EP combat.

That being said, good luck~


Believe me, guys, if this weren't an experience-driven draft, my picks would have been WAY different. I actually wouldn't have picked Rath until at least third of fourth round, if he were still available. I probably would've gone for a flier, earlygame mount, or a mage first if this were a standard draft. But since it's an experience-driven draft (with a turncount bonus or penalty) and sounds very similar to how I play on a normal basis ... I just said "screw this" and picked units that I enjoy using. I'll just have to make sure to buy a lot of elixirs and vulneraries. ._.

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Wil, and....


The realist in me says pick Isadora because Paladins are awesome

The Insane One would pick Hawkeye, but he's crazy, yo

Geitz/Wallace are in this game? News to me


Harken is really awesome, so I'd kinda like to pick him

The 8 year old in my says pick Jaffar even though that would be really stupid and 8 year old me was an idiot (wait, I was way older than 8 when I first played FE)

You suck Rennault

Also you too, Vaida, IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME

So who am I picking?






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Hey, just because I'm clearly insane, doesn't make me any less of a person. sad.gif

I didn't include you because you had already made your pick, and I knew that you were on. I saw that eclipse was on recently, and Elieson is good about checking his draft thread several times a day, and I'll be online all day as well. You're done, eclipse picked right after you, and I'm pretty sure Elieson will be back to make his pick, then I can make my final pick and be done with drafting.

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Chapter 11- 7/7 turns

So I went down instead of up so I could kill off most of the enemies and rake up the experience. This only took one more turn than average for much more EXP, so I think it was worth it.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 2

Matthew- 0

Chapter 12- 4/11 turns

Another easy chapter. I had Oswin rescue Serra because the archer would rather attack Matthew than Oswin (and for good reason), with both the bandit and the archer attacking Matthew. I had Hector go straight towards the boss and Eliwood killed all of the enemies below. Yay for EXP, I guess. Hector had to dodge 2 37% hits from the boss, which I felt was reasonable, but apparently the game would like to disagree with me.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 5

Matthew- 2

Eliwood- 1

Marcus- 0

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The choices, arg!

Fuck you Karel. Geitz/Wallace.....no thanks. Jaffar, meh, no mo swords.

Vaids, Hawkeye, or Rentank...


I'm goin for it!

Weightastrophy Guild, I Choose You!

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Oh, boy ... all the choices blow. But let me see ... I do not want Jaffar or Vaida. No thank you, Geitz/Wallace. Looking at my team, I am obviously going to end up on Jerme's map and I almost always end up recruiting Harken instead of Karel on that map. So no Karel for me. Renault ... he's not at as low a level, so I can't milk as much experience out of him, but ... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a healer and someone I don't have to raise for A-staves. Hmm ...

Never mind, I changed my mind. I want Karel.

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I honestly couldn't believe I got Nina as late as I did, considering the goal of the draft. If there's one thing she's good at, it's being babied. Plus she's a staffie post promotion, which means she can gain levels without cutting into the limited pool of CEXP.

I will make Schrodinger's pick. The last unit on my team will be simultaneously Geitz and Wallace, until I observe the levels of my lords at the end of the desert chapter.

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Chapter 13- 7/18 turns

I could have taken longer to squeeze a level or possibly two, but it would take much more turns and wouldn't be worth it, especially since I only have a small fraction of my party. I have more time for stalling later on when I get Priscilla.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 6

Matthew- 3

Eliwood- 2

Marcus- 0

Chapter 13x- 7/25 turns

What's more to say? Eliwood, Hector, and Oswin went up while Matthew took the southern reinforcements. Oswin meatshielded, and so did some of my other units. I'm not quite convinced I did the best, but I got Eliwood to kill Puzon, got a lot of EXP, and had Marcus visit the village. Yay for the money!

Levels Gained:

Hector- 7

Matthew- 5

Eliwood- 5

Marcus- 0

Chapter 14- 4/29 turns

Yes, this LOOKS like a chapter where easy EXP is easy EXP, but it's much more of a PITA than it's worth. Why? Because rain, that's why. It wastes so many turns that you might as well not even bother. So Marcus rush all the way. Feels good to unleash his fury after I've been reigning him down.

I'm giving the Goddess Icon to Eliwood because I dunno, he could use more crit rate?

Levels Gained:

Hector- 8

Matthew- 6

Eliwood- 5

Marcus- 2

Priscilla- 0

Chapter 15- 7/36 turns

Another chapter that required a lot of thinking. It was deceptively simple really. I HAD to use Marcus, so I had him take care of the dudes on the top right. Priscilla's healing shit every turn including turn 1, wherein Matthew does something stupid to get healed. Everyone else goes down. Then I have Eliwood, Priscilla, and returning champion Marcus head towards Sealen with Matthew while Hector goes to stop the fighters. Matthew has to leave to get the treasures, Eliwood has to help take care of Sealen and the reinforcements, and Priscilla is still healing stuff. Yay for the healing!

Levels Gained:

Hector- 9

Matthew- 7

Eliwood- 8

Marcus- 2

Priscilla- 0

Chapter 16- 9/45 turns

Erm...Nothing really special. I had Kent and Sain weaken enemies so Lyn and Wil could get some kills, everyone else took the more roundabout way towards the boss, and Priscilla was healing like there was no tommorow. Good times.

Oh, and I made sure to buy enough items this time around.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 11

Matthew- 9

Eliwood- 9

Marcus- 2

Priscilla- 1

Lyndis- 1

Wil- 1

Pics of each chapters stats will be posted soon.

Also Nino is about as good a pick as Raven in terms of EXP. They both start out at the same level, the difference being Raven is good.

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I honestly couldn't believe I got Nina as late as I did, considering the goal of the draft. If there's one thing she's good at, it's being babied. Plus she's a staffie post promotion, which means she can gain levels without cutting into the limited pool of CEXP.

I was actually going to pick Nino, but you got to her before me. Good grief ... I have nothing but combat units and no healer until Athos. At least I have two pegasi ... Also, my non-pegasi units are all Sacaeans. With the addition of Lyn, I have every Sacaean except Karla. For the record, I did not plan this.

Also, I'm probably going to start a little later than the rest of you, because I have to get my Sacae-only playthrough done first. I'm still on Lyn's mode, but that's mostly because I'm taking a while to write the narratives. I should be able to start this about a week from now.

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Lessee. . .

Florina - Fly girl, fly~! Oh, and try to gain some levels in the process.

Erk - One of two guys that are gonna have to clean up. Luckily, I'm good at leaving units out to dry.

Lucius - My best chance at Warp.

Rebecca - HNM spams pegasi, so she's gonna have a field day. Oh, and chip.

Isadora - She'll be sharing ferrying duties with Florina and Marcus.

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Oh, right, I should do a pre-run unit analysis as well. I've always wanted to do this ~

Hector: What can I say? Hector is Hector, although he has surprised me every once in a while ... and not always in a good way. Let's just hope that he decides to be speed-blessed and stay more or less true to his averages elsewhere.

Eliwood: This guy is my favorite FE7 lord, but he is the most variable out of the three as well. I've had extremely blessed Eliwoods, including one that capped everything except HP and resistance (with perhaps a statbooster or two). I've also had Eliwoods who were not much better than base Eliwood. Let's just hope that he decides to be awesome.

Lyn: Lyn is just as variable as Eliwood, except in a worse way because she has lower HP, defense, strength, and strength growth than Eliwood. She's fast, but being fast means little if you can't damage your enemy (and you're not getting experience then). No Lyn's mode will also hurt her. Lyn, get some strength!

Marcus: I'll be honest, I don't use this guy. It's just not my style. I'm planning on keeping him mostly out of combat until everyone else promotes. His experience gain won't be slow, then!

Matthew/Legault: Thieves are awesome, and I'm glad they're free. They gain experience fast too, so that's always a bonus. I'll most likely drop Matthew when Legault comes, simply because Matthew has HP/defense problems, and you need some semblance of durability for thieving as well. Case in point: Matthew with insufficient HP/defense gets 1HKO'd by that warrior boss in the desert (the one holding the guiding ring). Base Legault can at least survive one hit.

Ninian/Nils: Refreshers are awesome. The end.

Athos: This guy. Is. Quite literally. My only. Healer.

Rath: I knew that I wanted him on my team, because he's never turned out horribly for me and is always reliable. Plus, he can carry promoted Hector, which is nice. I'm pretty sure it was not the brightest of ideas to pick him first round, even if he is my favorite FE7 character, but if I didn't pick him first or second round, not sure I would've got him at all. It's worth it, no regrets.

Fiora: If Rath hadn't been my first pick, then she would have been. I wanted a flier for the desert chapter. Florina was taken, and I have to actually train Heath in the desert. He's - that - bad against magi at base, and I'm not sure if he could ferry Pent out of the way by himself and LIVE. Fiora's the best option. Plus, I like her a lot. But I just hope she decides not to troll me in strength. Get some strength, Fiora!

Guy: If I have any regrets at all, it would probably be picking Guy third round. Should I have gone for Nino instead, since now I don't have healer until endgame? But if I didn't ... would Guy have still been around by the time I made my fourth pick? Anyway, I like Guy a lot as well. He should make earlygame a little easier. But he had better get some strength, since I can't just drop him like I would in a normal playthrough if he got strength-screwed. Get some strength, Guy!

Farina: I couldn't get Nino, and Farina was my second choice pick after her. I'm kind of conflicted about Farina. I definitely don't hate her as a unit (although I don't care for her personality), she's low-leveled enough to grab some levels, and she's pretty good. But now I have to shell out 20000 gold for her, gold that I'm definitely going to need to stock up on healing items. Well, at least I have two fliers and no one else does.

Karel: I had actually picked Renault first, then immediately changed my mind and went for Karel. I'm kind of ticked. Because I have Guy and no magi, I'm clearly going to end up on Jerme's map. Because I'm going to end up on Jerme's map, I'm going to have a harder time recruiting Karel (I find it easier to recruit Harken on Jerme's map, and Karel on Kenneth's map). Because I'm going to have a hard time recruiting Karel, I'm going to have to run around opening doors stupid crazy. Grr ...

My verdict on this team? Completely awesome, even without any healers or magi. Must stock up on vulneraries and elixirs ...

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