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[FE7] Elieson's 2nd Attempt at a unique draft


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Chapter 11 - 7/7

Figured that one out.

Unless otherwise stated, all units will be promoted at level 20.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       3.50  20   8    5    5    3    9    0
Matthew   Thief      2.93  Almost there~!

Chapter 12 - 6/13

Normally, I'd trash this, but Matthew cooperated like I've never seen him before. The boss ran the other way, so Marcus weakened him and Matthew finished.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       5.01  22  10    7    6    4   11    0
Matthew   Thief      5.30  21   6    6   13    2    3    0
Eliwood   Lord       1.70  Sheesh
Marcus    Paladin    1.10  HI
Rebecca   Archer     1.92  Almost there~!

Chapter 13 - 8/21

Wound up waiting a turn for the reinforcements to do something. This, in turn, gave Matthew another level. Here goes~! Would've given the kill to Marcus, but he was busy making sure everyone else stayed alive.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       6.76  23  11    8    6    4   12    0
Matthew   Thief      7.04  22   7    6   14    4    4    1
Eliwood   Lord       2.57  19   5    6    8    7    5    0
Marcus    Paladin    1.30  HI
Rebecca   Archer     2.72  17   5    6    6    4    3    1

Chapter 13x - 7/28

Due to the way I got to the village, Marcus got quite a bit of combat in. Matthew hit C swords, so he got Guy's Killing Edge.


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       8.13  25  13    9    6    5   13    1
Matthew   Thief      8.18  23   7    7   15    5    4    1
Eliwood   Lord       5.33  21   8    7   10   10    5    0
Marcus    Paladin    1.69  HI
Rebecca   Archer     3.24  17   6    6    7    4    3    2

Chapter 14 - 5/33

ERK~! Hector cleaned up the guys near the starting area, while Eliwood and Matthew headed south. Marcus eventually killed Erik, and Erk managed a couple of kills on his own. The RNG was pretty trollish this time, but Marcus got Speed~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       8.57  25  13    9    6    5   13    1
Matthew   Thief      8.52  23   7    7   15    5    4    1
Eliwood   Lord       6.08  22   8    8   10   11    5    0
Marcus    Paladin    3.08  32  16   15   12    9   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     3.92  17   6    6    7    4    3    2
Erk       Mage       1.81  Almost there~!

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I got insanely lucky, so far. Go check out the auction draft I just completed. . .namely, Erk. He decided that he was Pent, and acted accordingly.

On the flip side, I had an Isadora that gained all of two points of Strength, so YMMV.

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Chapter 15 - 7/40

Thanks to me screwing up Erk's placement, I had to end the reinforcements early. On the bright side, I raided the treasure room, and Erk got two levels in the process.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       8.78  25  13    9    6    5   13    1
Matthew   Thief      8.90  23   7    7   15    5    4    1
Eliwood   Lord       7.06  23   8    8   10   11    5    0
Marcus    Paladin    4.02  32  16   15   13    9   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     4.03  18   6    6    7    5    4    2
Erk       Mage       3.17  18   7    7    8    3    3    5

Chapter 16 - 6/46

Florina helps Hector jump off the cliff. Marcus gets the boss kill, 'cause he functions better that way.

Hector leveled twice and didn't gain a single point in HP. ;/

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      10.29  25  14   10    7    6   14    1
Matthew   Thief      9.84  24   7    7   16    5    5    1
Eliwood   Lord       7.17  23   8    8   10   11    5    0
Marcus    Paladin    4.98  32  16   15   13    9   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     4.94  18   6    6    7    5    4    2
Erk       Mage       3.65  18   7    7    8    3    3    5
Lyn       Lord       4.69  Trolled by mercs
Florina   Peggy      3.54  Is capable of killing?

EDIT: How the hell did that happen? I somehow managed to not save or something? Either way, I'll need to redo Chapter 16.

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16 - 9/51

Lyn went up and got kills. Bartre and Matthew were trained.

Hector 10

Matthew 11

Bartre 10

Eliwood 9

Serra 3

Marcus 1

Lyn 1

17 - 11/62

People who are not Lyn and Bartre went to the throne. It turns out Lyn can’t handle the reinhorsements. Bartre ran back to help (he’d been on chest duty, which was silly in hindsight), but couldn’t get any kills before the seize. Raven became 32 exp for Hector :D

Hector 11

Matthew 13

Bartre 10

Eliwood 12

Serra 4

Marcus 3

Lyn 2

17x - 6/68

Lyn ran around the north, and everyone else went through the guts.

Hector 11

Matthew 14

Bartre 12

Eliwood 13

Serra 5

Marcus 5

Lyn 4

18 - 11/79

Reinforcements are cool. Bartre killed the mages, while Matthew and the lords handled the eastern swordies. Then Matthew went to steal Speedwings for Hector. He also killed the boss.

Hector 11

Matthew 16

Bartre 15

Eliwood 14

Serra 6

Marcus 5

Lyn 6

19 - 8/87

Lyn, Hector, Matthew and Marcus went south, Bartre took the eastern path, and Eliwood hung around Merlinus.

Hecotr 12

Matthew 17

Bartre 16

Eliwood 15

Serra 7

Marcus 6

Lyn 8

19x - 11/98

Bartre solo. Matthew got the last bits of exp he needed from the reinforcement mages.

Marcus got the kill.

Hector 14.14 32	17 10 12  7 13  4
Eliwod 17.53 31	11 17 13 12  8  7
Lyn    13.36 22	 9 16 18 10  3  1
Marcus  9.81 36	18 20 13  9 11 12
Matt   20.00 34	11 10 20 12  8  4
Bartre  2.14 46	21 14 10  8 12  7
Serra   9.48 23	 5  5  9 12  2  8

The rest I'll post tomorrow. Too tired to write stuff.

Levels gained: 91

20 – 11/109

Using Unlock, Bartre and Hector, Matthew could reach the Brave Bow on the first turn. Then Matthew ran to cut off the thief and steal a Member Card. Lyn and Marcus went into the northern chest room to help Matthew, and Bartre, Hector and Eliwood cleared around Darin and the reinforcements.

21 – 4/113

Beeline for Olegolas.

22 – 10/123

Heath finally joins. But he can’t bloody double anything. (Maybe I was too hasty with those Wings…) It wss annoying trying to keep the lords to as few kills as possible. Bought the hell out of Barrier.

23 – 9/132

Heath ran past one of the bosses to get to Pent. He is doubled even without being weighed down. :/ Eventually, I get Pent to safety, and Heath can carry Bartre to that other jerk hanging out far into the desert. Legault gets me another Guiding Ring.

23x – 0/132

Bartre and Heath had a field day. Serra promoted near the end of the chapter.

Hector  17.16 34 19 12 13  9 15  5
Eliwood 18.94 32 11 17 13 13  8  8
Lyn     17.41 25 10 18 20 10  3  3
Marcus  16.12 41 19 24 16 13 11 13
Bartre  12.32 53 26 19 15 10 15 10
Serra    1.38 33 13 10 15 20  5 15
Legault 15.99 29 10 14 18 11  8  3
Heath   19.26 40 17 13 11  9 15  6

Levels gained: 146

Edited by Baldrick
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Ch.16 5/48

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	10.00	27	12	7	8	5	13	3
Matthew	11.51	25	6	7	16	5	6	1
Eliwood	8.22	25	8	10	10	9	7	1
Marcus	XX/3.60	33	15	16	12	9	10	8
Lowen	11.74	31	9	11	10	8	12	3	
Lyn	4.69	18	5	10	11	5	2	0
Kent	5.85	23	8	7	8	4	6	1 
Ninian	-
Dart	-
Canas	-
Hawkeye	-

Nothing out of the ordinary here. Just shopped, since I'd never shopped until this point, and scored both villages. Also, Marcus took Lowen and Hector over the mts.

Ch.17 10/58

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	12.28	29	13	8	9	6	14	3
Matthew	12.39	25	6	7	17	6	6	1
Eliwood	9.76	26	8	10	10	10	7	1
Marcus	XX/4.29	33	16	16	12	10	10	8
Lowen	13.56	33	9	12	11	10	14	5	
Lyn	5.73	19	5	10	11	5	2	0
Kent	7.50	24	9	8	8	5	6	1 
Ninian	-
Dart	-
Canas	-
Hawkeye	-

Lyn found a level, and pulled out +1 HP from it. Got the KC, and the Silver Sword. Hector killed, and Eli/Lyn had fun with reinforcements. Oh yea, Matthew crit-killed Raven.

Ch.17x 4/62

I guess I forgot to take down my stats.

Decent levels all around. Missed the Lancereaver, but got everything else, so all good. I got the sleep staff, I just hope Canas can eventually get to use it>.<

Ch.18 10/72

Forgot again. Moving to quickly.

Average level, but good experience. Marcus killed the boss, after Matthew stole the Speedwings, and Canas earned his own Guiding Ring. Shopped till I Dropped too.

Ch.19 7/79

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	13.22	30	14	8	9	6	15	4
Matthew	14.24	26	6	7	19	7	6	1
Eliwood	11.7	27	9	10	11	12	8	2
Marcus	XX/5.68	33	17	16	12	10	10	8
Lowen	16.12	35	10	13	13	12	14	5	
Lyn	8.09	22	7	11	13	8	2	2
Kent	10.56	26	9	9	10	5	8	3
Canas	11.30	24	11	11	9	7	6	9
Ninian	-
Dart	-
Hawkeye	-

7 turns of mayhem and experience. Lowen scored the kill on Uhai, simply because Marcus missed constantly for the entire battle. Also, I forgot to recruit Fiora, so I missed my Axereaver. Oh well, I'll just have to get by without it.

Ch.19x 11/90

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	13.87	30	14	8	9	6	15	4
Matthew	15.96	27	6	8	20	8	6	1
Eliwood	11.75	27	9	10	11	12	8	2
Marcus	XX/6.00	34	17	17	12	10	10	9
Lowen	17.79	36	10	13	14	13	15	5	
Lyn	8.92	22	7	11	13	8	2	2 
Kent	12.12	28	10	9	10	5	8	4
Canas	12.32	25	11	11	9	8	6	9
Dart	9.13	34	12	8	9	3	6	1
Ninian	-
Hawkeye	-

Yea, I 11-turned it. I accidentally killed Kishuna too, with a Marcus Silver-Lance crit, that I was just attacking him to see if I'd get lucky just to hit him.

Decent levels all around, even for Lyn. Also, Lowen <3 But I gotta say buhbye to Matthew T.T

Ch.20 11/101

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	14.73	30	15	9	9	7	15	5
Matthew	18.98	29	7	9	20	9	6	1
Eliwood	12.43	28	10	11	11	13	8	3
Marcus	XX/6.35	34	17	17	12	10	10	9
Lowen	19.25	38	10	13	14	15	16	7	
Lyn	10.38	23	8	12	14	10	2	3
Kent	15.60	30	11	11	11	6	8	5
Canas	12.71	25	11	11	9	8	6	9
Dart	10.50	35	13	8	9	3	6	1
Ninian	-
Hawkeye	-


MyLowen   	 20/1	41	11	14	16	15	18	9
AvgLowen	20/1	41.2	13.4	11.4	13.4	12	16.2	6.4

Took my time on this one, simply because I wanted to kill mostly everything, and Matthew needed to hit lv. 20. I wasn't gonna settle for a 10 turn when he was at 19.96. In doing so, I was able to secretshop an Unlock and 2 Silver Blades.

Lowen hit 20 (no shock there), so he's gonna promote. Lyn killed Darin, and even got Cameron too. Crit-blick with the Mani Katti, and it was by accident.

Beat this level in 11 turns on my first try...and i'm not complaining. I just wanna do this draft in, because I have so many others to do >.<

And, check out my Lowen <3 <3 <3

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Wilbert turned out surprisingly useful too, with quite nice final stats and his bow chip against flyers was also pretty helpful. I mean, in a draft like this, everyone is bound to be useful, but I'm surprised at HOW useful Wil was. Also he has 53 HP, what the fuck.

/vindicated...sort of

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The whole reason Wil (and bowlocked unpromoted GBA units in general) is terrible in LTC is there's no time to train him, and he has trouble getting many kills per turn. When you're forced to make him keep pace with the others, his growths have a chance to kick in.

24 Linus (Bah, I shouldn’t have trained the lords so much.) – 9/141

Heath and Bartre again. Hit the shops for some much needed Javelins, since Heath goes through them like sharp, pointy candy. Geitz was too far from the action to do much apart from get the Earth Seal and a few pirates. Bartre killed Linus on turn 9 EP. Or was it turn 8? Better to be safe than sorry I guess.

25 – 8/149

Heath took Castle Monk, Eliwood and Lyn took castle Bandit, later backed up by Bartre. The others took castle Cavalier.

26 – 11/160

Defense chapter means I can focus on tanking a lot of dragonknights with my shiny new horsie.

27 – 12/172

As if I didn’t need any more reminders of my lack of mageyness. I hate snow, I hate it. Eliwood and Bartre went to where Karel spawns. Heath went north to handle the archers (!) and the dragon knights who spawn in a goddamn corner. Lyn killed the bandits who converge on the starting point. Everyone else went to Jerme town.

28 – 15/187

Normal Mode, why do you not spawn more tasty bundles of exp?

28x – 0/187

Nino got a kill every PP, and several on EP, and she could get to 20 ASAP. On turn 8, she promoted. E STAVES, HOW I DETEST YOU. Luckily, I discovered a neat trick where rescuing a dude (Jaffar in this case, since he’s forced anyway) and using Marcus/Bartre to get WTD means I’m hit, and with poison weapons, basically creates a steady stream of heal EXP. With Ninian dancing her every turn, she’s more than halfway to C rank now.

Hector 19.12 36 20 12 14  9 17  6
Eli 20/15.24 50 21 25 20 20 16 17
Lyn 20/ 7.50 40 16 25 23 15  8  9
Marcus 18.86 41 21 24 17 13 11 15
Bar 20/18.37 57 30 20 17 12 15 10
Ser 20/11.48 38 16 12 17 28  7 20
Leg 20/ 1.00 35 11 16 19 14 11  6
Ninils 14.59 25  1  0 23 23  9 14
Hea 20/15.99 54 22 22 15 12 19 12
Geitz  18.20 54 23 15 18 14 13  7
Nino 20/3.17 34 16 20 20 19  9 17

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Hey, at least you got a healer. :P I'm stuck using vulneraries and elixirs until Athos shows his face in endgame. One good thing about my Sacae-only playthrough is that I get to practice not using staves.

And NO, I haven't forgotten about this. I should be able to finish my Sacae-only playthrough by the end of this this week (most likely tomorrow), and then I'll start next week. I have a few midterms that I need to work on this weekend.

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No, I did not give up. I just let Horace shadow me because. NOW. . .back to what I was doing (which is not screwing up Chapter 16).

Chapter 16 - turn count and strategy more-or-less unchanged. What changed were my stats.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       9.97  26  13    9    6    5   13    2
Matthew   Thief      9.44  23   7    8   16    6    5    1
Eliwood   Lord       7.77  23   8    8   10   11    5    0
Marcus    Paladin    5.01  33  16   16   14    9   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     4.98  18   6    6    7    5    4    2
Erk       Mage       3.64  18   7    7    8    3    3    5
Lyn       Lord       4.73  Trolled by mercs
Florina   Peggy      3.66  Is capable of killing?

Chapter 17 - 8/54

Marcus helped to ferry Hector. Priscilla ran to her brother, who ran to Lucius on turn 8. Got every single treasure chest. Money~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      12.72  28  14   10    9    6   14    2
Matthew   Thief      9.87  23   7    8   16    6    5    1
Eliwood   Lord       7.87  23   8    8   10   11    5    0
Marcus    Paladin    5.66  33  16   16   14    9   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     6.14  20   7    7    9    7    4    2
Erk       Mage       4.45  19   7    7    9    3    3    6
Lyn       Lord       4.73  Trolled by everything
Florina   Peggy      5.09  19   7   10   11   10    4    6
Lucius    Monk       3.00  Welcome~!

Chapter 17x - 7/61

Matthew became bait, and barely survived. Marcus and Hector walled Damian. Once everything died, Erk and Eliwood hit the arena twice each for a level. Hooray for rescue-dropping. Got all the villages.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      13.56  29  14   11    9    6   14    2
Matthew   Thief     11.28  25   8    9   17    7    5    1
Eliwood   Lord      10.05  25   9   10   12   12    7    2
Marcus    Paladin    7.01  34  16   16   15   10   10   11
Rebecca   Archer     7.11  21   7    8   10    7    4    3
Erk       Mage       6.29  19   7    9   10    3    3    6
Lyn       Lord       4.94  Trolled by everything
Florina   Peggy      5.22  19   7   10   11   10    4    6
Lucius    Monk       4.14  19   8    6   10    2    2    6

Chapter 18 - 10/71

Missed a couple of vulneraries, but bleh. Got the Speedwings, both Pure Waters, and some other goodies. Time to make the next chapter less painful (I hope).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      13.71  29  14   11    9    6   14    2
Matthew   Thief     12.69  26   9    9   18    7    5    1
Eliwood   Lord      10.93  25   9   10   12   12    7    2
Marcus    Paladin    7.04  34  16   16   15   10   10   11
Rebecca   Archer     8.26  22   7    8   11    8    4    4
Erk       Mage       7.81  20   7    9   10    3    4    6
Lyn       Lord       6.55  19   6   12   13    6    3    2
Florina   Peggy      7.21  21   8   10   11   11    5    8
Lucius    Monk       6.07  19  10    7   11    2    2    7

Chapter 19 - 9/80

So Rebecca, Erk, Lyn, and Florina had it rougher up north than everyone else down south. Go figure. Got Fiora for her swag. Uhai killed by a Killing Edge crit (Matthew) and Rapier (Eliwood).


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      14.86  30  15   11    9    6   14    3
Matthew   Thief     14.30  28  10   10   20    7    5    2
Eliwood   Lord      12.29  27  10   12   13   14    9    2
Marcus    Paladin    7.39  34  16   16   15   10   10   11
Rebecca   Archer     9.79  23   7    8   12    9    5    4
Erk       Mage       8.59  20   7    9   10    3    4    7
Lyn       Lord       7.81  20   6   13   14    7    4    3
Florina   Peggy      8.03  22   9   10   12   11    5    8
Lucius    Monk       7.59  20  10    7   12    2    2    8

Chapter 19x - 12/92

Matthew killed the flying things, then was ferried over the mountains by Florina to kill the arrow things. Florina hung back and stabbed mages, with Erk giving her a hand. Everyone else snagged kills here and there. Lyn eventually got the boss kill.

WTF Lucius.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      15.34  31  16   11   10    7   14    3
Matthew   Thief     18.33  31  13   12   20    9    6    2
Eliwood   Lord      13.60  27  10   13   14   15    9    2
Marcus    Paladin    7.45  34  16   16   15   10   10   11
Rebecca   Archer    11.03  24   8    9   13   10    5    5
Erk       Mage      10.18  21   7    9   11    3    5    8
Lyn       Lord       9.55  22   7   14   16    8    4    3
Florina   Peggy      8.82  22   9   10   12   11    5    8
Lucius    Monk       9.97  22  10    9   13    4    2    8

Chapter 20 - 11/103

Matthew needed to cap his level, and Erk needed experience, so that's what the delay was. I managed to snag Luna and Physic, as well.

I'm gonna miss Matthew. He was epic.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      16.26  32  17   12   10    8   14    3
Matthew   Thief     20.00  32  14   12   20   11    6    2
Eliwood   Lord      15.13  29  10   15   14   15    9    2
Marcus    Paladin    7.61  34  16   16   15   10   10   11
Rebecca   Archer    12.15  25   8   10   13   11    5    5
Erk       Mage      12.32  21   7    9   12    4    5    8
Lyn       Lord      12.07  23   9   15   18   11    5    5
Florina   Peggy     10.56  23   9   11   12   11    6    8
Lucius    Monk      11.45  23  12   10   14    4    2   10

Chapter 21 - 5/108

So this is where Legault subs in for Matthew. WHEE~!

I take a bit longer because I was having too much fun with the ballista. Got the Hero Crest for MORE FUNDS.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      16.87  32  17   12   10    8   14    3
Eliwood   Lord      15.34  29  10   15   14   15    9    2
Marcus    Paladin    7.61  34  16   16   15   10   10   11
Rebecca   Archer    13.35  26   8   10   13   11    5    5
Erk       Mage      13.37  21   8    9   12    5    5    8
Lyn       Lord      14.02  25   9   15   20   11    6    7
Florina   Peggy     10.98  23   9   11   12   11    6    8
Lucius    Monk      12.13  24  13   11   15    4    2   11
Legault   Thief     13.28  26   8   11   15   11    8    4

EDIT: And after rereading the rules, I need to restart this. Just a sec. . .

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You could buy one at the Secret Shop in Limstella's chapter. It gives you 2 chapters to get the last 19 levels from Dart, which would be difficult, but not impossible (you'd probably blow out your turncount in any case)

Hey, at least you got a healer. :P I'm stuck using vulneraries and elixirs until Athos shows his face in endgame. One good thing about my Sacae-only playthrough is that I get to practice not using staves.

You'll know for next time. Grab the dudes with the unique/useful utility first. I made the same mistakes in my first draft.

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Chapter 11 - 7/7

Nothing much changed, really.

Unless otherwise stated, all units will be promoted at level 20.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       3.40  20   7    6    5    3   10    0
Matthew   Thief      2.82  Almost there~!

Chapter 12 - 6/13

Matthew was having hit problems. Rebecca and Eliwood struggled south.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       5.52  22   8    7    6    5   11    1
Matthew   Thief      4.69  19   4    4   13    2    5    0
Eliwood   Lord       1.31  Base everything
Marcus    Paladin    1.18  Base everything
Rebecca   Archer     1.75  Base everything

Chapter 13 - 8/21

Got Guy, and Matthew managed to sit on a mountain, which saved his life. Rebecca and Eliwood took the rear.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       6.96  23   8    8    6    5   11    1
Matthew   Thief      6.64  21   5    4   13    3    5    0
Eliwood   Lord       2.25  19   5    6    8    8    6    0
Marcus    Paladin    1.42  Base everything
Rebecca   Archer     2.83  17   4    6    7    4    3    1

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How do you miss the Ocean Seal?

I restarted Living Legend so many times, that I must have just overlooked my completed file not having it >.<

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Ch.21 4/105

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	15.50	31	16	9	10	7	16	5
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	13.80	29	10	12	11	13	8	4
Marcus	XX/6.50	34	17	17	12	10	10	9
Lowen	20/1.00	41	11	14	16	15	18	9	
Lyn	13.77	24	10	14	17	11	2	5
Kent	16.87	31	12	11	12	6	8	5
Canas	13.99	26	12	12	10	8	6	9
Dart	11.75	35	14	8	9	4	7	1
Legault	12.00	26	8	11	15	10	8	3
Ninian	Base, yo
Hawkeye	-

Canas Exp dumpster. Got all the villages. And umm, Lyn shopped. bought more Hand Axes for the

crew. Ended up giving a Speedwings to Canas so he could ORKO the Wyverns, and it was a wise

investment. He dodgetanked like a boss with Flux, nothing was over 45% hit.

Ch.22 7/112

7 turned it for the win~ Canas killed Eubans, allowing him to reach Lv.20 and promote for the

desert level. Got the treasures, but didn't feel like secretshopping. Also recruited everyone,

just because Hector was going that way anyway, Lyn was going over there to bust the wall...it

was just convienent. Oh, and Legs stole a lockpick.

Ch.23 6/118

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	15.82	31	16	9	10	7	16	5
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	14.48	29	10	13	12	14	8	5
Marcus	XX/6.68	34	17	17	12	10	10	9
Lowen	20/2.14	42	11	15	16	15	18	10	
Lyn	14.10	24	10	15	18	12	2	5
Kent	18.45	33	14	12	13	6	8	5
Canas	20/1.00	36	14	14	19*	10	10	13
Dart	13.27	35	14	9	11	5	8	2
Legault	12.10	26	8	11	15	10	8	3
Ninian	2.10	14	0	0	13	11	5	4
Hawkeye	-
* indicated statbooster for that stat

Promoted Kent in the middle of the fight, because why not. Canas ripped shit apart, especially

both bosses, but we couldn't reach the experience for the Gaiden. No worries, we'll survive.

Also, Filla's Might/BodyRing/Eclipse/OceanSeal get.

Ch.24 2/120

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	15.82	31	16	9	10	7	16	5
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	14.48	29	10	13	12	14	8	5
Marcus	XX/6.68	34	17	17	12	10	10	9
Lowen	20/2.14	42	11	15	16	15	18	10	
Lyn	14.10	24	10	15	18	12	2	5
Kent	20/1.00	37	17	14	16	6	10	6		
Canas	20/4.52	37	15	15	20*	11	11	14	
Dart	13.83	35	14	9	11	5	8	2
Legault	12.48	26	8	11	15	10	8	3
Ninian	2.72	14	0	0	13	11	5	4
Hawkeye	X/4.00	50	18	14	11	13	14	10
* indicated statbooster for that stat

Bought some Swordreavers and Lancereavers and Axereavers. Also, Filla's Might Lowen hurt Lloyd

a lot, and Eliwood finished him off.

Ch.25 8???/128???

So lazy I didn't even check my stats.

I forgot to doublecheck my TC on this...shit.

Anyway, levels. The norm. Didn't shop, and Didn't recruit Farina. Also, Afa's drops on our good

friend Legault.

Ch.26 11/139??

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	15.82	31	16	9	10	7	16	5
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	14.48	29	10	13	12	14	8	5
Marcus	XX/6.68	34	17	17	12	10	10	9
Lowen	20/2.14	42	11	15	16	15	18	10	
Lyn	14.10	24	10	15	18	12	2	5
Kent	20/1.00	37	17	14	16	6	10	6		
Canas	20/4.52	37	15	15	20*	11	11	14	
Dart	13.83	35	14	9	11	5	8	2
Legault	12.48	26	8	11	15	10	8	3
Ninian	2.72	14	0	0	13	11	5	4
Hawkeye	X/4.00	50	18	14	11	13	14	10
* indicated statbooster for that stat

Got some good levels here. Scored a lucky Eclipse hit on Vaida, bringing her down to 30. Then,

Hawkeye got severely beat up by her, and Canas finished her with a Luna crit. Schweet~ Canas

also hit D in staves, after Heal/Dance/Heals ensued. I didn't get the village, but if I

remember correctly, it's shit.

Also, Lyn hit 20, so promotion time for her. And, bought a lot of Killer weaponry. Ugh, on to

Ch27. The chapter that's holding up my other FE7 draft....

Ch.27 12/151??

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	16.52	32	17	9	10	8	16	6
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	16.74	31	11	14	12	15	9	6
Marcus	XX/9.54	37	17	19	14	10	11	12
Lowen	20/8.38	47	12	19	17	18	21	12	
Lyn	20/1.00	33	15	21	20	16	6	12
Kent	20/7.84	41	21	18	18	7	10	8		
Canas	20/7.31	40	16	17	21*	11	12	14	
Dart	19.05	38	19	11	14	10	10	2
Legault	16.60	27	9	12	17	13	9	5
Ninian	4.86	16	0	0	14	12	5	6
Hawkeye	X/6.05	50	18	15	12	14	14	10
* indicated statbooster for that stat

Meh, 12 turns. I fricken hate this chapter. Karel showed up, because I just wanted to blaze

through, and I didn't even recruit him anyway. Stupid Wo Dao. Got some goodie levels though,

but I messed up because Dart was at 19.77, and none of the enemy wyverns would target him over

Hawkeye...so he's still at 19.77. Looks like I'll promote him mid-battle in BBD...whoop de doo.

Oh Snap, Merlinus promoted!

Ch.28 15/166

First, I want to start by saying Fuck it all! I don't think I have the Ocean Seal. I redid the

desert so many times, and it looks like somehow I fucking ditched it. Fuckdammit! I'm a fucking

idiot...Oh well. I'll just complete this crap. I have what, 5 chapters to go?

Oh, to top it off, I neglected to buy Flux tomes in Chapter 26. Ok, well, I have 3 Lunas (2

full, one at 23). I'll see if I can burn through one of them. May as well, only need a few uses

for Athos and Canas anyway. Torch spam for Canas time. Ok, Stats

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	16.52	32	17	9	10	8	16	6
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	16.74	31	11	14	12	15	9	6
Marcus	XX/9.54	37	17	19	14	10	11	12
Lowen	20/8.38	47	12	19	17	18	21	12	
Lyn	20/1.00	33	15	21	20	16	6	12
Kent	20/7.84	41	21	18	18	7	10	8		
Canas	20/7.31	40	16	17	21*	11	12	14	
Dart	19.05	38	19	11	14	10	10	2
Legault	16.60	27	9	12	17	13	9	5
Ninian	4.86	16	0	0	14	12	5	6
Hawkeye	X/6.05	50	18	15	12	14	14	10
* indicated statbooster for that stat

Alright. I ended up killing Ursula pretty damn quickly, so I guess if there were

Reinforcements, they didn't get to show up. Ok, synopsis. Got all the treasure. Dart hit

20/Fuckitall. Canas staffspammed his way to B-rank (Oh Snap, Physic staff time) by burning an

entire Torch staff, using an Unlock, and Barrier'ing shit while Ninian danced for him. Eliwood

is almost ready to promote.

Ch.28x 18/184

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	19.03	34	18	11	11	10	18	7
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	18.31	32	12	16	14	16	9	6
Marcus	X/12.00	39	18	20	14	11	11	14
Lowen	20/12.5051	13	21	20	20	22	15	
Lyn	20/3.63	34	16	22	22	17	7	13	
Kent	20/13.8446	21	20	20	7	13	9		
Canas	20/13.0545	21	18	21*	14	14	17	
Dart	20/FU!	39	20	11	14	11	10	2
Legault	18.51	27	9	14	18	14	9	5
Ninian	7.18	18	0	0	15	15	6	8
Hawkeye	X/7.96	51	19	16	12	15	14	11
* indicated statbooster for that stat

Got the treasure. All of it. Canas 2x'd Sonia for 22, with Luna, which was exactly enough to

ORKO her even w/o a crit. Also promoted Eliwood mid-battle. Ready to promote Legs. Lyn at C-

bows. And...not much else. 18 turns. Yuck.

Ch.29 8/192

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	20.--	35	18	11	12	11	19	8
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	20/3.90	38	18	18	18	17	10	11
Marcus	X/14.22	41	19	21	14	11	11	15
Lowen	20/13.2452	14	21	20	21	22	15
Lyn	20/6.65	36	17	24	24	19	7	15
Kent	20/15.2248	21	22	22	8	13	10		
Canas	20/14.9046	22	18	21*	14	14	17	
Dart	20.FU!	39	20	11	14	11	10	2
Legault	20/1.00	32	10	15	20	16	11	8
Ninian	8.57	26*	0	0	16	15	7	8
Hawkeye	X/12.35	55	20	18	12	17	15	12
* indicated statbooster for that stat

Cog of Destiny. Yarg. From PFoD to VoD is the hardest most painful stretch of any game I've

ever played, and for that, I just want to get this over with. I beat the last chapter in 2

tries (because I accidentally left Ninian in Bolting range on my first try.) Sparked no

reinforcements, and managed an 8-turn complete, as well as getting Warp and buying a few

silvers/Flux tomes. Now, everyone is promoted except for Dart, so I'm gonna remove the 20/--

from my level information.

And btw, Canas rips shit up with Fenrir. So much shit, that he's 1ex point from 20/20. Damn.

Stats coming up after Ch.30, since I don't wanna update it for 3 people.

Ch.30 10/202

Got 2 wolf beils and a Tomahawk. Not too shabby. Also, Eliwood Killing-Edged the boss for a

ORKO. Didn't stand a chance. I deployed Legs and Eliwood, to get them some much needed

experience. I probably would've deployed Dart, but you know.

Ch.31 11/213


Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	4.06	41	18	14	16	14	22	14
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	8.59	42	21	22	20	20	11	14
Marcus	17.07	44	20	22	14	12	12	15
Lowen	15.71	54	15	23	21	22	22	17
Lyn	8.07	37	18	25	26	21	7	15
Kent	17.56	50	22	24	23	9	13	10		
Canas	19.99	49	25	20	23*	17	16	20	
Dart(u)	20.FU!	39	20	11	14	11	10	2
Legault	4.23	35	10	15	23	17	11	9
Nils	9.29	26*	0	1	16	16	8	8	(Ninian failed)
Hawkeye	12.85	55	20	18	12	17	15	12
* indicated statbooster for that stat

F'd over on the White Gem, because I forgot that Legs can't steal, and 1 enemy thief managed to

snag both the Shield and the Gem. I got the Ring and the Shield though. I just hope I have

enough money to buy that Ocean Seal for Dart next chapter...

Also, Lyn his B-bows, so Brave Bow time for her. Almost Silver, then she can rip shit up with

those. and Legs Silencer'd Denning. Thank goodness...he wouldn't shut up! HAHAHA And Look at

Lowen's upcoming stas. 22-22-22 Spd/Luk/Def. Holy Nuggets.

Ch31x 5/218

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	9.53	46	20	15	17	15	24	16
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	12.19	46	24	25	22	23	13	14
Marcus	17.53	44	20	22	14	12	12	15
Lowen	16.67	55	15	23	22	22	22	17
Lyn	12.96	40	19	27	30	22	9	17
Kent	17.76	50	22	24	23	9	13	10		
Canas	20.--	49	25	20	24*	17	16	20	
Dart(u)	20.FU!	39	20	11	14	11	10	2
Legault	6.50	36	11	15	24	19	11	9
Nils	9.29	26*	0	1	16	16	8	8	(Ninian failed)
Hawkeye	14.21	56	21	18	12	18	16	12
* indicated statbooster for that stat
**Hector recieved the Boots

I used Boots on Hector. umm....I have a Robe, a Speedwings, 2 Icons, 2 Body Rings (saving one for Athos), and 2 Secret Books. Who should get them? I dunno

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Give the Ring to Eliwood. If he doesn't max Speed by Light, give him the Wings, too. Otherwise, Wings to Hawkeye, maybe. Doesn't really matter where the rest go.

EDIT: Depending on how you do this, you might want to give Eliwood the Ring right before Light, where dropping Hector doesn't matter.

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What eclipse said, and apart from the Wings and the Ring, most are useless at this stage of the game. Sell them if you don't have 50K in gold.

And 28x doesn't count towards your turns total.

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Chapter 13x - 7/28

This time, Eliwood went south, while Marcus raced to the village, and everyone else did their best to get experience.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       7.67  24   9    9    6    6   11    1
Matthew   Thief      8.57  23   5    4   14    3    5    1
Eliwood   Lord       3.55  20   6    7    8    8    6    1
Marcus    Paladin    1.70  Base everything
Rebecca   Archer     4.12  19   5    6    8    5    4    3

Chapter 14 - 5/33

Semi-standard rush, which was kinda ruined when Rebecca stole a kill from Erk. Didn't get to go shopping, but I think I'll live for two chapters.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       8.42  25  10    9    7    7   11    1
Matthew   Thief      9.28  24   5    4   14    4    5    1
Eliwood   Lord       4.30  20   6    7    9    8    6    2
Marcus    Paladin    3.07  33  17   17   11    9   10    8
Rebecca   Archer     4.85  19   5    6    8    5    4    3
Erk       Mage       1.33  Now you can redeem yourself~!

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Ch.32 26/244

Well, I got the Oceal Seal for Dart. Some levels all around. And Fortify for Canas (or Athos, dunno yet).

Lyn hit A in bows..but not S, so no Reinflech for her (yet anyway).

Legault got 11 Crits in a row on an EP. Ridiculous.

Umm...not much else that you probably don't already know. Stats coming up, because I'm using boosts.

Ch.Final 5/249

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	16.24	53	26	22*	21*	20**	25	18	*Body Ring & Boots
Matthew	20.--	31	8	10	20	11	7	1
Eliwood	18.18	52	24	26	24	25	13	16
Marcus	19.35	45	21	22	14	13	13	15
Lowen	19.28	58	17	24	22	25	24	17
Lyn	17.72	43	20	29	30	25	9	19
Kent	20.--	52	22	25	23	10	13	11		
Canas	20.--	49	25	20	24*	17	16	20	
Dart(u)	6.71	46	24	14	18	12	13	5
Legault	17.15	41	13	20	30	23	14	13
Nils	12.05	29	0	1	19	17	12*	10	(Ninian failed)
Hawkeye	19.18	58	24	18	13	19	16	13
Athos	Win	47*	30	24	20	25	20	28	*Body Ring
* indicated statbooster for that stat

Alright, The usual stuff here. Hector equipped with Wolf Beil opened Darin's door. Lyn standing next to him Silver-bow'd a Sniper in Uhai's room. Dart opened Ursula's room, and Hawkeye ran in and Critkilled Ursula. Legault opens Brendan's room, and Nils danced for him, letting him move up one square (so Jerme wouldn't attack him on EP. Everyone else moves north towards the next set of rooms.

EP1, Counter critKills as follows:

Hector on Darin

Lyn on Uhai

Legault on Brendan

Legault on Warrior

Hector on General

Lyn on Sniper

Turn 2, open Kenneth's room and the Reed Bros. room. Athos and Canas proc Luna crits on both of them, and my Paladins take out the Magic room. Dart crits Jerme, and Hawkeye finished him (both with Swordreaver/Swordslayer respectively.

Then, the door opened. Moved the rest as best as I could, and ended the turn.

Turn 3 & EP, Kent got Berserked and killed Nils >.<, but I was able to have Canas move and then dance-move again towards Nergal. Everyone else moved up.

Turn 4, Me expecting Canas not to ORKO Nergal, I attacked him before the Druids, and Procced another Luna crit on Nergal, OHKO'ing Nergal.

Final1 - 4 Turns.

The Dragon could be doubled by Athos, Hector, & Canas, so I had fun and went with Canas first (he was on a Roll after all). Then, Canas pulled 2 crits (at 11%) and ORKO'd Dragon for 75x2. Thing is, if no one proc'd a crit, Canas for 25x2, Athos for 30x2, and Hector for 22x2 would have 1 turned the dragon anyway. The crits were gravy. Pure Gravy.

Final2- 1 Turn.

Bringing my total to... Final being 5 turns, and 5/249 ( I Think)

I'm gonna get my confirmation though here..

11 6

12 5

13 11

13x 8

14 5

15 8

16 5

17 10

17x 4

18 10

19 7

19x 11

20 11

21 4

22 7

23 6

24 2

25 8

26 12

27 12

28 16

28x 18

29 8

30 10

31 12

31x 6

32 26

Final 5

Total 253

Protect chapters as what they display, so take out 1 turn from chapters 13x, 15, 22, 25, 27, 30 & 31x, should equal 253-7=246. Apparently I overestimated my TC and made some mistakes, but those are the chapters that don't end early if you kill the boss early (I believe...could someone check on 22's Eubans for me?)

Ok, ((275-246)/5)=((29)/5)=(5.8)

And, Level Time

Unit	Join Level	Finishing Level	Level Contributions

Hector	1		20/17		19+16	=34
Matthew	2		20		18	=18
Eliwood	1		20/18		19+17	=36
Marcus	xx/1		XX/20		0+19	=19
Lowen	2		20/20		18+19	=37
Lyn	4		20/19		15+18	=33
Kent	5		20/20		14+19	=33
Canas	8		20/20		11+19	=30
Dart	8		20/06		11+5	=16
Legault	12		20/18		7+17	=24
Hawkeye	xx/4		XX/20		0+16	=16
Athos	20		XX/20		0	=0
Nils	1		12.05 (Before killed)	=11
				Total	-310

310 in Combined gained levels.

307 + 5.8 = 313.8

Holy Crap I'm Done! Post-game Wrap-up coming soon...

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Chapter 15 - 7/40

This time, I left Sealen alive until the very last minute, and got the Longbow. Also nabbed another Lockpick, too~!

Ahem. . .

Hector went all the way south, where he was tinked by the sword guys. Rebecca and Eliwood were busy north. Matthew stole a Vulnerary, then the Lockpick. Erk got potshots where he could, and Marcus aided Hector when necessary.

Eliwood. WTF. Your Defense is higher than your Strength. You are not Oswin.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       9.38  25  10   10    7    7   12    1
Matthew   Thief      9.49  24   5    4   14    4    5    1
Eliwood   Lord       5.39  21   6    7   10    8    7    3
Marcus    Paladin    4.24  34  17   17   12    9   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     5.52  20   5    6    9    5    4    3
Erk       Mage       2.35  18   6    7    7    3    2    4

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