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Crash, do you ever wonder why people are rude to you on this site

do you

because of what you say

I suggest you actually think before you type out these posts, because judging a character as a slut simply because they "look" like one (which is entirely subjective in itself) makes you come off a complete asshole.

Isn't that a bit of an overreaction to someone judging a video game character "poorly" though?

Then consider both, or else you'll need to use one of the dreaded valkyries every now and then for Restore duty.

Considering both then. And what about Niime/Yodel for short-term Staff duty?

Kliens a bit better on HM

I can see. Is he still workable on Normal though? Someone unfavourably compared NM Klein to Louise (Who I haven't used) and Innes (Who I like).

Sue takes babying and has LOLstr


Shin or Igrene is best IMO

I definitely want Shin did that come out wrong?

Now, what about Fir? Sacae or Ilia?

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Isn't that a bit of an overreaction to someone judging a video game character "poorly" though?

Now, what about Fir? Sacae or Ilia?

Not really, since you do complain about people mocking you, and yet, that's sort of why they do. Because you're sort of incredulous and judgmental on appearances o 3 o

Fir has some pretty lolstr on normal mode, and you've already got Rutger

Sacae is definitely easier.

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Niime eeds 2 robes, but s golden once she gets them.

Yodels good for staves

Shins good

Thany's good

Tate, I cannot say anything here, because I've had bad E with her.

Kliens useable

All mounts are decent-awesome in fe6

Firs got str problems n NM

Oh, and Lotts decent in NM, he's fun to use.

With Dieck support

Edited by The Insane One
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Not really, since you do complain about people mocking you, and yet, that's sort of why they do. Because you're sort of incredulous and judgmental on appearances o 3 o

But I'm a living, breathing human being and Igrene's just a video game character, like the others.

Fir has some pretty lolstr on normal mode, and you've already got Rutger

Fair cop.

Sacae is definitely easier.


And I know that Charlie. In fact, what about Tate/Thany as combatants?

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But I'm a living, breathing human being and Igrene's just a video game character, like the others.

Fair cop.


And I know that Charlie. In fact, what about Tate/Thany as combatants?

And so what? The fact that you would judge someone who looked like that as a slut is pretty dickish.

Yes, really.

Thany is viable on NM because her strength isn't that much of a deterrent, but Tate is shit.

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Igrene LOOKS like a tramp.

This is all I really have to comment on. Looking like a tramp =/= being a tramp.

I look like I should be in middle school. I'm 22. Clearly, looking like one thing does not mean you are.

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Niime eeds 2 robes, but s golden once she gets them.

Yodels good for staves

Shins good

Thany's good

Tate, I cannot say anything here, because I've had bad E with her.

Kliens useable

All mounts are decent-awesome in fe6

Firs got str problems n NM

Oh, and Lotts decent in NM, he's fun to use.

With Dieck support

All sounds fine, except maybe Lot, I'm unsure about him, I did suspect you'd bring him up though.

Name's clearly Juno


And so what? The fact that you would judge someone who looked like that as a slut is pretty dickish.

So there's a difference between the people here insulting me and me insulting Igrene.

And the fact that you'd get on someone's case for not liking some random crappy video game character is dickish squared.

Yes, really.

Might I ask what makes it easier?

Thany is viable on NM because her strength isn't that much of a deterrent, but Tate is shit.

Sounds fair

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So there's a difference between the people here insulting me and me insulting Igrene.

And the fact that you'd get on someone's case for not liking some random crappy video game character is dickish squared.

I think you're missing the point, crash. It's not because you're judging a VIDEO GAME character. It's because you're judging by appearances. Sure, it's easy to say that a certain fictional character looks like a slut. But do you see how easily that logic can be carried into real life? The point is, either way, you're looking at something you know nothing about (I'm assuming you've never played FE6 or know its characters) and you judge it just by what you see, other than what you know.

Let's say that Igrene was not fictional. Say that you saw some woman who was dressed like her at ... I don't know, a club or something. Say it's hot, like the southwest. Would you automatically decide she's a slut for dressing like that? :\ The others are not getting on your case because you're calling a video game character a slut. They're on your case because you're judging something you know nothing about on the simple basis of appearance.

Hasn't anyone told you, "never judge a book by its cover"?

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Thank you Boron <3

Although, I think your time is being wasted, Crash will continue to be as ignorant as he always is. I just argue it because his 'logic' gives me a good laugh :3c

Might I ask what makes it easier?

Nomad troopers, on NM, are easier to deal with than tight corridors and pegasus/falco knights.

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Well, it rather bothers me that he's dismissing Igrene as a "slut" simply because of how she dresses. :\ I mean, if he truly and honestly thought - after reading Igrene's support conversations and interactions with the other characters - that she was one, that's his opinion and I wouldn't argue with it. But ... judging simply by how she looks? That kind of logic will get people into trouble IN REAL LIFE, and it's more than just a little rude in real life, too.


I wouldn't judge the hypothetical person because she's real, I only use this logic for fictional characters I don't like.

But do you see how easily that logic can carry into real life? It's very easy to judge very real people that you don't like by what you see. Even if you say that you only hold this standard for fictional characters and not real people, it's very easy to forget that ... especially in the face of a person you don't like.

Edited by Boron
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I definitely want Shin did that come out wrong?

Everybody wants some Shin!

Crash, it's up to you if you want to use Igrene. However, her dialogue and support conversations might surprise you. She even fends off the mighty Saul! Well, it looks like you might be heading to Sacae, since it depends on how you've leveled the pegs/nomads.

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Nomad troopers, on NM, are easier to deal with than tight corridors and pegasus/falco knights.

Fair 'nuff.

But do you see how easily that logic can carry into real life? It's very easy to judge very real people that you don't like by what you see. Even if you say that you only hold this standard for fictional characters and not real people, it's very easy to forget that ... especially in the face of a person you don't like.

Don't worry, it's tightly reserved for video game characters. I think I once used it on Mist when I hated her.

Also, I don't think it was her outfit so much as it was the rest of her.

Everybody wants some Shin!

That really made me chuckle, thanks! :lol:

Crash, it's up to you if you want to use Igrene.

Then I won't.

However, her dialogue and support conversations might surprise you. She even fends off the mighty Saul!

Saul hit on her?! He must be really desperate... I don't know what to say. :mellow:

Well, it looks like you might be heading to Sacae, since it depends on how you've leveled the pegs/nomads.

You're probably right, it sounds like it's Shin versus Thany so...

Thany is better in NM, and has a ice seed buffer for iron/gant lance use

Also, she's a great prepromote cadidate for the whip

If she gets to lvl 10 by ch 8

Sorry, what did you mean by "ice seed buffer" and "gant lance"? No offence, I think you might've made a typo and I'm slightly confused.

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As usual Crash makes himself seem like the huge tool that he is...

Stop being such a twat. I have no idea what even makes you think Igrene is a "slut" other than the fact her appearance doesn't appeal to you which by default makes her a "slut" in your eyes.

Maybe you should read her support conversations to see just how wrong you are in your stupid assumptions based on appearances.

As for the "I only reserve this "logic" for fictional characters" shit. There's just no way you keep fiction and non-fiction separate as you claim. I suggest you try to open your sealed mind. There's a lot of different things in the world and there's no reason to be afraid of these differences which "challenge" your views.

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I only have something to say to this part:

As for the "I only reserve this "logic" for fictional characters" shit. There's just no way you keep fiction and non-fiction separate as you claim.

Umm, yeah there is! It's bloody easy!

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Nice Speed Buffer.

#@$@#^#^#^ing keyboard

Thought so, what about "gant lance"?
Also, by that logc, all caucasians are sluts, because I'm not attracted to them.

That's not my logic, to think of another FE6 archer, I know Dorothy isn't a slut.

Also, don't you "like" Echidna and Lalum?

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Thought so, what about "gant lance"?

That's not my logic, to think of another FE6 archer, I know Dorothy isn't a slut.

Also, don't you "like" Echidna and Lalum?

Echidna yes.

Lalum, yes

Also, that was'nt my point

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I'm just going to point out that in general, if you're asking about what characters you should use in a game, you should keep an open mind for all characters. There's no purpose in doing so when you've already made up your mind as to what characters you're not going to use.

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