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[FE12] A wild draft appeared!


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Sorry for being away. Had exams.

Nice RNG team. Really. xD

Exams are more important than FE drafts, lol. I wish I got that through my head myself...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, I decided to do this and finish this... I hope. First off, I made MU a fighter. Orphan/Beauty/Enlightenment build.

C1: 5 turns

Reclasses: Cecille to Myrmidon

RP: Luke, Marth, Arran, Cecille

Bumrush. Cecille and Luke get training. Marth got a bosskill after Arran weakened him with Silver Lance.

C2: 6 turns

Relasses: Cecille to Cavalier, Arran to DK

RP: Cecille, Arran, Luke, Marth

RP allowed me to bumrush pretty easily. Luke got the bosskill.

C3: 14 turns

Reclasses: Arran to General

RP: Luke, Marth, Cecille

I skipped Bord because fuck Bord when I have Lawliet(MU). Recruited Julian. Oh yeah, Luke gets another boss kill. Palla gets another Silver Lance and Master Seal. Linde gets some training too.

C3x: 6 turns

Reclasses: None.

RP: None

Bumrush again. Nothing noteworthy, except MU rocks. Lol who needs hammer when you've got raw power?

Also the stats are hw I've reclassed my team for C4.

Name	Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon Rank
Marth	Lord	9.53	29	10	00	12	13	12	08	00	D Swords
Arran	SM	4.43	26	08	00	19	17	04	09	03	C Swords
Cecille	Cavvy	9.27	22	08	00	09	13	11	10	00	D Swords, C Lances
Luke	Cavvy	9.53	28	11	00	10	11	06	11	00	D Swords, D Lances
Linde	Mage	7.13	22	00	06	07	11	11	02	04	D Magic
Lawliet	Hero	13/1	39	19	03	20	18	08	14	03	B Axes, D swords	

C4: 6 turns

RP: Marth

Marth is warped to recruit Castor(because that dude has some potential). Sirius bumrushes everything. Everyone else kills stuff near the starting area.

C5: 5 turns

Reclasses: Castor to pirate for Arena training, then to cavalier for the chapter.

RP: Cecille, Castor, Luke, marth

Julian Recruits Rickard and gets attacked by mages. Arran, Castor and Cecille kill those mages why Luke runs after the thief with a master seal. Marth charges towards the throne with the help of lawliet, who smashes everything with a Steel Sword( I want that sword rank!). Cecille kills a sniper with a crit.

C6: 9 turns

Reclasses: None

Rickard steals, MU kills reinforcements, Marth and the others charge towards the boss. Oh yeah, Marth, Castor and Cecille use rainbow potion. Linde aurabombs the two bishops near the starting area.

C6x: 1 turn

Linde critkills Roro. Rescue shenanigans.

C7: 6 turns

Couldve been done in 5, I think. Anyway, Cecille is promoted to DK. Arran and Mu reclassed to Dracos. I got all the treasure.

C8: 4 turns

I bum rush with everyone and use Linde to take out two generals via Feena. Everyone gets their lovely exp.

Edited by Marth
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's about time I got this started. I actually finished the prologue a long time ago, but I got distracted with other... things, like Mass Effect 3. Anyway, I completed the prologue with a female Myrm!MU named Alex, funneling all EXP into her and Rody.

Chapter 1

Reclass Rody to Pirate, Arran to Hero (In theory, it was to raise his axe rank a little, but that ended up being worthless.) Rody, Alex and Marth head northeast, while Arran gets the all-important job of visiting the armory to buy 1-2 range and then getting the bullion. Alex and Rody decimate everything and Rody kills Lawrence.

Rainbow Potion: Rody


Chapter 2

Reclass Arran to Draco. Catria shows up. Marth, Alex and Rody head north, Catria follows. Warren dies for exp. Arran kills the thief on turn two after the other enemies move east, lady sword get.

Rainbow Potion: None


Chapter 3

So I read in another topic about some crazies who decided that skipping Julian and Rickard might be faster in the long run, so what the hell, I'm going to try it. Reclass Arran to bishop. His fighting days are done. Reclass Alex to Mage, giving her fire and resire. This lets her build tome rank/magic for potential resire/aura use later and continue to grow speed for other classes. She fights the initial dracos while Marth heads to get the bridge key. Rody crosses the water and kills the cavs, including Matthias. And the ballistae. And the boss. And the other dracos to the east. Rody is nuts. Catria helps lure and kill the northwest dracos. Palla died by my mistake, fortunately nothing of value was lost.

Rainbow Potion: Alex, Rody, Catria.


Chapter 3x

Nice, short and easy. My team kills the armors turn 1 while Marth moves as far as he can. Catria helps Wrys survive. Marth advances and seizes.

Rainbow Potion: None


Chapter 4

Ogma recruits Sirius, Yumina moves next to Sirius and rescues Marth to the south, who advances towards the throne. Catria kills the southern thief while Alex and Rody kill the bandits near the starting area. Yumina dies on the enemy phase. Marth engages the boss turn 2 and seizes turn 3.

Rainbow Potion: Marth


Chapter 5

Rody promotes and reclasses to Draco. Alex and Marth cross the bridge. Rody kills the master seal thief, the dracos and buys door keys on the last turn. Ogma recruits Barst and they kill some stuff in the east alongside Catria. Catria claims the physic staff on the last turn.

RP: Catria


Chapter 6

Marth grabs libra turn 2, then gets rescued by Arran turn 3. Rody and Catria break open the upper right path, while Ogma, Alex and Barst kills the enemies on the left side. Ogma recruited Samto for his killing edge. Norne get. She chipped a random enemy on the last turn while Rody claimed the bosskill. I did deploy Yubello here (forgot last chapter) but he barely did anything.

RP: Catria, Barst, Ogma, Marth (Went a bit overboard here, as Ogma didn’t really see combat.)


Chapter 6x

Move north turn 1, Marth seizes turn 2. Caesar’s dumb ass suicided into Alex. Rody claims another soul… I mean, another bosskill.

RP: None


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Damnit now im not the only one going female myrm for this draft >_>. Also, i havent started this because i have yet to find a way to get RP maturity drop and stuff on emulator...also, the build i was planning for my myrm MU was: Past: Str Mag Base +2 Str and Mag growth +5%. Present: HP base +2 HP growth +20%. Future: +10% Def growth. Also, i dont think myrmidon/swordmaster MU is broke enough to be banned, choosing myrmidon prevents you from getting the awesome bishop MU, which is like, the most reliable gharnef killer and has clutch nosferatu moments...

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Honestly I'm not 100% convinced any MU build is broken, considering how strong Luke/Rody are. Sure MU is pretty much a superior version of them no matter what, but never really to the point of saving any turns.

Arran and Mu reclassed to Dracos

Also, if this in't a typo, Marth, MU is not allowed to be reclassed to Dracoknight.

Chapter 7

Reclassed Ogma to Cav. Marth goes east through the woods, helped along the way by Feena. Catria and Rody kill everything. Got all the treasure. Barst, Ogma and Alex deal with the fire dragon and the reinforcements to the west.

RP: Marth, Ogma


Chapter 8

Reclassed Catria to Cav, Barst to pirate. (Derp should have done that in chapter 6.) Head north, kill stuff. Roger lives, George does not. Got the arms scroll.

RP: Marth, Ogma


Up next, chapter 9. Two people I have to recruit and two treasures I have to get without the thieves, with mages and dracoknights everywhere. Fun times ahoy.

The team so far:

Marth: Pretty cool guy. Rainbow potion makes him much better. Will probably have him use a killing edge for the next few chapters, since I'm going to be too poor to afford much forging.

Alex: Slices, dices, excellent overall. Almost C tomes from her stint as a mage, so I can have her kill Garnef if needed. I plan to promote her to Falco as her primary class. She's not really one-rounding as a mage ATM, but after 9 and 11 I'll promote her and switch her back to physical.

Rody: Pirate -> Draco just decimates everything. Absurd HP, strength and speed makes him a killing machine.

Barst and Ogma: No Rody, but both are pretty solid overall. It's looking like I will need to prepromote one of them to have another draco to speed through chapter 9. Barst is looking better and has an axe rank, so it will probably be him.

Arran: Lol staffbot. Not a single stat breaks into double digits outside HP. Almost at C staves!

Catria: She's Catria. Absurd growths, flies, is generally awesome.

Yubello: Worthless derp. 0 Magic as a curate. He really sucks. Probably won't even see use as a staffbot due to Arran and Etzel.

Norne: Still at base, but I'm debating trying to train her as a peg knight. Playing for speed makes training her rough.

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How do you know you have finals? When Fire Emblem suddenly seems way more interesting then it has the last few months. (Hopefully the double post isn't a problem, it's pretty big to edit in.)

Chapter 9

Finally figured this one out. Promote and reclass Barst to Draco. Catria javelins the thief with the thief staff on turn 1, sending it to the convoy. Yubello withdraws it and grabs the boots, which he also sends to the convoy. Marth moves north and uses the boots, getting danced by Feena to moves as far north as he can, accompanied by Draco Rody/Barst and Mage Alex. Marth dodges one of the mages EP, allow him to vulnerary and be healed to restore health next turn. Turn 2, Marth recruits Etzel and gets danced, moving north again. Turn 3, he continues out of the sand, allowing him to reach Minerva's village turn 5. In the meanwhile, the rest of my team clears the enemies and the boss out, while Yubello steals the chest shard. Turn 5, Marth recruits Minerva and is rescued and then danced, allowing him to seize turn 5. Alex fought 2 rounds in the arena on the last turn.

RP: Marth, Barst, Alex, Norne (Was going to use her as a decoy but it wasn't needed in my final strategy.)


Chapter 10

Standard 2 turn. Draco Wendell recruits Ellerean.

RP: None


Chapter 10x

Kill the front two Roros, then Rody kills the boss.

RP: None


Chapter 11

Rody flew north and obliterated the opposition. Caeda followed to recruit Jake with member and silver cards in hand. Etzel ran to the throne, offing wyrms with Excalibur. Everyone else killed stuff to the east and helped out near the throne. All treasure was acquired. Caeda bought a hammer, a ridersbane, a wrymslayer and a dragonpike.

RP: Etzel, Barst, Minerva


Chapter 12

This chapter can burn in a firey hell. Oh, wait. Jake reclassed to sniper. Promote Alex to Falcoknight. Forged Minerva a +2 dragonpike. Got Marth some 5 levels in the arena. Marth charged north and then west. Alex and Minerva dealt with the wryms and then helped clear the dragons near the throne. Rody helped clear out the top and then got the shard. Arran spammed physic for support and because staff rank.

RP: Jake, Minerva, Marth


Chapter 13

Alex, Rody and Barst escort Marth north. Rest of the team moves to the east, killing stuff and getting the dragonpike after the thief swipes it. Catria master seals after leveling.


Chapter 13x

I don't think a one turn clear here is possible unless someone other than Marth has the boots. Catria reclassed to paladin. Kill some ballistae turn 1, kill stuff enemy phase, mop up turn 2. Got Iote's shield.

RP: Minerva, Barst


Chapter 14

Promote Raiden. Charge! Rody gets warp. Etzel rescues Marth after he talks to Gandalf Gotoh. Thief staff the again staff.


RP: Barst, Minerva, Raiden, Jake

Chapter 15

My fliers disable the anti-air defenses turn 1. Marth goes south and up. Feena is warped to save a turn. Alex earns me some cash in the arena.

RP: Barst, Minerva, Jake, Raiden


Chapter 16

Marth enters the throne room on turn 1, seizes on turn 2. I didn't have enough people in the throne room to get both bishop drops, and so I went for the physic staff over the fortify, as I doubt Arran will reach A staves. I did get rescue, the Geosphere and Mercurius.

RP: Marth


Chapter 16x

Alex counterkills the map.

RP: None


Chapter 17

A 3 turn of this map using just 1 again use is impossible by exactly 1 square… so after much frustration, I settled for a 4 turn with no staves used. Jake reclassed to Berserker. Forged a +3 Javelin for Alex. Marth charges in, escorted by Alex and Catria.

RP: Barst, Marth, Minerva, Jake


Chapter 18

Pretty much a standard 2-turn. Reclassed Alex to sage for resire + rescue.

RP: None


Chapter 19

The decisive battle of the century… over in 4 turns. Reclass Alex back to Falcoknight. She kills the boss T1. Marth rushes, get agained and Feena gets warped in to clear in 4.

RP: Barst, Minerva, Jake.


Chapter 20

Marth eats a robe and a dracoshield. Reclass Rody to Zerker and arena him to 19. Rody gets warped in and kills Hardin. He opens the door turn 2. Marth gets danced T1 and charges, Catria and Alex escort, Feena gets warped and dances Marth for a 3-turn seize.

RP: Barst, Minerva, Jake.


Chapter 20x

See above. Marth charges, Catria and Alex play escort, Marth gets agained and seizes turn 3.

RP: None


Chapter 21

Alex reclasses to sage. Marth rushes the village. Turn 4, Marth gets agained to get starlight, then rescued by Alex, then feena-warped, then agained. Rody kills the boss.

RP: Barst, Minerva, Jake.


Chapter 22

Alex reclassed to Falco. Marth rushes with Alex, Rody and Catria. Catria dies turn 3 EP, and no fucks were given. Marth is agained for the turn 4 seize as Alex kills the boss.

RP: None


Chapter 23

Strategy shamelessly copied from PKL. Alex reclasses to Sage. She eats a speedwing and a spirit dust. She gets warped to Garnef's chamber and uses pure water. Feena dances Marth. EP, Feena dies but who cares. Garnef suicides into starlight and Alex sends starlight back, equipping resire. She revenge kills stuff and then a fire dragon next turn, allowing Marth to be agained for the seize.

RP: Alex





Warped Sirius recruits Nyna who rescues Merric who recruits Elice who rescues Minerva who recruits Maria and kills Lena and then Maria rescues Marth who crits Medeus. Epic run-on sentence!



Total Turns: 109

Stats coming soon.

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Chapter 23

Alex reclasses to Sage. She eats a speedwing and a spirit dust. She gets warped to Garnef's chamber and uses pure water. Feena dances Marth. EP, Feena dies but who cares. Garnef suicides into starlight and Alex sends starlight back, equipping resire. She revenge kills stuff and then a fire dragon next turn, allowing Marth to be agained for the seize.

You should totally give me credit for this, since I came up with it in the dibs draft IIRC :p. Except Feena didnt have to die...Good job btw.

Im gonna start this after Im done with the staves draft.

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Credit has been given. It was an excellent strategy. Feena died because at that point, I couldn't be assed to move a few people to protect her.

Apparently, I didn't have a save at the final chapter, so you get chapter 22 stats instead! They're basically the same. I think Minerva and Catria gained a level a piece in 22. No one leveled in the last two chapters.

The Hero- Marth


He's pretty awesome on H1. Benefits greatly from dracoshields and robes, because there were a few chapters where he just had to charge in and survive.

The Goddess of Destruction- Alex


Amazing. Easily my best combat unit after she promoted, and proceeded to murder everything for a dozen chapters. Her levels as a mage really helped out in 23. In retrospect, while she was fun as hell to use, I could have trained her as a sage and had Catria use the whip for much of the same effect. I regret nothing!

Queen of the Tier Lists- Catria


Also awesome. I mean, it's Catria, what else is there to say? The last member of my team to promote, but she was match my promoted unit's combat unpromoted. In theory my Gradivus user, but I just never bother to give to her. Hell, it might have let her survive.

The Leaf Doppleganger- Rody


My other best combat unit. Early promotion allowed him to pretend to be Haar for a dozen or so chapters, and he continued to be good throughout the game. Also very nice as a Zerker.

Double-Digit Stats are too Mainstream- Arran


MVP. And I'm not even joking. Seriously, his staff rank was essential to so much throughout the run. WIth a expection of Draco Arran in CH2, I should have just spammed staffs throughout the entire game, and I might have reached A.

No Sylvia- Feena


The dancer. Without her, none of this happens.

Blue Haired Badass- Barst


Solid, but not spectacular. I should have reclassed him to pirate right away, as his speed was a pain throughout the game. Free recruitment is good though, and he's actually quite good right off the bat with rainbow potion.

Redheads Rock- Minerva


Actually, she really wasn't all that great... decent, but entirely dependent on rainbow potion thanks to her poor bases. She still contributed, however.

Wyrms Beware- Etzel


Pretty sweet initially, but he kinda tapers off later. There aren't enough flying dragons to blick with Excalibur. :mellow: Still, the C-staves was very nice. I should have pushed for B, but he did staff spam a lot.

The Underdog- Jake


I'm kind of a fan of Jake. Those growths. :blink: Did you know with the growth drop as a Berserker, he will always get 5-stat levels in the base arena, with a chance at 6-stat levels? Really, he took some training as a sniper to get up to snuff, but wasn't that bad. I should have just dumped the cash into him and had him go at the base arena with a killer axe to become good right out of the gate.

Cool Name and Not Much Else- Raiden


Title says it all. Really, he just didn't do much for me, and I didn't need him. Bases aren't bad, though.

The Other B-Rank Staff User- Xane


Helpful. He was a combat unit when I needed him, but mostly he copied Arran or Etzel for another staffbot.

Ogma- Dropped due to deployment slots.

Malice- Promoted her and reclassed to bishop for a chapter or two, but didn't have the slots and didn't need her.

Everyone else- either didn't recruit or didn't use.

Overall: I had a shitload of resources at the end I didn't even need. As usual, I was over-conservative. Still very happy with how things turned out. I'm still not convinced that MU is broken enough to be so heavily restricted. Sure, MU will probably be your best unit throughout the game, (See: Sigurd) but he/she is nowhere close to units like Haar or Seth, where they provide such an immense advantage to a single player that can't be duplicated. Everyone MU does in terms of saving turns can be done by Ryan/Luke/Rody/Catria/Palla.

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Stark- is the Growth Drop allowed? Because there's nothing in the OP allowing/not allowing it.

EDIT: Used it on Marth.

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A Wild Draft Appeared!

Team: Ryan, Caeda, Sirius, Wrys, Cord, Cain, Merric, Navarre, Warren, Radd, Est, Nagi, Midia, Dice, Robert, Astram

My Unit:

Gender- Female

Name- Mia

Class- Myrmidon

Past- Orphan

Present- Strong

Future- Humanitarian


Mia	Myrmidon	1	00	20	7	2	12	12	3	4	0	Sword D


HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
90%	40%	10%	50%	60%	60%	35%	5%

Units coming out of Prologue:

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		8	05	28	10	0	12	12	11	8	0	Sword D
Mia		Myrmidon	8	66	27	12	5	16	18	7	8	0	Sword C
Ryan		Archer		9	09	24	11	0	10	10	7	11	0	Bow C
Wrys		Curate		8	14	17	0	5	10	10	6	3	10	Staff D
Caeda		Peg Knight	7	77	21	7	2	10	18	16	9	8	Lance D
Merric		Mage		10	73	24	0	7	6	10	6	7	5	Tome D
Cain		Cavalier	9	27	27	11	0	9	10	4	11	0	Sword C Lance D

Chapter 1 4/4

Ryan went for Lorenz. Arran got the Bullion and later helped Ryan kill Lorenz.

Mia stayed behind to train.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		8	35	28	10	0	12	12	11	8	0	Sword D
Mia		Myrmidon	9	56	28	12	6	16	18	7	9	0	Sword C
Arran		Dracoknight	3	10	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Ryan		Cavalier	10	78	27	12	0	10	12	7	12	1	Sword E Lance E

Rainbow Potion: Ryan, Mia

Chapter 2 6/10

Ryan rushes and kills everything. Cord is recruited. Catria recruits Warren in Turn 3. Arran

grabs the Lady Sword. Mia got the bosskill.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		8	52	28	10	0	12	12	11	8	0	Sword D
Mia		Myrmidon	11	16	30	12	6	18	20	8	9	0	Sword C
Arran		Dracoknight	3	34	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3	Lance B Axe E
Ryan		Cavalier	12	34	29	14	0	12	14	8	12	2	Sword E Lance D
Cord		Fighter		2	10	22	9	0	7	8	5	5	0	Axe E
Warren		Hunter		2	00	22	7	0	5	8	1	4	0	Bow D

Rainbow Potion: Ryan, Mia

Chapter 3 6/16

Skipped Julian. Marth goes for the Bridge Key. Pirate Ryan goes into the sea and owns the Dracos.

Then, Ryan heads west and kills the cavaliers there, including Matthis and then the boss. Arran spammed

heal for staff rank while Cord and Warren did their best to catch up with the group and

gather experience. Free Palla got me the Master Seal.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		8	52	28	10	0	12	12	11	8	0	Sword D
Mia		Myrmidon	11	61	30	12	6	18	20	8	9	0	Sword C
Arran		Bishop		3	74	26	4	3	9	8	4	5	9	Tome E Staff D
Ryan		Pirate		16	19	34	20	0	15	19	10	12	2	Axe E
Cord		Fighter		2	53	22	9	0	7	8	5	5	0	Axe E
Warren		Hunter		2	10	22	7	0	5	8	1	4	0	Bow D

Rainbow Potion: Ryan

Chapter 3x 6/22

Standard Marth rush. I used Rainbow Potion on Cord.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		8	72	28	10	0	12	12	11	8	0	Sword D
Mia		Myrmidon	12	07	31	12	6	19	20	9	9	1	Sword C
Arran		Bishop		4	06	26	4	3	10	8	4	5	9	Tome E Staff D
Ryan		Cavalier	16	51	34	18	0	16	17	10	15	2	Sword E Lance D
Cord		Pirate		3	69	19	10	0	5	11	6	5	0	Axe E
Warren		Hunter		3	06	23	8	0	6	8	1	4	0	Bow D
Wrys		Curate		8	46	17	0	5	10	10	6	3	10	Staff D

Rainbow Potion: Cord

Chapter 4 3/25

Yumina rescues Marth. Ogma recruits Sirius. Sirius and Marth tagteam the enemies near the

boss. Ryan goes to nab the Devil Sword. Warren kills the Armorslayer thief. Cord and Mia

train with the bandits/hunter near the start.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		9	35	29	10	0	13	13	12	8	0	Sword D
Mia		Myrmidon	12	52	31	12	6	19	20	9	9	1	Sword C
Arran		Bishop		4	14	26	4	3	10	8	4	5	9	Tome E Staff D
Ryan		Dracoknight	1	39	36	21	1	19	18	10	18	5	Lance C Axe E
Cord		Pirate		4	39	20	11	0	6	12	7	6	0	Axe E
Warren		Hunter		3	66	23	8	0	6	8	1	4	0	Bow D
Wrys		Curate		8	78	17	0	5	10	10	6	3	10	Staff D
Sirius		Paladin		1	86	28	12	1	14	13	4	11	6	Sword B Lance A

Rainbow Potion: Marth

Chapter 5 5/30

Paladin Ryan rushes to the boss. Kills the boss and got a beatiful level up.

Then, he parked to where the DKs could get to him so he could kill them. Draco

Sirius chased the Master Seal Thief and got to him. Caeda got me the Physic and got 2

more Def Levels wtf. Shes so def blessed this time. Mia killed Rickard for his VIP card. Then

she helped cord and warren kill a sniper for CEXP in the last turn. Ryan bought

5 Door Keys in Turn 5 before Marth seized. Marth got a ballistae kill on the way with

the Devil Sword.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		9	72	29	10	0	13	13	12	8	0	Sword D
Mia		Myrmidon	13	05	32	13	6	20	20	10	9	1	Sword C
Arran		Bishop		4	54	26	4	3	10	8	4	5	9	Tome E Staff D
Ryan		Paladin		3	52	40	22	1	21	19	11	18	8	Sword E Lance C
Cord		Pirate		5	39	21	11	0	6	13	8	6	0	Axe E
Warren		Hunter		3	90	23	8	0	6	8	1	4	0	Bow D
Wrys		Curate		9	40	17	0	5	11	10	6	3	10	Staff C
Sirius		Dracoknight	2	41	27	14	1	14	14	4	14	3	Lance A Axe E

Chapter 6 5/35

Marth grabs the Libra. Wrys rescues him. Ryan destroys the throne room. Caeda gets

me the Secret Book and kills the other Bishop for more CEXP. Sirius killed Lang.

Mia went west as a Mage to get some needed tome rank and to kill Samto for his shard.

Cord battled reinforcements and got a good level up + D axes finally.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		9	72	29	10	0	13	13	12	8	0	Sword D
Mia		Mage		14	18	32	11	10	13	12	11	8	4	Tome E
Arran		Bishop		4	86	26	4	3	10	8	4	5	9	Tome E Staff D
Ryan		Dracoknight	4	90	39	24	1	22	20	11	21	5	Lance C Axe E
Cord		Pirate		6	39	22	12	0	7	14	9	6	0	Axe D
Warren		Hunter		4	02	24	9	0	7	9	2	4	0	Bow D
Wrys		Curate		10	18	18	0	5	11	10	7	3	11	Staff C
Sirius		Dracoknight	3	23	28	15	1	15	15	5	14	3	Lance A Axe E
Caeda		Peg Knight	10	67	24	8	2	13	20	18	12	8	Lance C

Rainbow Potion: Caeda, Ryan, Sirius, Mia

Chapter 6x 2/37

Had Caeda kill stuff as a Cavalier with the Lady Sword. Cord hand axed Roro and Caeda took the kill. Radd

survived because Sirius cant double him. Caesar did not survive Caeda, not like I care.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		9	95	29	10	0	13	13	12	8	0	Sword D
Mia		Mage		14	48	32	11	10	13	12	11	8	4	Tome E
Ryan		Berserker	5	03	44	26	0	20	23	11	17	2	Axe D
Cord		Fighter		6	82	26	12	0	9	12	9	5	0	Axe D
Wrys		Curate		10	48	18	0	5	11	10	7	3	11	Staff C
Sirius		Dracoknight	3	55	28	15	1	15	15	5	14	3	Lance A Axe E
Caeda		Cavalier    	12	17	27	11	0	12	20	20	14	2	Sword E Lance C

Rainbow Potion: Caeda, Mia, Cord

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1336687868[/url]' post='1975237']

Chapter 23

Alex reclasses to Sage. She eats a speedwing and a spirit dust. She gets warped to Garnef's chamber and uses pure water. Feena dances Marth. EP, Feena dies but who cares. Garnef suicides into starlight and Alex sends starlight back, equipping resire. She revenge kills stuff and then a fire dragon next turn, allowing Marth to be agained for the seize.

You should totally give me credit for this, since I came up with it in the dibs draft IIRC :p. Except Feena didnt have to die...Good job btw.

Im gonna start this after Im done with the staves draft.

You should be giving credits to me for i was the first to warp sage into enemy territory and had a different two turn clear. =p

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You should be giving credits to me for i was the first to warp sage into enemy territory and had a different two turn clear. =p

Ah, cool. I didnt know u had come up with it too lol.

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Chapter 7 5/42

Navarre kills 2 Thieves with help from Feena. Marth charges through the forest.

Mia goes for the Dragon and later battles reinforcements. Cord got me the Physic.

Caeda Ryan and Sirius kill the thieves. In the last turn, I had Ryan kill Astram

for his Mercurius and Sirius chipped a random hero for a levelup. Marth got a thief kill

with the Devil Sword and got an awesome levelup. Feena even got to chip a thief in EP 1 lol.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		10	42	30	11	0	14	14	13	9	0	Sword D
Mia		Mage		15	50	33	11	11	13	13	11	9	4	Tome D
Ryan		Dracoknight	5	59	40	25	1	23	21	11	21	5	Lance C Axe D
Cord		Pirate		6	82	22	12	0	7	14	9	6	0	Axe D
Wrys		Curate		11	39	19	0	5	11	10	7	3	11	Staff C
Sirius		Dracoknight	4	04	29	16	1	16	16	6	15	3	Lance A Axe E
Caeda		Peg Knight	14	10	27	11	2	17	20	20	12	9	Lance C
Radd		Myrmidon	5	22	22	5	0	10	13	1	5	0	Sword C
Arran		Bishop		5	10	26	4	3	10	8	4	5	10	Tome E Staff D
Warren		Hunter		4	02	24	9	0	7	9	2	4	0	Bow D
Navarre		Myrmidon	9	97	24	10	0	16	17	7	9	0	Sword C
Feena		Dancer		1	97	16	2	0	2	13	8	5	0	Sword E

Chapter 8 3/45

Ryan goes for the boss. Caeda (who was arena'd as a cavalier) goes for the Arms Scroll. The others train.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		11	69	39	12	0	15	15	14	10	0	Sword D
Mia		Myrmidon	15	68	33	14	8	20	20	11	11	1	Sword C
Ryan		Paladin		6	12	43	25	1	23	22	11	19	8	Sword E Lance C
Cord		Pirate		7	74	23	13	0	8	15	10	6	0	Axe D
Wrys		Curate		12	15	19	0	5	11	11	8	3	11	Staff C
Sirius		Dracoknight	4	14	29	16	1	16	16	6	15	3	Lance A Axe E
Caeda		Dracoknight	2	69	36	18	1	22	22	21	18	6	Lance C Axe E
Arran		Bishop		5	10	26	4	3	10	8	4	5	10	Tome E Staff C
Warren		benched
Navarre		Myrmidon	10	57	25	10	0	16	18	7	9	0	Sword C
Feena		Dancer		2	48	17	3	0	3	14	9	5	0	Sword E
Cain		Cavalier	10	56	28	11	0	10	11	5	12	0	Sword C Lance D

Chapter 9 5/50

Sirius gets the Thief staff and sends it to the Convoy. Arran retrieves it and uses it on the boots.

He sends the boots to the convoy. Marth full moves east and uses the boots. Feena dances him and he rushes to Minerva's village.

Wrys is protected by Caeda Ryan and Mia, who pwn everything in sight. They do it so fast that I have

time to send Ryan to the arena and he wins 3 consecutive times. Mmmm money. Sirius also visits the Arena in the last turn and wins 2 times

before he has to retreat. I decide not to buy anything from the shops since what I want (1-2 range)

isnt available :/.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		11	69	39	12	0	15	15	14	10	0	Sword D
Mia		Mage		16	79	34	11	12	13	14	12	10	4	Tome D
Ryan		Dracoknight	7	84	41	26	1	23	23	12	21	5	Lance B Axe D
Cord		Pirate		8	21	24	13	0	8	16	10	7	0	Axe D
Wrys		Curate		13	50	20	0	5	11	11	8	3	11	Staff C
Sirius		Dracoknight	5	10	29	17	1	16	16	7	15	3	Lance A Axe E
Caeda		Dracoknight	4	14	36	19	1	24	23	22	18	6	Lance B Axe E
Arran		Bishop		6	04	26	4	3	11	8	4	5	10	Tome E Staff C
Warren		Hunter		4	29	24	9	0	7	9	2	4	0	Bow D
Navarre		Myrmidon	10	70	25	10	0	16	18	7	9	0	Sword C
Feena		Dancer		2	99	17	3	0	3	14	9	5	0	Sword E
Cain		Cavalier	11	66	29	11	0	11	12	6	13	0	Sword C Lance D

Chapter 10 2/52

Merric blicks Ellerean. Cain trains in the east. Navarre takes the west.

Caeda rushes and takes the sniper like a boss. She wasnt targetted by the Shaver mages thanks to my decoys :p.

Cain was trained as a pirate in the base arena before the chapter. Mia used

the Thief staff on the Silence staff.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		11	69	39	12	0	15	15	14	10	0	Sword D
Mia		Cleric		17	51	35	11	10	13	15	13	9	10	Staff E
Ryan		Dracoknight	8	10	42	26	1	24	23	12	22	5	Lance B Axe D
Cord		Pirate		9	57	25	14	0	8	17	11	7	0	Axe D
Wrys		Curate		13	87	20	0	5	11	11	8	3	11	Staff C
Sirius		Dracoknight	5	24	29	17	1	16	16	7	15	3	Lance A Axe E
Caeda		Dracoknight	4	72	36	19	1	24	23	22	18	6	Lance B Axe E
Arran		Bishop		6	23	26	4	3	11	8	4	5	10	Tome E Staff C
Warren		Benched
Navarre		Myrmidon	11	00	26	10	0	17	19	7	10	0	Sword C
Feena		Dancer		3	33	18	3	0	3	14	10	5	0	Sword E
Cain		Cavalier	16	46	34	14	0	15	15	11	13	0	Sword C Lance D
Merric		Mage		11	23	24	0	8	7	11	7	7	5	Tome D

Chapter 10x 1/53

Caeda GOES UP and kills Roro.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		12	16	40	13	0	16	16	15	10	0	Sword D
Mia		Cleric		17	64	35	11	10	13	15	13	9	10	Staff E
Cord		Pirate		9	57	25	14	0	8	17	11	7	0	Axe D
Sirius		Dracoknight	5	33	29	17	1	16	16	7	15	3	Lance A Axe E
Caeda		Paladin		5	25	39	19	1	25	24	22	17	9	Sword E Lance B
Feena		Dancer		3	50	18	3	0	3	14	10	5	0	Sword E
Cain		Cavalier	16	76	34	14	0	15	15	11	13	0	Sword C Lance D

IMO Mage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Myrmidon MU. Yet myrmidon MU is banned but mage isnt...>_>. I shouldve just gone mage MU from the start, im kinda regretting it now that I have such an awful tome rank and staff rank.

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Chapter 11 6/59

Man this was surprisingly more difficult than ever with the absence of a sage

My Unit. Arran sucks and needed to be guarded from enemy fire. Thankfully, I

have 4 dracos that double so I could do it. I also got all the loot. I

didnt recruit Jake because it was either the Arms Scroll or him in the last turn and I chose

the Arms scroll.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		12	98	40	13	0	16	16	15	10	0	Sword C
Mia		Mage		18	59	36	11	13	13	16	14	10	5	Tome D
Cord		Pirate		9	57	25	14	0	8	17	11	7	0	Axe D
Sirius		Dracoknight	7	44	31	19	1	17	19	8	17	3	Lance A Axe D
Caeda		Dracoknight	6	96	37	21	1	26	23	23	19	6	Lance B Axe E
Feena		Dancer		4	35	18	3	0	4	15	11	5	0	Sword E
Cain		Dracoknight	1	82	38	18	1	19	18	12	17	3	Lance C Axe E
Ryan		Dracoknight	9	04	42	26	1	25	23	13	23	5	Lance B Axe D
Wrys		Curate		15	71	21	0	5	13	12	9	3	13	Staff C
Arran		Bishop		6	47	26	4	3	11	8	4	5	10	Tome E Staff C
Merric		Mage		12	35	25	0	8	8	12	8	7	5	Tome D

Chapter 12 5/64

Arena'd Marth before the chapter. I also feed him defensive boosters so he can

hold his own in this chapter. I also promoted Mia to Falcoknight finally and Arena'd

Cord as a Pirate and promoted him. I deployed units to plug forts, the rest went straight ahead

with Mia leading the charge to get as much CEXP as possible to catch up. Caeda goes for

the Piscis shard. My team is a bit overkill...and Maturity Drop Marth's stats are


Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		24	18	60	22	2	23	25	25	19	2	Sword C
Mia		Falcoknight	5	87	42	20	15	22	25	16	15	11	Sword B Lance D
Cord		FortplugDraco	1	00	30	17	1	13	19	13	13	3	Lance D Axe D
Sirius		Dracoknight	8	43	32	20	1	17	20	8	17	3	Lance A Axe D
Caeda		Paladin		8	75	41	22	1	27	25	24	17	9	Sword E Lance B
Feena		Dancer		5	20	19	3	0	5	16	12	5	0	Sword E
Cain		Dracoknight	3	17	40	19	1	21	20	14	17	5	Lance C Axe E
Ryan		Paladin		9	38	44	25	1	25	23	13	21	8	Sword E Lance B
Wrys		Curate		16	92	21	0	5	14	12	9	3	13	Staff C
Arran		Dracoknight	fortplug
Minerva		Paladin		fortplug

Chapter 13 4/68

Marth gets danced by Feena in Turn 1 and rushes. My fliers and zerker ryan

escort him. Ryan ORKO'd the Ice Dragon boss with the Devil axe. Cain got me the Dragonpike

from the thief. Cord and Sirius stayed behind to help my squishies.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		24	18	60	22	2	23	25	25	19	2	Sword C
Mia		Falcoknight	8	61	45	21	15	25	26	17	15	13	Sword B Lance D
Cord		Dracoknight	2	13	30	17	1	14	19	13	13	3	Lance D Axe D
Sirius		Dracoknight	9	54	33	21	1	17	21	9	18	3	Lance A Axe D
Caeda		Dracoknight	10	89	40	25	1	26	23	26	20	8	Lance B Axe E
Feena		Dancer		5	88	19	3	0	5	16	12	5	0	Sword E
Cain		Dracoknight	4	45	41	19	1	22	21	14	17	5	Lance C Axe E
Ryan		Berserker	10	46	47	28	0	23	26	13	19	2	Axe D
Wrys		Curate		17	77	22	0	5	15	13	9	3	13	Staff B
Arran		Bishop		6	71	26	4	3	11	8	4	5	10	Tome E Staff C
Merric		Mage		13	47	26	0	9	9	12	9	7	5	Tome D

Chapter 13x 2/70

Marth goes for the Iote after Feena dances him and he makes sure to reveal

the ballistae to the left with his movement. I kill the bandit and ballistae to the left and have

Mia guard Feena from the last bandit. Sirius kills a ballistae to the right and

Ryan full moves with a Hand Axe equipped and KOs a bandit. Ryan kills Kleine and everyone foolish enough to go after

him. Next, Marth gets the Iote Shield. Mia reveals the ballistae to the north.

Cain attacks it with Iron Lance, Feena dances him and he KOs it. Sirius full moves west and

Ryan ORKOs the last ballistae with a Hand Axe.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		24	18	60	22	2	23	25	25	19	2	Sword C
Mia		Falcoknight	8	61	45	21	15	25	26	17	15	13	Sword B Lance D
Sirius		Paladin		9	71	35	20	1	17	21	9	16	6	Sword B Lance A
Caeda		Paladin		11	03	43	24	1	28	25	25	18	9	Sword E Lance B
Feena		Dancer		6	21	19	4	0	6	17	13	6	1	Sword E
Cain		Paladin		5	36	44	19	1	23	22	15	15	8	Sword C Lance C
Ryan		Berserker	11	55	48	29	0	24	27	14	20	2	Axe C

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Chapter 14 3/73

Ryan kills the Middle Ice Dragon. Marth weakens the dragon to the right.

Merric grabs the kill from 2 range, exposing himself to the 2 dark mages to the right.

Sirius kills the Ice Dragon to the left. Mia parks south of sirius to lure the other 2 dark mages.

Caeda kills the Middle Ice Dragon to the north. Marth moves up and kills a thief.

Cain kills a Dark Mage up north with a javelin. Cord goes left with a Wyrmslayer equipped.

The Ice Dragon to the left near the Warp Thief SDs in EP. The remaining dark mage goes after Feena,

doing 15/19 damage. And stuff dies to Marth. Next, I have Cord kill the Warp Thief with

a Wo Dao and send the warp to the convoy. Which Xane retrieves. Merric kills the Dark MAge that targe

ted Feena. Marth talks to Gotoh. Mia uses Thief on Again, full moving. Feena dances her.

She full moves and kills a thief with Elfire. The others kill the remaining enemies so

Feena is safe. Next, Mia full moves and uses Rescue. Xane gives the Warp staff to Wryyyyyys.

Marth full moves towards the throne. Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyys warps Feena, who dances for Marth.

I gather some more CEXP, especially for Merric and then I seize.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		25	50	60	23	2	24	25	26	20	2	Sword C
Mia		Sage		9	60	47	18	18	21	22	18	12	9	Tome C Staff E
Sirius		Dracoknight	10	59	33	22	1	18	22	9	18	3	Lance A Axe D
Caeda		Paladin		12	18	43	25	1	28	25	25	19	9	Sword E Lance B
Feena		Dancer		9	69	19	4	0	6	17	13	6	1	Sword E
Cain		Paladin		6	62	45	19	1	24	23	16	15	8	Sword C Lance C
Ryan		Berserker	12	60	49	30	0	24	28	14	20	2	Axe C
Cord		Swordmaster	3	43	33	14	1	20	25	13	9	3	Sword C
Wrys		Curate		18	41	22	0	5	16	13	9	3	14	Staff B
Arran		Bishop		6	79	26	4	3	11	8	4	5	10	Tome E Staff C
Merric		Mage		16	04	28	0	10	11	15	12	9	6	Tome C
Xane		Freelancer	5	10

Chapter 15 4/77

Berserker Ryan goes for the boss. Cain and Caeda lead the charge. Sirius and Caeda open doors for Marth to go through.

Caeda KOs the swarm bishop. Mia helps Ryan kill the bishops. Cord goes shopping. Then, I have Marth full move, Wrys

uses again and Arran warps Feena to dance Marth. Lightsphere Ryan Hammers the boss and Marth seizes. Cain was fed the 2 Energy Drops from the Desert so he could ORKO stuff with a javelin.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		25	94	60	23	2	24	25	26	20	2	Sword C
Mia		Falcoknight	10	03	46	22	16	26	26	19	16	14	Sword B Lance D
Sirius		Dracoknight	10	59	33	22	1	18	22	9	18	3	Lance A Axe D
Caeda		Paladin		12	76	43	25	1	28	25	25	19	9	Sword E Lance A
Feena		Dancer		7	33	20	4	0	7	18	13	6	1	Sword E
Cain		Paladin		8	43	46	23	1	26	25	17	15	8	Sword C Lance C
Ryan		Berserker	13	96	50	30	0	24	28	15	20	2	Axe C
Cord		Dracoknight	3	43	31	17	1	14	19	13	13	3	Lance D Axe D
Wrys		Curate		19	27	23	0	5	16	13	10	3	15	Staff B
Arran		Bishop		7	35	26	4	3	11	8	4	5	11	Tome E Staff C
Merric		Sage		1	10	34	3	12	12	16	12	10	8	Tome C Staff E
Xane		Freelancer	5	34	

Chapter 16 2/79

Wrys used Thief on the Rescue staff. Marth opens the Door. Cain killed the soldier blocking the way.

Mia storms in with an Armorslayer equipped and kills stuff. Caeda is danced by Feena and she kills a Mage.

Ryan rushes to the west to kill some Heroes for weapons and CEXP. Sirius goes after the geosphere thief

(who he OHKOs with no problems with Silver Lance). Mia kills the boss with an Iron Lance lol. Caeda and Cain

get me the 2 staves (fortify and physic) and GG.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		26	14	60	24	2	24	25	27	20	2	Sword C
Mia		Falcoknight	11	28	47	22	16	26	26	20	17	14	Sword B Lance D
Sirius		Dracoknight	10	89	33	22	1	18	22	9	18	3	Lance A Axe D
Caeda		Paladin		13	04	44	25	1	28	25	25	20	9	Sword E Lance A
Feena		Dancer		7	65	20	4	0	7	18	13	6	1	Sword E
Cain		Paladin		8	85	46	23	1	26	25	17	15	8	Sword C Lance B
Ryan		Paladin		14	69	49	25	1	28	25	15	23	8	Sword E Lance B
Cord		Berserker	3	80	35	18	0	11	21	13	9	0	Axe C
Wrys		Curate		19	89	23	0	5	16	13	10	3	15	Staff B
Arran		Bishop		7	35	26	4	3	11	8	4	5	11	Tome E Staff C
Merric		Sage		1	53	34	3	12	12	16	12	10	8	Tome C Staff E

Chapter 16x 1/80

Everyone kills a bunch of things.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		26	31	60	24	2	24	25	27	20	2	Sword C
Mia		Falcoknight	12	35	48	22	16	26	26	21	17	14	Sword B Lance D
Sirius		Dracoknight	10	89	33	22	1	18	22	9	18	3	Lance A Axe D
Caeda		Paladin		13	19	44	25	1	28	25	25	20	9	Sword E Lance A
Cain		Paladin		8	85	46	23	1	26	25	17	15	8	Sword C Lance B
Ryan		Paladin		14	84	49	25	1	28	25	15	23	8	Sword E Lance B
Cord		Berserker	4	17	36	19	0	11	22	14	10	0	Axe C

Chapter 17 4/84

I cant use Again here so w/e. Feena dances Marth and he runs. Mia goes for the

Nosferatu tome. The rest help Marth. Merric stayed behind to excalikill the dracos to the west.

Xane and Cord protected Wrys from the 3 dracos that spawned in Turn 3.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		27	26	60	25	2	25	25	28	21	2	Sword B
Mia		Falcoknight	13	24	49	22	16	26	26	22	18	15	Sword B Lance D
Sirius		Dracoknight	11	41	34	23	1	19	23	10	18	3	Lance A Axe D
Caeda		Paladin		13	66	44	25	1	28	25	25	20	9	Sword E Lance A
Cain		Paladin		9	72	47	23	1	27	25	18	16	8	Sword C Lance B
Ryan		Paladin		15	46	49	25	1	28	25	15	24	8	Sword E Lance B
Cord		Berserker	5	03	37	19	0	12	23	15	11	0	Axe C
Feena		Dancer		8	29	21	5	0	8	19	14	7	1	Sword E
Wrys		Bishop		1	11	30	1	7	17	13	10	3	19	Tome E Staff B
Merric		Sage		4	06	36	3	14	13	19	14	11	9	Tome C Staff E
Xane		Freelancer	5	64

Chapter 18 2/86

Marth gets danced by Feena and he gets the Lifesphere. Ryan kills one of the paladins

next to the village. While Cain Sirius and Cord form a diagonal wall with the trees to protect Feena from the other Paladin.

Mia moves to the right with Nosferatu equipped. Caeda follows closely behind (2 tiles to the left of her

to be exact). Xane transforms into caeda and wrys/merric patch xane up. In EP, the paladin next to marth SDs to Cord.

Nosferatu Mia with statsphere and rainbow potion has 51HP and 18 Def on top of nosferatu...yeah, nice try

enemies. Next, Xane kills the bishop in the way. Caeda wing spears the boss. Mia rescues Marth.

Sirius grabs the Arms Scrolls from the cave and GG.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		27	26	60	25	2	25	25	28	21	2	Sword B
Mia		Sage		14	32	52	19	19	22	23	23	14	12	Tome C Staff E
Sirius		Dracoknight	11	41	34	23	1	19	23	10	18	3	Lance A Axe D
Caeda		Paladin		13	83	44	25	1	28	25	25	20	9	Sword E Lance A
Cain		Paladin		9	72	47	23	1	27	25	18	16	8	Sword C Lance B
Ryan		Paladin		15	61	49	25	1	28	25	15	24	8	Sword E Lance B
Cord		Berserker	5	40	37	19	0	12	23	15	11	0	Axe C
Feena		Dancer		8	61	21	5	0	8	19	14	7	1	Sword E
Wrys		Bishop		1	42	30	1	7	17	13	10	3	19	Tome E Staff B
Merric		Sage		4	54	36	3	14	13	19	14	11	9	Tome C Staff E
Xane		Freelancer	5	89
Arran		Bishop		7	51	26	4	3	11	8	4	5	11	Tome E Staff C

Edited by PKL
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