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The first FE10 SOYO draft


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3-P - 9 turns

Ike solo ;/ An extra unit would help.

3-1 - 6 + 4 Tits penalty

Mia = free unit. Otherwise, Tits.

3-2 - 4 turns

Gogogo, celerity!Ike.

3-3 - 12 turns

Yeah, damn right. I could get like 9 turns with a Titania penalty, but it's a net loss, so derp. Gatrie's my free.

3-4 - 8 turns

Ike solo ;/ At least he rapes face.

3-5 - 4 turns

Ike solo ;/

3-6 - 7 turns

Yay, Zihark! Resolvecaiah, as always. Sothe killed things. Zihark gets beastfoe :< I tried it with him getting paragon and I couldn't get a 7 turn with it. So, beastfoe.

3-7 - 12 turns


3-8 - 5 + 4 Tits

I'm like, swimming in BEXP with no one but Ike to give it to ;/ so I promote Tits for this.

3-9 - 4 turns

Yah bro, Kieran

3-10 - 5 + 4 Tits penalty

Tits gets more BEXP so she can ORKO shit. Half the map (the larger half, aka south) = Tits. Otherwise half the map = Ike solo ;/

3-11 - 5 + 4 Tanith penalty


3-12 - 4 turns


3-13 - 3 turns

Gogogo Zihark.

3-E - 5 turns

Mordy recruits ZIHAKU over so I can actually not do an Ike solo ;/ Well yeah, except Kieran and shit. Then Mordy hides. ZIHAKU finds rescue

Team split shit:

Silver: Miccy, Sothe, ~Skrimir~, ~Naesala~, Leanne

Greil: Ike, Zihark, Rafiel

Hawk: Elincia, Kieran, ~Volke~, Reyson

Well, Greil is fucked.

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4-P - 3 turns

Naesala drops Resolvecaiah in the middle of the enemy lines, as always, then flies over to help Skrimir kill shit, with help from Leanne. Bow paladins are ;/

4-1 - 8 turns

Zihark and Ike duo ;/. Fuck this chapter. Fuck it with a rusty spork.

4-2 - 7 turns

This chapter was actually...kind of relaxing. With Kieran ORKOing everything, Elincia ORKOing everything, getting this chapter done in a reasonable timeframe. But, derp. Gogogo Kieran

4-3 - 6 turns

5 turns is ;/ I was close, but like 3 enemies off that Miccy couldn't ORKO because of fail tier 2 caps



4-5 - Elincia i love you (1 turn)

Rescue shenanigans go!

4-E-1 - 3 turns

Kurth is a piece of shit but i bexp him anyway because well he might as do some shit

4-E-2 - 1 turn - herp

4-E-3 - 1 turn - herp

4-E-4 - 1 turn - herp

4-E-5 - 3 turns - herp

If I counted right, my total should be:

Part1/2/4: 135

Part 3: 9+10+4+12+8+4+7+12+9+4+9+9+4+3+5 = 109

So, 244. Again.

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Lol CR, you rushed and crashed me 8X


Boots Ike south, Celerity Eddie east and Devdanved west.

Turns: 4/172 (+8)

BEXP: 3750P


OMG! What happened to Astrid, she's completely different lol. Gaining str thrice with her Paragon level ups. Adept Disarm Heather rushes to Veltome and the Bishops, adept + Bane + killing enemies, Shinon kills her leftovers. Astrid is awesome, so much elegance, so much grace Adepting/Soling enemies with On Glory's Wings omg! <3<3<3<3<3

Turns: 7/179 (+8)

BEXP: 4500P

To be continued...

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Derp, those reinforcements :dry:

Turns: 8/187 (+8)

BEXP: 5280P


Lol I forgot Vika existed, Ike to the throne, Vika "builds" strike rank with the gen in the west, Danved to the reinforcements, Edd to the chest rooms.

Turns: 8/195 (+8)

BEXP: 6000P


Heather kills Izuka, lol Reyson died :(

Turns: 4/199 (+8)

BEXP: 7500P

4-E: Rebirth

The Disciples of Chaos

  • Ike
  • Micaiah
  • Sothe
  • Edward
  • Vika
  • Heather
  • Lethe
  • Astrid
  • Danved
  • Shinon
  • Tanith
  • Geoffrey
  • Lucia
  • Rafiel


I tried to do the 2 turn clear but lol Vika couldn't take/drop Rafiel, so derp.

Turns: 3/202 (+8)

BEXP: 6000P


Hammer Bro

Turns: 1/203 (+8)

BEXP: 7500P


Yune's Blessings

  • Ike - Ragnell
  • Micaiah - Rexaura
  • Sothe - Peshkatz
  • Edward - Brave Sword
  • Vika - Beak
  • Heather - Baselard
  • Lethe - Claw
  • Astrid - Double Bow
  • Danved - Brave Lance
  • Shinon - Brave Bow
  • Tanith - Wishblade
  • Sanaki - Purge
  • Lucia - Wyrmslayer
  • Rafiel - Galdr lulz

Ike, Tanith, Shinon and Astrid team up! Get Vigored and slay Dheg.

Turns: 1/204 (+8)

BEXP: 12000P


Derp, no one able to ORKO Lehran.

Turns: 2/206 (+8)

BEXP: 15000P


Gogo Gareth, oh! * :facepalm: * Ashera passed her Judgement, R.I.P bro :S

Turns: 3/209 (+8)

Character info

Name     Class           Lv.EXP   HP/Str/Mag/Skl/Sp/Lck/Def/Res   Weapon Level        Skill(s)               Support

Ike      Vanguard         20.00   65/37/12/40/37/30/32/20         Sword SS, Axe A     Nihil                  Astrid B
Micaiah  Light Priestess  08.78   44/21/38/27/30/40/22/38         Light SS, Staff SS  Resolve, Provoke       Sothe A
Sothe    Whisper          06.64   46/26/15/31/34/28/24/22         Knife SS            Stillness              Micaiah A
Edward   Trueblade        16.12   53/32/08/40/40/30/26/17         Sword SS            Nihil                  Danved A
Vika     Raven            31.68   50/16/10/19/23/31/09/17         Strike A            Miracle, Adept         Rafiel A
Heather  Whisper          18.95   50/28/20/38/40/35/25/26         Knife SS            Adept, Vantage         Shinon A
Lethe    Cat              36.16   65/18/06/20/20/27/14/13         Strike SS           Miracle, Pass, Parity  Tanith A
Astrid   Silver Knight    20.00   50/33/17/36/35/35/25/30         Lance A, Bow SS     Nihil                  Ike B
Danved   Sentinel         16.86   60/35/18/35/33/30/33/25         Lance SS            Daunt, Imbue           Edward A
Shinon   Marksman         16.62   56/36/15/40/34/23/32/25         Bow SS              Nihil, Cancel          Heather A
Tanith   Seraph Knight    17.73   50/32/17/36/36/32/28/33         Sword S, Lance SS   Adept, Vantage         Lethe A
Rafiel   Heron            34.60   50/01/14/04/11/49/05/24         Galdr S :/          Imbue, Paragon         Vika A
Gareth   Red Dragon       R.I.P   :S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S        Strike S            Pavise, Paragon

Unit Records

  • 5th - Heather 102 victories
  • 4th - Shinon 105 victories
  • 3rd - Micaiah 134 victories
  • 2nd - Edward 156 victories
  • 1st - Ike 167 victories

Part 4: Gods and Men cleared in 44 turns

The First FE10 SOYO Draft #30665 cleared in 209 turns + 4 turn penalty (Nealuchi 2-E) + 4 turn penalty (Titania 3-1)

Total 217 Turns

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  • 8 months later...

omg let's do this

1-P: 6 turns clear = 6 turns total

edward was a str proc from a 5 WHO CARES THIS IS ME


1-P: 5 turns clear = 5 turns total

edward got the str proc this time

1-1: 7 turns clear = 12 turns total

micaiah got a shit level and i didn't reset

suck my dick everybody

1-2: 6 turns clear = 18 turns total

ok micaiah got another shit level and i reset to at least get mag :(

she also got hit uphill by a javelin (13 displayed)

btw nolan was used free for 1-1 and edward for 1-2

idk why

poor ilyana's kinda fucked because laura needs every xp ever since she'll be carrying 3-6/12/13 :(

don't want to do 1-3 now

1-3: 7 turns clear = 25 turns total


literally only micaiah escaped


oh wait yes i did

1-4: 7 turns clear = 32 turns total

pretty sure that's a shit clear; don't care

1-5: no points for guessing = 38 turns total

i like editing a post from 2012

1-6-1: 7 turns clear = 39 turns total

it took all the resetting ever

1-6-2: fuck you turns clear

1-6-2: 5 turns clear = 44 turns total

that chapter was hella gay bro

i had to reset like a billion times and also i forgot to forge a super knife so sothe could get the 3 turn

and 1-6-1 can blow me so i wasn't redoing that

1-7: 8 turns clear = 52 turns total

low mov hurts yo

and anyway i needed the bexp

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  • 1 month later...

new post because i actually need bump

1-8: shit

what turn does the one dracoknight come from the south?

EDIT: also somebody give me a 1-9 strategy i don't want to think

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IMPORTANT: Micaiah needs to be powerful for this strategy to work


I'll try, but my Mic isn't the greatest.

EDIT: still, cheers

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1-9: 4 turns clear = 56 + shit turns clear

I discovered Micaiah was one speed short of the specs required so I BEXP abused it because fuck 1-9.





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  • 4 months later...

4. Silver Harpoon - Mist, Leonardo, Rolf, Rhys, Makalol, Titania, Mia, Janaff, Nolan.

Let me rearrange this in a way that's more visually pleasing.

Titania, Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Makalov, Rhys, Rolf, Leonardo, Mist

1-P - 5/5 turns

This is pretty normal

1-1 - 4/9 turns

I have all the available units to use here, so lol

1-2 - 5/14 turns

Micaiah eats the dracoshield here and I make sure she procs HP for the next chapter. Sothe gets me the drop.

1-3 - 5/19 turns

In order to 5 turn, Micaiah has to be able to take a hit and then dodge another one, which is why I gave her the draco. Leo and Nolan (and Sothe, of course) kill things in front of her so she can get to the escape tile faster.

1-4 - 5/24 turns

Nolan can't really 4 turn like Edward can without abuse. However, I did manage to get the beastfoe with Leo because of that extra turn. Yay for extra units.

1-5 - 6/30 turns

defense, self improvement

1-6-1 - 4/34 turns

Resolvecaiah goes up, Sothe goes far left, Nolan goes left, Leo snipes at things

1-6-2 - 3/37 turns

Sothe is shoved and boss moves too l8

1-7 - 5/42 turns

Micaiah is rescued then dropped then she seizes lol

1-8 - 4/46 turns

Leo/Resolvecaiah, Nolan, and Sothe split up to their respective sides

1-9 - 4/50 turns


1-E - 5/55 turns

So I have no laguz to ferry people with, so I can only get 5 turns if I skip all the treasure. Which I don't really mind, since the speedwing isn't that big of a loss. I transferred the energy drop over to Greil though.


2-P - 8/63 turns

2-1 - 5/68 turns


2-2 - 4/72 turns

RAEG. I had to do this with Neph only and relied on her wrathcritting, then Mordecai not getting attacked so he could smite Lucia.

2-3 - 5/77 turns

Makalulz got me the speedwing

2-E - 1+4/82 turns


3-P - 7/89 turns

Titania <3 I had to make sure she got a +str and spd, but it happened anyway so lol. Rofl got some lol levels

3-1 - 4/93 turns

Let's see. I BEXP'd Tits so she could ORKO anything (had to get some speed, cept generals iirc, but thankfully they just suicide). I had Titania, Mia, Rhys, Rolf, Mist and Boyd in this map. Boyd got adept because Mia can always rely on the wo dao and crits. I tried for a 3 turn but some enemies slipped out of view and I had to take another turn.

3-2 - 2/95 turns

BEXP'd Rolf, forged him a max crit/+mt/+hit bow, gave him adept, then dropped him in boss range with celerity!Titania. Titania doesn't get killed even if she's doubled, it's pretty great. Plus I had Mist to heal her.

3-3 - 7/102 turns

Pass DOES save turns, at least in NM. I gave celerity to Titania and pass to Ike, which is really useful since his 2 range is pretty lamesauce. Hammerne get.

3-4 - 7/109 turns

I have no idea how Quint got 6 turns here on the EM draft when you don't have enough move with Ike after he's dropped with celerity!Titania.

3-5 - 1/110 turns

Mia/Rolf/Mist/Rhys clears Titania's way by shoving each other, Reyson vigors her, and Titania (who gets the drop) ORKO's (22x2 vs 43 HP) Lombroso with the short axe.

3-6 - 6/116 turns

Nolan gets beastfoe(that Leo picked up)+crossbow because he can take hits. Leo gets paragon, Micaiah gets resolve, Sothe sticks with Micaiah with his beastkiller. Leo stays behind Nolan, and their earthxwater support is amaze.

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3-4: heehee you failed to guess ^^'. Ike had Celerity not Titania because it's a wast on her. Instead, somebody (heather, shoved by Mist) cleared her way by killing the halb in the middle to make her full move and drop Ike. Then, Ike and Heather climb the ledges and get up there by pp5, turn in which Ike can arrive but Gandalf couldn't reach it even when transformed by pp1.

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No. Nolan needs str spd every level. Edward just needs enough levels on average to get 3 spd iirc. Iron Sword Crit forge + Wrath is more reliable than str spd every level. Since Eddie has 75% or so crit in that mode and only needs to face 1 tiger at a time. The cats can be troublesome to double though iirc, but he has a lot more chance to double them than Nolan. Ilyana needs a rigged mag and spd .99 BEXP level before she faces the tigers.

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Well, battle save level rigging is lame :p

Also, Ilyana iirc, needs the tigers to not proc too much hp, which makes it all the more annoying. 75% crit while doubling is actually ridiculously likely to happen btw. While Nolan's 45% str and 60% spd proc'ing together for all the levels is stupidly unlikely. Nolan woud also need 5 levels before then (which im not sure he can get, probably not) to double cats. I'd say even ILYANA is more likely to 4 turn that map.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Titania, Nolan, Mia, Janaff, Makalov, Rhys, Rolf, Leonardo, Mist

3-4 - 6/108 turns

Heehee I figured it out! Went back and got this.

3-5 - 1/109 turns

same as before

3-6 - 6/115 turns

same as before

3-7 - 12/127


3-8 - 4/131 turns

Tits <3

3-9 - 4/135 turns

Makalov and Geoffrey <3

3-10 - 4/139 turns

Tits <3

3-11 - 4/143 turns

Janaff <3

3-12 - 3/146 turns


3-13 - 2/148 turns

Leo <3

3-E - 4/152 turns

Tits + Mia + Rofl + Rhys + Mak + Ike + Janaff (and mist, I guess) <3


split up:

silver: miccy, janaff, rhys, leanne

greil: ike, tits, rofl, mia, mist, rafiel

hawk: mak, leo, brolan, reyson

4-P - 3/155 turns

was too lazy

4-1 - 4/159 turns


4-2 - 6/165 turns

mak gets boobs and celerity because idk

4-3 - 5/170 turns

rhys actually doesn't suck

4-4 - 7/177 turns

i wish titania could dismount ;_;

4-5 - 2/179 turns


4-E-1 - 2/181 turns

I BEXP'd everyone and sent them up and to the sides. Titania got the celerity.

4-E-2 - 1/182 turns

4-E-3 - 1/183 turns

4-E-4 - 1/184 turns

4-E-5 - 3/187 turns

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