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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 130


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This better not be serious.

Perhaps he means in a plot sense. Fin served Leaf's father just as Oifaye served Celice's father.

But he's not promoted v_v Gameplay elements are important too.
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But I just said that they aren't.

And I am now saying you define archetypes wrong for no reason other than the arbitrary "I disagree."

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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And I am now saying you define archetypes wrong for no reason other than the arbitrary "I disagree."

Is it possible that you could save this for when we get to that particular round?

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Is it possible that you could save this for when we get to that particular round?

That sounds a bit late for the discussion to matter in the first place.

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Best: Lakche

Honourable Mentions: Ayra, Rutger, Shanan, Shiva, Mareeta

Worst: Karla (I trained Barte up for THIS!?)

Dishonourable Mentions: Evayl, Shanam (The only reason he isn't my choice is because he teaches Mareeta Meteor Sword and makes her even more awesome)

Nominate: Best/Worst Final boss

Edited by Bishop Rodan
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So long as you understand that her bases are better.

Oh ok. He still has to explain how Zihark is worse than Lucia when he stated in the same post "she is a waste of resources".

This better not be serious.

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Don't mind me, I'm just laughing my butt off after what Mekkah said in this topic.

Also: Florina won worst innocent-looking character last round? So awesome! /)^3^(\


Best SM: Shannan. Cool guy with a cool sword and a cool skill. Nuff said. Honorable mentions go to his aunt, his paternal female cousin, his paternal second cousin, his mother-in-law the person who raised said second cousin, Rutger, FE9!Zihark, and FE10!Mia.

Worst: Karla. I don't care that she's Fir's mother. She's just not worth the effort and the 10,000 gil used in training Bartre. Dishonorable mention goes to the FE7 version of her brother, Edward, both versions of Lucia, Marisa, and Shanam.

Edited by Little Al
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