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[FE7] No-Staves Experimental Draft


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Maybe u should finish some of those shitload of FE9-FE10 drafts you have before joining every single new draft...just saying

Parents are strict as hell about my wii use

I can barely get 15 minutes a day, hell

even 10 is hard to get.

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I didnt join because i dont see the point :p. I rarely use healers anyway >.>. And my backlog is almost as big as sharpoon's. If you guys need another player, then i can give it a whirl. FE7 doesnt take too long anyways.

If you want to sign up, give me a definite yes or no so if you want to join I won't have to hold up the draft any longer. If I can't get a fifth participant before I go to bed for the night, I'll take the last spot unless you want it.

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Awesome. And that makes 5. Using my calculator to randomize people now.

{4, 2, 1, 5, 3}

Which means that Refa is up first. Shoot! He just left to take a math test!

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Erk, Lucius, Canas, Pent, and Renault can't use staves, FYI. They can use their tomes, but using staves will result in a penalty per use.

Also, anyone know what time zone Refa lives in? Hoping to be able to get the picks at least started today.

Edit: By the way, on the FE7 experience draft, my team consisted of the following drafted characters: Rath, Fiora, Guy, Farina, and Karel -- in that order. :XD:

Edited by Boron
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Which is why you should sell all of the staves you can acquire for cash, so you don't forget. :P:

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Which is why you should sell all of the staves you can acquire for cash, so you don't forget. :P:

If I skip dart and only have one user of each promo item, I can have 70K by ch26.

Even better, because now I may be able to get up to 75-80K

Also, Pent has amazing Combat.

Ok, so he may go Lowen/Raven/Fiora/Heath/Isadora

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Erm, sorry for the wait. Just finished the math test and spent an hour of...er, we'll be charitable and call it "soul searching".

Florina it is.

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If I want someone absurdly defensive, to minimize heals on, then Lowen all the way.

He will be a valuable asset in Ch14, for damn sure, since Marcus is banned there.

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Ok.... Didn't see that coming.

Ugh, I pick............Sain.

Now inb4 Eliesons next pick is Oswin.

OH WTF, CH 14 without Marcus...man, ch17 without Marcus on plain HNM-no LHM is a bit of a pain. Now its ch 14 w/o Marcus....

Not getting Erk or Raven due to that.

Edited by The Insane One
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Ok.... Didn't see that coming.

Ugh, I pick............Sain.

Now inb4 Eliesons next pick is Oswin.

OH WTF, CH 14 without Marcus...man, ch17 without Marcus on plain HNM-no LHM is a bit of a pain. Now its ch 14 w/o Marcus....

Not getting Erk or Raven due to that.

The only thing I ever use Marcus for in chapter 14 (on a normal playthrough) is to recruit Erk. It's doable. Remember ... you guys aren't going to get absolute low turncounts in the first few chapters. But this is so you guys can figure out how much you all depend on healers and staves.

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Dude, I don't rely on healers on hNm.

All I do is maybe 5 uses of psychic/restore and some hammerne.

Vulneraries are in stores

Pure water too

Elixers for w/e they're worth.

Besides, I though this was LHM+HNM. Lulz.

(PKL just handed Kent+Oswin to rapier, didn't he?)

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