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Member badge competition [Over]

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lol deleting the evidence of breaking the rules makes it okay to break the rules and still win?

oh so sorry, i'm new to favoritism

but carry on

Why are you making such a big deal out of this anyway?

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lol deleting the evidence of breaking the rules makes it okay to break the rules and still win?

oh so sorry, i'm new to favoritism

but carry on

Do you even actually remember which members double-posted, or do you just like hearing yourself talk?

You can go eat a ham good sir!

The jokes on you. I love ham!

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lol i'm not, i've been over it.

but it sounded like some kids didn't understand what i was saying / needed an explanation. so here i am, reiterating my point for every reply / quote

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lol i'm not, i've been over it.

but it sounded like some kids didn't understand what i was saying / needed an explanation. so here i am, reiterating my point for every reply / quote

Point 1: Using the word "kids" to describe people is a bad idea unless you're certain everyone is younger than you.

Point 2: I get what you're saying, I just don't see why you're making such a big deal out of it. I got over not winning, and I remember to post only once until the competition was closed.

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Do you even actually remember which members double-posted, or do you just like hearing yourself talk?

yes i do, mr. blind reads only last pages of threads. i stated that one of the winners double posted before vincent did his clarify thing / started deleting double posts / giving the benefit of the doubt. specifically, aleph.

and i love hearing myself talk, but i'm not sure if typing on an internet forum is equivalent to that. i can get on vocaroo tho, my voice is sexy as hell. melts panties and shit.

Edited by black.witty.kitty.ops
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yes i do, mr. blind reads only last pages of threads. i stated that one of the winners double posted before vincent did his clarify thing / started deleting double posts / giving the benefit of the doubt. specifically, aleph.

and i love hearing myself talk, but i'm not sure if typing on an internet forum is equivalent to that. i can get on vocaroo tho, my voice is sexy as hell. melts panties and shit.

Ahahaha! You're funny, you silly little kid. Aleph pretty much deserves his own badge even if there wasn't a contest. But maybe, just maybe, one day, with a little bit of magic, you can be just like him too.

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Lyn is better than them (and all others).

Ahahaha! You're funny, you silly little kid. Aleph pretty much deserves his own badge even if there wasn't a contest. But maybe, just maybe, one day, with a little bit of magic, you can be just like him too.

This is decidedly heart warming and creepy.

I did like the part about magic though.

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I disagree with your disagreement.

And that is fine with me, as my disagreement will have to be fine with you.

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I fear for you. You have my sympathies, for now.

Okay, seriously? That was a bit uncalled for. Lyn's not one of my favorite characters, and I think there are other characters who are more interesting than she is. That's my opinion, and you're free to disagree with it. But even in jest, I do NOT appreciate being told "I fear for you" or "you have my sympathies".

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