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【東方】 The draft wherein we lolis


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1st: Raymond - 597,618,770, ReimuB (5)

2nd: Naglfar - 498,610,310, SakuyaB (3)

DNF: KAL - nothing submitted in time, MarisaA (0)

DNF: Bal - nothing submitted in time, SakuyaA (0)

I didn't give myself enough time to do this and barely cleared the damn thing. Kind of shameful really. Going to start on th08 immediately.

1st: Raymond (10)

2nd: Naglfar (5)

3rd: KAL (3)

4th: Bal (0)

Round 3, th08, starts now. It ends a week from this post.

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Comments about round 2:

- I'm sorely disappointed. I won despite doing so terribly bad at the Prismrivers and Yuyuko? D:

- Naglfar, you should really make better use of your borders. If you graze unfocused while you have them your Cherry MAX literally skyrockets. ;/

Just look at our scores. We had almost the same score in damn near every single stage except the very last, despite the fact that you managed to catch much more point items than I did - mine simply were worth much more. D:

- Naglfar's survival performance was magnificent early on. I started bombing in stage 3 (although that first bomb really was incredibly dumb), whereas Naglfar didn't start bombing until after the stage 4 midboss. Then his performance went downhill, while mine stayed roughly consistent.

- It is impossible to beat my first death against the Prismrivers in dumbness.

- Reimu is slooooooow in this game. I really wish I could've picked Marisa A instead.

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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I kind of fell off the internet for a bit and forgot about this. I may submit a late TH7 just for posterity, so you can chronicle my suckage across all of the windows games. No guarantees.

I may or may not be able to produce TH8 in time either, but we'll see.

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Seeing how Naglfar seems to have disappeared for no apparent reason and I really can't be bothered to wait for updates that won't come anytime soon, I quit. I don't want to delay my Hard mode 1cc attempts any longer.

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Jesus fucking christ. I'm back from the depths of hell.

The best part is that I can't actually update just yet. Sorry for all of this bullshit.

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Excuses, excuses..

..Nah, but try to get results up soon. Or delegate - it's not like everyone can't watch the replays and confirm since they're online and freely attainable.

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Gensokyo's working, my shit's uploaded, let's move on. Hopefully Raymond's still with us?

1st: Naglfar - 1,367,225,320, Youmu (5)

2nd: Raymond - 1,273,253,470, Reimu & Yukari (3)

3rd: KAL - 1,066,350,200, Marisa & Alice (2)

DNF: Bal - nothing submitted in time, Sakuya & Remilia (0)

Ahhhh. Is Bal still participating? Anyway, next is th10, which means I get to start playing the games I actually like a lot. Hooray.

1st: Raymond (13)

2nd: Naglfar (10)

3rd: KAL (5)

4th: Bal (0)

Round 4, th10, starts now. It ends a week from this post.

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Does Eclipse read every single post on the Draft dorum? o_o

I cleared, and I was like SO CLOSE to capturing Mountain of Faith, but then.. ..I died twice.

Oh well, have to play again, I guess..? My score literally hit the bottom in stage 4-5 - the point value went below 100k at a time and I missed on millions of points because of that in the endgame..

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I cleared, and I was like SO CLOSE to capturing Mountain of Faith, but then.. ..I died twice.

Funnily enough, I usually always capture that card, yet in my otherwise death-less run, of all cards, I failed that one.

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I saw Raykitty in here, and couldn't resist~! Anyway, I don't know which way is up on Touhou, so there's no need to worry about me blabbing strategy and whatnot.

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I've had more important things going on than spending the better part of a week trying to 1cc. So, when I've been too busy to give a solid effort, I've been pushing it to the wayside. I am truly sorry for letting everyone down. I would like to think I'd be able to get in a submission at some point, be we've moved to the games I'm even less confident in, and I can make no promises.

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This round's supposed to end today my time, but I'm running late. I'll end it when I get home from work.

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