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Training Mafia - Game Over


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Shinori and Aurora have died!

They were:

You are Justin Stone, the Roleblocker.

This whole disaster was just because of people being narrow-minded and stressed out. They need to lighten up and relax, that's all. See things from other perspectives besides just their own. Not be so concerned with money and status. Of course, you're not going to actually get involved in any kind of violence yourself. No one can actually expect you to go along with this "lynching" thing. That's just barbaric! You're a civilized person, and by golly, you're going to make sure everyone else is, too. Regardless of whatever else they might have in mind. If you see anyone acting suspicious, you'll make sure they keep out of trouble. Some way or another.

During the night, you may choose one player to roleblock. Any action they would have taken during that night or the following day will be negated entirely.

Alignment: Town

Win Condition: Eliminate the Mafia

Manix and Eclipse are nowhere to be found. No one is allowed to talk to them outside the thread, they are unable to post/use OC, and any votes for them will be invalid.

Begin Day 3. Day 3 ends March 22, at 5:00 AM EST (approximately 47 hours from now).

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Well I was going to come in here and confirm that Shinori role-blocked me, but hes dead :/

And at this point I'm pretty much sold on the Kidnapper also being the last mafia member. I imagine they keep using it on Manix to keep him from getting results.

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Umm... So why do we have only 2 scums on a 9 players setting?

Because anything else is imba as fuck? Why would you ask this?

##Vote Excellen

Process of Elimination. Strawman and I are clear. Rapier is townier than you for reasons already described, and you spent D1 acting suspicious of Cam but not actually voting him, which is pretty much the most blatant associative tell around. Iris' doc claim looks good given the flip of a scum interceptor. The last possibility is Manix risking that the game lacks any sort of real cop, which is stupid enough that I'm not going to risk it.

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Also, I'm going to request that people claim2Strawman/Haze and me/Kaoz to speed the game up, since we're pretty much confirmed town. No, there aren't three scum in a game with an Interceptor and a yet-unclaimed killing role unless Kay needs better set-up reviewers.

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Because anything else is imba as fuck? Why would you ask this?

##Vote Excellen

Process of Elimination. Strawman and I are clear. Rapier is townier than you for reasons already described, and you spent D1 acting suspicious of Cam but not actually voting him, which is pretty much the most blatant associative tell around. Iris' doc claim looks good given the flip of a scum interceptor. The last possibility is Manix risking that the game lacks any sort of real cop, which is stupid enough that I'm not going to risk it.

Fuck you. Check day 1. I voted him. Get your fucking facts right before you open your fucking mouth.

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Also we have less than 24 hours left. Where the hell is everybody. I still want claims sent to Strawhaze and I since we might as well be confirmed and I can contact Haze over Steam even when I'm not able to get on IRC, making planning out rolegaming while Manix is silenced convenient.

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Also, further reason there's only two scum:

If we have a TOWN KIDNAPPER, they haven't claimed yet. An Interceptor has already flipped. The kidnapper blocks votes. So, following a D1 mislynch, scum could kidnap a townie, kill another, then kill a third via proper Interceptor prediction. With three townies dead and another voteblocked, town would only have two players capable of voting. Meaning that scum would win. On Day 2.

There is absolutely no way this is fair in any sense of the word, even if we have a Roleblocker, Doc and Cop. Keep in mind that Scum Goon is not on the role list, meaning scum would have a THIRD power role as well as Kidnapper / Interceptor, when those two roles are already very powerful.

I've also been told there's a town killing role in the set-up (can't shoot more than once), which just makes an earlier scum win more probable.

If anything, we might have a Survivor. Probably Rapier because he apparently doesn't give a shit about this game if he's going to tell us to find a lynch then disappear.

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I've also been told there's a town killing role in the set-up (can't shoot more than once), which just makes an earlier scum win more probable.

(assuming they hit town, which they are naturally more likely to do due to numbers)

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If anything, we might have a Survivor. Probably Rapier because he apparently doesn't give a shit about this game if he's going to tell us to find a lynch then disappear.

A case can be made for him being scum trying to coast because of this as well.


##Vote Rapier

Get in here.

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I really hate when you guys don't post while I'm here, and when you post while I'm NOT here/busy.

IF there is only one more scum left in this game then Prims is clearly Town, because the Kidnapper is obviously scum (stopping the Cop from using his role when it's of clear advantage to the Town is a scummy act, obviously). But if there are more than two, there is a high probability that Prims is scum, hence why he's so adamant that there are only 2 scums in this setting and that it's stupid to have more of them.

Also, please explain me why it's stupid. We have 9 players. So you say we have 7 Towns and 2 scums? That sounds more stupid imo. Also, the Mafia could have a Godfather or a Janitor. The third scum role doesn't need to be an overpowered role.

I don't understand why Prims finds Haze/Straw to be absolutely clear Town, too. He gave us his opinion about the game as we pressed him, but he wouldn't have done anything if Prims hadn't pressed him to vote someone already and stop simply pointing to things and leaving it at that.


Oh wait. Damn me for not reading all the pages first before writting my post, instead of writting my post while I read the pages.

Also, further reason there's only two scum:

If we have a TOWN KIDNAPPER, they haven't claimed yet. An Interceptor has already flipped. The kidnapper blocks votes. So, following a D1 mislynch, scum could kidnap a townie, kill another, then kill a third via proper Interceptor prediction. With three townies dead and another voteblocked, town would only have two players capable of voting. Meaning that scum would win. On Day 2.

Not really. Let's follow the worst possible case scenario:

-> D1 (9 players)

- 1 Town by mislynch

- 1 Town by Mafia kill

- 1 Town by Interceptor prediction

- 1 Town by Mafia Kidnapping

We'd have 5 Towns (without counting the kidnapped one) and 3 scums by D2.

There is absolutely no way this is fair in any sense of the word, even if we have a Roleblocker, Doc and Cop. Keep in mind that Scum Goon is not on the role list, meaning scum would have a THIRD power role as well as Kidnapper / Interceptor, when those two roles are already very powerful.

What a tragic view of the situation you have!

I've also been told there's a town killing role in the set-up (can't shoot more than once), which just makes an earlier scum win more probable.

That is, if the town killing role (Marksman, I suppose?) player is really that stupid to go shooting that fast so early.

By the way, I've been told about that too.


I don't trust Prims enough to roleclaim in private, so I'll roleclaim in public since my role isn't a big deal. I'm the Town Nexus. Any non-killing roles that targets me will be redirected to a random player, excluding me and the player targetting me. Also, any role that would result in my death can kill me, it's not only limited to the mafia's nightkill.

Nexus clearly isn't a scum role, but I could very well be a Third Party as Prims said. Either way, it doesn't mean I'm a threat to the Town.

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Haze is clear since I'm pretty sure that Shinori was instructed to roleblock him last night. His role has also been proven.


##Vote Excellen

Going back to this. Rapier's role can be verified tonight through various means.

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I'll ##Vote: Excellen since I have a feeling that, by lynching him, we'll have more info about the remaining players and Straw and Prims' true nature. Besides, his rushness and recklesness in judging the situation and the players helps the Mafia. Plus, if Straw and Prims got roleblocked and Iris is the doc, it can only mean that Excelen is the Kidnapper.

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Just going to confirm that Shinori did indeed roleblock us last night.

Also Rapier your math is bad.

[spoiler=Why your math is bad]6 Town, 3 Scum.


5 Town, 3 Scum.

Mafia Kill

4 Town, 3 Scum.


3 Town, 3 Scum.


2 Town (Technically 3), 3 Scum.

Scum win, Day 2.

I'm not sure why you said it would be 5 Town and 3 Scum on Day 2 unless for some reason you were trying to say there were 9 members of the town, which there aren't, there are 9 players total.

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Excellen: 2

You guys have about three and a half hours. Also, Rein, please don't do that, especially not if I have to check your namechanges to verify that you're just trolling.

Edited by Centurion
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Fuck, I'm sorry Prims.

Don't make me feel like a horrible person! D:

Oh, Prims, er, rather, most of us- I think you're wrong about something;

Final votes:

No Lynch: 4

(StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw/Haze, Shinori/Aurora , Iris/Fear the Pika, Prims/Kaoz

Daigoji Excellen/WeaponsofMassConstruction: 2

(Manix/eclipse, Rapier/Diavolo)

Rapier/Core - 1

(Daigoji Excellen/WeaponsofMassConstruction

If I'm reading that right, Manix/eclipse voted for Excellen last phase whilst they were kidnapped - so I would assume that kidnapping does not stop Manix from voting. At the same time, I'm not sure. Manix, if you could be a darling, and confirm this when you can speak again.

I don't know, but Excellen's failed to defend, unless he would call that post earlier one, and claim to all of us which gives me a feeling that he's just given up, or he has no defense because he's scum. Anyways, I guess this is more or less conclusive.

##Vote: Excellen

Why am I up at 2 am, I shall never know. These woes of school. D:

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Excellen and Weapons have been lynched! They were:

You are Ophelia Sharpe, the Tailor.

<snip>'s plans sound cruel and... somewhat insane, to you, enough to make you question whether you still know them. Whether you ever truly knew them.

But you can't just leave them to do something so foolhardy and unreasonable, not when the chances of failure - of death - are so high. There's no other option but to go along with this. You couldn't betray them, not after everything they've done for you.

You know <snip>, they would never stop while alive and free. So you'll work with them, and do what you can to avoid excess bloodshed, and try to influence them for the better, if you can. Once a good person, always a good person, right?

During the night, you may choose one player to alter the role PM of. If you do, write a replacement for the action part of their role PM. This fake action will be shown instead of their actual role if they are targeted by any kind of inspection role that would see this information, during that night and the following day.

Alignment: Mafia

Win Condition: Eliminate the Town

Begin Night 3. Night 3 ends March 25 at 5:00 AM EST, or in just under 72 hours.

Final votes:

Daigoji Excellen/WeaponsofMassConstruction: 4

(Rapier/Diavolo, Iris/Fear the Pika, Prims/Kaoz, Manix/eclipse)

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If you're an ITP Kidnapper delaying the end of the game, please claim immediately.

Otherwise, Kay needs better reviewers. <_< Tailor + Interceptor + Kidnapper is crazy. If scum were smart, then they would have made their Interceptor look town on N0, too. Oh well.

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