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Why do Girls Want This?


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I was browsing through facebook today, and I saw a girl post this:

"I want a boy bestfriend who will call me beautiful, and like my photos on facebook, commenting them saying things such as the fact he's proud to have me as a bestfriend. One that I can call up, crying about other boys, and him saying he'll beat the shit out of them for me. A boy bestfriend who will drive me around like he's my big brother, and kiss me on my cheek/forehead when he knows I'm upset. One who becomes friends with my boyfriend and one who calls me up to see what I'm doing. I want a boy best friend who will tell me when I'm wrong, and force me into fixing things and apologizing because he knows that it will make things better for me. I just want a perfect boy best friend, who will love me and protect me from all the other boys. blank.gif"

This makes no sense to me as a guy. The guy she's describing is basically the perfect boyfriend so why wouldn't she want that? Especially since she's one of those girls that is always talking about love and wanting a boyfriend and all. Instead, she wants to meet a great guy and FRIEND-ZONE him? She'll have this guy around to basically complain about all the f*ck-ups that she dates instead, while he's sitting there wondering why she's so blind. It's silly to me.

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Holy shit i'm surprised with that wall of text. Totally thought a huge dick was coming...

Ahahaha. Nah I just didn't think my rant should go in the serious discussion thread lol.

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Don't try to understand girls so much, it hurts your brain too much and is a huge waste of time because they're all gonna be like super super different.

Like that Ein?

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Don't try to understand girls so much, it hurts your brain too much and is a huge waste of time because they're all gonna be like super super different.

Like that Ein?

Oh, wow, encouragement in the greatest form from Freohr...

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Don't try to understand girls so much, it hurts your brain too much and is a huge waste of time because they're all gonna be like super super different.

Like that Ein?


Needs more of my patented snarkiness. Or something.

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>protect from other boys


go beat them up yourself

with a spatula

I prefer to call it "obvious truth"


"I hate my gender" - Freohr and Lumi

In my years on this earth I've discovered it's best not to question why women do things, it's better for your sanity

Truth. Sadly.

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Not really "I don't like my gender" but rather the representatives for it.....

And other factors that come with it that are not quite fun to deal with~

Oh and I bet I probably also act confusing sometimes. I can't really think of anything but I just have some feeling...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Not really "I don't like my gender" but rather the representatives for it.....

And other factors that come with it that are not quite fun to deal with~

Oh and I bet I probably also act confusing sometimes. I can't really think of anything but I just have some feeling...

Freohr, you just completely confused me with the first two lines... But I get your point about the representatives, I was just joking around with you.

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Yeah, well, apparently girls can get the same treatment as guys, friend-zoning-wise. Just less prominent. Gender roles, I hope, will someday fade away and we'll all just be equal rather than having expectations of one another.

Other than the fact that, by design, women and men have strengths and weaknesses that the other does not. That's not equal; it never will be, as a general statistic.


More on topic, I don't know why that girl is looking for a guy. A best friend, period, could do all that stuff for her. Except the boyfriend-ish parts. That I don't get at all.

EDIT: I mean, stupid people aren't really chained to one gender or the other.

EDIT2: Actually, I like Joey's answer better.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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I honestly feel like with most teenage girls, the difference between bestfriend and potential boyfriend is looks. Not saying all girls are like this of course, I know many that don't fall under the stereotype and I'm (happily) friends with a lot of girls. It's just some are...confusing.

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