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How I see members here: Past and Present - Now with Integrity -


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wtf, look at the first line of that poem. You like, started the gravy train of offense. Where was the innocence?!

plenty of upstanding citizens fuck dogs

oh wait no they don't

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Holy crap, what did I do.

I didn't start this thing to come off as judgmental, in a negative way especially. I started this for fun because ShoM was laughing it up from another thread and suggested me doing this. In no way

Now, some people I can't remember much of a first impression from. Either thst, or I just haven't known you well enough from conversation...Dio, I really don't know much about you, same with Agromono. Sure you've been here longer than I have, but out paths just haven't crossed. I honestly wasn't expecting this to last more than 10 minutes with me and Sho and maybe 2 others just messing around in this.

I apologize to those whom have experienced hurt feelings. It wasn't my intention, and I see this beautiful rondeau as a clever omage to me coming off as a pretentious and judgmental prick.

Granted, if I have offended you to a point beyond reconciliation...oops.

In the spirit of good humor though, I'll be sure to catch up with those I haven't opinioned for (Integ, Horace, Blasied, etc), when I access a pc. I'm about to head to my other job, where I will access my phoneternet as best as I can.


also elieson is probably going to hate us. I really should not post when I am dead tired, and I especially should not associate with your corrupting self :O.

Well...i don't hate anyone here, even after learning that I apparently fuck dogs

Edited by Elieson
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Holy crap, what did I do.

I didn't start this thing to come off as judgmental, in a negative way especially. I started this for fun because ShoM was laughing it up from another thread and suggested me doing this. In no way

Now, some people I can't remember much of a first impression from. Either thst, or I just haven't known you well enough from conversation...Dio, I really don't know much about you, same with Agromono. Sure you've been here longer than I have, but out paths just haven't crossed. I honestly wasn't expecting this to last more than 10 minutes with me and Sho and maybe 2 others just messing around in this.

I apologize to those whom have experienced hurt feelings. It wasn't my intention, and I see this beautiful rondeau as a clever omage to me coming off as a pretentious and judgmental prick.

Granted, if I have offended you to a point beyond reconciliation...oops.

In the spirit of good humor though, I'll be sure to catch up with those I haven't opinioned for (Integ, Horace, Blasied, etc), when I access a pc. I'm about to head to my other job, where I will access my phoneternet as best as I can.




I love you man, don't make me feel bad for this shit. Do what you want and stuff.

Okay so you probably won't make me feel bad for this shit anyway but HEY.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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Oh god, we were just messing around Elieson! Now I feel bad, I didn't think you'd take us seriously (or Revan more specifically, with the dog things..) :P:. We just noticed you posted in the OP that we should leave our impressions, and since it was 4am we decided it was a good idea to act silly and co-write a ridiculous poem to pass the time.

I don't think you're judgmental (or a prostitute, lol), I was just teasing :P:. I feel awful if you actually thought we were upset, in reality we were trying to make you laugh.

Did you like our poem to you at least?! Considering our goal with it was to make you laugh, we probably failed pretty hard if you took us seriously :P:.

Edited by Tangerine
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Lol I did find it entertaining.

Haha, well I feel pretty bad now anyway! I didn't expect in a million years you'd think we were being serious on any level :P:.

Here, have a bunny puking hearts.


You have a fun thread, just keep doing what you're doing!

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Frosty, give the guy time to collect his thoughts. D: He has work and is posting from his phone, that takes time, you goofball!

Also Tangerine receives an internet for the awesome bunny.

Edited by Sakusa
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Also don't worry, you're not the first person I've baselessly accused of bestiality and you won't be the last.

Ook knowing I'm not the first is good at least :)

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And sanity after reading all of that... "work of art" by Tangerine and Revan.

Wow somebody is jealous as fuck.

Well, at least of my parts, Tangerine's parts were pretty shoddy I gotta say.

I mean she has pogs on the brain or something it's crazy.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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Frosty, give the guy time to collect his thoughts. D: He has work and is posting from his phone, that takes time, you goofball!

Also Tangerine receives an internet for the awesome bunny.

Silly me...

Apparently my brain feels pretty splitty tonight; so sorry for my goofball-ishness... and also I'm kinda excited; so sue me...

I'd give her the Chocolate Killer Bunny! *is shot*

Edited by Frostbite
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Wow somebody is jealous as fuck.

Well, at least of my parts, Tangerine's parts were pretty shoddy I gotta say.

I mean she has pogs on the brain or something it's crazy.

You gave me bestiality and Schrodinger's family to work with!

pre-emptive nope for Tangerine's post


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And tangy, the only people I took srsly, to heart, were raven and einny.

Everyone else, I more or less went "oh snap" like, "did I open a door that hasn't been opened before"?

Also, this is where I left off. If your name below is blank, don't worry...it's just placeholders. They will be filled.

Blasied: Are you 24 & hairy? Are you a bigger guy? Perhaps you ride a motorcycle. Wearing a bandana. And eating an ice cream cone for a snack in a McDonald's parking lot, since Parfaits taste like peanuts and dog crap. That is all I have thought of you since the beginning.

Reinhard: At first I thought young female castlevania-to-the-extreme fan. Noe I think you are a college age make, castlevania extremo-fan, who parodizes things like FF8. I imagine you look like Spoony from the Spoony Experiment, and your are equally eccentric.

Also. I inside you bring the kind if guy who wears a suit jacket and jeans, in that awkward 2010 boyband fashionsense

Spectakittysaurusosaur: I've known you were a girl forever. I pictured you tall, skinny girl who carries a kanji-adorned notebook and hello kitty charms on your cell phone. Now, I see a more versed anime fan, probably with something from Ouran HS on her wall. Your ideal fashion includes one of those hippie style hairbands that flows and goes down to your elbows. And, you are a farmer and an animal lover, so you wear boots a lot, and can tolerate cold weather and real life gore.

Shin: at first, I hears shin this and shin that. I had no idea who you were. Then the shin patch came into conversation. I still didn't know. I just assumed shim was this middle aged hacker who worked at IS a long time ago. Then I met Doku, and 2 weeks later, learned that doku=shin. Now, I see you digressing in age, from 30something to around 25, and very very skinny. Like, no muscle skinny. Also, you now have a hikers' ponytail and beard to match. I assume you look really weird with that combination of hair and being skinny.

Frostyzilla: ok ok first...i thought you were 12 yrs old. A little boy, trying to jump into the big leagues. Now I know you are older, but I also find you to be the most potentially gay person on this entire forum. Why? Because Keiran love and getting hit with bullets made from bazooka joe bubblegum at every turn.

Although, you are frosty. You have blue eyes and soft, fair skin. You gotta be one if those moisurizer using dudes.

Edited by Elieson
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I know of a man who fucks dogs

He loves them nightly, in his bogs

With a Schrödinger's family

His job is pleasure, for a fee

Vicarious, he loves his hogs

I know a man whose dogs he scroggs

Living subtly, drinking grogs,

And spending cash on ecstasy

Cannot escape a damning past

A man who collects 90s pogs

Arranges them on snazzy logs

His body funded this new glee

A guilty, weeping effigy

Of a man loved by Nintendogs

He tries his best to make it last

Lines Tangerine banned me from using:

Also he's a fucking racist

His anus filled up with a fist

Tangerine is not creative

I just sat down and read this whole thing. How did u know I collect pogs? :) I'm sigging this later when I get back to a pc, with tangy's permission of course. Elite, I don't care about getting your permission. You don't have the authority anyway.


Is this thread seriously at 10 freaking pages?

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