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Tangerine's Ultimate Judgement Thread


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Since you complained a little I didn't give your judgement proper justice, I guess I should discuss it a bit more.

So we met back when my purpose was to troll, and that is interesting because only one other person in this thread was one of my victims >:D. I am pretty sure you did not like me for an unknown amount of time because of that :P:. Also just realized every single staff member except Jyo and Shuuda have posted in this thread for a rating! How bizarre. I mean you guys already know I like you, you are fishing for compliments now.

Your trolling, Ms. TANGERINE, was A grade, because you caught me hook, line, and sinker. I like to think I'm above getting too invested into things, but every once in a while I forget my maxim of "If you're feeling angry, DO NOT POST. Put it away and come back tomorrow and see if you still feel the same way." I don't recall why exactly whatever you did worked so well, but it was probably just my soft spot for ranking in general, and the whole FE6 thing got to me. Probably because you had a rather unique sort of flippant arrogance about the way you carried yourself.

You're certainly right that my initial impression of you was indefinitely soured. Not even your glorious moustache was able to smooth things over (although I must say it went a very long ways. You make that shit look good.) I actually don't rightly recall how you managed to win me back over, to tell the truth, but I'm not ashamed to admit I'm glad you did.

Also, I guess my passive-aggressive act of "posting on and unrelated quote so as to make it look like I'm not actually requesting a judgement, but am sort of curious to see what would come out of such a thing" didn't fool you for a second, there, did it huh?

Anyway, the truth is we don't really know eachother personally all that well. We don't chat outside of the forum often enough, and when we do it's usually to discuss random hobbies and plot silly plans. You are one of the old fogeys around here, because these days you are old enough to have been a parent to some younger members. I get the feeling you are a little socially awkward as well :o! When we do talk it is usually pretty fun, but you have an awful tendency to idle randomly and leave me wondering what the heck is going on >:O! Also you are one of three SF members that I share a love of W with, and that is special.

At first brush I thought to myself "that's not quite right", but then I did realize that after further consideration, our relationship is nowhere near the sort of level that I've had with other people in the past (Kitten Engel, Icysnowgirl, `sawa, or Evilconqueso). Though I suppose those references are hardly fair considering they're from a different forum and you all have no idea who I'm talking about. :P But it's true, so I should probably step up the effort to be more approachable and personable. Definitely guilty as charged on the socially awkward, and it takes a certain kind of person to crack my hard outer shell and get to the soft gooey insides. Do you think you're up to the task?

Also, damn. You're right, I easily could have spawned some of the younger ones here, and if that's not a thought that would wake someone up in a cold sweat, what is? That said, I do hope I can at the very least act as a positive role model for them. Steer 'em in the right direction.

Saa, omae no tsumi wo kazo(ry

You are a smarty, super nice, pretty collected and unreasonably hard to anger. You are also objective and hardly damning! Plus you are totally approachable since you are such a lovable nerd. These are all reasons I picked you to be my fourth mod despite my obvious preference toward re-hiring experienced ones (Isn't that weird since up until you I was the "newest" staff member?!). You just started, but I am pretty confident you will be an excellent one!

Like my other three mods, you are also hopelessly infatuated with me. You are my Guinea B, and I appreciate that you are perfectly happy being my meatshield, test dummy and abuse cushion.

Judgement: :8]T: (<3, but we should get to know eachother better too :( )

edit: HOPELESSLY NOT HOPEFULLY. That typo totally changed the meaning of that sentence.

Now you're just buttering me up. You are doing absolutely nothing.

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Hey, that was a pretty awesome response! Memory lane! Heck yeah!

I do not know what you are talking about with that last part. In fact I am fairly certain the last part does not exist. You are correct in saying I am doing nothing!

And damn you for bumping this thread, now I will feel even more obligated to post new ones, lest Raven bug me more >:P.

I actually don't rightly recall how you managed to win me back over, to tell the truth, but I'm not ashamed to admit I'm glad you did.

I am pretty sure I just kept bugging you in PM until you started to come around. Most of my friendships start out with people not liking me or thinking I am egotistical or whatever. I can usually bug them into submission, you can't resist my level of charm forever >:D.

(although I must say it went a very long ways. You make that shit look good.)

^ worst attempt at hiding a compliment behind a joke ever >:O. It's okay, you called me pretty a lot less rudely than Jyo did, so :P.

Plus my artistic skill is legendary. Alex still has the picture of his that I doodled in his Skype profile picture >:D. Flaming skulls border and all. I retired way too early though, after I got in trouble for doodling a picture of Crash crying.

Probably because you had a rather unique sort of flippant arrogance about the way you carried yourself.

I still have that actually, it wasn't part of my scheme. But most people rightfully do not take it too seriously. And then there are the people who find it endearing :tangerine:. It grows on you..usually!

Unfortunately there are also people who take it seriously and end up being angry individuals who need to take a chill pill :P.

Definitely guilty as charged on the socially awkward, and it takes a certain kind of person to crack my hard outer shell and get to the soft gooey insides. Do you think you're up to the task?

You are my guinea b. Couldn't I just tell you to do it yourself and eventually it would be done >:D?

Also, damn. You're right, I easily could have spawned some of the younger ones here, and if that's not a thought that would wake someone up in a cold sweat, what is? That said, I do hope I can at the very least act as a positive role model for them. Steer 'em in the right direction.

Wouldn't it be cool if you and Florina like, had a kid 14 years ago and now they were a member of SF? You'd be our first family! Why didn't you two do that?!

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Guest Goldie

OohohohohhohooooO! BWUYAHAHEHEHEJKYYLLYKEKEKKEKEKEKEJEJEJEJEJEJEJEJWHHAHEHJEBUEUWBEHAAHAHAHH!! How lovely, isn't this super duper fun isn't it - yes?! Howdy there citrus user! How lovely it is to meet past fellow human being interpretations brought forth once more ohohohohoooo! To see the same fellow human beings again, their interpretations to occur and to be witnessed by other fellow human being created interpretations heheheehehehehHHEHEHEHEHEEE! It has to be the most beautiful thing to be a part of lolz :]

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OohohohohhohooooO! BWUYAHAHEHEHEJKYYLLYKEKEKKEKEKEKEJEJEJEJEJEJEJEJWHHAHEHJEBUEUWBEHAAHAHAHH!! How lovely, isn't this super duper fun isn't it - yes?! Howdy there citrus user! How lovely it is to meet past fellow human being interpretations brought forth once more ohohohohoooo! To see the same fellow human beings again, their interpretations to occur and to be witnessed by other fellow human being created interpretations heheheehehehehHHEHEHEHEHEEE! It has to be the most beautiful thing to be a part of lolz :]


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Guest Goldie

I think I may have found the solution to my problem.

Goldie-brand Citrus repellant. yay.png

With a side of fellow human being chaos eh? Found only in the shadows OHOHOHOHOHOHOOHOOOOOOOOHEHEHEheeeeeejeeekOOO! :]


Ohohohoooo joy! A precious fellow human being has recently described to my fellow human being self what this judgement thing is ohohohooo! How fun! Entertaining! A blast it must beeeee! BWUEHEHAHAHAHAAHAHH! This fellow human being asked my fellow human being self to make my own fellow human being created judgement thread - my fellow human being self is indeedy jeeyeh super curious, words filled with curiosity absolutely! Hehheheheeeee! :]

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  • 7 months later...

Just bumping this to display that mine was better than all of yours and all of the new ones.

I always do these fads the best.

Keep telling yourself that, fruity-boo

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Why was this abomination brought back from the abyss? ._.

I think the fruit just wants to fit in. ._.

Just to let everyone know what's up, and that I am the best at this stuff!!

The original is always superior, you know that!

This is top tier though, erryday

I can let you be #2.

I don't think there is any way someone like her could ever fit in with anything.

Shush you :(((

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