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Boron Tries to Guess Your Affinity


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Sakusa: Your affinity is water. I don't know too much about you, and I can't tell whether you're just distant or you're physically unable to come online as often. But you seem like you'd be a nice, friendly person who has no enemies, and that you can get along with anyone you interact with. You also seem like you'd be laid-back but free with your emotions.

The distance is a little bit of both, actually. I lurk much more than I post, and when I do, it's usually only to bring up a point that hasn't been addressed yet, back up someone else's claim, or call someone out on being an idiot, which doesn't happen often. XD As for enemies, I think Xeld/Hextator/Obviam totally hates me in his special, loving way, but I don't hold anything against him, so I think you're pretty spot-on. :3:

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Racer: Your affinity is wind. You seem to come and go on the forums, not really sticking around for too long in one place but still participating in drafts and conversations. Your posts are a bit detached and don't seem to show much emotion. You also seem to be able to keep your cool under fire and I haven't seen you get angry once.

Nightmare: Your affinity is cosmic. Perhaps it's because I don't know you well and the Hanekoma avatar, but I get the feeling that you're more of an observer than a participant on the forums. I also think that you're more laid-back and relaxed, a "go with the flow" kind of person, with more worldly knowledge than most people have.

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Nightmare: Your affinity is cosmic. Perhaps it's because I don't know you well and the Hanekoma avatar, but I get the feeling that you're more of an observer than a participant on the forums. I also think that you're more laid-back and relaxed, a "go with the flow" kind of person, with more worldly knowledge than most people have.

Hmm, not bad, not bad. You have potential.

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Since my thread has been inactive for two days, as promised I will post up the eight affinities (two at a time) so that people can decide for themselves whether I got them right or if another affinity would suit them better.

... But first, I need food. I'll edit this post and put up the first two affinities as soon as I get back.

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'Tis not a judging tread, *Narshen*, just more of a "I try to analyze the characteristics that make you who you are" thread. But I'll do yours before I put up the affinities.

*Narshen*: Your affinity is fire. You have your opinions and you express them freely, even if you don't always have the best support for said arguments. You seem to be a pretty constant figure on this board, and it shows that you're involved and you don't like being on the sidelines. I also get the feeling that you would argue for your opinions as well.

And now, for the affinity analysis:

Light: People with the light affinity are optimistic, kind, and friendly. They love life. They love the world around them. They always strive to look on the bright side of life, the light at the end of the tunnel, and they believe that everything will turn out fine in the end. They are extremely trusting and supportive, and loyal to whom they consider friends. They also make friends easily and are not picky about choosing friends. They believe in true love and friendship. They can find the silver lining in any scenario, no matter how bleak or bizarre, and have a romantic view on life.

On the other hand, people with the light affinity may be naive and a little slow. They find it hard to believe bad things about people, especially a person whom they know well, and they don't always "catch on" fast enough. They can also be judgmental as well. If they get a bad first impression of someone or something, for whatever reason, it is very difficult for them to be convinced otherwise. They also tend to see the world in black and white; it is difficult for them to see the shades of gray in between. They can also be very clingy, poor to adapt to change, and too needy.

Dark: People with the dark affinity are realistic. They know that the world isn't all happiness, and so they are able to handle difficult news with more levelheadedness than others. They are often deep, perceptive thinkers and they are cautious. They have well thought-out opinions on life, the world, and people. They do not trust blindly and are always careful around people initially. However, they do care about the people closest to them, and give their respect and friendship to those they feel are worthy. Sharp wit and sarcasm are their greatest weapons.

On the other hand, people with the dark affinity are almost always pessimists. They always look on the dark side of life, often dampening the moods of everyone else around them, and are downers. For those who do not express their opinions and emotions and keep them bottled up inside, their negative feelings may twist into something darker and lead them to do terrible things. They are most likely to become desensitized to terrible acts, believing that "it is just human nature" and believe that there is nothing good about the world. They are also stubborn and can be judgmental.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These are just "key" characteristics of each affinity, and you don't need to have all of the characteristics apply to you to be of that affinity. For example, you could have everything positive about light and none of the negatives. Of you could have all the negatives of fire and none of the positives. Or half and half. Maybe you find that there are parts of another affinity that fit you almost as well. Most likely, you will not be purely one affinity. It depends on how much of each affinity can apply to you, which one applies to you the most.

Edited by Boron
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Dark actually does sorta fit me... Alarmingly well which kinda scares me

But it's not quite a "severe case" of dark XD Because I still feel happy quite often, or try to make everything happy. I guess I often just try to suppress it or something...

I feel like I used to be Light because that's how my dad and mom raised me and then started slowly switching to Dark and now I'm inbetween.

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Earth: People with the earth affinity are intelligent, grounded, and logical. They are skilled, hard workers who strive for only the best. They are able to make decisions without being clouded by their own judgments, so they are highly objective. They never act irrationally, making sure that whatever they decide to do will not come back to bite them. They are deep thinkers and they "catch on" easily, so they are difficult to fool. They don't feel the need to be constantly surrounded by people, and they are perfectly content with being alone for periods of time. People with this affinity generally make good leaders because they are rational and detached from emotion, someone who can make the "right" choices. They have a very long fuse and they do not anger easily. They are also good friends to the people whom they feel are worthy of their friendship.

On the other hand, people with the earth affinity may come off as being too detached and distant. Because they are able to be so objective, they can either come off as insensitive or actually be insensitive to others. They are not good at dealing with other people's emotions, and so they are often not the comforting type. People with the earth affinity may actually fear human contact or have social anxiety disorder, which makes them socially awkward or physically unable to socialize. Earths are generally aware of their superior intellect, and they have a tendency to believe that they are better than everyone else around them, whether knowingly or subconsciously. They may have a long fuse, but once that fuse runs out they will explode. The most dangerous of the affinities, they are calculating and not people whom anyone should cross.

Cosmic: People with the cosmic affinity are worldly, observant, and open-minded. They are the deepest of the affinities, and the most knowledgeable about life's little secrets. Because they are observers rather than participants, they are able to maintain a detached outlook on a situation and make accurate assumptions about how others may act. They know other people better than other people know them. Unlike the earth affinities, those with the cosmic affinity are good at listening to people and offering them sympathy and advice. They have an air of maturity that does not necessarily relate to their age, and are fair as well as objective. They are able to see a situation from the many angles and different point of views, but they do not feel the need to make their opinions and intellect known to others. They are sly and witty.

On the other hand, people with the cosmic affinity are often too quiet and out of the way. They are often easily overlooked because their presence isn't as strong or as obvious, and if they are not well established within their group then they can be forgotten. Because they do not feel the need to tell others about themselves, they can come off as an enigma, which may be frustrating to the people around them who feel as if they know nothing about this person. Cosmic affinities also do not have a real passion for anything and may find it difficult to get excited about anything, and this dispassion may result in not caring enough about the world. Because they have so much worldly knowledge, they may not appreciate the world and everything about it nearly as much, believing that it is simply the world and not anything worth being excited over.

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Dark: People with the dark affinity are realistic. They know that the world isn't all happiness, and so they are able to handle difficult news with more levelheadedness than others. They are often deep, perceptive thinkers and they are cautious. They have well thought-out opinions on life, the world, and people. They do not trust blindly and are always careful around people initially. However, they do care about the people closest to them, and give their respect and friendship to those they feel are worthy. Sharp wit and sarcasm are their greatest weapons.

On the other hand, people with the dark affinity are almost always pessimists. They always look on the dark side of life, often dampening the moods of everyone else around them, and are downers. For those who do not express their opinions and emotions and keep them bottled up inside, their negative feelings may twist into something darker and lead them to do terrible things. They are most likely to become desensitized to terrible acts, believing that "it is just human nature" and believe that there is nothing good about the world. They are also stubborn and can be judgmental.

This is more whom i think i am but i will see once the Fire affinity comes up!

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Fire: People with the fire affinity are energetic, loud, and opinionated. They are not shy about letting people know what they think and are feel, and are extremely passionate. They are emotional people whose moods have a tendency to switch according to how they feel at the moment. They are artistic and creative and have a great love of the arts. They are competitive and love to win. People with the fire affinity have one of two default moods. Those who are generally happy have a love of life and people, and they are easily excited by everything. They have an appreciation for the simple things, but they refuse to let anyone walk over them and are very strong willed.

On the other hand, people with the fire affinity are temperamental, impatient, and judgmental. They are quick to anger, quick to react, quick to hold a grudge, and slow to forgive. They are short-tempered and often do not think their actions through, too caught up in their present anger. They are very impatient and do not like to wait for anyone. Those whose are moody by default are hypercritical of everyone else around them, complain excessively, and do not like to admit fault in themselves. They are easy to offend, and they do not let go of their opinions easily. They will argue, no matter how futile their argument may be. At their worst, they are extremely difficult to get along with.

Water: People with the water affinity are friendly, easygoing, and supportive. They are kind people who always have time to listen to other people's problems, offering sympathy and advice when they can. They are calm and often "go with the flow", not being bothered by the little things, and have a mature air about them. However, they are firm in their beliefs and will stand up for what they believe in. But they always take care to be dignified in their arguments, and will not behave in a way that they believe will lower themselves. They are graceful people who are willing to do what is best for the people they care about and put themselves last.

On the other hand, people with the water affinity are dangerous and critical. There are ways to make them very angry, very fast. They become harsh and unforgiving when angered and are capable of holding grudges for a long time. They do not believe in giving second chances, and once they are hurt or betrayed it is nigh impossible to earn their trust again. They are also judgmental and often think that they are always right, and they do not like to be told of their own faults. However, they can be critical of everyone else's faults. Other people of this affinity may be weak-willed and a doormat to others. They are too polite or shy to argue or stand up for themselves, and let others walk over them.

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I do recall her mentioning that, but I didn't know she squealed in delight ... Anyway, I have two more affinities to get through, before I have them all. Then you guys can decide whether I was right or wrong or way off.

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Fire: People with the fire affinity are energetic, loud, and opinionated. They are not shy about letting people know what they think and are feel, and are extremely passionate. They are emotional people whose moods have a tendency to switch according to how they feel at the moment. They are artistic and creative and have a great love of the arts. They are competitive and love to win. People with the fire affinity have one of two default moods. Those who are generally happy have a love of life and people, and they are easily excited by everything. They have an appreciation for the simple things, but they refuse to let anyone walk over them and are very strong willed.

On the other hand, people with the fire affinity are temperamental, impatient, and judgmental. They are quick to anger, quick to react, quick to hold a grudge, and slow to forgive. They are short-tempered and often do not think their actions through, too caught up in their present anger. They are very impatient and do not like to wait for anyone. Those whose are moody by default are hypercritical of everyone else around them, complain excessively, and do not like to admit fault in themselves. They are easy to offend, and they do not let go of their opinions easily. They will argue, no matter how futile their argument may be. At their worst, they are extremely difficult to get along with.

Curse you, Horace!

This is a pretty interesting description, fine choice! Although I guess all of these won't apply to one person ^^.

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About three years ago I had a girlfriend who followed the Pagan religion - or to be more precise - Wiccan. They use elements to judge a person's personality.

She stated that I was a strange person because while I was water, she said that I also have a bit of fire mixed in with it too. She said she'd never seen anyone like me before, which honestly surprised me. I found it quite interesting.

Edited by Raven
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After reading the analyses I'd say my IRL personality is a mix between Dark/Earth/Fire.

Dark - realistic, world isn't all happiness, perceptive, keeps emotions bottled up inside which twist into worse things

Earth - grounded, smart, not clouded by judgement, content at being alone for long periods on time, sucks at dealing with emotions (including my own), socially awkward

Fire - artistic, competitive, impatient, quick to anger and quick to hold a grudge (but I don't show it on the outside), complains excessively

Cosmic? I guess, sort of. But it's not really my personality since I'm not a mystery or quiet in real life. Also, I'm terrible at advice and sympathy. The open-mindedness, see things from different angles, "know more about others than people know about me", no real passion for anything in particular, and not caring enough is accurate, though.

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