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Korean youth wishes death on all Japanese

I.M. Gei

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That's sickening.

Hate towards Japan is common in parts of Asia, mainly those that Japan took over in WWII. I remember when I was back in China, people often use racial slurs when referring to the Japanese, but I haven't even encountered any of them who wants to wipe out all of Japan .__.

And even while the older generation do have their reasons to be displeased towards Japan since the military committed a lot of atrocities on their land, I don't think they should hate the entire population. It was the government and army that were dickbags and it's unfair to generalise a nation based on the actions of their military, certainly not wish the demise of the entire nation. That kid's like what, 20 at most? What the hell is he so racist for?

And did he learn Japanese just to say that message to the Japanese people?

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Facepalm_emote_gif.gif I'm not even going to watch that video. People like that give all Koreans a bad name. For freaking sake, why can't people just chill out already and get over their hatred of people simply for who they are?
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i wish more people would subscribe to my racial philosophy

if you'd fuck it, don't hate it

i think it would solve all of the world's race problems

As Dave Chapelle stated: "our dick's are humanitarians".

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I don't think there will ever be peace in the world. There's people out there that are assholes on purpose just for the sure joy of it.

I wish people weren't so judgmental over races or beliefs. Then again, this is reality...

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He looks and sounds like a fag. End of thread. (I'm not a homophobe but he deserves it...)

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To be fair, there are still terrible Japanese people who insist Imperial Japan never committed any war crimes and think all Koreans are criminals. Nationalism is pretty much retarded wherever you find it though, and I think this is a pretty good example of the narcissism of minor differences and myth and malevolence shit. I mean, it's not quite Balkans level, but still.

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To be fair, there are still terrible Japanese people who insist Imperial Japan never committed any war crimes and think all Koreans are criminals. Nationalism is pretty much retarded wherever you find it though, and I think this is a pretty good example of the narcissism of minor differences and myth and malevolence shit. I mean, it's not quite Balkans level, but still.

Yeah, there are idiots on both sides of the Korea-Japan debacle. I do recall this one manga, called Manga Kenkanryu, which was pretty much excusing Imperial Japan's actions towards Korea and saying that Korea owed its state of existence to Japan colonizing it. (Yeah, thanks a lot, Japan, for being partly the reason why Korea is cut in half now.) But hatred isn't the answer, and we all have to admit that we (and our countries) are not perfect and that we've all made mistakes. Seriously, wishing harm on an entire race of people, most of whom have done nothing wrong?

Faith in humanity, dropping lower ...

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I don't want to be on this planet anymore..

Oh come on, after virtually an entire civilized history of slavery, genocide, pointless war and oppression of women, homosexuals, and minorities worldwide, and shit like the holocaust, a guy expressing his shitty opinion is enough to put you over the edge? The really sad part is that these people are everywhere.

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He needs to be killed somehow, like all those kind of people who feel that way.

So with this proclamation in mind, you're saying you should die as well?

Just curious if you realize what you just said.

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Erm yes she can.

You have an irrational hate - violent hate - of transsexuals and internet trolls - All the proof is on this forum. So wouldn't it be fair to say that under your own proclamation, you should die too?

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Only if you nitpick.

No. It's not nitpicking, you're marking an entire group of people to death simply because you disagree with their views. Even though I think you often say the most ridiculous things I don't wish death upon you.

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let me put it this way

"i hate all japanese people they should die"

"you should be killed"

Now let me change one word in that sentence.

"i hate all [insert group of people] they should die"

transsexual make up a group of people.

"i hate all trassexuals they should die"

unless you want to turn around and tell me that you win because my arguments are "stupid" in which case i laugh at you



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...Racists, THEY'RE FUCKING RACISTS! You'd protect THOSE people?!

...Sexists, THEY'RE FUCKING SEXISTS! You'd protect THOSE people?!

Apparently race prejudice is worse than gender prejudice, according to Crash.

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