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Rate the Unit, Day 24: Barth

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It's not like he's going to get a crest over Alance, I was just speaking hypothetically.

My point exactly: it sounds good in theory, but not so much in actual practice, considering how fierce knight crest competition is.

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Barth is the man and all, but my God is he horrible. Worse even than Lilina, I think.

Is Barth really any better off than Bors was at the start of chapter 1? I guess the high level helps, but that's it. He's just as likely to get boots as he is the early knight crest, which is to say he will not be getting it.

14 defense is good, but its not that good. His base hp is actually kinda disappointing despite the high growth. His actual defensive capability is distressingly weak everywhere, but especially in the western isles, and if he cannot take hits well then what does he have left? Inaccurate semi-strong single-hit damage?

If by some miracle he is at a fairly high level late in the game, he's busy getting consistently hit (and doubled) by silver lance wyverns. Not even he can take that punishment for long. 40 attack says hello!

Saved from a zero by... being better than two or three people.


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I forgot to add this, being how I think of him when I see him or his name.

Edited by Elieson
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Barth has more use than Wendy (he can weaken enemies considerably), but it isn't saying much. He's basically all HP (100% growth), STR (60% growth), DEF (40% growth), and nothing else. His SPD base is very poor, and his growth isn't gonna help much, which is 20%.

2.5/10, -.5 since I don't like his character at all. 2/10.

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His def stat is great, but everything not Def HP and Str sucks tits. A defensive wall if you're slowly trudging through a rather treacherous patch of map, but going full speed he's left in the dust. Better than Bors.


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It's time to laugh at Barth! Sporting abysmal speed, skill and movement, I'm pretty sure those walls could double him! He's not losing any AS to weapons, but he really doesn't have much to lose. He has 14 speed at 20/20. There are enemies that appear before him which he'd have trouble doubling at 20/20.

He's simply too slow, inaccurate and immobile. What he can do, he does very well, there's just not much he can do.

2/10 - Barth fears no walls! He might cripple some enemies around where he spawns, but that's it.

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Can't you like drop him unto a hill with an Iron Axe to keep the enemy wyvern knights busy or something? I'm sure there's a lot you could think of with that defence of his.

There are a grand total of two units who can rescue promoted Barth.

They're named Hector and Murdoch, and they're only around for trial maps. They also have the same move as him.

Also, armors can't move on mountains.

So, no. You really can't drop him on a mountain and have him distract wyverns.

Barth joins with an amazing 4 move, 5 speed, and lancelock right before a bunch of chapters filled with all axe users. Not a very good position to start in. And really, he never gets any better.

I guess he's better than Wendy.


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Barth, the blue armor knight. Actually, blue is all that's required to get a biased rating in my book, ( and probably shouldve done that with Lilina, but I just can't seem to stomach her)

Anyway, what are Barth's strengths? He can wall. Good. He cant hit hard. Good. He has humngo HP. Real good.

Cons? 4 move is a pain, but if you early promo him, 5 move's not TOO bad I guess. He has bad accuracy... well sorta, but this is FE6, so wielding lances is bad enough as is ( wow, sowrd users suddenly sound real awesome)

Then spd problems. He'll be doubled forever, as bad as Lilina gets doubled herself. That's just not good, even if he has some def. Sorta makes you wanna tear your hair out of your skull I guess. He's also competing for the iron crest... which he'll lose to any of the four cavvies that you've been training, so eh.

My rating? 2.5/10(actual score) He can do a bit as a general but meh. But I sorta like him better than Lilina, so 3/10.

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