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Dark Knight

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I believe that Dark Knights will be different than the standard Mage Knight. Consider the fact that we still have the Troubadour class. What two classes does the Troubadour promote to? The two promotion options would have to be two mounted units, one of then not being a Dark Knight. I believe one will have a sword and Staff option, and the other a Tome and Staff option. I believe the Dark Knight will have a unique perk that will separate it from a standard Mage Knight. Perhaps access to Dark Magic? They are "Dark Knights" so it certainly sounds like it.

Edited by Leif
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Dark Knights clearly use either swords/tomes or axes/tomes. Staffs would be redundant with Sages; Lances would be redundant with Dark Pegasi; Bows would be just plain weird. And I don't think we'll see them as magic exclusive.

The only question is, which of the two will it be? If they use swords/tomes, I would expect them to just be called Mage Knights, but they aren't. Axes seem "darker" to me: I was expecting a Dark Mage promotion to use them, but with that class apparently absent, the weapon type falls here. Meanwhile, swords/tomes are already used by the Strategist and any classes it may promote to, and there are other classes that may share swords/tomes to bring them as an option for other characters: I've seen Trickster proposed as such a class, and the suggestion does sound plausible. Not much else for Thieves to do, after all. So it all fits if it looks like this:

Mage (tome) --> Sage (tome/staff) / Dark Knight (axe/tome)

As for Troubadours, their two promotions will certainly mirror the two versions of the Valkyrie class: one promotion with swords/staffs, one with tomes/staffs. A Troubadour promotion, I think, could be differentiated from Sage much better than a separate Mage promotion could be, as we saw with the Valkyrie class in FE6/7.

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I can see Troubadours promoting to FalconKnight and Valkyrie, since FalconKnights have staves this time around.

Not likely. We've never seen a horse to pegasus promotion, and there are two perfectly good class options the Troubadour could take as promotions.

Observe that Battle Monk and Battle Cleric use axes/staffs. One might expect them to use something different, perhaps swords. So why would they not use swords/staffs? Because swords/staffs is a combination already taken, by a Troubadour promotion. Especially having seen the combination so many times before, I can't imagine that IS would include lances/staffs and axes/staffs but not swords/staffs in their most frequent pairing.

So could Troubadour promote to Valkyrie and gain swords or promote to Falcon Knight and gain lances and wings? Doesn't sound like the most interesting of choices, not when every other magic class so far has had the choice between becoming a tomes/staffs user and becoming a magic/weapon hybrid user.

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Dark Knight's a confirmed class right? He's the guy on the horse we see in some of the FMV trailers? Kinda reminds me of Lann's Dark Crest armor.

It's this game's mage knight, yeah.

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I'm not going to re-class on my first playthrough until I beat it. If I can stay on the map after the final chapter, then I'll do it.

I like to have an assortment of classes, like Swordmasters, Assassins, Heros, Sniper, Sages, Generals, etc.

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Maybe Dark Knight uses Dark Magic.

That might be possible, but we're not sure if magic is all together like in Shadow Dragon or divided up like in Radiant Dawn. It could be like 6,7,8 was with Anima, Light, and Dark.
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