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Rate the Unit, Day 4: Boyd


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Boyd. Oscar and Rolf's brother. Hot blooded and at first, sees Ike as a rival.


Chunky axe user.

Strength goes :awesome: pretty quick.

Decent growths.

Good supports (and really funny ones)

Getting some use in the first half of the game.


A bit squishy.

Speed lags a bit.

Res is :angry:

Luckily for Boyd, PoR isnt that much of a sword fest. Hes mostly in axeland to start with so he can get some kills in. He may need that extra speedwing (depending on bands yer giving him or whatever) to help him get to the murder quicker. Because for his first couple of levels (and possibly chapters), hes not doubling junk that much. But he does get going and when he does....things die. His defense isnt great but thats the Fighter/Warrior in him. Hes got MAD HP to make up for it and hopefully hes dodging junk. His res really sucks though. I think its a trait in the GM brothers....Bad res. Mist support might help with that (if you arent saving her for Jill).

Boyd is a pretty cool guy. He isnt absolutely necessary and i, at times, do runs without Boyd involved. So its not like hes a super human. Hes pretty great though when you do use him and train him. 7.5/10 8/10 bias for THE BOYDENING. (My nickname for when he murders)

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I find he normally gets off to a 'meh' start - better than Oscar does anyway, seeing as he's an Axeman in Axeland - but gets good later on. However, his SPD isn't exactly stellar, and there's better Axe users in this game (With ponies!) that I normally end up benching him. However, he's a pretty cool guy, so I'mma going to give him a bias point.


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7.5/10, has great offense but he is a little frail later on (lacks avoid, defense can be underwhelming) and not being a mount in this game doesn't give him much to go for. But he is a reliable unit and I'd prefer him to most of the game; best foot unit in the game.

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Boyd has a rough start. Because of the way AS works in this game, I'm almost certain he starts off being weighed down by his axes. His base speed is also shaky. But the good thing about Boyd is that he improves himself, fast. Great strength growth, which means he will no longer be weighed down by his weapons. His speed growth is good (isn't it higher than all fighters' before him?) and so he will be doubling soon enough. Once he gets past his rough start, he gets good and stays good the entire time. His HP is great, but his defense is not as great. Same with resistance. And he's a foot unit. But aside from those, he's very good.

8.5/10. I was thinking of giving him just an 8, but I think he's worth a little more than that.

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Well, I guess I was remembering wrong since it's been a while since I played a new PoR file from scratch. My rating still stands, though. I think his strengths override his not-as-stellar beginning, plus I took off a point for poor defense and resistance.

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Boyd is seriously a boss.

Sure, he has a rough start, but he will grow into one of the most powerful units in the game. To be honest, I was quite surprised when I played FE7/8 after FE9, since Dorcas, Bartre, and Garcia weren't as awesome as Boyd was. Seriously, this badass has a 45% SPD growth, and his base isn't that bad. Kickass.

Not as good as Titania or Oscar, but he's basically Ike with axes.

8.5/10, +.5 bias since Boyd's possibly my favorite FE9 character due to how hilarious he is. 9/10

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Boyd is a relatively slow starter, but when he gets going (may as well give him the early speedwings, not like Ike or Oscar need them and lol at using Shinon or Gatrie), his offense become just plain outrageous. One-shotting stuff with a Steel Axe forge? HELL YEAH! However, he's only a footsie (and worryingly fragile), so 8.5/10.

Edited by Epic Fail
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On a game that relies a horse to move, foot units often dont get a lot out action. Boyd is that strong foot unit who wtf pwns any stragglers. His huge offence is somewhat offsetted by his "poor" speed.

But with a speed band, he gets it to a respectable 50%. Also his pour defenses is also powered by his huge hp.

All in all, he is one of the best foot units in the entire game with a huge offense potential

(8.5/10+ 1 point bias because hes my favorite character in the game.) is 9.5/10

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9/10. Much like a wrecking ball, Boyd is extremely destructive once he gets swingin', but also like how a wrecking ball must be lifted and pushed before it can swing, so too does Boyd need to be carried a bit in his beginnings. Otherwise, he's bloody awesome, and gets a little crit bonus when he happens to be near his bros just for lulz.

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I'd give him a 9.0.

He starts fairly weak, but a the end is great. Sadly On the endgame was killed (dumb swordmaster) along with Reyson (such a crime to admit on Serenes Forest).

I used him often and found him to be a master with bows (I have problems with archers most of the time). He got 1 bias point. Finished for my first time last night so this is fully based on recent experience, not frequent usage.

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Boyd is seriously a boss.

Sure, he has a rough start, but he will grow into one of the most powerful units in the game. To be honest, I was quite surprised when I played FE7/8 after FE9, since Dorcas, Bartre, and Garcia weren't as awesome as Boyd was. Seriously, this badass has a 45% SPD growth, and his base isn't that bad. Kickass.

Not as good as Titania or Oscar, but he's basically Ike with axes.

8.5/10, +.5 bias since Boyd's possibly my favorite FE9 character due to how hilarious he is. 9/10

I'm lazy and I'll use this. I'd add that when I played FE9, I accidentally just used Boyd for everything. I didn't even plan to, he just ended up wrecking everyone's shit and taking names in that Death Note of an axe he holds. I gave him the first forged weapon, a handaxe with max MGT, CRIT, and HIT. Later I just gave him a steel axe with max HIT and MGT, he didn't need the crit. By the endgame, he wasn't quite as amazing as before but he loved a good forged weapon anyway so fuck the haters.

I'll say 10/10.

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