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Rate the Unit, Day 29: Gonzales

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Kindly go back and edit your original vote, would you?

I... already did?


A Base Breaker usually refers to an event and/or thing that breaks a 'Base' of some sort, like a fanbase. For example "Gonzales is Awesome!" "Gonzales is Shit!" two different opinions colliding between the fanbase and thus symbolically breaking them.

Do I get my gold star now?


Edited by Onmi
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The Great Gonzo has everything going for him: a loving harem of chickens and Lilina, tons of HM bonuses, awesome durability... and SKL that is actually low enough to be a serious problem. That's quite a rare issue for a FE character. It's rare to see a player unit with chronic missing problems, but if anybody is that unit, it's Gonzales. That said, upon promotion he gets insano-crit and can stand on Mountains and like never die. But he has to shore up his SKL problem or he is no use at all. Should you be so lucky as to get him blessed in that respect, ho ho ho.


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the problem with axes in FE6 is that even improving your skl will not significantly improve your hit rate

gonzales still requires time to get up to speed and has too much con in addition to other stated problems 4/10

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I really like using him. So much fun.

Not very reliable, but a Secret Book can go a long way. Stupidly strong and that HP is wow. And he's only level 5 if you go for Echidna route. Able to walk over water and mountains.


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Gonzales, that one really ugly dude.



He lols at terrain.

Zomg look at dem HP.

Strength is cray cray.


:blink: :blink:

Cant hit the broad side of a barn.

Cant quite function in one route. :(:

Poor Gonzales. He got beat with the ugly stick so bad, he cant hit squat. Pity because he looks to be one of those units that would just demolish everything on sight. He totally laughs at terrain. All the terrain. Forever. Thats kinda awesome, but the poor bloke just cant hit. His skill is so far in the pooper that even a Secret Book isnt helping as much as you'd think. (trust me, i tried...) Since i have chosen the Sacae route, i know hes not going anywhere there. I really want to like Gonzales...i really do. But goddamn! DUDE LEARN TO HIT!


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No stats today but...

...Great Gonzales definitely is built like a nuke. It's even durable for fucks sake! Except this nuke must've been built at a time where accuracy was about as accurate as the chances of winning the Mega Millions lottery. The good news is he looks at shitheads like Wyvern Lords and toast them over an open fire.

...but if enemies don't wield Lances or aren't godawful slow, he's in deep shit. Sacae just chews and spits on him. Ilia is pretty good for him, though. His Con is a pretty glaring issue, but unpromoted Thany and Shin still have him. I think Zeiss too, but I don't have stats offhand.

6/10 for Ilia, 4/10 for Sacae, then a .5 point for doing okay with the tougher enemy types. So well call it a 5.5/10.

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He totally laughs at terrain. All the terrain. Forever.

Please elaborate? Because as I see it, it's the terrain that's laughing at HIM (in the sense of enemies who plop their asses on terrain laugh as his already godawful hit rates go down the crapper).

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Please elaborate? Because as I see it, it's the terrain that's laughing at HIM (in the sense of enemies who plop their asses on terrain laugh as his already godawful hit rates go down the crapper).

She probably meant that Gonzales can go over water and peaks.

Which he can.

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goddammit do your fucking research FE6 uses 2 RNs for hit calculation

It actually uses 1 number. In all the American/European releases uses 2. To clarify. In the other ones you have a higher chance of getting a higher number but a lower chance of getting a low number.

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It actually uses 1 number. In all the American/European releases uses 2. To clarify. In the other ones you have a higher chance of getting a higher number but a lower chance of getting a low number.


Do the research before you make comments like this, willya?

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Do the research before you make comments like this, willya?

I've seen it here.


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All GBAFE uses the 2RN system. The only thing different in FE6 is 100% displayed can actually miss, but that's a bug in the system due to rounding errors and not what they wanted to implement.

GameFaqs is the pinnacle of reliable information, riiiiiiiight.


Edited by Luminescent Blade
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With the 2 RN system, it actually has higher chance for u to strike after 50%. :unsure:

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Woo! Gonzales may be big and ugly, but he hits pretty hard. His accuracy is a genuine problem, especially with FE6 axes. Most end game enemies are lancies, but his odds against swordies or anything with a terrain bonus aren't good.

6.5/10 - Great guy, but a bad time to have low skill... and axes.

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Gonzales has hax HP, great STR and SPD, but horrible SKL. You can count on him to survive anything that's thrown at him (that doesn't have swords or magic, of course), but don't expect him to hit anything.


Edited by zeldamaster456
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He can sometimes hit the steel lance pegs in ilia, and has no chance in hell in being a good unit in sacae because of massive accuracy issues. Against wyverns, shove him on a peak and hope he gets a crit I guess. He's not gonna be hit very often there, but even with wta, he still has issues.


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I still feel that in a game where accuracy is difficult to work with already, Gonzo is just too reminiscent of Keiran!Gamble. Alance lack the comparable power, and may have similar accuracy, but when you have class-based WTControl, it isn't as hard to cope with.

Tell me how often do you use Gamble?

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