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Who's ready for some new archetype characters?

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i wish there was a special unit, who joined early-midgame, who was a prepromote with amazing stats, like really great, but that had negative growths for all stats. so what happened as you increased his level, his stats would slowly drop until when he is in 20/20, he has on average the base stats of their unpromoted class.

you could justify it as an older unit being an amazing fighter, but being crippled by a disease of some sort that is robbing him of his strength.

that would be cool, i think.

So basically they would be Tellah from FF4 but instead of just strength decreasing, all stats go down.

Err... yeah that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

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It would be trolltastic then everyone it gamefqs could justify their prepomote paranoia .

Change Seals should shoot a few holes in that for other characters, however.

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My best guess for Sairi that might be in the Levn (as possibly traveling royal person realizing that she's the princess) and the Shanan (as possibly a pre-promoted Swordmaster in the mid-game or late who is a master swordswoman and have similar Narverre's growth rates) archetype. (But that's just my guess)

Edited by King Marth 64
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I hope they introduce a new one. The exact inversion of a Jeigan. A no promoted unit with absolute shit growth rates, but upon promotion, they go all FE6 Karel and shoot thru the fucking roof! Here's to hoping :)

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FE6RR Karel seems to do that, except his growths pre-promotion are ridiculous. He still needs 10 levels before he's anything of note, and another 5 before he destroys everything.

Edited by Mercenary Vergil
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It would be trolltastic then everyone it gamefaqs could justify their prepomote paranoia .

Yes, because everyone on GFAQs hates prepromotes. Also, why don't we have a Titania emoticon?

I hope they introduce a new one. The exact inversion of a Jeigan. A no promoted unit with absolute shit growth rates, but upon promotion, they go all FE6 Karel and shoot thru the fucking roof! Here's to hoping :)

Like Lachesis from FE4? Meh bases and meh growths but promotion gains so huge that she goes from being mediocre at best to one of your best units.

Considering every character is an archetype to some extent, I don't have a problem with them. Seeing some new archetypes be established would be cool though. Also, I'd like to get another Percival. He was fucking awesome. Why don't we have a Percy emoticon either?

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Yes, because everyone on GFAQs hates prepromotes

Dude have you ever been to GFAQs prepromote hate is as common is LTC is here . Search up any of the sacred stones advice or unit topics . You'd swear they thought Seth was the devil or something . Sure there might be a vocal minority who understands that certain prepromotes rock but the majority clearly don't .

Edited by The_Purple_Knight
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Dude have you ever been to GFAQs prepromote hate is as common is LTC is here . Search up any of the sacred stones advice or unit topics . You'd swear they thought Seth was the devil or something . Sure there might be a vocal minority who understands that certain prepromotes rock but the majority clearly don't .

Yes. I'm a regular there. Maybe if you actually looked on the boards instead of reading 5 year old guides you'd see most people like prepromotes there as much as everyone does here.

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When I was here a few years ago (I was Canas something, think that account has been deleted) pre-promotes were fairly hated, Seth being one of the few exceptions, even Titania in FE9 was disliked. I guess things have changed since then. Is there anything wrong with disliking pre-promotes? I personally prefer to see a unit blossom and grow into something great rather than use someone like Seth or FE9 Titania who start with high stats and end with high stats. It's much more rewarding to use unpromoted units and it adds more challenge to the game. Just a matter of opinion and personal preference that's all, the great thing about FE is that there's numerous different ways to play through the game.

P.S: FE7 Marcus, Seth, FE9 Titania = Jeigans ;)

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Mage-type prepromotes are fairly immune to hate, like Pent (Fe7) or Saleh (FE8). It's all in how they're used. Pent seems to have better Magic than Erk, and Saleh just nukes everything with criticals. I think the reason are resident Oifeys come under such ire is how they usually get outpaced by sword masters and heroes. At least that's been my experience. Mind you, I prefer Seth of FE9!Titania.

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It's much more rewarding to use unpromoted units and it adds more challenge to the game.

See, here's the important part: recognizing that unpromoted units really are, for the most part, more challenging to use.

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I would generally say for my opinion that if used correctly, a pre-promote can be okay. Just don't be an idiot and rely on them without using many other units, or else your game will suck (unless it's a self-imposed "challenge"). Though I've only played in 3 worlds (and 4 games) of FE, I've liked the Jeigans fully and tolerated other pre-promotes just fine. Though I think I lost my point somewhere in here... ^^;

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