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Why do you love Tinny so much?

Sooooo expecting someone to ask that.

Because she's beautiful and sweet and kind.

When did Guy start losing his eyesight?

About 50 years from now when he'll get his name change to Oldman.

Why are you making Guy FE's Nostalgia Critic? :P

Because I saw this pic and thought "Guy with glasses. Wait, isn't the Nostalgia Critic also called Guy with the Glasses!? Oh God I'm totally using that as my username~!!!"

What kind of glasses?

Decorative ones.

Edited by that Guy with the glasses
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Who are you, really?

Crashman_Alpha, that weird guy who you say is good at YuGiOh even though he keeps losing all the time.

Do yourenounce Satan and all his works?

Depends on what you mean by "his works".

Because Ishtar doesn't fall under that, I hope you understand.

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