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If you were a Fire Emblem character...

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What would your mugshot look like? What would your outfit be? What class would suit you best? What would your name be (either your real name or something made up)? Descriptions, drawings, even self-portraits are welcome.

Edited by 12th Folgore White
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Well, let's see... When I think about this, I feel that I'd probably have really long hair. It would probably be blue. My eyes would also probably be blue. I'd likely have a breastplate and shoulder guards on, and without a doubt there would be elaborate floral etchings in the metalwork. I'd have a totally adorable ribbon tying my hair back, and short straight bangs as well... Hm... I'd likely wear a short skirt with boots and thigh highs... And beyond that, I'd likely be carrying a sword or a lance. My armor would be white with blue etchings, and my skirt would be a lovely pleated white... And my boots and thigh highs would match my armor! So... I guess class-wise, I'm a Pegasus Knight or some sort of Halbedier/Myrmidon combo.

Edited by Sophia Aetheria
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ne0yv.jpg and radjcn.jpg

Closest of what I have on hand is these. Wouldn't be exactly like that since that's for a few hacks and not really me, but close enough.

Also would be Hero. AxeDragonLord and SM are other valid options.

Edit: well the painting I'm working on atm works too

except maybe not /as/ much bling


Alternatively, a custom class called fat bunny rider where I ride on that angry fat bunny in my avatar and it eats everyone and it would be gloooooorious

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Apparently like this, according to Astelaine's interpretation.


Based on the pose, I'd have to say I'm a Ranger. The mug is literally in the perfect pose for that class' animation, and the class works well for what I'd want from a character.

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Seven years ago, according to Black Dragon, like this



Apparently like this, according to Astelaine's interpretation.


Based on the pose, I'd have to say I'm a Ranger. The mug is literally in the perfect pose for that class' animation, and the class works well for what I'd want from a character.

I personally see more Bishop than Ranger.

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You're all beautiful. <3

I would post a drawing but I'm not going to because lolbad. Anyways my hair would be like Leaf's except blonde with hair covering my ears. In FE12 MU was a Curate and I would use him to stay back and use physic. So, even though it's not manly at all, it works for me because I like the idea of helping others out. Otherwise, I see myself as a Hunter/Horseman because it's my favourite class.

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This would be the mugshot...


Now, what class do I fit? Back when I was fantasizing when I was kid; I always loved Mages; but my promotions? Either go Sage or Mage Knight.

Bases time! I prefer joining at LV01 BTW...

HP: 16 I MAG: 7 l SKL: 5 l SPD: 5 l LCK: 0 l DEF: 0 l RES: 4 l CON: 6

Growths time!

HP: 45% l MAG: 85% l SKL: 75% l SPD: 75% l LCK: 5% l DEF: 15% l RES: 45%

YAY for horribad durability and blocking crits with my face; and joining in map littered with Killer weapon users.

Oh; and if you like... I'll nerf the HP/DEF/RES growth to 15/5/20 respectively for bottom tier material.

Edited by Frostbite
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Ah, this.

I would be a dark blonde haired, tan skinned Fencer class, which promotes into Myrmidion, which then promotes to either Swordmaster. I would wear purple.


16 HP/55% growth

3 Str/30% growth

7 Skl/60% growth

9 Spd/50% growth

0 Lck/30% growth

1 Def/35% growth

0 Res/20% growth

Fencer to Myrm gets 1 HP 3 Str 2 Skl 2 Spd 3 Def 1 Res

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Oh well if we are talking about stats here

LV1 Curate

Hp 15

Str 0

Mag 8

Spd 2

Skl 1

Lck 8

Def 2

Res 4

Hp 100%

Str 0%

Mag 80%

Spd 40%

Skl 20%

Lck 80%

Def 40%

Res 60%

Yay for OHKOing when using tomes while having bad speed and skill, but I have luck so I can dodge shit but when I get hit I have good Def/Res and lolwtf HP.

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I'd answer this, but I know some stalker would track me down because my image is so hawt. Kidding, but I still don't want anybody doin the creep looking for me. Anyway, I'd probably be a mage, even though my favorite classes are mercenary and wyvern rider. My description would probably be:

A traveller searching for knowledge for knowledge's sake. He comes across as a know-it-all, and doesn't like to hang around those he doesn't know very well. He is a tad cowardly, but he is incredibly loyal to those he is close to. His intellect is undeniable.

By Fire Emblem Blazing Sword's standards, these would probably be my stats:

Lv. 1

HP: 16/60%

Mag: 7/60%

Skl: 4/40%

Spd: 5/40%

Lck: 1/15%

Def: 4/30%

Res: 5/45%

Edit: I hope none of you can find me because of my description, and to prove that is not me exactly, I'm posting on this instead of searching for knowledge, and i prefer to travel through my hous instead of the land.

P.S. I'm also surprised nobody mentioned that I kind of made an elaborate Canas for the description.

Edited by I don't play for turns
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I would be a black haired, tan skinned Sellsword class, which promotes to Warlord (+C Bow). I would wear black or blue or a combination of both and would be able to use Axes off the bat.

lv1 Sellsword

Hp 15

Str 8

Mag 0

Spd 9

Skl 7

Lck 9

Def 8

Res 1

E Swords

D Axes

Hp 85%

Str 75%

Mag 25%

Spd 50%

Skl 40%

Lck 70%

Def 70%

Res 35%

Edit My mug would be me smirking

I would dominate the FE world biggrin.gif

Edited by ArngrimtheBerserker
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I am a Druid Guy Myself!

Variation 1: UNPROMOTED, COMES around Chapter 7.

Level 3 Shaman

HP: 18 (45%), MAG: 5 (55%), SKL: 4 (60%), SPD: 4 (35%), LUK: 6 (25%), DEF: 2 (35%), RES: 3 (60%), CON: 10


Equipment: Nosferatu, Flux

Variation 2: PROMOTED, Comes at around Lategame

Level 5 Druid

HP: 35 (40%), MAG: 16 (35%), SKL: 13 (55%), SPD: 12 (35%), LUK: 9 (20%), DEF: 9 (25%), RES: 15 (40%), CON: 11


Equipment: Fenrir, Flux, Recover

Mugshot: I have a look where i am thinking about heavy thoughts to myself!

Edited by *Narshen*
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I would be a black haired, tan skinned Sellsword class, which promotes to Hero. I would wear black or blue or a combination of both and would be able to use Axes off the bat.

lv1 Sellsword

Hp 15

Str 8

Mag 0

Spd 9

Skl 7

Lck 9

Def 8

Res 1

E Swords

D Axes

Hp 85%

Str 75%

Mag 25%

Spd 50%

Skl 40%

Lck 70%

Def 70%

Res 35%

Edit My mug would be me smirking

I would dominate the FE world biggrin.gif

I'd rate you a 10/10. Those stats are totally not fair. They're so over-buffed

, they make Giffca look scrawny!

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