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How do I get a girlfriend?


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I honestly get what you're saying, Freohr, but I can't say that I feel the same way, not at the moment. I like being single, and I like my group of friends and our not-dating-each-other-ness. I don't ever want to get a boyfriend, and I don't ever want to be one of those girls who is so gaga over her boyfriend that nothing else crosses her mind. (In fact, if for some unfathomable reason this ever happens to me, I'd want someone to smack me. Hard. Until I find my mind.) So I guess I can't offer worthwhile advice to anyone who is dead-set on having a significant other or really wants one. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

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I honestly get what you're saying, Freohr, but I can't say that I feel the same way, not at the moment. I like being single, and I like my group of friends and our not-dating-each-other-ness. I don't ever want to get a boyfriend, and I don't ever want to be one of those girls who is so gaga over her boyfriend that nothing else crosses her mind. (In fact, if for some unfathomable reason this ever happens to me, I'd want someone to smack me. Hard. Until I find my mind.) So I guess I can't offer worthwhile advice to anyone who is dead-set on having a significant other or really wants one. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

Yeah I don't think it'd really matter too much =o If that's what you're most comfortable with then you should most definitely go for it!

Oh I don't think it was a complete waste. You might not be the only person who has to deal with the troubles in relationships... And yes quite often best friends are indeed the best XD And it might give some good thinking food for otherz x3

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A girl figured out I liked her yesterday. Am I seriously that obvious? *sighs* I should impress her in some way...Any ideas?

Pull up your pants next time you show up at her window.

And bring flowers.

Edited by Tangerine
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A girl figured out I liked her yesterday. Am I seriously that obvious? *sighs* I should impress her in some way...Any ideas?

Pull up your pants next time you show up at her window.


Ugh I make it pretty obvious when I like somebody. Like I have such trouble hiding when I feel happy! Or embarrassed! It suuuucks. And the last guy that found out I liked him just had so much fun manipulating me >_<

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Well, for something approaching a technical reason why kissing is enjoyable, there are a ton of red blood cells in the lips, so they're pretty sensitive, major erogenous zone there. Unfortunately, it's a bit harder than hugging, so it's kind of hard to see what the fuss is immediately.

Having a significant other at the expense of losing friends is one thing, and it's definitely no fun and a significant risk, but it isn't always necessary. I kind of see it as being a step up in intimacy from friends, although some define them on completely different levels. Basically, though, they are what you make of them. Some romantic "relationships" are basically super best buds for life, where nobody censors themselves or devalues other people as friends, but they like being around the other person so much they just choose to do it all the time.

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A girl figured out I liked her yesterday. Am I seriously that obvious? *sighs* I should impress her in some way...Any ideas?

You'd rather her never know and miss your chance?

Some romantic "relationships" are basically super best buds for life, where nobody censors themselves or devalues other people as friends, but they like being around the other person so much they just choose to do it all the time.

wheeze, swoon

IHOP pancakes suck. You people suck.

oh yeah well YOU s

Oh you beat me. Well, fine.

I do suck. If you can afford it.


Yeah? Yeah, I kinda figured. Yup.


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Dammit people I don't want to respond to everyone because it'll take too long know what to even say right now. Some people here really dropped some knowledge, and others made me lol, so this was a success. It's really interesting (to me at least) how everyone approaches this matter, and their different views on it. Keep em coming!

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I truly don't understand why people want to a boyfriend/girlfriend instead of seeking to strengthen their friendships. The most important question to ask yourself before you want a girlfriend or boyfriend is this: "what does having a boy/girlfriend offer me, that a regular good friend cannot?" And you have to really think this one through. Don't just say something like "I can get laid" or whatnot. A true friend should offer you everything that a boyfriend or a girlfriend would be able to. Except that friendships generally last longer and can expand to having more than just one person. It's better to have a large support group of friends. Not just that "one person" who may or may not be "the one" and "all that special."

Basically if someone wants sex, their friends will give 'em that? Really?

In all honesty I've never asked a girl out, so I'd never know. But it'd be nice to at least know her well.

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all you need is a napkin and chloroform and you can get as many girlfriends as you like

Shit can get to be pretty tough, i've been single for a while. Normally its just time that brings you to the right girl, but you got to be social and get yourself out there. Like talk to some random girl on the street that is givin you the looks or something. (Fun fact i've seen that work before)

Just talk and be friendly

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I feel like what's going to happen is either I'm going to wake up one day and realize I missed my whole life, or I'll wake up one day and realize I'm married, have kids, have them all grown up and am about to be forced into retirement with no money left for it to be worthwhile...again, wondering what happened to the past few decades and if they ever really existed.

Truman show kind of shit.

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Basically if someone wants sex, their friends will give 'em that? Really?

In all honesty I've never asked a girl out, so I'd never know. But it'd be nice to at least know her well.

Marth, I've said several times that I didn't consider "sex" a valid reason. -____-

I'm talking about the emotional benefits, how these people are supposed to support you. Because if you were that desperate for sex, you can get it from prostitutes or random people looking to hook up.

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Marth, I've said several times that I didn't consider "sex" a valid reason. -____-

I'm talking about the emotional benefits, how these people are supposed to support you. Because if you were that desperate for sex, you can get it from prostitutes or random people looking to hook up.

Well some people may wanna have sex with people they know real well.

The only problem is sex with your Best friends can turn into a relationship pretty quickly, so...

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I can understand that, really. But that just brings up some more questions for me: why can't we just hug all of our friends? I hug all of my friends. What exactly does kissing offer? Why do people want to do it? Why does a stronger attachment have to mean wanting to date that person?

This is probably just a difference between you and me, but I find that unless you know for certain that the person you make your significant other is truly "the one", relationships may be a faster way to end friendships and potential friendships and other non-romantic relationships. My two friends from undergrad? They got along so well when they were just friends. Then they got together. They were together for the rest of the year, broke up after 1st quarter the next year, and the breakup was probably one of the contributing factors to my female friend transferring to another school.

Again, this is probably just who I am. For some reason, I'm not interested in relationships. I've never been interested in them, and when I truly thought about it I've never felt anything more than friendship for a guy. I'm perfectly happy and I get all the emotional support I need from my group of friends. So I really don't understand how this one specific person, your boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other, is supposed to be more important than all of my friends and give me more than what all of them could ever give me.

Mind you, I've felt and been ditched a couple of times in undergrad when three out of five friends were in their dating stage, so I'm particularly bitter towards relationships. And I've never seen romance as being anything important.

Kissing someone causes a bunch of hormones to rush to your brain, giving you a sort of "chemical high". So naturally it feels a lot better than hugging. Most people want to "feel good" (why do you think so many take drugs or drink alcohol?) so it's pretty obvious what the benefits of it are. Now I agree, a stronger attachment doesn't have to mean dating, but if you want these physical interaction it's a lot easier to get it from a girlfriend or boyfriend. Also, I've kissed girls that I didn't have feelings for, and even though they were attractive to me I was honestly bored the whole time. However, when I kissed someone I had feelings for (a girlfriend in my case) I enjoyed it. Felt really nice, and different than the other times. I'm not sure if that's how it is for everyone, but that's my experience at least.

How will you ever know who "the one" really is unless you go for it? Yeah it's a risk, but you gotta be willing to take it if you want to end happily ever after. You've stated one of the more common experiences, but keep in mind we're all relatively young and stupid (when it comes to these things at least), so mistakes are made and things are ruined. Just remember this isn't the case with everyone. A lot of people that started out as great friends ended up making great couples.

Again, this isn't the case with most people. Now there's nothing wrong with how you feel (in fact to an extent, I feel the same way. I'd rather just be friends with everyone and get to know them rather than risk ruining friendships. Plus I don't feel the need right now for a girlfriend when I have other things to focus on, and when I have a girlfriend I usually make her my number one priority because I'm soft like that). But in reality, friendships have limits, and most people, after a while, start searching for a little more than "just friends". They start to be bored with they just have, and start longing for more. It's a natural tendency after all. A girlfriend/boyfriend is someone who is ideally there for you at all times, and will always keep you happy. When everything else in the world is going wrong, she/he's there to pick you up. When you're all alone, they're right beside you, ready to help you take on the world. Friends can come and go, but ideally a girlfriend/boyfriend is there to stay. Obviously this is not always the case. I have so many great friends IRL who have been there for me when I needed them most, and I've always been there for them. So I can definitely see where you're coming from.

Haha I've been the third wheel a lot too. Since I know a lot of people, if a guy likes a girl and vice versa, they come to me asking for help, and I help set things up between them. They go out, things are jolly, and I either end up chilling with both of them as they're all lovey-dovey or I end up being ditched. Then if things don't work out, they come back to me. It's the cycle haha.

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Again, this isn't the case with most people. Now there's nothing wrong with how you feel (in fact to an extent, I feel the same way. I'd rather just be friends with everyone and get to know them rather than risk ruining friendships. Plus I don't feel the need right now for a girlfriend when I have other things to focus on, and when I have a girlfriend I usually make her my number one priority because I'm soft like that). But in reality, friendships have limits, and most people, after a while, start searching for a little more than "just friends". They start to be bored with they just have, and start longing for more. It's a natural tendency after all. A girlfriend/boyfriend is someone who is ideally there for you at all times, and will always keep you happy. When everything else in the world is going wrong, she/he's there to pick you up. When you're all alone, they're right beside you, ready to help you take on the world. Friends can come and go, but ideally a girlfriend/boyfriend is there to stay. Obviously this is not always the case. I have so many great friends IRL who have been there for me when I needed them most, and I've always been there for them. So I can definitely see where you're coming from.

d'aww, you. *__*

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Marth, I've said several times that I didn't consider "sex" a valid reason. -____-

I'm talking about the emotional benefits, how these people are supposed to support you. Because if you were that desperate for sex, you can get it from prostitutes or random people looking to hook up.


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