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How do I get a boyfriend?


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I said that "sex" didn't count as a reason. Sex is something you can get from any "right person", depending on where you're looking.

Well, having multiple boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time is ... frowned upon in most Western cultures. A person who is faithful can only have one significant other at a time, and the more boyfriends/girlfriends you've had, the more failed relationships you've had, which is not a good thing ... :/:

Hm, why exactly is sex an invalid answer? wow i can't read.

Anyway, besides that, cuddling is also very awesome. ^_^ and I guess maybe it makes you feel special since boyfriends/girlfriends tend to be more willing to do stuff for each other and try to be on their best behaviour and it all results in everything being really pleasant and cute and nice. I kinda get your point if you mean 'best friends', since boyfriend is basically the same thing but sex. I'm not sure if a large group of friends could ever possibly feel like the same thing for me though lol.

Edited by Death'
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I'm not sure if a large group of friends could ever possibly feel like the same thing for me though lol.

That's where you and I differ, then. A single person either bores me very quickly, or keeps on talking even when I just want to think. A large group of friends works for me, and boyfriend by himself doesn't. To each their own, then.

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Well, having multiple boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time is ... frowned upon in most Western cultures. A person who is faithful can only have one significant other at a time, and the more boyfriends/girlfriends you've had, the more failed relationships you've had, which is not a good thing ... :/:

Hey, me and the other 4 people are perfectly happy!

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kawaii kawaii, I'm very selfless, here take this milkshake and other food that I cooked for you! *flashes kawaii boobs!!!* Here, check out my FE10 low turn count playthrough while I do nothing. Except I don't really want you to be my boyfriend because friendzone is the best, kawaii!

gaiz. I think this is gonna work.

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kawaii kawaii, I'm very selfless, here take this milkshake and other food that I cooked for you! *flashes kawaii boobs!!!* Here, check out my FE10 low turn count playthrough while I do nothing. Except I don't really want you to be my boyfriend because friendzone is the best, kawaii!

gaiz. I think this is gonna work.


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kawaii kawaii, I'm very selfless, here take this milkshake and other food that I cooked for you! *flashes kawaii boobs!!!* Here, check out my FE10 low turn count playthrough while I do nothing. Except I don't really want you to be my boyfriend because friendzone is the best, kawaii!

gaiz. I think this is gonna work.

shit im in love

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Well, it really depends on what you are looking for. If you're looking for just a "boyfriend" most guys seem to be okay with that concept by default.

However, if you are looking for an actual relationship, what you need to be seeking is a true friend. Someone who will stick by your side regardless of whether you are in a relationship or not. To get such a guy, you need to be on the lookout for several things. Firstly, a personality that is similar to your own. If a guy can relate to a girl, he is going to treat her better and be able to empathize with her a lot easier. This is something that you'll want not only for just a friend that's a guy, but especially in a boyfriend.

You'll want to find a guy with similar interests, too. Since if you like many of the same things, there's always something to do together and to talk about. Be sure to be open to anything he wants to show you, because what he loves is important to him, and likewise, try and express and share the things you love as well. There will of course be things he'll be closed off to, so finding a happy medium is important. This comes down to the friendship phase of things. If you spend long enough with a guy that he becomes a good friend, then you'll solve this problem by default.

Lastly... watch how he treats others and how he acts around his friends. If he seems like a totally different person when with his friends, then he is likely just putting on an act for you. Now, if he's more emotional and talks more intimately with you, that's nothing to be alarmed about, since he trusts you as a friend, and there's a perception that guys can't talk about their emotions with each other.

One you've befriended someone who fulfills these traits... then just let it happen. You don't need to be tsundere nor yandere... Just deredere. Maybe leave subtle hints about wanting something more here and there, but honestly, just be his close and dear friend, and if there's a spark, it'll happen on its own. Maybe one of you will confess first, but either way... That's the best way to get the kind of boyfriend that you see in all kinds of media that just doesn't seem to exist in reality. Naturally even this way will still have flaws, and no one is perfect. You won't be the perfect girl, and he won't be the perfect boy.

But... if you're the best of the friends, then it doesn't matter. Since you'd be in it for the long haul by default. As I said in the how do you get a girlfriend thread... Lovers fall to pieces. Best friends never end. Keep that in mind.

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If you want it to be forever (which you said in the subtitle in case you forgot), the first thing is for the boyfriend to be immortal. You don't necessarily have to be immortal, as he can be in love with you after you are dead (necrophilia).

Therefore, I recommend the guy in your avatar.

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Honestly, just be confident. Guys don't dig girls who don't talk and aren't interesting. Unless they're really hot.

Wallflowers, man

You can be pretty interesting without being confident or talking a whole lot, imo. Approachability is the easiest way to put it, which goes beyond romance.

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Honestly, just be confident. Guys don't dig girls who don't talk and aren't interesting. Unless they're really hot.

I'm really not that shallow.

Confidence being attrative is honestly BS.

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I'm really not that shallow.

Confidence being attrative is honestly BS.

Not really... Would you rather be with a girl who's comfortable with herself or someone who's always like, "Why are you with me!?! I'm so ugly!!!"?

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I was 100% serious about the fellatio, but i suppose that does come AFTER you get the boyfriend...

Compatibility is the #1 most important thing to a strong, long-lasting relationship. You need to have similar interests and viewpoints. If not, it doesnt matter how much effort (or fellating) you put into the relationship. It just wont work.

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If you want it to be forever (which you said in the subtitle in case you forgot), the first thing is for the boyfriend to be immortal. You don’t necessarily have to be immortal, as he can be in love with you after you are dead (necrophilia).

Therefore, I recommend the guy in your avatar.

LOL BRILLIANT. You know I’ve always thought jesus was pretty hot.

Plus some kids gossiping at church are always saying how he loves me.

to Dr. Sholes: not having confidence =/= whining.

And yeah I figured the fellatio thing was serious >__> i know a lot of guys who actually think that and it fucking stupid.

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Obviously not JUST fellatio, but compatibility in any form, sexual or otherwise, is always going to be better than none. Cover your bases

I agree, Jesus is a pretty suave dude.

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Confidence being attrative is honestly BS.

Confidence is one of the most non-physical attractive traits. It doesn't matter what you want to say or do if you're too afraid to say it.

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I think you put those words in the wrong order because the effect was much less...effective.

It's true that confidence has merit but listing the things that are attractive qualities with that level of specificity is kind of ridiculous.

It would be easier to just say "those of Light are the most attractive" and laugh at all of the sinister evil bastards who have no Light in their hearts.


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You spelled Light wrong or are talking about something completely unrelated. Not sure which.

Janice I thought of another idea. Just drive to the boy's house. Uninvited. Just show up and ask him if you can hang out.

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