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How does one use consumable statboosters?


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Wow, dondon's units must be wearing like, 8 pairs of boots at once. That must be really uncomfortable. How are they able to walk so far then?

Not so bad for Thany. See, she sticks two pairs onto her own feet, two pairs onto her pegasus's front legs, two pairs onto its hind legs, and... the last two pairs onto its wings. Perfect!

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For secret books, I feel like it should take a few chapters to get the bonus, since the unit would have to read it first.

What about for units like BARTRE, who arr borderline illiterate?

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Bartre: Don’t worry about it! It’s no bother for me! In exchange, you can just lend me one of those books!

Canas: A-A book?

Bartre: Yeah. Maybe... a skinny one.

Canas: ...... Are you...going to...eat it?

Bartre: Are you calling me stupid!?

Oh Canas just thought Bartre was gonna eat it, haha

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This except for promotion items.

Said unit goes to armory/stables and shows the item. "Oh, you wanna get new armor and a horse? Here you go."

Fire Emblem desperately needs a hardass camp Quartermaster that an unpromoted unit constantly pesters for better equipment and a horse and he makes up every imaginable excuse as to why the newb's not qualified to requisition those items. Then the unit gets promoted and is grudgingly given the slowest, most asthmatic horse the Quartermaster has available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's see what we got here ... Energy Ring, Seraph Robe, Talismans, and Boots you probaby wear, and maybe Body Ring too. Secret Book and Arms Scroll are most likely read, and you could probably keep a dracoshield on your back and flash it out o weaken incoming blows if you have good timing. You might pray to a goddes icon, or just hold it for good luck. However, i have no idea what you could do with speedwings or a statue frag.

I always assumed that you could attach some promotion items like the crests and seals to you armor, and they would infuse the wearer with magic and mybe the ability to ride a horse. Thieves could sign Fell Contracts, and wear guiding rings and maybe master crowns, but I have no idea what you could do with an Orion's Bolt or an Elysian Whip.

Edit: I forgo to mention Spirit Dust. You could probably either sprinkle it over yourself, or sniff it. You probably would consume an energy drop.

Edited by I don't play for turns
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I don't care what you said



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My intro topic is here if you wish to shower me with praise for being familiar with the excellent Sega Genesis RPG:

http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=32385 Edit: I apparently was stupid and screwed up the link.

Now, about those drops... the human body is capable of producing a variety of fluids. All these could be potential drop candidates. You have tears, saliva... uh, urine... err... umm... other inappropriate fluids. Athos, you sick bastard!

Edited by Gryz
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My intro topic is here if you wish to shower me with praise for being familiar with the excellent Sega Genesis RPG:


Now, about those drops... the human body is capable of producing a variety of fluids. All these could be potential drop candidates. You have tears, saliva... uh, urine... err... umm... other inappropriate fluids. Athos, you sick bastard!

Or maybe their not Afa's fluids. Maybe Afa's an apothecary and his drops are like some sort of herbal remedy or something.

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Now, about those drops... the human body is capable of producing a variety of fluids. All these could be potential drop candidates. You have tears, saliva... uh, urine... err... umm... other inappropriate fluids. Athos, you sick bastard!

Normal human beings call them steroids.

Speaking of which, if the boosters aren't being ground into a fine powder and snorted or blended into a milkshake and injected along with a bit of china white, you're doing it wrong.

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  • Angelic Robe: Used as a towel then a napkin
  • Energy Drop: Injected intravenously
  • Spirit Dust; Inhaled nasally
  • Energy Ring: Pawn it
  • Speedwings: Put between two slices of bread and eat them
  • Skill Book: Read it, then eat it.
  • Goddess Icon: Pray to it, then break it.
  • Dracoshield: Hide behind it every time you get attacked.
  • Talisman: Also Pawn it.
  • Body Ring: Eat it, then watch it all go to your thighs.
  • Statue Frag: Have it in your pockets, so it weighs you down.
  • Boots: Walk around in until they wear out.
  • Arms Scroll: Use it as an excuse to pick a weapon you apparently need a weapon rank to use.

Edited by Parco Folgore
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i know over at Gamefaqs we use to joke about how this one guy gave his lute so many rings she had capped Con so we called her fat.


She'd look more like Wonder Woman. =P

I always figured that the boosters were physical biological attachments to the units bodies. Except for skill books.


  • Angelic Robe: wear, presumably it's not huge and it can be worn underneath
  • Energy Drop: use on appropriate muscles
  • Spirit Dust; when scattered you can absorb its power
  • Energy Ring: wear it
  • Speedwings: wear somewhere as an accessory
  • Skill Book: read/just keep on your person
  • Goddess Icon: wear like a necklace/charm
  • Dracoshield: wear like a broach
  • Talisman: same as Goddess Icon
  • Body Ring: wear it
  • Statue Frag: no idea
  • Boots: wear
  • Arms Scroll: read (but it's fragile and disintegrates before you can learn everything

As for promotion items I always assumed a unit could draw power from one to gain a lot of experience almost instantly.

This certainly makes things interesting in fe6 where you have the funds to buy some characters 2 angelic robes and/or multiple boots. How do you wear 3 pairs of boots at once while wearing two robes?

They do dissappear into thin air after they are used. It does seem to work that way.

Not so bad for Thany. See, she sticks two pairs onto her own feet, two pairs onto her pegasus's front legs, two pairs onto its hind legs, and... the last two pairs onto its wings. Perfect!

Possibly. Or it could be that the boots fuse into one pair adding the total value of stats along with it. Or that others sink into the first one that u wear; and adding the total value. Then vanishes into thin air.

Bartre: Don’t worry about it! It’s no bother for me! In exchange, you can just lend me one of those books!

Canas: A-A book?

Bartre: Yeah. Maybe... a skinny one.

Canas: ...... Are you...going to...eat it?

Bartre: Are you calling me stupid!?

Oh Canas just thought Bartre was gonna eat it, haha

Bartre's such a hunk. <3

Let's see what we got here ... Energy Ring, Seraph Robe, Talismans, and Boots you probaby wear, and maybe Body Ring too. Secret Book and Arms Scroll are most likely read, and you could probably keep a dracoshield on your back and flash it out o weaken incoming blows if you have good timing. You might pray to a goddes icon, or just hold it for good luck. However, i have no idea what you could do with speedwings or a statue frag.

I always assumed that you could attach some promotion items like the crests and seals to you armor, and they would infuse the wearer with magic and mybe the ability to ride a horse. Thieves could sign Fell Contracts, and wear guiding rings and maybe master crowns, but I have no idea what you could do with an Orion's Bolt or an Elysian Whip.

Edit: I forgo to mention Spirit Dust. You could probably either sprinkle it over yourself, or sniff it. You probably would consume an energy drop.

Orion's Bolt could latch onto your bow and u change class. Elysian Whips..I dunno. Speedwings could possibly dissappear into your body making u feel lighter. Statue Frag, no idea.

I just want to know who the hell is Afa... and how he/she produces those drops.

From Ninian's tears possibly.

  • Angelic Robe: Used as a towel then a napkin
  • Energy Drop: Injected intravenously
  • Spirit Dust; Inhaled nasally
  • Energy Ring: Pawn it
  • Speedwings: Put between two slices of bread and eat them
  • Skill Book: Read it, then eat it.
  • Goddess Icon: Pray to it, then break it.
  • Dracoshield: Hide behind it every time you get attacked.
  • Talisman: Also Pawn it.
  • Body Ring: Eat it, then watch it all go to your thighs.
  • Statue Frag: Have it in your pockets, so it weighs you down.
  • Boots: Walk around in until they wear out.
  • Arms Scroll: Use it as an excuse to pick a weapon you apparently need a weapon rank to use.

Angelic Robe..I think u wear it. Energy Ring. Wear it! Speedwings are used on u and dissappears into your body making your stiffness go away some making u feel lighter. Skill Book. Eat it. No way. The book has to dissappear after u read it! Goddess Statue. Possibly. Or could dissappear, or break automatically after u prey to it. Dracoshield. Possibly. Talismen. Wear it on your forehead, or finger. Possibly. Body Ring. That, or u probably crunch it; and it automatically makes your muscle mass more sturdy. Statue Frag. Possibly. Boots: Wear one pair, and others fuse into your first one. Arms Scroll. Reading the manual, and it either dissappears, or breaks afterwards.

Edited by リンダ
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