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These two have different caps too, quite a bit different from the differences you mentioned.

I'm guessing it's come kind of combination of generation and/or initial class modifying your caps. (People who start at x class, are different from people who reclass into x?)(Perhaps with MU, Mark, DLC and Spotpass having an influence too.)

You misunderstand. My point is, I'm assuming h1g tried one of their characters in all the classes and atwiki tried one of their characters in all the classes, and that's the difference between those two characters. Tiamo and Serena have different differences.

I am extremely disappointed with the caps of certain classes(especially the grandmaster caps) so i really do hope there is another variable to determine them seeing as none of the sites agree on them.

Well, on any one site, aside from that screw-up with Great Knight, the stats for different classes should compare properly. So for any one character, Grandmaster should have a Spd cap 6 less than Swordmaster; those two caps might vary but the difference will stay the same.

Other than that, the Grandmaster caps look just fine...

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I am extremely disappointed with the caps of certain classes(especially the grandmaster caps)

Considering the Grandmaster has a 42% chance to add half his other offensive stat to his attacks, I'd say there's nothing wrong with the offensive caps listed on SF. 44 Speed is a mere 2 lower than the Swordmaster caps listed, that's not bad. (The atwiki has higher str, lower mag, and much lower speed, not looking forward to whoever gets those.)

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Considering the Grandmaster has a 42% chance to add half his other offensive stat to his attacks, I'd say there's nothing wrong with the offensive caps listed on SF. 44 Speed is a mere 2 lower than the Swordmaster caps listed, that's not bad. (The atwiki has higher str, lower mag, and much lower speed, not looking forward to whoever gets those.)

The caps on this site are a mix of different sources with different characters. Grandmaster may be able to get a Spd cap of up to 44, but if so, the same character as a Swordmaster would have a Spd cap of 50.

atwiki seems to be the most consistent with relative caps. Looking into things, the Swordmaster on h1g also seems to be from a different character.

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My base for that was from h1g where comparing grandmaster to swordmaster or even assassin, you get pretty much the same str ,skill and speed are greatly in favor of swordmaster and assassin and the only thing grandmaster has on them is +5 more def and res

(and we've only seen 1 screenshot where the speed was 44 while both sites list it at 40)

as far as skills go I know grandmaster has the edge with magnificent flame and the possibility of having 42% chance to activate but my dissappointed comes with how big the gap in speed is between swordmasters/assassins (while maintaining 40+ str) and everyone else (ffs assassin MU has 50 speed....)

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[spoiler=Stat caps question]levin_capped.jpg

Levin seems to be a Berserker here. However the main site lists 29 MAG, 37 SKL and 44 SPD for caps. While atwiki lists 52 STR, 27 MAG, 37 SKL, 43 SPD, 36 DEF and 29 RES. Doesn't seem like any recording of caps are the same?

What. The. Fuck. Really, a Berserk!? Talk about the polar opposite of the class.

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My base for that was from h1g where comparing grandmaster to swordmaster or even assassin, you get pretty much the same str ,skill and speed are greatly in favor of swordmaster and assassin and the only thing grandmaster has on them is +5 more def and res

(and we've only seen 1 screenshot where the speed was 44 while both sites list it at 40)

as far as skills go I know grandmaster has the edge with magnificent flame and the possibility of having 42% chance to activate but my dissappointed comes with how big the gap in speed is between swordmasters/assassins (while maintaining 40+ str) and everyone else (ffs assassin MU has 50 speed....)

Don't know about Assassin, but h1g's Swordmaster is messed up.


These caps won't be accurate in all instances, but they should all compare accurately. So we can see that Grandmaster vs. Assassin has:

+10 Mag

-8 Skl

-6 Spd

+9 Def

+10 Res

While Grandmaster has some big losses, it holds up damn well.

Grandmaster vs. Dark Knight holds up less well. Same weapons and their caps are virtually the same, but Dark Knight has a horse. So for a given character, it does seem better to wind up as a Dark Knight once learning all other desired skills.

But hey, the end with all the skills you want isn't all that matters. Grandmaster is great to use while learning Magnificent Flame and Rainbow Cry, for obvious reasons.

Edited by Othin
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So assuming that each class has caps relative to each other, then we could probably assume that each character has some kind of "hidden stat cap" that is influenced by the class they're in? (Swordmaster is always +6 speed compared to Grandmaster, etc. While always, for example, +3 STR, but -10 MAG)

Looking at Tiamo and Selena, Selena is +2 STR, +2 MAG, +3 SKL, +1 SPD, -1 LUK +2 DEF and +/-0 compared to Tiamo, meaning that their "hidden stats" vary by that much and would always be that difference between them in the same class?

Hypothetically, say (assuming tier 1 doesn't have a difference) they all have "hidden stats" of roughly around 30, and then each class gives a + or (occasionally) - in order to get their final caps? So Selena's hidden caps would be +2 STR, +2 MAG, +3 SKL, +1 SPD, -1 LUK +2 DEF compared to Tiamo?

Seems plausible to me, but we don't really have enough evidence yet.

(I'm guessing that perhaps, birthday, strong stat, weak stat or simply Mark would explain the differences between Grandmaster caps, perhaps with gender affecting it too.)

Edit: Or perhaps it's simply based different between genders and starting class. Someone who reclassed would have different caps to someone who started as it. Like said, not enough evidence yet.

Edited by ZephyrShakuraus
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It looks to me like each class has "base" caps, but then each character has modifiers on top of that, probably ranging from -4 to +4 for each stat, maybe -5 to +5. Selena's modifiers are just better than Tiamo's.

My evidence for this is that classes do seem to have base caps used for enemies, and the way the info on the two sites differ is so consistent. As I said, find any class with caps shown on both h1g and atwiki other than Great Knight or Swordmaster, and compare them. You should find that the differences will be precisely the ones I observed. Not entirely clear where those differences are coming from, but I don't think it's a huge concern.

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It looks to me like each class has "base" caps, but then each character has modifiers on top of that, probably ranging from -4 to +4 for each stat, maybe -5 to +5. Selena's modifiers are just better than Tiamo's.

My evidence for this is that classes do seem to have base caps used for enemies, and the way the info on the two sites differ is so consistent. As I said, find any class with caps shown on both h1g and atwiki other than Great Knight or Swordmaster, and compare them. You should find that the differences will be precisely the ones I observed. Not entirely clear where those differences are coming from, but I don't think it's a huge concern.

Base class caps with character modifiers is probably simpler than hidden character caps with class modifiers. Even though they give roughly the exact same result.

But yeah, my theory was based on your findings, just I apparently picked a slightly more convoluted concept to get a similar end result.

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Now that I've seen what Tiamo and her kid can do, I wanna see Olivia's and her son's caps. I'll prolly pair MU with her now that I know that the kid's that awesome.

MU x Olivia for Battle Dancer Mark with Rainbow Cry!

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So Krom and Olivia make a masculine girl and a feminine boy? Ha!


No wonder the game apparently defaults to her if you don't do anything, then

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God, even as a spoiler, this song just breaks you. It feels like something outta Mother 3.

[spoiler=Chapter 9/10]No, seriously, having a battle just right after Emelina dies. The music in the beginning of the chapter keeps on playing during the formations screen... then there's the battle music that is so MOURNFUL. The piano... the violin... even when in battle it seems like it's much more mournful with an added instrument. AND IT KEEPS ON PLAYING DURING THE ENEMY PHASE. Holy crap, IS. Well done. Well. Done. You've achieved Mother 3 rank in making a moment a total tearjerker. People are gonna cry while playing this chapter, and their tears are gonna make them do mistakes. Seriously, I'm getting teary-eyed here. Just... IS. IS. THIS is how you bring in emotion in video games.

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I wonder how those command skills work together, if at all

Dance/Cry? Probably not. I'm sure the Cries do, though.

The real question is, what doesn't Rainbow Cry do? I'm guessing it gives +4 Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Def/Res, but it doesn't boost Luck or Move, since those get different bonuses. This means that, assuming the Cries stack, Rainbow Cry could be upgraded by mixing it with Movement Cry. Then mix it with Lightning Speed too to kill something every turn and buff your team at the same time.

Now I wonder what happens if you get MU to learn Lightning Speed, then pair him with Olivia and pass it down to Mark. If Mark really becomes another Dancer, then you could have her kill something, then have Olivia dance for her, then have Mark kill something and dance for Olivia... unlimited picking off enemies?

I suspect they wouldn't let it happen though just because two Dancers together would be broken even without that. Infinite Exp and movement by having them dance for each other repeatedly.

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