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Well, frankly, I'm pretty bad at introductions so...

I am ThreeofSpades, and I've pretty much been lurking these forums for the past few months or so, trying to get myself to finally sign up here. And I did (whoo me!).

Anyways, I'm still in high school, and this is the first time I've ever actually joined a forum, so while I've pretty much watched from the sidelines most of the time, I can kinda tell how things go around here, so I know about stuff like PEMN and average growths and whatnot (mind you I'm still pretty green).

I do not understand memes. Ever.

My first FE game was Shadow Dragon, which from what I can glean from here is one of the worst games to start the series with. It was pretty good though, but replaying it now, the lack of rescue and supports was weird. And reclass can go to hell. Overall though, it's not bad.

Since then I've played FE6 and 7, and am currently doing my 3rd runthrough of FE7 (except I'm stuck in the desert chapter with a Heath who can't double anything except AKs, and I lost the will to continue through with it after restarting at least 3 times because some random archer got him).

I'm casual all the way, having never played the Hard mode in any of the games I've tried. Guess it was from the emotional trauma I received after attempting H5 on my second FEDS playthrough. I'll try though. One day...

I am not that smart, nor am I very good at English, so please forgive any grammatical errors. So...hi!

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Hmm? Hello? xb

Hiya and welcome to the Forest! =3 Hope you'll stay and have fun here~

I've never played shadow dragon =o I haven't played that much FE actually. I've played FEs 7-10mbut only beat 9 and 10 XD By the time I played the others I started losing inspiration to play them much, I guess... D=

I used to know memes. Then I took an ar-NO!!!

That's a horrible horrible meme >_<

Be glad you don't understand or use memes because they can usually be pretty annoying =b

Even though I will use memes often XD I tend to like dumb things. =I

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....you guys are OLD???? nah just kidding, i don't mind. So long as nothing happens :P:.

sorry if this sounds lame, but I really couldn't find a description of it, but what's a draft?

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It's a challenge, you get several members to join one, then we take turns picking units.

Normally, the veterans (Horace, Doku, PKL) go for Low Turn Counts (LTC).

Though, most of the time people just play through a draft for fun.

For instance, an fe8(Sacred Stones) draft has 4 people, and the lords/myyrh/orson are free for all.

Some characters are banned in drafts though.(Seth in fe8, Haar in fe10, and Marcus in fe7 HNM[After ch16])

Also, it's a fun way to get to know everyone in the IP chat.(The little link at the top of the screen)

Since, we often do drafts on IP chat.

We have an entire draft sub-forum, and Integs main thread has the rules and every recorded draft.

We've also had other game drafts(Pokemon, Final Fantasy, etc.)

Those were just for fun.

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I prefer the term EMN over PEMN. In my philosophy, all experience is worthless.

Anyhow, welcome to the forest. I Hope it is everything you ever dreamed of and more. And may all your dreams come true.

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I shall never join an FE10 draft!!!!! D=

Haar is totally broken though.

Hi, welcome to SF. I'm Darros, one of SFs non-pedo members. Enjoy your stay.

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Welcome to the boards. Your level of Fire Emblem background is the same as or more than a lot of new members here. But you should still definitely check out the other offerings in the series. Many here say the apex of the series was the SNES era. Whatever the case, these games are experiences worth checking out, especially when you consider that they can be found fairly easily online for free and all the information you need to get started and excel in them is on this site.

Anyways, I'm still in high school, and this is the first time I've ever actually joined a forum,

I hope that this community leaves you with a good impression and leads you to find many others like it. The common perception is that internet forums are almost always big wastes of time, but there's a lot of knowledge to be gained just from reading around.

I do not understand memes. Ever.

Usually memes are only funny in their original context, if then. That's kind of the whole point, when people repeat memes over and over and make wide varieties of permutations on them they become like massive inside jokes, either delightfully ironic or annoying depending on your point of view. Understanding the humor is an endless process since there is so much meme-related content replete with extensive internal references and more is always being produced. It's not worth losing sleep over.

I'm casual all the way, having never played the Hard mode in any of the games I've tried. Guess it was from the emotional trauma I received after attempting H5 on my second FEDS playthrough. I'll try though. One day...

H5 isn't so hard that it should give anyone emotional trauma, but you have to play a lot more cautiously than you usually would in a Fire Emblem game. It's a lot slower than normal mode because the enemies don't go down so quickly and all-out aggressive tactics don't work so well but it's the same game and you do the same things.

I am not that smart, nor am I very good at English, so please forgive any grammatical errors. So...hi!

Very humble for someone who types in English like a native speaker. Where are you from, if you don't mind my asking?

....you guys are OLD???? nah just kidding, i don't mind. So long as nothing happens :P:.

"Normal" on this site is probably something like 14-30. Not that there aren't a good number of people here older or younger than that. Fire Emblem has been popular (to a degree) in the West for years now. When I was 14 and just getting into Fire Emblem forums I would assume that people were teenagers if they didn't display their age, but that's a bad idea. There are people from all countries and all walks of life here, and that's one of the big draws about this community.

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I can't figure out the quote buttons. eh well...


1. memes suck, so yeah.

2. one of my cavaliers died to a thief (he got barraged by pirates, mind you). Never again.

3. My english is that way probably because I keep rechecking what I type to make sure it's correct. And I'm under your bed, digging for treasure in the oriental part of Asia.

Anyway, thank you everyone for the warm welcome. Maybe I'll actually try a draft, who knows? smile.gif

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Hi there, welcome to Serenes Forest!

Hope you enjoy your stay here, make friends, all that stuff.

Memes are sometimes interesting, but pretty annoying when you hear/see them all day long.

Anyways, hope you have a nice stay here, see you around!

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Welcome to Serenes Forest! We're all a little crazy, but don't let that offput you. I do hope you can find stuff to talk about here!

As for Fire Emblem, don't worry about the order you've played things in. That you're exploring the series is all that matters. I totally agree with you on the things about FE11 though...

I personally think that being casual about the playing makes the games more enjoyable. At least from the story side of it. Everyone has their own skill levels and their own ways of having fun! Not everyone will agree here though... ^^;;;

Anyway, your spelling and grammar are completely awesome! So like, don't worry about that. At any rate, hi back!

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I'd think FE11 would be one of the best games to begin the series with seeing as it's a remake of the first Fire Emblem game. Not that it matters, you could probably start with any of them and be fine.

I recommend Fire Emblem 3,4, or 8 next if you feel like playin' another one. Be warned that 3 and 4 don't have rescuing, although FE4 is probably one of the more complex entries in the series, so it doesn't feel as basic as FE11.

Also, welcome to SF!

Edited by Refa
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I still like Haar though!!!!!!

Which means I'll still never join one!!!

1. Create a draft where Haar is free.

2. Profit.

Or you could play a draft from another game, I dunno, your choice really. Not everyone has to do drafting. tongue.gif

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Lol the thing is I never draft and hardly have the time to anyway. I was mainly just saying that if I ever did do drafts then I wouldn't do that XD

Although summer is coming up. =o It would give me more time, but I still don't think I would ever join a draft, really... =3

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Hello. I can agree with almost everything that you've said, but I started on Radiant Dawn, and I'm not in high school.

You don't tell people you're in high school on the internet or stalkers will come after you. (Not me or anything.......Shut Up!)

Also, I don't even know what a meme is.

So welcome, even though I joined like 20 minutes after you.

Edited by I don't play for turns
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