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that's funny because this story actually includes you two

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[2:28:35 AM] (helios): bizz/levantamos/cm4endflavor

[2:28:45 AM] Levity: yes the cm4endflavor

[2:28:50 AM] Levity: I haven't finished it yet

[2:28:55 AM] (helios): hahaha i doubt u will

[2:28:57 AM] (helios): it's been sooo long

[2:28:59 AM] Levity: nah I will

[2:29:04 AM] (helios): okay

[2:29:18 AM] Levity: my brain perceives time differently

[2:29:31 AM] Levity: in fact if I were to get it done this weekend it would be record time for me.

[2:29:46 AM] Levity: and get the first SF short story done

[2:29:52 AM] Levity: one week is like three days

[2:30:23 AM] Levity: I don't realize how long it's been for everyone else

[2:30:27 AM] Levity: has it been that long?

[2:31:27 AM] (helios): wut

[2:31:32 AM] (helios): :P

[2:31:48 AM] (helios): that's cuz ur awake for like 20 hours of the day

[2:32:46 AM] Levity: heehee

anyway I told paperblade about ~special CM4ENDFLAVOR things~ and was planning on posting it before the first story. I wanted everyone to bear with me because college has killed me for the past three weeks or something but I HAVE A WEEK LEFT AND A NICE FREE WEEKEND MINUS THE CHOIR CONCERT BUT CHOIR CONCERTS GIVE ME ~ INSPIRATION ~

so yeah, you guys have that to look forward to as well

I'm trying to get myself back on a regular schedule and be responsible with my update times. I'm a slow writer but I want to make the time gaps reasonable now, at least when my homework finally settles down. I'm excited to be doing this! (also first story is 60% done)

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Lol if you call that being a slow writer.... Unless these are shorter than I think they are...

I'm a super super super super super slow writer!

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