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Rate the Unit, Day 16: Muarim


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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac).

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends whenever I get out of bed, between 0700 and 0800 EST. Do the math for your timezone, Brits.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Skills can be reassigned freely.

- No transfers.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Fiona: 1.20

Meg: 1.341

Leonardo: 2.531

Tormod: 3.28

Ilyana: 3.75

Tauroneo: 4.5

Aran: 4.926

Laura: 5.139

Edward: 6.316

Micaiah: 6.5

Zihark: 7.44

Jill: 8.46

Volug: 8.875

Sothe: 8.938

Nolan: 9.069

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Muarim. Raised Tormod and helps free laguz from slavery.



Speedy for a tiger.

Good HP.

Good base strength.


Disappears for the entire game after part 1.

Comes back underleveled.

Muarim comes with Tormod and Vika to help rape the end of part 1. And they do so...nicely. Muarim is kinda broken when we first get him aside from his transformation gauge. Nothing can really hurt him while transformed and his good speed base means he may not be getting doubled untransformed in part 1. Hes all "RAHHH BATTLE CAT!" srsly anyone else notice he looks just like Battle Cat from the old He-Man series? and things die. Then...he vanishes. Just when you knew this guy was gonna be a great unit, he leaves.....forever. When he comes back, hes underleveled. However, unlike Tormod (or even Vika), he can still pretty much hold his own! Hes not doubling anymore but he can still put a dent in the bad guys. Plus the experience gain from doing so, makes leveling him a little easier. Hes got some pretty mad growths and if you take advantage of that, he will be reaching caps quickly. Its...kinda insane. (but also a bit tedious) If Muarim was around longer, he'd srsly be like, the best tiger. But since Mordy is around much longer and is really tanky...yeah.

I really like Muarim. I just wish he was around more. Hes probably my favorite laguz unit besides Vika (and Nailah).

4/10. 5/10 bias because yes.

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Muarim. Ike's younger sister :awesome:

His base Strength is higher then a TB caps.

But ignoring that... meh. Essentially another part 1 crutch that can actually do something in his one chapter in part 4.


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Muarim is a pretty awesome Tiger early on. In part 1 he's second to BK and Naliah in terms overall power. The giant gap between when you have him in part 1 and Part 4 is the biggest problem that he suffers. He's the best off of Tormod, Vika and himself as his stats allow him to perfom decently in 4-4 but by the point he returns alot of units, even the Laguz have caught him up or surpassed him, especially considering he starts with A-rank strike which limits him because it's near impossible for him to reach even S-rank before endgame.


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4/10, 5/10 with bias

He has more strength than Nailah. He's gonna OHKO a ton of things and his durability is also insane (for part 1, anyway). He can be one of the units to ferry the BK in 1-E, though Jill, Nailah, and Volug can also do it, but he works too. Rofls at bandits in 1-8, I think he OHKOs or 2HKOs them, I don't remember. When he comes back, he at least has that huge base strength so he's salvagable. His durability isn't that bad when he comes back either.

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+Good bases and growths including decent skill/speed for a tiger

~High Con for shoving

~Thunder affinity

~Tiger gauge is probably the best along with the Hawks

+Ike's younger sister according to my game disc


-5 disappears for most of the game, returning mediocre unless given preferential treatment. He could still reach SS strikes, but being strong/skillful, he's likely to destroy his scratch pole by accident.

-1 for meh lategame, because of the disappearance, tiger's low Spd cap, and no Formshift

-.25 no inept skills, although beasts have lots of space since they only have Shove

+.25 high move

+1 bias because I like him, his personality/appearance/history/actions/LEA-membership

5/10 He's one of my favorite laguz, but the disappearance really hurts him. I know it makes sense storywise (so the LEA never has a chance to kill laguz outside endgame dragons), but they could have still worked around it better.

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5.5/10. Good in part 1, and unlike his boss and the raven he comes with, is workable in part 4.

Even though the Meteor AI mages would love to target him in an instant without Nullify.


Great for Part 1. Can be useable for Part 4 by babying him a bit and slapping on Nullify.


Edited by リンダ
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Even though the Meteor AI mages would love to target him in an instant without Nullify.


Great for Part 1. Can be useable for Part 4 by babying him a bit and slapping on Nullify.

Correction: Meteor Mage. There's only one in that chapter, and it's a reinforcement. Also, Nullify's much better used on a pegasus knt.

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Correction: Meteor Mage. There's only one in that chapter, and it's a reinforcement. Also, Nullify's much better used on a pegasus knt.

Even with only one. It's still dangerous without Nullify in that chapter. As he will get doubled by that @#$%. I had to reset in that chapter once cuz of that @#$%.

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Even with only one. It's still dangerous without Nullify in that chapter. As he will get doubled by that @#$%. I had to reset in that chapter once cuz of that @#$%.

This still sounds like BS because the number of fire mages in that chapter, reinforcements included, is one I can count on one hand. And transformed Muarim shouldn't be getting doubled by Meteor Man anyhow. If Muarim has anything to worry about in that chapter, it's critical hits.

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If Muarim has anything to worry about in that chapter, it's critical hits.

That's what happened. He got critted. .___.

Scratch that. The pegs need Nullify more. He should get Meg's Fortune.

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Muarim is a complete and utter beast while he is there. He has higher strength than Mordecai, and his speed isn't that bad either. He has potential to be one fo the best laguz in the game, disregarding the royals. But then, he vanishes. When he comes back, he's salvageable, (unlike his partners) but it takes a lot of work. I give him a total of 4/10, including +1 bias because he is a total bad-butt.

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Muarim is godmazing in part 1, and tigers have a decent gauge. When he comes back, he's workable, especially with resolve. Also IIRC his speed doesn't blow, unlike Modrecai and Kyza. As a tiger he really doesn't have much competition. Also +1 because he's one of my favorite Tellius characters.


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In Chapter 1, he's basically a 10/10 unit. Murder on legs, effectively invincible, and he even has fantastic growths.

Then he is gone forever with Tormod and Vika. Damn you all!

Then he comes back with them, and unlike them, could still actually be pretty useful. A bit behind, but not to the point that he couldn't make it up with those growths. Granted, if you want a tiger in Part 4 there's so many available (including a Lion at that point), but that doesn't make him suddenly bad. Just awkward.

4.5/10, would be vastly higher if only he were around.

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