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I'm Sorry

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lumi you know that thing where you wanted a bunny rider class you should draw you riding a bunny into battle like a badass

Dude I totally should

Doing that tomorrow when homework is not fucking me over

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lol pussies the links werent even that bad. i watched two girls one cup, get at me.

The 2 minute version, awful.

If you stomached the whole 30 minute one then I congratulate you for being a boss

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I probably shouldn't even be responding to this serious, but what the heck? I have nothing better to do.

Let's see ... you joined less than 24 hours ago. You named yourself, "I don't play for turns," which tends to imply that the majority of people on SF are "playing only for turns elitist snobs" and that "you're special". You bump up an old rating thread on FE8 and argue with the characters' placing based on your own experience and a bit of misinformation. You get all defensive and hostile when other people, like Elieson and Integrity and and Refa, try to explain to you why the ratings are as is.

Also, Integrity has thrown out ratings before and he has told people whose ratings he threw out. You're not a special case. It's true that different players value different units and different aspects of the game. But there has to be a "bar". Even if you hate to Warpskip maps, even if you're the type of person who grinds everyone to 20/20 in the Tower, you have to acknowledge that the ability to Warpskip and use higher-leveled staves is quite crucial; that you can use the "Tower" and "infinite statboosters in FE8" argument to rate everyone a 10/10, and so on. I don't even like the use of bias points in these rating threads, as I feel it skews a character's true rating. But I don't try to tell everyone else in the rating threads to knock off the bias points.

What you're doing now is even more childish. Instead of a truthful apology, you're just attacking everyone who's tried to point out out stuff to you and trying to paint yourself as the victim here. Then you go off on being "American" and whatnot. This is ridiculous. There are lots of people on this forum who are "American" as well, myself included. There are many new users who've made mistakes and were able to truthfully realize that they were looking like fools. You seem to be stuck in this mindset of, "I'm right, everyone else who so much as dares to disagree with me is a big jerk waah" which makes me think you're 12. Or younger.

If you intend to stay on this site as a permanent member, I'd suggest you take a lesson in maturity and growing a spine. You desperately need both.

I second this Folgore Yellow!

also, Boron for miss SF 2012.

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I can only forgive you because I saw one of the bad pics and then saw the cute gif with the piggy

Still not touching the one with the foot

Edited by Freohr Datia
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