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Othin Plays FE13!


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I'm still not convinced it's Ike. I don't know why... it makes more sense for him to be DLC.

Oh, we know Ike will be DLC. He'll be the final DLC, LvD3, which will be announced immediately after Paris's release. He has to be there, because LvD is on an FE9 map, and therefore must contain an FE9 character. That's the pattern so far.

We also know that DLC Ike can't be a Hero. That would be considered redundant with Roy, who is a Mercenary: just as they couldn't have Micaiah as a Mage with Cellica as a Sage and therefore had to change Micaiah to a Dark Mage, they can't have Ike as a Hero with Roy as a Mercenary, and therefore have to change Ike to something else. This can't be a coincidence.

Going by the fact that he's a Hero and the fact everyone else has shown up already, is it possible it's a boss that shows up again or something? Maybe there's another case of memory loss.

Are there any heroes for bosses Othin? I'm just thinking outside of the box here.


There's one guy in a random sidequest. But he's a Hero, while Paris is... not quite a Hero. Just as DLC Ike will be not quite a Hero. Interesting, eh?

The only thing unique about map sprites in FE13 is the head. Paris's cape goes beyond that. He's based on a Hero, just as Marth is based on a Lord, but he's something different.

Edited by Othin
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Oh, we know Ike will be DLC. He'll be the final DLC, LvD3, which will be announced immediately after Paris's release. He has to be there, because LvD is on an FE9 map, and therefore must contain an FE9 character. That's the pattern so far.

We also know that DLC Ike can't be a Hero. That would be considered redundant with Roy, who is a Mercenary: just as they couldn't have Micaiah as a Mage with Cellica as a Sage and therefore had to change Micaiah to a Dark Mage, they can't have Ike as a Hero with Roy as a Mercenary, and therefore have to change Ike to something else. This can't be a coincidence.


There's one guy in a random sidequest. But he's a Hero, while Paris is... not quite a Hero. Just as DLC Ike will be not quite a Hero. Interesting, eh?

The only thing unique about map sprites in FE13 is the head. Paris's cape goes beyond that. He's based on a Hero, just as Marth is based on a Lord, but he's something different.

The only class left for Ike that wields swords and isn't magic is the Bow Knight. Unless they do some kind of special class like with Eirika and Alm.

As far as Paris goes, he is definitely an original character. I feel like it would go against the series's pattern of ambiguous endings. If Ike magically appears in Iris it makes his endings with Soren/Ranulf non-canon, which would be like them declaring the real mother of Roy and Wolt.

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Technically, Bow Knight is also a promotion of Mercenary. Also, you mean the mother of Roy and the father of Wolt.

As for ambiguous endings, they made Levin x Fury canon in FE5 despite leaving it open in FE4.

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The only class left for Ike that wields swords and isn't magic is the Bow Knight. Unless they do some kind of special class like with Eirika and Alm.

As far as Paris goes, he is definitely an original character. I feel like it would go against the series's pattern of ambiguous endings. If Ike magically appears in Iris it makes his endings with Soren/Ranulf non-canon, which would be like them declaring the real mother of Roy and Wolt.

Those endings wouldn't be affected if he got here by forced time-travel or something similar-- it's still the same Ike (or Ike+Soren, Ike+Ranulf) left Tellius never to be seen again (in Tellius)-- doesn't mean that something could've happened that caused Ike to show up in Iris a few thousand years later, without anyone else.

And Ike's endings are hardly comparable to what you listed.

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The only class left for Ike that wields swords and isn't magic is the Bow Knight. Unless they do some kind of special class like with Eirika and Alm.

Precisely why Ike has Paris's class, whatever it is.

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I found this on Gamefaqs (regarding why Inverse joins you). Not sure where to post it, so here.

So she was brainwashed by Fauder. She was once just a normal girl, but he killed everyone around her and modified her memory to make her think he saved her so she would work for him.

No specific reason on why he chose her and no explanation for why she is still alive (or even touched on, though it is better than simply spitting out random crap like "My heart is still but I am still alive" or "Hey, I actually survived falling from that cliff!").

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I found this on Gamefaqs (regarding why Inverse joins you). Not sure where to post it, so here.

I was thinking back on this and those comments about her seeming like a Taguel. According to this, Fauder targeted Inverse for some reason, killed everyone around her, and messed with her using magic. This could make the Taguel theory more plausible: if he messed with her using magic, he could have disabled her Taguel abilities, while the markings remained. All of this could relate to why Fauder would target her, if for whatever reason her being a Taguel or becoming a modified Taguel would fit with what he needed her for. And him killing the people around her fits with the Taguel dying out.

On an unrelated note, RvB3 is now announced: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/afej/dlc/dlc_0705.html

It's Lyn, and bizarrely enough, she's a Swordmaster. They can't go one update without disproving some assumption I had made, huh? The item teaches Iote's Shield, which presumably allows fliers to negate their weakness to arrows and wind magic.

Edited by Othin
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My bets are on Assassin seeing how it is Swords and Bows. Although, she wouldn't be able to use Sol Katti.

It looks nothing like an Assassin, and Lyn is no stealthy sneak attacker.

In terms of FE13 classes especially, the outfit is clearly a Swordmaster. It has the dual swords and the neck thingy, while Assassin is covered in spikes and is nothing like Lyn and Lyn already showed up in RvB as a Swordmaster anyway and no character has ever changed class within KvK or RvB because their stats are constant across all maps in that set where they appear.

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I was thinking back on this and those comments about her seeming like a Taguel. According to this, Fauder targeted Inverse for some reason, killed everyone around her, and messed with her using magic. This could make the Taguel theory more plausible: if he messed with her using magic, he could have disabled her Taguel abilities, while the markings remained. All of this could relate to why Fauder would target her, if for whatever reason her being a Taguel or becoming a modified Taguel would fit with what he needed her for. And him killing the people around her fits with the Taguel dying out.

If one of her MU supports or Mark's doesn't explain that, I could also see it as her Dark Blessing skill, as the only other person who has it is Micaiah. Though again, it could since Fauder is all dark magicy and evil, so that isn't as reliable.

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It looks nothing like an Assassin, and Lyn is no stealthy sneak attacker.

In terms of FE13 classes especially, the outfit is clearly a Swordmaster. It has the dual swords and the neck thingy, while Assassin is covered in spikes and is nothing like Lyn and Lyn already showed up in RvB as a Swordmaster anyway and no character has ever changed class within KvK or RvB because their stats are constant across all maps in that set where they appear.

Well, I guess that makes sense. So whooo on two swordmasters. I do kind of wish it was Eliwood now.

Edit: Also, her art seems weird to me.

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Now that I've calmed down, the double Swordmaster thing made me realize something important. Paladin would've made much more sense than Swordmaster for Celice, and would've avoided redundancy with Lyn. So I'm betting that we'll still get at least one Paladin. So either:

1. Ike is Paris and Eliwood is the DLC for LvD3

2. There's going to be more than 12 DLC characters and Eliwood and Sigurd will both appear as Paladins

So there's still hope for Eliwood, and possibly Sigurd, but at least Sigurd losing out to Celice is understandable while Eliwood losing out to Lyn is ridiculous.

Edited by OrangeCrush
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If one of her MU supports or Mark's doesn't explain that, I could also see it as her Dark Blessing skill, as the only other person who has it is Micaiah. Though again, it could since Fauder is all dark magicy and evil, so that isn't as reliable.

Yeah, Dark Blessing is interesting because it's what's special about her, as far as we can see. It does seem like Fauder might have been responsible for her having it. But could he have given it to anyone? Indeed, we've only seen one other person with the skill, and that person is Micaiah: a Branded.

Now that I've calmed down, the double Swordmaster thing made me realize something important. Paladin would've made much more sense than Swordmaster for Celice, and would've avoided redundancy with Lyn. So I'm betting that we'll still get at least one Paladin. So either:

1. Ike is Paris and Eliwood is the DLC for LvD3

2. There's going to be more than 12 DLC characters and Eliwood and Sigurd will both appear as Paladins

So there's still hope for Eliwood, and possibly Sigurd, but at least Sigurd losing out to Celice is understandable while Eliwood losing out to Lyn is ridiculous.

Ike has to be the DLC for LvD3, since it's set in an FE9 map and we've now seen that as the pattern for all the maps so far.

Granted, him having his own class no longer seems likely, with two Swordmasters and a good reason why Micaiah changed class. But still, he'll be there. He has to be there.

I'm not seeing more DLC beyond these, either. Certainly, it seems unlikely that they'd cram two Paladins into one map set, they're wrapping the earlier sets up far too neatly for that, and there just isn't stuff left to constitute another map set.

Edited by Othin
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Yeah, Dark Blessing is interesting because it's what's special about her, as far as we can see. It does seem like Fauder might have been responsible for her having it. But could he have given it to anyone? Indeed, we've only seen one other person with the skill, and that person is Micaiah: a Branded.

Ike has to be the DLC for LvD3, since it's set in an FE9 map and we've now seen that as the pattern for all the maps so far.

Granted, him having his own class no longer seems likely, with two Swordmasters and a good reason why Micaiah changed class. But still, he'll be there. He has to be there.

In that event, since you just made that connection and I didn't pick up on it till now, that could mean Inverse is a branded. Since she looks like Velvet, and not exactly.

Does Mark Velvet look exactly the same as a normal Mark and only have different hair?

But if Inverse is actually Branded, or at least part Taguel, that could bring in more connections to Telius and maybe aid in where it's located.

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