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Othin Plays FE13!


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I could do that, but I'd rather save myself the hassle and try to pair MU early to get Mark at some decent point to make things easier.

Besides, when I eventually decide to keep a female MU unpaired until endgame, my first choice will be Gangrel. On the next couple of runs like that, Paris will have to compete with Basilio and Valhart. I'll have to wait until I see him to figure out where he'll rank on that list. Which, granted, will be before I start my Lunatic+ run, but I'm not seeing him beating out Gangrel in any case.

And yeah, I'm planning on continuing with the Berwick Saga names. For my fifth run, I'll probably make a mute male MU named Derrick, but that's a ways off; I'm not even sure about my plans for that run. I'll probably eventually transfer them all to my first file for a full StreetPass team, keeping Othin as a Dark Knight but leaving the others in more logical classes.

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Decided to give Ch20 another shot. I was able to get through the first few turns with a more aggressive strategy to kill some of Cervantes' troops while still holding off the Generals on the right to get some breathing room. Everything was looking good until enemy phase Turn 4, when almost 20 reinforcements showed up at the bottom. I was already starting to move up the right hallway, so my team didn't get completely destroyed, but they killed Tiamo. At the same time, Exceli's team started to move, but they moved down, leaving the hallway as a route around them. I wasn't going to save with a character dead, but I decided to see how much progress I could make anyway.

Moving further up the hall, some of Exceli's troops turned around and got in the way; I bungled my attempt to fight them off while keeping my vulnerable characters out of the way and lost Olivia and Frederick. My plan was to have them support MU while he charged at Valhart, but I screwed up their positioning. Regardless, not many enemies were around Valhart, so I sent MU towards him, but the remaining ones kept healing him and making him impossible to kill fast enough with just one character. Also, I ran out of Rescue staffs. Seems spamming several uses per turn doesn't last long.

The Rescue staffs are the smallest issue, since I have enough money to buy more before trying again. After that, I should be able to straighten out my positioning to keep everyone alive, then with working on MU's strategies and having Olivia for support, I should be able to kill Valhart before the rest of my team gets trapped. So victory is within reach, but there's still a ways to go. And another six chapters after this one.

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So are the enemy troops so insane to the point where you want to use the staves, or need them. I tend to muscle and run without them, but obviously things are different in Kakusei.

I've been playing some of the hacks on this forum. Some of them make you remember how great it is to have a stave user around.

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You need a ton of healing, since your best characters die in 2-3 rounds. But for the Rescue staffs, it's because combat is so hard you need to make mobility not an issue. A main strategy I often use is having a character charge at an enemy group they couldn't hope to take on just to pick off one enemy, then grab them with a Rescue staff so they don't get obliterated on the enemy phase. But for every enemy you kill with that tactic, that's one Rescue use, so it can add up fast if you use it a lot. Because of this, it's really fortunate that you can buy them so easily past the halfway point in the game and that they're just an E rank staff, so characters like Leaf can use them. I also have Tiamo with E Staffs and often a Rescue staff on hand, but her range is pitiful due to her nearly nonexistent Mag stat, whereas Leaf has more Mag than Liz and Mariabel, my two dedicated healers.

I was able to survive the first few turns by breaking away and fleeing after making a path to the right rather than staying to kill Cervantes and his knights, but because I didn't really address the enemies chasing my team, I ended up having to move too fast, causing Exceli's troops to turn around and go the back way right where I needed to go rather than go straight down the front and be out of my way. I'll probably kill Cervantes and a General or two to get some breathing room, and send Dion up the middle to lure Exceli's team away, then grab him with a Rescue staff and send him straight for Valhart again. With the enemy phase combined with help from Olivia to get two attacks on the player phase, he should be able to kill Valhart and end the map.

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I recall some people were asking about FE13 Lunatic AI compared to FE12 Lunatic AI a while ago. I'm not sure where the discussion was, so I'll just explain my findings here.

Apparently in FE12, enemies go for the highest possible damage, including critical hits if necessary. It's my impression that this is true in FE13 as well: when using Frederick and Alm to hold off the Generals on the right, they normally take the same amount of damage from the first one to move, and he sometimes attacks Frederick, which is a problem since Frederick is also in range to get attacked by the other General, which would finish him off. However, giving Frederick a Double to increase his Def by just +1, the first one always seems to attack Alm, who's not in range of the General. So they do seem to care about raw damage dealt.

Securing a kill is even more important, of course. On my biggest failed Ch19 attempt, at the start of the enemy phase, each enemy targeted a character it could one-round before any enemies moved without killing something.

As for the chapter, I've managed to get a good strategy for the first few turns and getting out while beating up Cervantes' team. Using Dion to lure Exceli's team out of the way was also a success, although it looks like I won't be killing Exceli at all with this strategy and probably won't kill Cervantes, either. They're both a bit out of the way; they drop nice items, but I'm not too concerned. The problem was killing Valhart: I wasn't able to get an enemy phase against him, and two player phase actions weren't enough, even with help from other team members. I think Dion needs some better spells, in particular. And fortunately, there are some great toys just waiting for him in the Wireless section.

It's Thorhammer time.

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So I have a question, about DLC content, do you only get one demon fighter scroll, and one bride's bouquet? Or can you get more somehow?

Also how good are the two classes, are they even remotely useful?

You can replay the maps to get as many more as you want.

The two classes are ridiculously good. They have above-average stats for a promoted class, yet you can access them from unpromoted classes and they gain Exp as if they were unpromoted. Their skills are also among the best in the game, and they have access to a great variety of weapons.

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Thorhammer's improved crit rate turned out to be the most important thing: I had Olivia ready to give Dion a second turn if necessary, but instead, just like in Ch19, he one-rounded Valhart with a bit of luck, ending the map in six turns. Didn't end up killing either Cervantes or Exceli; I was hoping there'd be an extra scene with them after the chapter as a result, but there wasn't. Funnily enough, at the end, the game listed my MVPs as Dion and Olivia. I'm not sure how this was determined: I thought it was based on kills, and I've seen healers get MVP along with the character they were Doubled with if that character got a ton of kills, but Olivia was spending her time dancing, not sitting in Double.

And now the enemies go insane. Several of the Berserkers on this map have Axe Expert, putting their Mt at 72 with their hacked Silver Axes, and they're fast, too. But to be honest, I'm most scared of the enemies that changed the least: the Sorcerers with Slime. It can't be forged, yet any siege weapon is incredibly threatening right now. The most distressing part is their ability to OHKO Olivia, who's one of my most important team members. But the fact that they can also reach past my defenses to finish off weakened units also throws everything into chaos. I'm really not sure how to take them on with this team; there's no back route like in 17 or 20.

I should mention that this map is always scary. On any difficulty level, you have to run like hell because of the reinforcements: Sorcerers showing up constantly on the sides of the map too far to be possible to kill yet still able to lob Slime at your team. They start at the top and each successive one appears closer to the bottom, so you have to stay ahead of them.

This seems like a good time for another detour. I should be able to handle KvK3 and RvB1 by now. Looking at Celice's base stats, he might not stand out much at this point, having Str as low as base Leaf but without high Mag to use Thunder Swords with. On the other hand, Lightning Speed will be a fantastic boon; I currently don't have any characters with it, and his higher sword rank might also make him better at killing things. And of course, a Paragon scroll is always great to have, although I'm not sure who I'd use it on. Despite her higher level, Elincia's base stats are even lower, although she should be able to heal well. She seems like Tiamo but with better Mag and a higher staff rank. In order to bring both, I'd need to drop someone from my current team; Elincia is flat-out better than Tiamo right now, but because Speed Cry is so important, I'll probably keep both of them around and instead have Elincia replace Liz or Mariabel.

Despite having the same rating, RvB2 seems like it'll be much more difficult than RvB1, due to having more enemies and them being not arranged as conveniently. So I probably won't be getting a Bride at the moment. On the other hand, I do still have that Demon Fighter Scroll from KvK2. Dion finally learned Life Absorb, so I want to use it on him to fix his Res, his only flaw right now, but it'll come at the cost of his superior mobility. I'm still planning on going for it, but I'll have that to work around.


Edit: FUCKING HELL. The Swordmasters have 39 Speed? And the Assassins have 37? Krom has 29 Spd right now - just 29. And this is a map where I have to move fast? I was scared of this map before, but holy shit. As a monster map, IDW doesn't change with difficulty level; the enemy stats there are lower than the ones here. There are also less of those enemies and arguably less time constraints. I'm taking a trip there to get Eltshan and maybe some better equipment before heading into Ch21.

Of course, what lies ahead is even scarier. On HM, Neun has 38+5 Spd due to Balmung. I'm guessing on Lunatic she'll take it up to the maximum at 46+5. And the rest of the enemies are probably just as crazy - 12 bosses probably moving from the start, half with hacked Brave weapons? This is insanity. I wonder if I might find myself going so far as to clear LvD2 before finishing this mode...

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Edit: FUCKING HELL. The Swordmasters have 39 Speed? And the Assassins have 37? Krom has 29 Spd right now - just 29. And this is a map where I have to move fast? I was scared of this map before, but holy shit. As a monster map, IDW doesn't change with difficulty level; the enemy stats there are lower than the ones here. There are also less of those enemies and arguably less time constraints. I'm taking a trip there to get Eltshan and maybe some better equipment before heading into Ch21.

Of course, what lies ahead is even scarier. On HM, Neun has 38+5 Spd due to Balmung. I'm guessing on Lunatic she'll take it up to the maximum at 46+5. And the rest of the enemies are probably just as crazy - 12 bosses probably moving from the start, half with hacked Brave weapons? This is insanity. I wonder if I might find myself going so far as to clear LvD2 before finishing this mode...

Like I was saying at Gamefaqs, grinding is inevitable at this point. Just keep doing one and two star maps.

I do have a question: Does Mark have three types of support with each child character? A sibling, a lover, and a non-lover (IE. Male Mark and Azure)?

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Like I was saying at Gamefaqs, grinding is inevitable at this point. Just keep doing one and two star maps.

I do have a question: Does Mark have three types of support with each child character? A sibling, a lover, and a non-lover (IE. Male Mark and Azure)?

Inevitable? Pfft. What do you take me for? I will meet the challenge properly, crush it, and then take the even greater challenge of Lunatic+! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

My plan was to allow myself at most one play of each DLC map. That hasn't changed, and it won't. The one-star and two-star maps are gone: I still have KvK3 and IDW to complete for this round, and I'll be back for RvB2 and RvB3 when I'm ready for them. RvB1 wasn't so bad, and I'm making good progress on KvK3. IDW will be more challenging, but I know I can handle it. Once I've seized those treasures, nothing will stand in my way.

Mark can have up to three types of support, but that's rare. Sibling pairs are generally restricted to female Mark: male Mark can only have a sibling support with Lucina, and he can't have a parent/child support with her. Female Mark, similarly, can only get parent/child supports with female children, but she also doesn't automatically have a support with them, either. Female Mark's only "friend" supports are with Noire and Nn: her with the two of them are the only possibilities for supports that can work three different ways.

I should mention that for the purpose of supports, male Mark and female Mark are counted as entirely separate characters: they have completely different support lists and are listed separately in the Support Library; their dialogue is also completely different.

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Lunatic+? How many levels of difficulty are there. Also I have a couple questions about Mark.

1. Is mark's hair color based on the mom or the dad?

2. Does mark even look anything like the husband or wife of my unit, or does he a random face, with random hair styles, that were options for creating My Unit? (sorry if that's confusing)

3. Could Mark be the Mark from the first Fire Emblem to be released and america?

4. Does Mark have any supports with his or her parents that isn't My Unit and Krom, or Lucina?

5. When do you get Mark :D

6. If Mark is not a strategist can he reclass to strategist and can he reclass to nearly every unit like My Unit?

7. If My Unit marries a Manakete will Mark be a Manakete that can transform into a dragon too :D

8. Is Mark's past ever revealed? (If it isn't I'm willing to bet they'll make a sequel :D)

9. Finally can Mark use the Falchion if Krom is the dad?

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Lunatic+? How many levels of difficulty are there.

Just Lunatic & Lunatic+. There's a normal and hard below that though.

Also I have a couple questions about Mark.

1. Is mark's hair color based on the mom or the dad?

The non-MU parent.

2. Does mark even look anything like the husband or wife of my unit, or does he a random face, with random hair styles, that were options for creating My Unit? (sorry if that's confusing)

Always the same.

3. Could Mark be the Mark from the first Fire Emblem to be released and america?

It seems like no. Jury is still out on that, I'll refer you to RvB:Lyn topic.

4. Does Mark have any supports with his or her parents that isn't My Unit and Krom, or Lucina?

Whichever the non MU parent, yes.

5. When do you get Mark :D

Chapter 12x? I don't know more than that.

6. If Mark is not a strategist can he reclass to strategist and can he reclass to nearly every unit like My Unit?

He's a strategist by default, but will take the non MU parent's class, except for lord, overlord, etc... And each child inherits the class set of the parents, so Mark gets everything.

7. If My Unit marries a Manakete will Mark be a Manakete that can transform into a dragon too :D

Yes, Mark becomes a manakete.

8. Is Mark's past ever revealed? (If it isn't I'm willing to bet they'll make a sequel :D)

Nope, not as far as I am aware.

9. Finally can Mark use the Falchion if Krom is the dad?

His support with Krom's daughter is about that. He can't use it in the game. (Plotwise though, can he?)>:)

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Mark is available in S12 - the "x" naming of past FE games doesn't work here because it has nothing to do with Ch12. Indeed, the number doesn't really matter at all: it's just one of many sidequests you can unlock anytime after Ch13 once you've made the appropriate pairing. Mark's is one of the easier ones; shouldn't be anything stopping you from playing it as soon as you unlock it.

For graphics, I'd rate this game a solid 5/5. Aside from a couple of things like the feet and some glitches like cape physics, it looks beautiful.


Surprisingly, IDW was easier than KvK3 and RvB1: I got it on my first attempt and wasn't even planning on doing so; it was meant as a test run to see if Celice was effective enough to get Paragon so he'd stay effective with Lightning speed. He was. I managed to get Mistletainn, Sol Katti, and Armads from the chests... and then another Mistletainn from SpotPass right afterward. Not one of the most impressive ultimate weapons to get two of, either, but at least it was better than getting a Bolt Axe or Mistletinn.

Now back to Ch21. I still have no idea how I'm going to do this. On the first turn, I need to kill the five closest enemies and probably a less-close Sorcerer with Ruin, able to OHKO almost my entire team aside from Dion if he gets a crit. Dion, fortunately, has patched up his one big weakness to magic: with 37 Res counting the Demon Fighter skill, he takes almost no damage from the dark magic on this map, none of the Sorcerers having more than 44 Atk with it. Speaking of Dion, he reached LV15 Demon Fighter in just those three DLC maps and learned Quick Slash for even more insane player phase destruction, and capped his Str, Mag, Skl, and Spd. Unfortunately, this means a constraint on his ability to improve when the enemies are getting even stronger: he gets 2HKOed by most Berserkers on this map, ridiculous enemies with 80 HP and Atk often breaking 70. How funny that their 31 Spd now looks so tame in comparison when I feared lesser Spd stats just a few chapters earlier and that 31 Spd is still enough to cause huge issues for my team.

Dion can one-round any of the enemies on the player phase due to Quick Slash, but the rest of my team can't one-round much of anything. The Sorcerers and Berserkers have too much Def and HP, respectively, and the Swordmasters and Assassins have absurd Spd stats. Lucina and Sairi can cut through them with enough bonuses, but it's no trivial matter. And as I said, I need to move fast and pretty much run through this chapter. Checking the reinforcement turns for Lunatic, it's absurd. I can't block the first set of stairs on Turn 5 because they're in range of the Sorcerers at that point, and I can't block the second set on Turn 6 because the enemies from the first set are reaching those stairs at that point. I can't fight them off if they appear behind my team or on top of it, but I can't move slow enough for them to be ahead of my team, either. The only solution is to stay even farther ahead and reach the lower right corner by Turn 6, probably luring the boss and killing him through the wall on that same enemy phase. Six turns to dash through a minefield and win. Fun.

Fortunately I know this map is a Defeat Boss map, since I won by accidentally luring and killing the boss on my previous two runs and never got the Slime drop from the Sorcerer in the lower left on the other side of his room. This time, even passing his room is too dangerous, so it's a good thing I don't need to.

I should mention that I realized that I don't need to keep bonus characters alive. I can't just toss them away, since I can't get them again in the main story according to the rules I set, but if necessary, I can sacrifice them since it won't have a permanent impact against the small amount of postgame stuff I'm planning. Hopefully I can avoid it, but if not, I do have the option.

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Ch21 ultimately wasn't as bad as it looked. Although the enemies were ridiculously strong, they were kind enough to really only attack from the front and in small numbers. The enemies with Slime weren't too difficult to kill / work around, and I was able to move faster than the reinforcements could appear. This made it so that I didn't need to do much with characters other than Dion, Lucina, and Sairi, the ones who could handle it. Krom, unfortunately, is starting to fall behind, but I don't need him much anymore. Dion lead the charge, but with him not really growing anymore, I can't rely on him to stay as far ahead as he's been. I actually finished Ch21 in five turns instead of six, but if I had moved any slower, I probably wouldn't have survived the enemy phase on Turn 6 while luring the boss, so I didn't really have time to spare.

Ch22 was surprisingly easy and only took one attempt. The Dark Warlords are insanely powerful, but they're split into three groups and tend to not be aggressive until you approach their group, making it possible to take on just four at a time. By the time the north group started moving on its own, I had already cleared out the east and west groups, so they weren't a problem, either. Inverse, being stationary, was no real threat since I had cleared out the rest of the enemies first. And now I have five more ultimate weapons.

Ch23 was tricky. The main issue was the starting situation: Krom and Dion trapped with Fauder, the rest of the team surrounded by ridiculous enemies. Compounding the problem, I couldn't reach and kill weak Fauder on the first turn due to not having any way to get a Move bonus on Krom. The second turn would've been soon enough, but until the barrier is down, Rescue staffs don't work, even on characters outside the barrier. This foiled my hit-and-run strategy that I usually use for safely killing enemies, especially when using characters less sturdy than Dion. Surviving the first turn without it took some creativity, but it was doable. After that, I was able to take down the barrier, but that still left a ton of enemies charging with no real cover, and more joining in constantly. There was no way I could have walled them off, so instead I used the space in the upper part of the map to fall back and get some room to maneuver so I could kill them faster than they could advance and trap me. After getting rid of all of them, I was left with Super Fauder. Fauder's ultimate incarnation is ridiculous: Royal Weapon gives him a 76% Vengeance that can do massive damage with his 80 HP, Evil Dragon Scale makes it difficult to kill him quickly to avoid pain from Vengeance, and for good measure Renewal ensures that you have to pile on the damage if you actually want to kill him. Fortunately, I had managed to randomly pick up a Magicslayer Thunder tome a number of chapters earlier. Somehow, this took Fauder's accuracy all the way down to 0% against MU, rendering him harmless, and an easy kill.

I now reach Ch24, approaching the end. I see a bunch of Dragonmasters - wish Krom's sword would upgrade now instead of at the end of the map. Speaking of Krom, while Basilio and Flavia didn't need to do much on the field in Ch23, they're actually stronger than him. Lunatic bonuses are crazy. Also, the enemies are now all dropping their Accuracy +10 skills for Accuracy +20. And their hacked weapon upgrades already include +20 Hit. I guess they really don't want to miss, and indeed, throughout Lunatic, I've found myself having to generally assume that enemies will hit. Makes things much more interesting than being able to expect them to miss. Too bad Fauder couldn't use any of that due to his lack of skill space and using a weapon that couldn't be forged. Say, I wonder if the Lunatic+ enemies all get Absolute Hit at this point or earlier. I guess I'll just have to find out.

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I would make a topic of this, but I'll go ahead and post my summaries here. =)


Fire Emblem Kauseki Summary #1

Characters I've met so far.















My Unit














Summary #1

I've just started playing this game today and boy is it awesome! (I'll ensure to mention everything spoiler free, so don't worry. =))

Okay, the title screen looks like some power coming from the clouds then some Shield of Seals starts to show. Geez, is this repeating Marth's tale all over again? xD

First I begin the game on normal....then I make my unit and that she is female. I call her Tiara. I used the text exactly like this...テイアラ. I've made her a Magician fighter. She can use both Lances in addition to Magic. I gave her pony tails and gave her pink hair. Gave her a military uniform. After setting up her parameters as a Magician fighter. I begin the game.


Showed a cutscene that Krom fights some demonic god. Don't know the name.

Just battled some demnoic god, who I claim that is the Gharnef of this story. His laugher sounded a little like Ganandorfs. Krom started at LV 20 and Tiara was a 20 as well. After defeating him he retreated!

Chapter 1

Okay, I now battle a few soldiers and gets tutoraled by Fredrick. He seems to be a Jeigan to me. Powerful Pallie that starts at LV2. Didn't use him as he is overkill at this point in the game and don't want to rob EXP that I should spoonfeed to my other units. Also, any character that is by you while you fight can hit the foe as well. Like say if Krom attacks the foe and My Unit is by him. My Unit then will attack that same foe to actually team up with Krom to hit him. Pretty nifty, I'd say. =) When I've had Liz use Live the animation of the heal shows some greenish windy flashes and it shows a bright light healing the character. Wooah. Can't wait to see the other healing staves animations. After killing a few soldiers the chapter ends.

Chapter 2

It shows a cutscene that Liz runs to avoid a falling tree while some demonic monsters come out of hiding. Thier eyes flashes like a spectre and the chapter begins. Now I battle some boring ass Zombies. Three new characters Sol, Soiree, and Viole joins the battle. I start using Soiree and Viole. Wanted to use Soiree to try out and Viole cuz he looks like my most favorite Tellius character, Zihark. <3 Viole doesn't grow much Str, but he's an archer. I then kill a few Zombies and end the chapter.

Base Convo

I set up some items then I have My Unit talk to Fredrick to start up their support. Had no idea what any of it said other than arigatogozamasu. =) Got it to C. Then I begin the chapter.

Chapter 3

The chapter begins. I've met Emelina and Mariabel for the first time. In an FMV scene. We travel to town and Mariabel and Liz were arguing (There are actual talkings during convos in both chapters and FMV's =)) with each other as they are like the feistiest two characters that you could ever know. Mariabel was absolutely beautiful. She is a troubledour. Rides on a horsie while she holds an umbrella to make her look like a vain person like this one


This will being alot of fanboys to start avying and sigging her. =) I meet Flavia for the first time. Didn't join though. Also saw Emelina have a confrence. Then the battle begins.

Vake then joins me and he's a black pirate. (Finally some niggas) Need more of these characters. Haven't had one since Devdan/Garret. Didn't use him. But I continue to train Krom, Soiree, Liz and Viole.

Viole doesn't grow much Str, but he's an archer. Soiree was tanking in Str like mad the first few times that I've leveled her. After a turn or two Miriel joins the battle and boy this is the first time ever I see a witch looking Mage joining our cause. She has a black hat, looks like a Magus in FFIII's job class and that she specializes in Anima Magic. This made me want to use her in this run. After growing her two levels here she grew Mag both times. Awesome! Had Krom kill some enemies and even a crit activated for the first time ever. The criticals in this game shows an FMV, like when Phoenix Wright would shout Objection like this


Then finishing off with a powerful blow. Quite cool. Anyways, after routing the remaining enemies then I complete the chapter.

Chapter 4

Chapter begins as some boy Knight lures Krom and the gang into a trap. Then Sumia


comes to the rescue and pushes Krom out of the way. He would have been shish kebab by those sharp ballistes otherwise. It then shows her gallant appearance in the FMV with a smile. Then the battle begins. The chapter begins outside the castle gates and needed Door keys to get through. Sumia looks beautiful especially with all of the pink clothes that she wears. Has pretty hair too as Frehr would say "Pretty hair matters most of all". Sumia has a Sophia lookalike body from Star Ocean 3. This alone made me want to use her. She already can start doubling which my other characters except Fredrick couldn't do. First I talk to Cullum then afterwards I kill some enemies guarding the castle gates left and right of the maps. One of the soldiers drops a Door Key as I pick it off of their corpse. After opening the door, has Siree and Sumia kill some enemies guarding the boy Kinght (who is the boss of this chapter). Afterwards, I defeat the boy and then he shows us the way. He didn't seem all bad and Nintendo wouldn't go far as to having us murder children anyway. The boy is spared and then he shows us the way. =)


For the first time, you can start buying at the stores on the world map. I buy one Live staff for Liz, then a Thunder and Wind tome for Miriel and a Short Sword. Then I begin the chapter.

Chapter 5

I battled some enemies with Soiree, Sumia, Krom, Miriel, and Viole. And after there were two enemies left, before I could feed the second to last kill to Miriel my battery died and my Nintendo 3DS cut off. >.<

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If you're going to post irrelevant things in here, could you at least have the courtesy to make it not slathered in errors? It was painful to read just a bit of that.


Ch24 looked tame on the surface. A few monsters in a field; that can't be so bad, can it? It can when the monsters are back to the usual Lunatic aggressive levels. The number of starting enemies isn't a whole lot, but when they're all mounted and charging at you at once, they still end up as a lot to deal with. I'm really not sure how to manage this without getting crushed. I ended up getting pushed way back on my first attempt, which I also can't afford because there are forts right near the starting position that I need to be able to block off before enemies jump out of them.

I think this may be a good time to take my last detour and complete RvB2 and RvB3. They should be in reach by now, although I'm not really sure how I'll be able to best work the winnings into my team.

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If you're going to post irrelevant things in here, could you at least have the courtesy to make it not slathered in errors? It was painful to read just a bit of that.

I mistook some of the chapters being scenarios, it seems. It actually was a chapter before one of the other anyway...

Fire Emblem Kauseki Summary #2













Chapter 4's end

We have a talk after her being full of herself. She then leaves and I meet Basilio for the first time! We now have a chat with Fuirein then headed to the castle entrance during the course of night hearing crickets in the process talking and meeting rihito for the first time.

World Map

Now on the map we can go to three different locations. Can choose any of your choice. I buy an Iron Bow for Viole then I begin the chapter on the south. It actually wasn't a chapter at all. I encounter Anna there and she's in some paradox world with all the bluish bg asking me about online stuff. DLC shit. Anyways, I now head east and meet some boy named Donny. Some bandit was talking there as well. After some chatting we then begin the battle after I have a support convo with Miriel and Tiara.

Scenario #1 (Don't really know as it said #1 of something)

We battle some bandits including two thieves that are trying to get the two treasures in the west. I continue to train Soiree, Miriel, Viole, Krom, Sumia, and Liz. Ronku and Donnie joins here, but I didn't use them. Anyways, I send Fredrick over to the west to defeat some enemies since he has more move than anyone else in the party and needing to get the treasures in time. Two of the enemies dropped chest keys which I've happily picked of their corpse. The treasures had a Rescue Staff and a Killer Lance. Then I defeat the boss Romugo giving Sumia the killing blow. After close to the chapters end Liz finally grew a point in Mag after three other times of not growing any. What a stuck up bitch. Upon the bosses death he had an axe that looked somewhat like a stout Axe except with no blade on one of the other ends. After Donnie (the wild boy) talks to his mother we exit the chapter and some ninja appears up north. I didn't bother to go there, yet. Since he was by some imperial castle.

Chapter 5

We head west to begin the chapter. Upon entering this chapter we meet to sinister villians Inverse and Gangrel who talks to Emelina that a bandit has also held Mariabel hostage. With a mean look on her face, she doesn't seem scared. ^___^

Anyways, Liz shouted Mariabel as she was scared of her best friends situation. She then said Desu Liz Liz with a mean look on her face. Not only isn't she frightened, but she also seems egotistical as well. Analyzing....

(All of this happening while making some kind of sinister music that's quite cool.) Can't wait to get the soundtracks to this game. Afterwards, the vile fiends talks about some sealed shield that actually has one gem on top of it. Krom afterwards kills a bandit, then it switches to a scene with Mariabel and Inverse. After a brief chat Inverse now sentences her to death. Said a jap writing of Death alone to know what goes on here. Mariabel shouts Sonna and she is yelling at Liz to help her. Some boy wizard knocks the bandit that was holding Mariabel captive down with a wind spell. =)

Inverse was surprised by this and it's Rihito. He giggles at her and Mariabel makes an angry look at him although she is relieved for him saving her, it seems. That wink of Rihito's really got to me. <3 He even blows a wind spell in Inverse' face making me laugh out loud. He then tells Mariabel to leave it to him and Mariabel isn't pleased for his help, it seems as she went Ee. They take off and Inverse says "Koshakuna". Afterwards the battle begins. Mariabel and Rihito joins us. Rihito came with an Elwind tome and Mariabel came with Relieve Staff. They get trapped by Gangrel's men and that they will execute them without question. So, I send Fredrick up north (Were fighting on the mountains by the way.) I use Relive for the first time and it shows just some more greenish flashes with some gold sparkels. This was after Rihito already got hurt by a Dracoknight which thankfully he took out in one hit with Elwind. Thank god for the bonus damages that it offers. After dealing with the remaining enemies and the Dracoknight boss Ario Liz then starts crying and Mariabel starts smiling for the first time saying Arigato gozamasu. ^____^ After a brief chat with Emelina the chapter ends and we end back on the worlds map.

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I mistook some of the chapters being scenarios, it seems. It actually was a chapter before one of the other anyway...

Fire Emblem Kauseki Summary #2













Chapter 4's end

We have a talk after her being full of herself. She then leaves and I meet Basilio for the first time! We now have a chat with Fuirein then headed to the castle entrance during the course of night hearing crickets in the process talking and meeting rihito for the first time.

World Map

Now on the map we can go to three different locations. Can choose any of your choice. I buy an Iron Bow for Viole then I begin the chapter on the south. It actually wasn't a chapter at all. I encounter Anna there and she's in some paradox world with all the bluish bg asking me about online stuff. DLC shit. Anyways, I now head east and meet some boy named Donny. Some bandit was talking there as well. After some chatting we then begin the battle after I have a support convo with Miriel and Tiara.

Scenario #1 (Don't really know as it said #1 of something)

We battle some bandits including two thieves that are trying to get the two treasures in the west. I continue to train Soiree, Miriel, Viole, Krom, Sumia, and Liz. Ronku and Donnie joins here, but I didn't use them. Anyways, I send Fredrick over to the west to defeat some enemies since he has more move than anyone else in the party and needing to get the treasures in time. Two of the enemies dropped chest keys which I've happily picked of their corpse. The treasures had a Rescue Staff and a Killer Lance. Then I defeat the boss Romugo giving Sumia the killing blow. After close to the chapters end Liz finally grew a point in Mag after three other times of not growing any. What a stuck up bitch. Upon the bosses death he had an axe that looked somewhat like a stout Axe except with no blade on one of the other ends. After Donnie (the wild boy) talks to his mother we exit the chapter and some ninja appears up north. I didn't bother to go there, yet. Since he was by some imperial castle.

Chapter 5

We head west to begin the chapter. Upon entering this chapter we meet to sinister villians Inverse and Gangrel who talks to Emelina that a bandit has also held Mariabel hostage. With a mean look on her face, she doesn't seem scared. ^___^

Anyways, Liz shouted Mariabel as she was scared of her best friends situation. She then said Desu Liz Liz with a mean look on her face. Not only isn't she frightened, but she also seems egotistical as well. Analyzing....

(All of this happening while making some kind of sinister music that's quite cool.) Can't wait to get the soundtracks to this game. Afterwards, the vile fiends talks about some sealed shield that actually has one gem on top of it. Krom afterwards kills a bandit, then it switches to a scene with Mariabel and Inverse. After a brief chat Inverse now sentences her to death. Said a jap writing of Death alone to know what goes on here. Mariabel shouts Sonna and she is yelling at Liz to help her. Some boy wizard knocks the bandit that was holding Mariabel captive down with a wind spell. =)

Inverse was surprised by this and it's Rihito. He giggles at her and Mariabel makes an angry look at him although she is relieved for him saving her, it seems. That wink of Rihito's really got to me. <3 He even blows a wind spell in Inverse' face making me laugh out loud. He then tells Mariabel to leave it to him and Mariabel isn't pleased for his help, it seems as she went Ee. They take off and Inverse says "Koshakuna". Afterwards the battle begins. Mariabel and Rihito joins us. Rihito came with an Elwind tome and Mariabel came with Relieve Staff. They get trapped by Gangrel's men and that they will execute them without question. So, I send Fredrick up north (Were fighting on the mountains by the way.) I use Relive for the first time and it shows just some more greenish flashes with some gold sparkels. This was after Rihito already got hurt by a Dracoknight which thankfully he took out in one hit with Elwind. Thank god for the bonus damages that it offers. After dealing with the remaining enemies and the Dracoknight boss Ario Liz then starts crying and Mariabel starts smiling for the first time saying Arigato gozamasu. ^____^ After a brief chat with Emelina the chapter ends and we end back on the worlds map.

Why are you hijacking Othin's topic, exactly? Your write-ups would be more positively received if their were in their own separate topic; as it is, they seem out of place and jarr with Othin's Lunatic run.

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I was being polite earlier, but you're really starting to get annoying. This thread is not titled "Ayanami Plays FE13". If you want a thread like that, make one. Don't continue this.

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