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Schoolgirl Mafia


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You also made an useless post.

##Vote: Kay

Yeah, that's the joke. I just like mocking "first" posts.

Bizz, Scorri did play in Homestuck Mafia, she's not completely new. Not saying she isn't still learning the game, just figured I'd point it out.

I'm just terrible, I don't like tea or coffee.

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I'd like people to start making a more serious effort even if it is Night 0, just because I won't be able to actually play when D1 starts aside from one short announcement.

Rapier is churning my gut a little. He was poked at for overreacting N0 last game, and now he's poking at others for overreacting N0... even though when people attacked him for it, he was town. Rapier, what's your actual opinion on Marth for now?

Tea's pretty good, but not something I drink particularly often. Not fond of coffee, but adding milk and sugar only serves to make it worse. That said, its existance is justified by coffee ice cream.

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Hey everyone!

Happy Night 0.

I'd also just like to say I'm the prettiest schoolgirl you'll ever see. So nyeh~

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I'm a tea gal. Coffee tastes nice at first, but then you get the worst aftertaste ever and it's like blegh. However, I can't drink tea without a truckload of sugar. I need 4 tablespoons or else it's too bland and bitter.

Me too. Except replace gal with guy.

Can we cut N0 short by one day?

This, because it feels like nothing ever happens in N0.

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The intercom flickers on with a hint of static, grabbing the attentions of the student populace.

"I apologize for interrupting those who are sleeping at this time. However, as it has come to pass, it seems that a good amount of you are in fact not sleeping this night, but rather prowling the halls. As a preemptive measure, I would like to ask that all students make sure to acquaint themselves with the school rules, and hope that, in the end, this message will have had no meaning."

There is a slight pause, accompanied by the rustling of papers, and the sound of an elbow brushing the microphone, before the soft voice continues.

"The Student Council is poised to assist the Teacher's Union in ensuring that the rules of our institution are not broken. As such, we shall be working with them to ensure that you all can continue to enjoy student life, without being accosted by rule breakers. There shall be a notice posted on the bulletin board outside the Student Council office, and all students are advised to read it thoroughly. That is all for this evening, please enjoy your sleep."

*BZZT* The intercom fades with the same hint of static it gave off as it started. Pinned to the Student Council bulletin board is the following, written neatly on a sheet of paper:

Dear Ether,

You are Kanade Tachibana. The only things you really want are the chance to keep a friend, and to repay your debt. Being the Student Council President, you are in this school to ensure that the rules are enforced.

As Student Council President, you have access to the database of students, and thus know what abilities each student has, as well as a current knowledge of their activities. If called upon by the teachers, you also have the authority to send the students home for the day, or to call them in from the dorms.

You also have access to the Angel Player Program. This program allows you to alter your own data in order to construct new abilities with which to enforce the school rules. As of this moment, you have developed the following abilities:

Hand Sonic - A precise blade designed to kill with a single strike. At any time when a student has committed a dire offense, you must reply to the thread with "Night/Day X - Killing <PLAYER> with Hand Sonic." <PLAYER> will be mod-killed.

Distortion - A shield designed to deflect incoming attacks. Any student who takes action against you shall be stopped cold by this shield, and their action will fail.

Howling - A high-frequency, high-amplitude sound wave emitted by crossing two Hand Sonic. This sound wave will cancel out any vote against you, causing it to become null and void.

You are allied with the Student Council, and win by observing and learning from the teachers.

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"Kanade, you're late! You were supposed to report right after class!" Kuroi winced as the PA system emphasized her words with feedback. "Better late than never, I guess. Now go to bed! All of you!"

I picked up a new co-host named Ether. . .but he'll be monitoring stuff when I'm not around. Hooray weird time zones!

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This, because it feels like nothing ever happens in N0.

Make things happen, then. What do you think of Prims's claim, for example?

(I figure he's pretty likely to be town, a Mafia Announcer with limited posting ability would be crazy, and he did call attention to himself.)

oh. I still don't think scorri was overreacting, though.

I don't think so, either.

Well what do you like to drink then?

Fruit juice, soda, water, really just about anything else.

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The intercom flickers on with a hint of static, grabbing the attentions of the student populace.

"I apologize for interrupting those who are sleeping at this time. However, as it has come to pass, it seems that a good amount of you are in fact not sleeping this night, but rather prowling the halls. As a preemptive measure, I would like to ask that all students make sure to acquaint themselves with the school rules, and hope that, in the end, this message will have had no meaning."

There is a slight pause, accompanied by the rustling of papers, and the sound of an elbow brushing the microphone, before the soft voice continues.

"The Student Council is poised to assist the Teacher's Union in ensuring that the rules of our institution are not broken. As such, we shall be working with them to ensure that you all can continue to enjoy student life, without being accosted by rule breakers. There shall be a notice posted on the bulletin board outside the Student Council office, and all students are advised to read it thoroughly. That is all for this evening, please enjoy your sleep."

*BZZT* The intercom fades with the same hint of static it gave off as it started. Pinned to the Student Council bulletin board is the following, written neatly on a sheet of paper:

<3 Angel beats

I'm just terrible, I don't like tea or coffee.

same here (mainly cause I get headaches when I drink either)

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Make things happen, then. What do you think of Prims's claim, for example?

(I figure he's pretty likely to be town, a Mafia Announcer with limited posting ability would be crazy, and he did call attention to himself.)

My thoughts exactly, however the possibility of a mafia announcer is not as crazy as you think. All he cannot do is talk during voting phase, but a very clever announcement can totally confuse the town. A mafia announcer may have a secondary useful action too.

I do believe he got the role on purpose to make it diffiult though.

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For the moment, I'm just going to consider Prims town until new evidence shows up. People tend to take too much time speculating claims made and such and this leads to ignoring much more important things in the long run. What these things end up being depends on which course this game takes starting on D1, of course, but I'm merely warning you all (and if you want my personal opinion, his manner of claim highly indicates he isn't making it up and obviously there's more to it than merely what he outed as a basic).

(Since Prims claims Announcer, does this mean the announces are made through moderator then? I want Prims to answer this, unless for some reason he can't or doesn't want to.)

At any rate, focus on the more subtle actions and behavior of others rather than focusing too hard on claims. Prims claimed, it's over and done with. By the way, Rapier still strikes me as scummy, and I'm keeping my eye on him in the future.

By the way, something else I feel I need to bring up: pay attention to what players have said/who they've suspected in the past, because a lot of times I also see players die and automatically their opinions are null and void when the pattern in which they were killed coupled with what they had said can really mean a lot, and no, I'm not saying something as shallow as, "Someone suspected Bizz and died right after so that means Bizz is mafia," but rather just... don't completely ignore this shit; just because a player died doesn't mean they never played the game in the first place. This just aggravates me when people do that.

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I hate it when I make a post and it reads so repetitively and I can't change it


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I would agree that Prims coming out like this makes me think he's probably town. It would seem a little weird to me for that to be a mafia role, but I'm not saying it's impossible that he's mafia either. Basically, I'm going with Levantamos here and saying until further notice I'm assuming Prims is town. I'd probably be more suspicious of him coming out and saying it like this so quickly except for the fact that he's not allowed to talk during the day and that would seem super suspicious, so.

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Yeah--it's not impossible that Prims is mafia, and I'm not going to completely rule out the possibility just because he made an elaborate and clear claim to prevent misunderstanding in the future. I read him as town for reasons other than the claim (also I've seen strange mafia announcer roles like this so meh), and well, another thing. I think people don't notice it anymore. I know a couple of people did, but I don't think it's something to keep so blatantly in the spotlight. But anyhow, town or not, he claimed. I don't think there's much more to discuss other than, well, we lose valuable daytime discussion weight. We'll have to try and make up for that.

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1. A little less than 11 hours left.

2. I am missing several night actions. If you don't want to use it, idle. If I see you haven't even taken a peek into your role PM, I will seriously consider subbing you out.

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