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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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The hustle and bustle around the room given the group eventually wore its way into Gytha's sleep until she stretched and rubbed her eyes. Maw had to adjust her position as the human squirmed under her -- which was quite inconsiderate -- but at least the human opened her eyes when she did so.

"Hm? Oh, ahoy, Maw," Gytha greeted. The feline slipped onto the floor to wait as Gytha shifted into a sitting position on the cot, hunching forward so she wouldn't hit her head on the one above her. Like on other ships like this, the room was filled with rows and rows of them. Some were empty, some still had occupants, but most were stirring. It was only now that Gytha noticed she hadn't undone her belt the previous night. She shrugged to herself at that. After all, it was no wonder with so many others being in the same room at the time. The whole group had spent the night there, after all. Well, it was time to treat Maw's eye and the cat knew it, having leaped back onto the cot and was looking at Gytha expectantly.

"A'right, a'right," she replied, mildly amused as she rummaged through her belt pouch to take out the supplies needed for the ship cat's general care.

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Zach had been stuck in a deep sleep and it took him a good minute to wake up after being shaken "...Wuzzat? Oh hey Aneda *yawn* what's up? Time for breakfast?" Getting up out of bed he stretched and brushed his clothes off "I guess Lia is already up and about. Let's see if we can't go find her."

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''That's why I'm heading there to find out.'' John told Gar. ''And if not, well, there is one more option.'' He then turned back to Fred. ''Very well, follow me.'' He said before heading inside and towards the infirmary.


Seems the guy in armor was being dealt with. Before Sophia could do anything else though, she felt someone tugging at her sleeve. Turning around revealed to be Lia.

But what a sight it was. Now that the ordeal of the cult was over and it was daytime, her image was certainly a pitiful one. Poor thing, I don't even want to imagine what the cult did to her. She thought. And back then I was worried about my clothes. This doesn't compare. And quite indeed.

''Hello,'' she started, but then quickly realized. Wait, back there she didn't seem to be able to talk well. Is it the after shock of the ordeal or.... Indeed, there was also the whole thing of this artificial business. I suppose even those need to be taught to talk? Well, never mind that for now.

''Do you need something? Is it about your clothes?'' She asked.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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"The Ursian military doesn't seem too fond of this organization actually, they did help us locate Raquel after the attack at Weyland's," Veronika admitted begrudgingly. "But they're remarkably well armed for criminals, they've got wyverns...and that man Sardis can destroy tanks with his mind. We need more allies- problem is I'm not sure where to find them," she said, biting her lip.

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It seemed her ordeal was fairly obvious, the girl's eyes immediately falling to her tattered clothing. She had begun to greet Lisandra, but appeared to lose herself in thought for a moment, before the obvious question came up.

Since it was obviously, at least in part, with regard to her clothing, Lisandra gave a quick nod. Though the change wouldn't do much without a bath, lacking a way to articulate it herself, Lisandra could only hope this woman smart enough to figure it out on her own.

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So indeed it was. ''I see. I was also trying to do something about my own.'' Sophia said, directing with a hand to the small hole with the stains around it. Again, it didn't compared.

Though it would be harder to solve. She after all only needed just some piece of cloth to patch the hole, but what about Lia? She needed a complete replacement. Too bad she didn't had spare clothes to give her. Would've solved it much faster. But maybe Raquel had some spare clothes in her wares. ''Though you need more than just new clothes. Then again, it is best to get those first anyway, so please follow me.'' She said, and walked towards the wagon. She knew Raquel was probably not there, but maybe someone else to ask about. So once she got there, she began to climb it.

''Hello?'' She asked to the inside.

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A Man Called Gar

Armor-guy the first answered Gar, and went and walked away leaving nothing else to do there. Well, he could follow them, but anyone awake would be coming out soon anyway so better to save energy or something. Something interesting did pop into sight, as Zachary's dear princess Lia showed up on deck and started meandering with the cleric-girl. From the way Lia was moving, Gar could tell it had something to do with her appearance. Cleric-girl saying clothes and Lia nodding helped with that thought.

Well, Gar was going to need new clothes himself... And better to dress the princess up all nice and pretty before dropping her off. They needed something to cover Lia before they went and got some fancy new clothes though, and it looked like cleric-girl had the same idea since she went over to the wagon.

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Fred nodded and then followed John towards the infirmary to see Raquel. "So who is your leader?" he asked as he followed. "Some big, tough manly man with a chiseled chin, deep voice, and shining armor out to slay evil? Some teenager with a big weapon and a load of emotional issues that he's trying to sort out? Oh! I know! A prince from a far-away land trying to seek out his sister who has been taken captive by an evil vizir!"


As Robin paced about the deck she looked up and about. She needed something to take her mind off of Zach and breakfast. Lia was on the deck now and Robin did want to talk to her but... She wanted to do it in a different way. Not like a friend but like a... No. Robin quickly shook her head. She didn't want to think about that right now at all!

She quickly looked up to the next person she saw. A huge, sweaty, sailor who had just been talking to the armored moron. Pass.

Third person... the new guy who she didn't know. Could he be a friend? Robin knew she wasn't much good at making friends for sure. Zach was her... No. Not him. Than Gytha she had been... shot by. She needed something different. This was going to blow up, she felt certain, but... maybe he wouldn't shoot her this time? Taking a deep breath Robin started to approach Gar, her chest puffed full as she unknowingly held her breath in nerviously.

"Hello.IamRobin.Isawyoufightingalongsideusyesterday.Iwouldliketobefriends.IamRobin." she blurted out in a single breath.

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''Eh, none of those.'' John said making a quick glance at Fred. ''Though you got it right separately..'' He returned his gaze back front. ''She is determined to finish her off her enemies, does have some emotional issues, and is trying to rescue someone close to her.'' <He sure lets his imagination go wild.> ''Well, we recently ran into some trouble, so she might not be up for some talking, but we'll see.''

Soon enough they reached the infirmary. ''Well, here we are. Can you wait here for a moment?'' And with that, he went inside. After all, if Raquel was still not awake, it would be pointless to have him go inside only to reach nothing.

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A Man Called Gar

While Gar was busy with his own thoughts, and looking kind of creepy by looking at two young girls, someone felt the need to come and approach and talk to him. It was that weird/cook/bow-girl from Raquel's group that suddenly added fast-talking to her list of traits. "One: take a breath. Two: hello Robin. Three: yes, I was fighting there. Four: I don't have friends. Five: you can call me Gar." Gar answered.

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Robin looked at Gar for a moment as if shamed. She had blow it big time. Her first attempt to speak to someone in a while and she had been a blathering idiot. Still, she needed to get her act together.

"I am sorry, Gar. I am just... It is difficult for me to talk to strangers. I am not used to doing so at all. I am sure you know the difficulties of having few friends. I do not know how to approach people at all."

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Reign was a little dumbfounded by her response. "I guess Raquel's got plenty of reason to want to at least oppose them, but why are the rest of you in this? I doubt I've seen lousier survival odds ... well not since the last battle before I left Ursium, anyway."


"Hm?" Gabbie looked toward the source of the voice, turning her torso partially and pulling Connor with just slightly. "... hello. Need something?" After voicing her own question, she let Connor go.


"A paragraph ... an entire paragraph wasted just describing a dragon's jaws ... jaws the author likely never saw with their own eyes, I might add. Dammit." Shadrak cursed having taken the book instead of finding something more useful in the library. He had half a mind to return the blasted thing on principle, but settled for slumping over it in the galley instead. The aroma of pork reached his nose after a few moments, but he was expecting it. He arrived in the galley just before the chefs finished discussing their breakfast plans. "Well I can smell the bacon ... that was fast, but that's about all I can pick up. I hope they're not just making one thing at a time."

A few sailors walked in and were pleasantly surprised when the same aroma met them a little ways into the galley. "Alright! Some real meat!"

"Hear, hear! How long til breakfast, bookworm?"

Shadrak grunted. "My name is Shadrak, and dont' ask me. I've been here all of five minutes. ... they just started ...."

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Once her task was finished, Gytha put the supplies away and Maw sipped to the ground before trotting away to tend to her own devices. Gytha was mildly amused by how serious the silver tabby seemed to be, as though her day was filled with important task after important task that required the utmost efficiency and punctuality. She, herself, decided to head for the galley for some breakfast.

It was a leisure walk but didn't take a whole lot of time. Other denizens of the Leverager were already beginning to come in and the air smelled like breakfast was already on its way. There was only one under Raquel's employ in the room at the time: Shadrak. He was one she preferred not to talk to, usually. In fact, it would probably be more productive to speak with the sailors. So, Gytha sat herself down at a table not occupied by the dark magic wielder. It'd be good to gather what news from the sea she could while she was able to, not to mention she figured she'd largely be working with these men with regard to the running of the ship, much more so than with whatever the others planned on doing.

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A Man Called Gar

"Why are you apologizing?" Gar raised an eyebrow. "It's not like you said anything that was harmful. Quick, certainly, but not harmful. I assume this is about the friends thing, so on that note, it's not few friends, it's none at all. Zip, zero, zilch, nadda, no. And that's not some sort of sore, or touchy subject with me, it's something I chose for myself, something I prefer. So there's no need to apologize about that. And if someone who's a big jerk like me has no problems making conversation, then someone who actually wants to talk and make friends should have no trouble with some practice." Wait, why am I trying to be all inspirational and preachy? Gar thought. Bah, maybe cause of that Shade drake thing? Well, whatever.

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A quick look into the infirmary confirmed a few things. First of all Raquel was still not awake. This could've been bad if it wasn't for the fact Veronika was currently in the room, currently in a conversation with Reign, but in the room nonetheless.

''Good morning,'' John said walking a bit into the room. ''Pardon the interruption but there are some things I need to inform about.'' This last part directed more to Veronika.


As thought, Raquel wasn't there, but at least it wasn't empty either. Well, there goes nothing.

''Yes,'' Sophia answered. ''I was wondering if Raquel had clothes here. It's for the new girl.''

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"Surprisingly, most of them are just here for money I think," Veronika said to Reign, shrugging before John arrived.

"What's the situation?" she asked him.


"Well Raquel isn't a clothes merchant- any clothes she would have in here probably would be hers, not clothes for sale," Connor said dubiously.

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''Well, last night it seems we weren't the only ones picking fights,'' John began. ''The arena was attacked by ruffians, though they were defeated. As a result it seems security has tightened across the port, and that includes the warships patrolling closer to shore. Also, Faatina was present in that attack. She was carried back here by someone who is willing to further lend his services it seems.''


''I suppose I can still try to ask her about it.'' Sophia thought out loud. ''Well, thanks anyway.'' She said before climbing back out. Though I think she may still be resting. She thought. What to do, what to do...

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So some kind of vigilante? I wonder why Faatina was at the arena anyway... Veronika thought to herself before responding to John. "All right, so this is he?" she said, gesturing to Fred. "Why do you want to join our group?" she asked the heavily armored man.

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"I have no problem with some practice if you have no problem with me being bad. When I started hunting it took me months to get to the point where I made my first kill. I do not have much in the ways of social skills, so it will take me time to get to the point where I will not sound like a moron when introducing myself, but I want to practice."


"Why, my dear woman, my reason for wanting to join is simple. I have seen the beauty of many women and those women within your group of merry travelers, yours far above that of others, has made me seek to join. I do not desire much beyond food, shelter, and possibly enough money to allow me to get by, but I offer much in return. I am indomitable wall in battle, a skilled singer, can dance, preform alchemy, and can even do house chores. Normally a person such as myself would be expensive, but your loveliness is so immense as to make me want to serve for servings sake."

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It seems the cleric girl had not found any luck at the caravan, which was unfortunate, but Lisandra had managed to find a bit of a muse besides that, spotting one of very few pistols inside the structure. Giving it a curious look, Lisandra couldn't help but be mesmerized by the weapon, as she continued to stare at it. Eventually picking the pistol from the shelf, she began examining it more thoroughly, noting the design on the wooden handle, as well as the ornate shape of the hammer. Looking down the sight to get a feel for the weapon, Lisandra found the experience quite exhilarating.

"... this... gun?"

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Still caught up with wondering on what to do Sophia didn't noticed Lia grabbing the gun until she managed to speak up. This snapped of her thoughts and turned to see her handling it.

Wait, is she... ''Um, y-yes, it is a gun.'' Sophia answered, getting a little nervous. W-well, at least she seems to know what it is. Hopefully it is not loaded.

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Synthia returned to the land of the living with the realization that yes, she was still on a boat, and yes, the bunks were really close together. In short, she hit her head. She winced before managing to crawl off the cot and straighten her clothes. A whole lot of good that did, they were still covered in blood and torn in several places. She sighed. With the amount of damage it'd be a pain to fix. It would certainly be easier to just buy something new.

A short while and a change of clothes later, and she was entering the galley for some breakfast. It didn't seem to be ready yet, seeing as no one else had any, so she took one of the empty seats next to Gytha. “Good morning," she said. Shadrak could drown in loneliness for all she cared.


Valter had been awake for a while now, sitting crosslegged on his cot in the infirmary. There was a lot to be learned by listening to others (it wasn't eavesdropping if they knew he was there, right?). He was certainly surprised when Fred showed up, however. He scoffed at the knight's explanation for joining. “Weren't you confined to the arena? You sure this doesn't have something to do with your debt?”

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A Man Killed Gar

Gar shrugged. Not like he had any problems being a training dummy for whatever. "Alright, I'll be your partner for this thing then. Well, if your social skills come up to even half of what your bow skills are you'd be able to talk a king out of his crown." Gar smiled and looked off to the side. The side that used to include Lia and cleric-girl but both had vanished into Raquel's wagon.

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"Ah, ahoy," Gytha greeted Synthia with a smile. She was feeling much better than she had been the last time she'd talked to the wind-user. "Smell that?" she needlessly asked as she looked over to the kitchen, "Breakfast should be ready soon." Apparently that was the perfect translition to the next question as the mariner looked back to her friend. "So, how'd ye sleep?"

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"You think my bow skills are that good?" asked Robin, curious. "I practiced hard to get them where they are, but they are not as good as some other people I know. Shooting a deer across a field is easy but... It is not as easy to shoot a human. What about you? I did not get to see much of you in action last night. My focus was on my aiming. What weapon do you use? How good are you with it?"

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