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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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"Um, thanks. I'm not, but my injuries are gone, at least." Raquel replied to Gytha when she and the others arrived. "Anyway, I should probably go and grab that old tome out of the wagon and try to fix my vest ..." she added as she stood up from the bed. Her body felt surprisingly heavy. She had been down for quite a while.

"Sooo are you guys staying here on the Leverager despite the rebel threat ... or not?" Reign asked. He had brought it back up deliberately to keep Raquel there a bit longer, but pretended otherwise.

"Err-I uh ..."

"Well ..." Reign pulled himself up using the wall behind him for support. "I'm staying, and since they're heading out at noon, it's probably a good idea to take care of any outstanding business sooner rather than later. I'm going to head down to the galley to see if there's anything to eat and then I'm heading into town for a little bit. I'll see you later." And with that, he gently placed his hand on Raquel's shoulder as he passed as a 'take care' gesture and left the infirmary. He made a note of the new face on the way out. He wasn't sure if the kid was a part of the group or not.

Main Deck

Shadrak soon found that escaping the area was easier said than done. With others heading in, he had to 'fight' for every inch or get stuck waiting for them to pass. He made for the main deck but ran into Talitha and Sophia along the way. "Oh ... uh ... hi. Tali, what are you doing here? How did you know what ship we were staying on?"

"I followed Davod and Faatina back here. As for what I'm doing here, I'm checking on Faatina. Did you hear about last night, yet?"

"No, what happened?"

"Some group attacked the arena and Faatina just happened to be talking with me down at the guild building at the time. We went there to try and help, but she got injured again in the end. I wanted to see how she's doing ... and make sure she's not pushing herself or anything."

"Pushing herself ...? What, like training?"

Talitha shuttered at the thought. "If you people are letting her train after getting overlapping bone injuries, you're all really bad friends."

"Friends ... tch. Well, I should go. Are you going to be here for very long?"

"Only if the others want to finish yesterday's testing, otherwise, there's not much point."

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''Well, I suppose it's just a matter of catching up with them then,'' John said. Though now it seems the ordeal was going to take a brief respite.

<I suppose we're done here,> he thought. <Might as well return to the deck for breakfast.>


Seems Sophia had stumbled across some information. However, the thing about Faatina surprised her more than the Arena.

''But why did she went outside in the first place despite her injury?'' She spoke out loud. But then something else came to mind. ''Oh wait,'' this directed at Shadrak. ''Do you know where is the infirmary?''

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"Said she couldn't sleep or something." Talitha quickly answered Sophia's first question in a quiet tone.

"I guess saying 'it's close by' would be an understatement. Did you want me to show you two or ..."

"I do." Talitha chimed in again.

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Well, that was news. "So, yer thinkin' about changin' ships b'cause th' smugglers're threatenin' th' Leverager somehow n' she's shippin' off at noon?" Gytha summarized, looking at Raquel with inquiring eyes.

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"Yeah. To be honest, I don't mind staying with them. We're always in danger, whether it's bandits, pirates, the organization, or even elements in the military. Staying with them until we reach our destination feels more like finishing what we started." she explained nervously. And besides, I'm going to run out of money soon and the last thing I need is another transfer fee, along with the hours of frustration trying to find another ship and explain our situation to the captain. And what if some crazy lunatics decide to come after us in the meantime? Yeah, no sense in jumping ship when there's still a thousand miles between us and the rebel's home territory. She was quick to list off all the things wrong with leaving to convince herself that staying was indeed for the best.

"You know that if the rebels outwit us ... we're screwed, right? No fancy fighting technique is going to get you and your mercenaries out of that clusterfu- ... hmm, I should probably watch my language around you kids." the doctor replied before scratching his head some.

"It's okay ... we'll come out on top, somehow ... we always do. I mean we beat the cult in their own home, right?" There was nothing genuine or confident in that reply, but she really didn't want to switch ships. The Leverager had a lot of guns, and she was hoping it could fight off a few military vessels if worse came to worst.

"Not sure why they didn't just lead you into a real ambush complete with a firing squad, but you may have a point, there." he nodded.

Main Deck

Reign made it out onto the main deck after heading into the galley and grabbing six strips of bacon. He'd finished all of them by the time he made it onto the main deck. He tried to walk past anyone standing between him and the loading ramp, but waved goodbye to the small group gathered nearby.


"So it is you." said Claudia. In the end, Volya had been brought to the governor's manse ... so far from where he left, he'd have to fly back to make good time. Claudia was enjoying some sort of drink at a table on a second story patio. while Volya stood beside the chair meant for him, and a few servants stood by nervously. Volya didn't have any violent intent toward the young woman, but they couldn't tell. His scowl alone made them want to grab her and flee.

"Did you really need to bring me way out here? I've got places to be." His reply was a bit sharp, and one of the servants flinched but still managed to stay where he was.

"You're so much more handsome up close than I'd imagined ... even hiding underneath that hood."

Volya raised an eyebrow. "I'm not hiding, and what do you care? What do you want with me?"

"Yesterday, you appeared from lands unknown and entertained hundreds with your fighting prowess. It was beautiful; I've rarely witnessed avians fighting, and even fewer so ... so deliberately. I can see it in your stances and your moves. Everything you do is so precise and thought out. Suffice to say I'm a fan."

"I'll sign your teacup, but then I'm leaving. I entered the arena to win some money, not entertain rich girls." he shot back.

"Teehee, silly boy, I don't need an autograph."

Voyla's eyebrow raised a bit farther than the last time. "Wherever this is going, it can't be good."

"You know, I keep asking my father about pegasi," Claudia began to explain, putting down her drink and lowering her head to stare at it. "I want so much to be able to fly ..."

"Humans and their flight fetishes." Volya muttered under his breath.

"Watch what you say; you don't understand as much as you think." she came back with a pitiful smile. "You know, there's a story about pegasi and wyverns. Lord Wrath created humans, but he did not give them wings. Meanwhile Ladies Mercy and Nature gave their races wings. Lord Wrath did not want the humans to so readily touch the skies, but the goddesses blessed us when he was not looking. Mercy bestowed wings unto the purest of equines, and Nature created the wyverns. Now mankind could reach the skies on the backs of these docile creatures. It's a beautiful story, don't you think?"

"Sure, right up to the part where Wrath starts shooting them out of the sky."

Claudia sighed. "Oh bother. You're the kind of sourpuss who could spoil honey just by looking at it, aren't you ...."

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''So it's settled then,'' John said. ''And yeah, we've come out of dangerous situations before, even if some resorted to such orthodox methods.'' He shrugged.


''Please do,'' Sophia said.

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“Well, the arena was attacked last night and they let him go because he helped the guards fight,” Torin replied. “The tournament was canceled, too.”

That was good news. Synthia didn't owe anyone money, and after last night it wasn't like she felt like fighting today anyway. “Alright, you should probably go back home before someone throws you off the ship.” And then the door opened and there was some discussion about leaving. Apparently the rebels had found them. Oh, and Raquel was alright. That was good too.

Synthia didn't see how changing ships would solve anything, seeing as people were going to be chasing them either way, but the others reached that decision themselves, no input of hers required. There was something else though... “What is that knight doing here?” She looked to Valter for an answer.

He shrugged. “He wants to join up.”

“...Uh huh. Well, Raquel, if you need a guardian, he'd probably work. Don't know how trustworthy he is, but he takes hits like a brick wall.”

"I'm sure there are better choices than him..."

Torin, who hadn't left yet, pushed himself farther in the room so he could see. “Hey Fred!”

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Follow the Leader

"Alright, follow me." Shadrak said before turning to head for the infirmary. Talitha followed.


Meanwhile in the infirmary, at least one suggestion regarding the bodyguard. She had to admit though that it might be a little too early to be trusting a newcomer with her safety. It was a more important job than just being in the same combat team and fighting. "I see ..." she replied, trying to hide the fact that she really didn't have an actual comment to make just yet.

That was when Shadrak and his Siv away from Siv the others arrived. "Oh Raquel, you're awake. " was Shadrak's greeting. Could have been a better greeting, but he was a little surprised and hadn't thought to rehearse. "It's a little crowded for a resting room, isn't it?" he asked the group dubiously.

"Faatina isn't in here ... okay, see ya later." Talitha didn't waste a nanosecond after that and began walking off. Once again, Shadrak was surprised.

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''I suppose he could do. If not there is always other options,'' John said. ''I'd offer myself on that task, but I kinda spread out when it comes to protecting people.''

And it was then when they had even more visitors. Well, almost, as Tali seemed to have left as soon as she was here, oh well.

She really must be worried of her. Sophia thought as she watched her leave. Did something bad happened to her while at the Arena? Well, seems she wouldn't have the answer from her.

''Seems quite a few had business here huh.'' John commented at Shadrak's comment. ''Well, likewise those business are over for most as well.''

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Aaand instead of a firing squad, as an ambush would have probably suggested had the mercenaries been competent, they all decided to be in combat positions, nothing more. There were maybe two guns in the whole field from Grant's point of view, which was about ten too few. And this was coming from the port town's nobility's hired help. Shameful.

Regardless, that just made for an easier fight. Once the combat began, the spellcaster immediately froze the first bloke in sight, an axeman whose magical resistance was akin to light cloth. Unfortunately, this allowed another cultist, a speedy one this time, to sneak up behind him and plant a dagger into his shoulder. With a snarl of pain, Grant spun around and, with the help of a gust of wind, launched a now-frozen bolt at the aggressor. His aim was true, and the enemy barely had time to register the pain of the bolt before he too was iced. The duelist didn't even bother to check the wound as he advanced into the hallway the enemy knife-wielder emerged from.

A while later, the Frost Prince emerged from the side hall with a few bolts less and a few more cuts on his arms. Back in the hall were three more cultists, one frozen like the first two, the others more violently dispatched. It looked like the fight was well over, seeing as Eamon was here and all.

"Evening, cousin," Grant said, ignoring the pain from his wounds for the time being. He'd get himself patched up afterwards.


In the morning, injuries healed, a fresh set of clothes donned, and a travelling pack readied, Grant left the governor's manse and made his way to the port. First thing on his agenda was to go to the Leverager and send the governor's thanks to the mercenaries. After that, well, it would be time to move on, seeing as the tournament was canceled after last night's debacle.

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"Yeah. To be honest, I don't mind staying with them. We're always in danger, whether it's bandits, pirates, the organization, or even elements in the military. Staying with them until we reach our destination feels more like finishing what we started."

Gytha grinned at this answer. Whatever Raquel decided she was fine with, but she was of the same mind on this issue. "Aye, I think so, too," she replied. There wasn't much more talk about that before the conversation shifted to the guy in the armor and then even more people came into the room. One of them left, thankfully. The room was becoming very very crowded, as Shadrak had already commented on. John commented on Shadrak's comment and Gytha quietly nodded at that. She didn't know how long Synthia would be but her presence wasn't required for that. She did want to talk to Raquel later, but it wasn't as though that had to be done right away. Actually, talking to her about it later was preferable.

"I'm goin' t' wait outside," Gytha informed Synthia before squeezing past those who'd come in the latest with a "'Scuse me" and making it into the hall where she promptly took a couple paces away from the door and leaned up against the wall to wait for Synthia.

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"It's a little too late to turn back now though, isn't it, Fox?" The cheery voice chimed, as the chipper girl walked out from the shadows, her long silver locks waving behind her as she strode with confidence towards the blond man who had just moments ago finished conversing with one of his men.

Coming up behind him with a snicker as she draped her arms about him, and pulled his head backward, to rest upon her ample chest, about to thread a hand through his hair, before recalling his... sensitivity to the matter, instead giving his shoulder a light squeeze as her tails flickered in an attempt to tickle his sides.

Oh yes, the tails. The silver-haired woman sported silver-furred tails to match. Nine of them, in fact, as well as a pair of silver-furred ears atop her head.

"Though you don't seem phazed... you never are, I guess. So tell me, what is your prodigal plan this time, milord?" The woman asked, releasing her light grip on the man and wheeling about to his front to look straight into his eyes, her own scarlet ones peering with a deep curiosity.


It seems Davod was not responding... had he drifted off in his chair, perhaps? He wasn't really moving a whole lot, if he was awake. surely he would say something soon if he had need to.

Faatina decided at this point to get up from the bed, and mindful of her leg, began to make her way towards the mess hall, from which the scent of breakfast was already wafting.


Zachary had arrived, and had begun speaking to the cleric, in what she could only discern was in regards to her state of attire.


A long exchange, seemingly mostly pointless, not that she caught a whole lot of it, though mentions of purchasing and clothing were certainly welcome. Lisandra could only tag along with Zachary at this point though, as she had no method to interject effectively.

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Zach saw that Lia had come up to the group as well, along with some other additions. "Here ya go kiddo, this'll have to work until we go into town." He said as he gave the girl the cloak

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Smirking, she decided to simply follow where Zach went for the moment and that seemed to be working out for the moment as they found a Lia. Aneda couldn't help but smile at the child. She seemed so adorable and innocent but... she knew there was something off about her all the same.

MEANWHILE, Davod shook himself from his stupor, quiclky following after Faatina. "Ahaha, I'm so sorry, I seemed to have gotten very much lost in thought. Are you alright to walk so soon without help? Sorry, just trying to be helpful I guess...." No no, keep blasting off those platitudes, I'm sure she loves em. Oh and dote on her, buy her random gifts and OH! Write her a love poem or something! Stunned into silence, Davod wasn't sure what his other self was even trying to do, but it seemed to be working on some weird level.

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"This may be a bad time, so Raquel ... when you're feeling better, could I talk to you about some things?" Shadrak took a step forward and asked.

"Sure." Raquel reluctantly replied. He didn't specifically say he was going to be bringing up uncomfortable subjects, but he probably was.

Close to the Infirmary

"Galleons are ... big." Talitha noted aloud as she wandered about. She wandered right to the galley and saw the men there eating. "She's not here, either ... but I did miss breakfast over those flowers ... so maybe ..."


Reign was making good time, but the governor's manse was quite a ways off. If Tremere ever came under siege, it would be a long push to his estate. Perhaps that was the point. He found himself a little over halfway there when he noticed a familiar face. "... hey, aren't you Grant?" he asked, stopping in his tracks once he was within earshot.


"Alright, get to the point. I've got somewhere to be." Volya said, raising his voice as his patience waned.

"Truthfully?" Claudia quickly replied. She raised her gaze up toward the hooded man with a deep longing. That made Volya nervous. After a moment, she lowered her eyes back to her drink and muttered "I wish to ride you."

"W- ... hhhwwwhat ...?!"

"O-on your back, I mean. I want you to lend me your wings and let me soar over all of Tremere. T-that's all." she explained shyly.

"W-wha- ... What do I look like, some kind of flying mule? Why should I even consider giving you any sort of ride?"

Claudia was looking more more apprehensive by that point and couldn't look Volya in the eyes. "Please? You can simply take me to wherever it is you're going. My father's men are all over the city, so I can arrange for a ride back home on my own. I'm willing to pay you if that's what this is about!"

"No payment is worth being used like an avian pegasus ..."

"If payment isn't the solution then ... hmm." she stopped to think. Her conversation with Reign came to mind. "Favor for a favor. I'm the governor's daughter after all, and my being in your debt could surely come in handy one day. At least consider it ..."

"... uuuuugh."

Outer Sanctum

Fox looked unphased, indeed. "Tremere Port's patrol fleet is formidable ... in theory, but they have no real experience in large scale battles, or in dealing with dragons. I'm going to have the fleet push them toward the island and blockade the port. The rear guard will engage and destroy anyone who slips the net, while those trapped inside the port will be completely exposed to the battle line. Once they are trapped, all that will be left is to capture the privateer ship and destroy the Dark Utka." Realizing that his capture target and destroy target seemed mistakenly swapped, he elaborated further by saying "Chances are the eggs were moved from the Dark Utka to whatever ship they used to capture it. That's what I would have done if I were them. We'll find out, soon enough."

Edited by Phoenix
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Gytha excused herself, and Synthia remembered that there was actually a reason she was there. While the others continued talking, she skirted the edge of the crowded room over to where Valter was sitting. “Hey, are you alright?” Not waiting for an answer, she poked him in the side. He winced, looking less than amused. “Guess not.” She at least sounded sympathetic...

Anyway, to the point at hand. “I'm going into town to get some things. Is there anything you need while we're here?”

Valter thought for a minute. No, there wasn't anything he could think of. “Get some apples for Phyllis,” he finally said. “Remember, they're leaving at noon.”

“Got it. Apples, and be back by noon. I'm going to take care of Phyll too. You need to rest.” That done, she grabbed Torin, who was still hanging around, and met Gytha outside. “Alright, so we need to kick this kid off the ship, get Phyllis, and then we can go.”

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"A'right, let's go, then," Gytha replied with a grin as she used her shoulders to push off of the wall and begin walking over to the main deck again.

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At about the halfway mark to the port, a familiar face showed itself. Reign had stopped about thirty feet away or so as he asked if the duelist actually was Grant. Which he was.

"Morning," Grant said, putting on a smile as he stopped about ten feet away from the Rexian. "I take it your group made out alright after the bout?"

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Synthia led the way, still holding on to Torin who was currently mumbling things under his breath. They reached the deck and she let go. “There really is no reason for you to be hanging around the ship. You delivered your message, now go home before someone mistakes you for a stowaway,” she told him.

"Fine," he said. The kid looked a little miffed. Besides yesterday, he'd never been on a ship before, and there were cool people here. It was unfair! They weren't leaving till noon, and it wasn't like someone was going to catching him. An upset Torin started walking to the ramp, and Synthia, satisfied that he was actually obeying, led Gytha to the ship stables.

Only, Torin didn't actually leave. A soon as Synthia disappeared he ran off towards the rear of the ship where she hopefully wouldn't find him. He ended up sitting behind a stack of crates watching the crew work until something better caught his attention, some guy back there sword training. He sneaked over behind another stack of crates to get a better view.


They reached the stables and Synthia quickly found Phyllis and began brushing her down to put on her saddle. Phyll looked over at Gytha and snorted. Who was she?

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It seems Raquel is gonna have a busy morning, Sophia noted. Well, I suppose I can just wait it out until then. Though perhaps I could tell her of it in advance? Well, it was worth the try. So with that she proceeded to get closer to her.

''Um, Raquel, can I ask you something?'' She asked her.

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Accepting the cloak, Lisandra draped it over herself. It was better than the tattered dress, she supposed, but hopefully this wasn't what they meant by updating her attire.


"Yeah, I should be okay, so long as I'm not too hard on it." Faatina replied to Davod, as she continued towards the mess hall.

"But I'm starving, myself. I smell breakfast... hopefully there is some left, I ended up missing dinner last night..." Faatina mentioned with a sheepish smile, as she continued along her way.


"Ohoho~ Always prepared as usual, Fox~" The woman replied with whimsy, as she curtsied around the seated man.

"And what do you plan to do if they did keep the eggs on the Ukta and you sink it? That wouldn't be very good~"

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"A wise choice I think," Well it will seem wise unless we all are killed... she thought to herself grimly. "I'll inform the captain of our decision and see what we can do to assist," she said, heading off as Raquel seemed to be rather busy dealing with other issues. She went to the captain's cabin and knocked on the door, hoping Bogdan might be inside.


Nadya filled a bucket with water and another one with oats and pushed them over in Rizen's direction. Do pegasi eat oats like normal horses? Eh I have a healing staff if she starts swellin' up and dyin' or whatever. she reassured herself.

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Rizen's ear turned towards the sound. It was somewhat near her, so it caused her to snap out of her moping to pay attention to the potential threat...which turned out to be buckets, she noticed as she glanced over to them. A human was nearby -- the one who'd been paying attention to Riley just a little while ago. Maybe she'd been sent by the alpha female human to her, too. No, that wouldn't make much sense. Maybe...maybe... She wanted to immediately reject the thought, but was this indicating it? The last she'd seen Norbert was the previous day, when he'd put that strange, unbreakable tether on her. Did that mean...? Had he abandoned her? Would she ever see him again? Did he no longer like her? What if he had become the alpha male and now didn't want to be around her? Absolutely dismal, Rizen hung her head and turned to face the wall, loosing a mournful, short bray.

Gytha had found herself in the hold which smelled like horse now. and just leaned against the wall by the ramp while she waited for Synthia to get Valter's horse. The horse seemed to look at her, though. Gytha just looked back at the horse with a somewhat inquisitive look. Hm. Weird. Is it lookin' at me?

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"Okay ... oh, and tell him we have a new mercenary." Raquel added just before Veronika left. That's when she began to wonder if Fred was the only new guy they had picked up since the fight. Sophia was next and seemed to have an issue of her own to bring up. "Sure, what is it?" Raquel asked in reply.


For like the first time ever, Bogdan actually answered the door himself. Remember this day; remember this visit. "Veronika? Is Raquel still resting? You're running out of time to make a decision ..."


"Morning. Not really my group, but yeah, they made it out okay given the circumstances. No casualties." Reign replied with a shrug. "Going somewhere?"

Lift Off

Volya had taken off his gauntlets and put them into his bag before taking off his hooded coat and handing it over to Claudia. She looked at it in her arms curiously while he did some quick stretches with his arms and wings. The wings quickly stole her attention and held it long after he had finished. "Alright," He knelt down facing away from her and toward the edge of the balcony overlooking the area. "Put that over your back, hold up the arms for me, and then put your chest against my back." he instructed.

"You're going to put this back on ... with me inside it?"

"Yes. Think of it like a makeshift harness, so you don't have to focus only on hanging on to me." he explained.

"Okay, then." she replied with a smile. She came forward and Volya slipped his arms into the sleeves, which inevitably pulled Claudia to his back. Goodness, he has such long hair. I ... I suppose this is it, then, isn't it? As soon as he gets up, he'll figure out why I'm asking him to do this. I'm a little nervous.

"Put your arms around my-" he cut himself off as she quickly followed the instruction he was trying to give. He could feel her burying her head right behind his. "Okay ..." Next, she wrapped her legs around his waists and he locked them in place before standing up. "... huh. Light as a feather." That prompted Claudia to look up from where she was hiding to try and see the expression on Volya's face. She couldn't, and she didn't have time; he bent down and forced his wings down so hard that the two of them were launched high into the air, leaving the servants on the patio shielding themselves from the gust of wind.

Claudia began looking around all over the place. She could see everything, even all the ships crowding the docks. "Amazing! Truly amazing!"

"What's so amazing about the air?" Volya wondered aloud.

"Let's go over there!" Claudia pointed toward a flock of birds nearby.

"Ah no ..."

"Come on! Let's go greet them~"

"I'm not getting pecked over and over again so you can make some new friends."

"Hmm, I wonder if I can steer you, sort of like a boat rudder ..." she speculated, clearly not afraid of alarming her mount at this point.

"No! Don't even think about-argh!" Volya tried to protest, but he was too late. Claudia began jerking to the left hard and repeatedly to get him flying toward the birds and to keep himself from going into a barrel roll, he was forced to level himself out each time. The resulting counter-movements acted much like a rudder and he found himself heading toward the birds. There was nothing he could do about it. "Urgh ... you just won't take no for an answer, will you?"

"I only get to do this once, so ..."


"That won't happen. Cornelius is probably still alive and would signal us if there was even a chance we would come for him and he'll be on the ship with the nestlings. Even if he is dead, they won't be able to conceal the dragons or the eggs from you or the others without a magic seal. Of course if they used a magic seal, the dead zone it creates will be all the clue any of you needs, and ensures that they can't recover any losses during the battle. And so, it seems no matter how this plays out, they can't simply sneak on by with those dragons aboard or overpower us." he explained, using two of his fingers to make a walking gesture at first, and then shaping his hand into a pistol and doing a small shot recoil with it. "Honestly, I'm more concerned with naming the dragons than acquiring them, but perhaps these privateers will surprise me."

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''Well, you see, during the last battle I was hit by an arrow,'' Sophia answered. ''It left a hole in my clothes, and I remembered that you could fix this kind of things.''

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