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Raven's Raging Soul Silver Run


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I'm positive that the HP remaining counts.

It's probably better to just put them to sleep.

Yeah, you're right. I'm not too bothered about the winning, but it's good to know how.

Wait, Golbat evolves?

Well fuck me, Zubat just got cool. I thought he got stuck at Golbat forever.

Nah, that's why I gave Freohr haircuts, because Golbat evolves when it's reached a certain amount of happiness.

The next part is almost ready. I just need to caption it all then post it. "Just", lol.

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"Just", lol.

Not trying to offend or anything, but I really don't like Zubat that much if only because in caves they're everywheeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee and it annoyed me so much x3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Not trying to offend or anything, but I really don't like Zubat that much if only because in caves they're everywheeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee and it annoyed me so much x3

I guessed so, but it was female and I needed a name, so... You came to mind.

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Crobat appears like never though so I'm fine with Crobat ^~^

Although I like Golbat too because it just looks silly with the huge mouth and it just makes me =D

Edited by Freohr Datia
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  • 4 weeks later...

Part 9: This part has been complete for as long as Part 8 has, but only now I'm updating this topic. SUE ME.


Tidy. Could always attach it to Gyarados, whose Headbutt is already pretty devastating.


I screencapped this image the same time that the previous update was screencapped and posted.

Fuck knows what caption I was thinking of at the time. So here is the image for your viewing pleasure.


Did it again. Let's play "Guess the caption"!


How do we know if a Staryu isn't pulling off a hand/headstand? Food for thought.


Ah but good Sir, I am not wearing my Speedos, and I do not carry a spare change of clothes with me.

Maybe next time.


Anyone else get the impression that Wartortles were intended to look... old?

Maybe it's just the white/grey whispy tail and ears. HMM.


So I'm looking at this screenie. I took it a while back as you all should know if you've read my previous captions.

And I ask myself: How the fuck did I get my Pokemon into this predicament?


Man the fuck up. It's just water, it won't kill you. Probably. Maybe.


Your point?


This is what happens when you use a Repel. Wild Pokemon in the area equal or higher to your lead Pokemon will attack. O. D. R. (oh dear)


Stupid strong wild Tentacruel.


Team's fucked. Thankfully land is nearby.




Have you seen my screenshot before last? They're super bonered, and are certainly not "fine".

So I go to some house where a guy's complaining about getting his Pokemon stolen by Rival Charles.

So he gives me his other Pokemon so now he has none (presumably). Makes perfect sense.


Your Pokemon is as safe as you could possibly want it to be.


Stop running circles around me and scram, before that jealous Eusine person sees you with me.


Son of a fuck.

I like to imagine this scenario is equivalent to your girlfriend catching you chatting with your good friend who happens to be female.


Jealousy ensues, fight breaks out. Both sides receive injuries, but only one can be victorious.


Acceptance? Well, I can live with that. Maybe we won't have to fight over your jealous tendencies in the future.

So now, onwards to the 5th gym.


Punching someone really hard in the throat usually gets a person's attention.


So my rock Pokemon beat the fighting type Hitmonlee singlehandedly.

I can't remember how Hitmonlee failed so hard not to kill Bizz.


It's k Bizz, you gat dis.


Integrity's now leading, which means Bizz probably lost.


Really, now. I know the enemy AI is pretty random when it comes to picking attacks, but use some intelligence.


Bitches don't know about my pure might. But there ain't no bitches around here, sadly.


Team after that gym battle:


It's back to the lighthouse now. Then I'm going to fight for the 6th gym badge. It's gonna be a hell of a short part. BUT DON'T LET THAT DETER YOU FROM KEEPING UP TO DATE.

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Oh wait I forgot to leave a comment.

And oooooooooooooooooooh Songbird's going to evolve into one of the most adorable pokemanz ever sooooonnnnn~

Commenting is nice. Lets me know people are taking an interest in my efforts.

And yeah aside from looking nice, Dragonair's needed for the extra firepowe it will bring.

You should update more than once a month because this playthrough is funny to read.

This update came late because I was very busy, but I plan on updating more often.

With that, I think I will play some more. Expect an update in the next... day or two, at the most. It'll only be small because the gap between gyms 5 and 6 is stupidly small, if I remember rightly.

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Pat 10: *Insert witty title mentioning the Light House, Jasmine and the 6th gym here*

So as soon as I leave the gym after beating Chuck, this woman comes up to me and gives me HM Fly.


This is further proof that everyone's a psychic in the Pokemon world.


Skype it, man. Then you can show yours to your friend every day, no matter the distance.


"Maniac" makes him sound mentally, and maybe even physically destructive, and thus possibly dangerous. I'd rather not meet this person. Thanks for your concern.




Sorry, what? You say something?

So I fly back to Olivine to help Jasmine unstick herself away from that Pokemon so I can get my 6th badge.


It's gonna be one helluva shame if it doesn't. Really.


I wasn't going to give it myself anyway. Take it.

Great, it works...




Right. You'd better be there when I arrive.


Ooh, nice surprise! Looks like Part 10 isn't going to be so short after all. TALLY-HO.

/me flies back to Cianwood.


Why oh why can I not jump the fuck down here? Slight risk of injury but hey it's just a game.

I want to discover the mysteries of this forbidden passage.


I concur. Let's be having you, sir!

/me defeats Hiker guy


...We should? ... Ha, ha. Ha... Turrah.


So I gave this guy a kicking and after the fight, I shit you not, this is all he says. No words of wisdom or useless crap nobody cares about. Just a farewell. Makes me feel human.


See, it neve hurts to check the Dowsing machine every so often. Got that gut feeling? No harm in believing.


Amazing. How did you work that one out?


Ooh, interesting. They could prove to be troublesome.


The first turn I had Freohr and Dio attack Electabuzz, which worked out well since Magmar used Protect.

Electabuzz took a Wing Attack and Headbutt while it did something useless/missed or something.


Magmar's Protect fails. Feohr takes to the skies with Fly...


...Avoiding Dio's Surf which KOs Electabuzz and damages Magmar a lot.


You're only delaying the inevitable. Give up now.


My heart, it is barely staying in one piece upon hearing such tragic news.

How can Dio ever live this one down?

Just found this item:


"makes the holder move slower than usual". That sounds totally fucking useless. The shops would probably me to pay them to take it out of my possession.


The rest of her sentence has been removed due to in-game age restrictions. Censorship and all that.




Why would you say such a daft thing? You just witnessed me take you both down single-handedly.

To say I need a partner is like saying... ... A person needs a partner to achieve sexual gratification.

Or something.

Let's just say my Pokemon are my left hand men.

All right no. Fuck it.


Gamefreak appear to have gotten the words "awe" and "yawn" muddled up. Oh well, not a lot can be done now.



Poor Integrity. Don't you hate it when someone gets in your way in an otherwise lovely picture?

Yay Safari park area place thing.


Ah, the jealous girlfriend syndrome. Better dump the bitch before she becomes a problem.




Oh. k brb.


Geodude seems most displeased with this turnout of events. Lucky for him this isn't the Geodude I ended up catching.

Fucker ran away, see.


Oh, tidy. This may or may not make it as party material. Depends how quickly it can gain levels, I suppose.


That'll do.

Anyway I go around in circles through the park, seeing nothing else worth mentioning aside from actually catching a Geodude. Then:


Dick. Consider this thing finished.


Don't bother, sir. You shan't be seeing me again. Probably.

Even if we do meet again I ain't doing shit for you.


This is the Geodude I caught for that test thing. (@~@)

I released it.



Or Goldenrod. Gotta teach Furet some Thunder.


Omg, if Nidorans were of any actual use in this game, I'd have raised one and had it evolve with this.

So now I make haste for the 6th gym.


Really? She did not move from the side of a sick Pokemon until I brought medication. She'd have better luck hiding her penis in swimsuit.


Good, now fight me. Activate trainer challenge music already.


I know that already. So why won't you fight me?! GOD DAMN IT FIGHT ME MAN.


What? No! FIGHT ME. I must train this furrychin! Fucking useless gym trainers.

Alright fuck it, come get some lil' miss steel lady.

And with that, the stats of the party Pokemon after that less than exciting gym battle.


Really, I expected more from you, Jasmine.

Part 11 sees me head EAST towards the LAKE OF MOTHERFUCKING RAEG where the RED FUCKING GYARADOS is. I'm going to catch it and beat the 7th gym. All this and more (including some rockets if I remember) may or may not come in 2 parts. WHO KNOWS? Hell if I do.

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Just found this item:


"makes the holder move slower than usual". That sounds totally fucking useless. The shops would probably me to pay them to take it out of my possession.

Actually, I think it's supposed to be helpful for moves that work best when you're the slower of the two pokemon. Like payback does double the damage if a pokemon dealt damage to you beforehand.

And then I forget what it is but I think there's some move that I think switches the your speed and the opponent's speed?

But sense I guess there aren't very many moves that can benefit from that so I never really use it either XD

Those gym trainers I believe already faced you in the lighthouse so technically they already have trained you =b

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Want to know how many images I've got saved for the next few parts up to when I beat gym 7?

No? You're gonna know anyway. 169.

That's potentially enough for 4 parts between the 6th and 7th gyms. I'm probably going to end up omitting a number of them for whatever reasons, but I doubt I'll be omitting enough to fit it all into 3 parts. So I'm gonna try to play it safe and use about 40-45 images per update.

And on that note, the next part is here:

Part 10: The Taming of the Raging Red Beast

So the 6th gym's been laid to waste in what seemed like an anti-climatic battle. Onwards and upwards. Hopefully things will become a little bit challenging from here on out.


"Good luck"? It sounded like you was about to confess or something.




Awesomedog agrees.


Fuck's sake man, we've had this talk before. I thought you'd have learned your lesson by now.

I'm calling the social services.

Despite attempting to feed Furet some experience in the gym battle, I decided there's no place in my team for a Magneton.


In you go.


Predator alert.


So he 'bumps' into me, and tries to buy my silence by giving me Strength.

Done deal.


All right, time to go exploring.

Note that I despise caves.

Pokemaniac was found and battled.


Nidoking. Big, strong and scary-looking.

Then you see the level difference.

This area was technically accessible before you even faced against Morty for the 4th badge. Go figure.


A display of Strength from Bizz is enough to KO Nidoqueen with a single blow.


Thank you dowsing machine. This will save me from the wild Pokemon that think it's all right to take away what must amount to many minutes of my life.


Thanks again dowsing machine. What a handy little invention this is.


Gah, I have no more. They should make wild Pokemon fights in caves less common than in tall grass.



Buy one pair, get one pair free, or so I've heard. Whatever you're wearing now clearly isn't working for you.


I am baffled. I'm rather deep inside a cave and I still have phone signal.


GAH. CUT BITCH is not in my party. Don't move, Suicune.


I find it quite worrying when the wild Pokemon in the area on just as high a level as your own raised Pokemon.


Most reliable Pokemon ever.

Suicune bolted off again, and as expected, Suicune's stalker appears.


It's not my fault it's wherever I must pass through to reach my next goal.


It certainly is, Captain Obvious.


It's long gone, and probably can't hear you. And neither does it particularly care about you, either.


I won't even be using apricorns. Why do I even bother?


A wild Seaking survived Dratini's Thunder... Fuck yeah?


You're a fisherman. You should be facing the water.


Maybe even more worrying is the fact that some of the wild Pokemon in the area are on a higher level than the Pokemon belonging to the local trainers.


I'd have said rivals, but whatever makes you happy I suppose.


I'll fight you for it.


A wild Flaaffy. I wish it wasn't at such a low level, but I also I wish I had caught a Mareep close to the start. This is what happens when you play the game mostly at night. You miss good daytime Pokemon.


Yes, yes I am. I hope to acquire a certain Red Gyarados from the vicinity.


You are blocking the gym.

Fine I'll find this guy in the black fucking cape. Fuck.


Well that's not entirely true, some guy in Kanto does sell Magikarp for 500 Pokedollars.


Wait, wha-


They literally just stole 1,000 moneys from me. What absolute bastards.


I will destroy you, all the while taking back my 1k and more.


I wouldn't label myself a Pokemaniac. I don't go around wearing a green dino-like costume, for a start.


Why do some people not take Pokemon battles seriously?

We're forcing them to take chunks out of each other and you label it as 'play'?


Is 'Clefairy' some sort of codeword for something sexual?


Not in public! Put it away!


Sounds like Charles. Don't worry, he's like that with everyone. Family issues, I suspect. What do you expect when your father is Giovanni?


I don't think trees are meant to grow in the water like that.


A level 18 Gyarados. Hax. Or maybe it's to do with Team Rocket.


This house is probably the most secluded house in the game. The guy inside doesn't even give a shit. I hope he's got Surf or Fly.


And there she (or he?) blows. The coveted Red Gyarados.


And it's a girl! Dio's done a good job of bringing it down to critical HP, at the expense of his own.

Switched in with Songbird who used Thunder Wave and chipped its HP even deeper into the red without actually killing it.


You did well. Time to start throwing balls.

So the SOB broke free of my one and only Premier Ball, which is a shame. Oh well.


However the following Pokeball does the trick.

Please welcome Red Fox onto the team, ladies and gents. I was hoping it would be female just so I could name it so.

My apologies if this update didn't perform to the normal standard. Things are awfully dull between gym 6 and Lake of Rage.

The next part will involve meeting Lance then penetrating the Rockets' hideout in Mahogany.

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Sorry it took a while, I've been busy with a mix of things since the last update Anyway, part 11's here.

Last time on Raven's Raging Soul Silver run, Raven captured the elusive Red Gyarados, aptly naming her Red Fox.

Part 11: Lance breaks Poke-Laws by using Pokemon to attack humans.

Shortly after the capture, Liz phones me up and begins talking about the salon in Goldenrod Underground.


True story. I went there, twice. It's why Freohr was Golbat for just a single level.


...Oh. That's harsh isn't it. Freohr liked her hair cut from the younger one, anyway.

So after hanging up on her, shaking my head whilst thinking about how some people can be so needlessly harsh, I run into a wild Magikarp. Encounter and Run. Standard protocol. But what's this?


This well and truly happened. You saw it here first.



I reach the safety of land. Mysterious black-caped man. Sounds like the person that gym-blocker described to me.


Old guy, it's not the Gyarados you should fear. The Magikarp want blood. Don't go into the water.


So... no different to using an evolution stone on certain Pokemon. Albeit a little less legitimate, but we've all tried Xplorer or Gameshark codes at some point in our lives, right?


I came here to capture Lil' Miss Red here. I'll be off now. I spoke to you, gym should now be accessible.



Obviously not yet.

So we part ways. I head south back to mahogany Town only find him in that building with the shady characters, spilling their blood with his Dragonite.


Bloody hell Lance, you're going to kill him.

You'd probably get away with it, though. It's been proven several times throughout this LP that Johto Police are as competent as Magikarp out of water.png.


You flew here on a fucking Dragonite. I have a Crobat that probably struggles to keep itself up in the air.


Also your mate is bleeding out. You should probably go help him.

Down into the hideout I go.


Statues with blinking red lights and shit. Not suspicious at all.


Oh dear, it caught me. Whatever am I to do now.


Stating the blatant obvious is getting to be a habit in this game. Maybe it's just Johto.


Why the fuck would ninjas want a hideout in the basement of a house in Mahogany Town?

The filler shit they are forced to say is incomprehensible. I'd prefer it if you told me something like, "You shall not pass!" since you're blocking some lever to turn off the statue security.

Which by the way I won't be doing. Gimme experience.


Oh schnitzel crumbs.


Exactly the same people appear with exactly same Pokemon and say exactly the same thing as they did before.


Dousing Machine does it again. Have I said yet that it's a great invention?


Now this, this is a line I want to see more of. Clint Eastwood would give off a grin if he read such a blatant reference to Dirty Harry being made in a Pokemon game.


I'm sure this isn't meant to look like this, and that it's just NO$GBA doing its usual graphic stunts again.

Looks like a portal. curiosity gets the better of me.


Well, fuck.

This time I take the stairs, and run into Lance.


All right Lance. But it's only because I trust you with pokemon more than humans. You're quite the fucking nut job with all things taken into consideration.


Ah, good. Straight to the point, tell me how you feel. I like it.

Also that big silver door there is locked. It needs a password or something. Just an excuse to get me to light up more Rockets.


Long corridor with boxes at the end will not give up nothing.


The plot thickens.

Like curdling milk.


Dun dun duuuuuuun.


Alright, so we need two passwords? Got it.


You made a wise choice. There's already one confirmed casualty.

There may be more, and he's hidden the bodies, or something. Solid Snake body-in-the-locker-style.


You don't realise that we're working together, do you.

So that makes three passwords. Fucking hell this is almost as bad as being a relatively active internet user.


Ah, Silph. The company that was saved from Team Rocket by Red three years ago.

You ungrateful twat.


You will regret leaving your old job once I'm through with Team rocket.


You're assuming I'm a weakling.

Assumptions can lead to severe consequences.


Thanks, doll. Two passwords remaining.

By the way, leave Team Rocket, but keep the outfit and take up modelling and/or pornography. You rock it.


Sorry, please repeat that? I didn't catch what you said.


Wow, the Rockets really know how to recruit faithful and loyal members, don't they.


Cheers. May you be remembered for aiding in the fall of Team Rocket. You're already more useful than the whole of the Johto Police force.


Holy shit, a Rocket Grunt with morals. Had to screencap this.


Yeah he's a dick. But also with good reason since his father chose Team Rocket over him.


Ah, talk of the devil.


I set up my recording equipment at this point expecting a battle with him, but it didn't happen. As a result, I also failed to get any screencaps of the meeting that took place here. Never mind, eh?


Shit, if you've been waiting for me, at least have a cuppa ready for me.


Oh, good. Does that mean Team Rocket get be finished right here and now in your defeat?


Fucking troll. I will destroy you.


You are nowhere near as sexy as Proton.


Songbird will get the fuck out of there.

Switch to Integrity.


Don't you just love it when that happens.


Voice recognition, you say? Well, shit. I'm sure Nutjob Lance will find a way to make you talk...


... Nevermind. You are spared by a talking Murkrow.

The next part will see the Mahogany Rocket hideout get wrapped up, as well as the 7th gym badge getting earned. Video included of the gym battle, as usual. It's a much more interesting battle to watch than the previous gym battle was, for sure.

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I'm pretty sure someone hit by hyper beam wouldn't be bleeding. Instead, they'd have some kind of cauterized hole through wherever they got hit. (or they would just evaporate)



Heil Hitler

There's blood because I wrote that there is.

Hitler didn't even cross my mind, but it's a pretty good reference, or so it looks.

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This has been waiting for a few days to be updated. The material's just been lying in limbo, waiting for me to caption them with my desert humour (dry and empty).

Part 12: Lance shows compassion towards terrorist Pokemon

That Murkrow was eventually chased to right outside the locked door which needed a voice to open it.


Most excellent.

The Murkrow then proceeds to fuck off and I'm left stuck between a Rocket grunt and who I presume to be another Rocket Admin.


The two Grunts with the passwords seemed pretty okay with helping me overturn the people they work for. I'd say you're already in the negative as far as pride goes.

Why stop now?


I have not one, but two Gyarados. I feel pretty comfortable challenging you as well as that lesser grunt.

At the same time.


Oh fuck off, this is my EXP.


"That is so unfair!"? What are you, a twelve year old girl who just got grounded by her parents for coming home 10 minutes late?


Obvious irony here. But whatever, I could have done this myself...


I've even got more Pokemon than the two of them together.


This isn't Dragonball Z where we can suppress our Pokemon's levels (outside of online play).

That thing should be a Dragonair.


Expected 1HKO.


A rather unexpected 1HKO. Not complaining, however.


Base 40 attack with no STAB?


Challengers annihilated.


Your (read: Team Rocket's) role in this game is but a spec of dust on the roles of other criminal organisations in other Pokemon games.

Go home now before you embarrass yourself further. While you're at it, find a proper leader - one more badass than Giovanni. He's not coming back.

Man I am so fucking waiting for Sapphire and Ruby to be remade. That was the dog's bollocks. It was the last Pokemon game I truly loved.

Uh anyway, back to the playthrough...


I could've handled it myself, honestly. You should've let me go the whole distance alone.

So we get into the room, and we have to turn off the machine creating the signal at the Lake of Rage by KOing the Electrodes powering it.


Grow some balls and deal with it. Electrodes are like the Taliban of the Pokemon world anyway. Rid them all!


Says you with the level 40 Dragonite.

So he gives me Whirlpool HM as a reward for helping out, and I leave for the gym...


But not before this douche calls me back.


Haha. Nope.

Or maybe later, when I need some filler.


Gym blocker guy finally shifted. He'd have found himself standing there indefinitely had I not taken out the Rockets, eh?

Finally... THE GYM


If I trained Pokemon for 50 years, I know I'd be more than just a lowly Gym Leader. I'd be champion of the fucking world.

They need to introduce Pokemon World Championships in games. Not just regional championships. A game featuring all regions would just be the best ever.


...I... Shit, I dunno if I stocked any Ice Heals. OH WELL.


This is good. Ice doesn't take very well to fire, as I'm sure every half-decent Poke-trainer should know.


Haha, bitch, please. I slide on my ass, not because I want to, either.


... Allow Integrity to demonstrate.


1HKO, as expected.

Also, Jynx are purple because black Jynx was deemed "racist". Like any black people actually give a shit. It's white boys creating these anal problems in the first place, thinking black people actually give a shit about the colour of a Pokemon.


Just like a cute retarded puppy. <3 Integrity.

If you were a Typhlosion already though, I would bitchslap your nutsack into next week.


Wait fuck you this is an ICE gym where trainers should use ICE POKEMON. This is WATER POKEMON. FUCK you.


Aaaand this SOB survives a Critical Thundering. He will die to a Dragon Rage, however.

I eventually make it to Pryce... Here is the gym battle:

And with that, here is my team after defeating the 7th gym:


Over the next few parts, I'll be taking down the Rockets at Goldenrod Radio tower, then heading off to get my 8th and final Johto badge. Stay active, fellow followers.

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"That is so unfair!"?

Yeah when I read that line I hated it so much.

That thing should be a Dragonair.

Yeah what a hypocrite. Tries to punish Team Rocket for forcing Magikarp to evolve yet that Dragonair must've been forced to evolve as well! D=

one more badass than Giovanni.



Dragonair <3

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