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MU (Rufure) X Richt

(CBA is the exact same for Male MU and Female MU, S only applies to Female MU)

I'm a big brother, too, and I have to say, this captures our dynamic quite well (Not the S support of course, which is pretty much standard shotacon. I don't have THAT kind of relationship with my brother, thank the Lord.).

C Support

Richt: *sigh*

Rufure: What's up, Richt? Having trouble reading that letter?... Don't tell me it's bad news?

Richt: Oh, no, nothing like that. It's just a normal letter from my parents. Like, "How are you doing?" and stuff.

Rufure: Well, if that's all, then why are you so down in the dumps?

Richt: I have no idea what I should say back. I can't come up with anything to write about.

Rufure: What are you talking about? There's loads of stuff you could say! "The other day, there was this HUGE battle, and the fighting was so fierce that I was so sure that I was gonna die, but I kept on going and survived. After every battle, I feel more and more like an adult..."

Richt: I can't say that to my family! 'I was sure that I was gonna die...' My mom would have a heart attack!

Rufure: Well, okay, maybe you're right. Well then, how about that recent battle with the Risen? "I tore into so many corpse soldiers with my magic,* and I played a huge role in our victory..."

Richt: W-what? You expect me to actually write that!? Besides, I wasn't that important in the battle, anyway. I don't want to tell them any lies, and if I complain about our battles they'll get all worried, they'll think I'm so lonely separated from home, and it would just be too painful for them...

Rufure: I think you're a bit too young to be worrying about your family this much...

Richt: I'm not that childish even though I look like it. Here, I'll keep this letter with me until I think of something to say.

Rufure: Hm. Richt's stronger than he looks...

[*- The phrase 'tear into' that MU is using can be used to mean 'tear into sexually', which is why Richt doesn't want to put that in his letter.]

B Support


Rufure: Still haven't written a reply to your letter, huh?

Richt: Yeah. I really haven't had any good ideas...

Rufure: Well, if it's bothering you that much, then why don't you just stop thinking about it and go back?

Richt: Go back? You mean home?

Rufure: Yeah, just go back for a few days and spend time with your family. I mean, not right now, but maybe when the fighting settles down.

Richt: No. I won't go back. I can't go back yet.

Rufure: Uhh... what do you mean?

Richt: My family has a long and distinguished history, even though we're all living in shambles right now. If I keep fighting in this war, then maybe I can help my family return to glory. So, I can't go back yet. Not until I'm satisfied.

Rufure: Wow, you're pretty determined about this! You're really devoted to your family. And here this kid is, in some far-flung battlefield tearing into corpses...

Richt: I said stop it with that! What do you want my family to think of me?

Rufure: It's just a joke! But, you should probably reply soon. At least, let them know that you're okay since they might get the wrong idea if you take too long.

Richt: Oh, yeah, right! Then, at least I'll start with the basics. "Father, mother, how are you?"

Rufure: "Today, I risked my life in order to save my beloved. Both honor and love have come to me on the battlefield..."

Richt: "Today, I risked my life in order to..." HOLD IT!

Rufure: "Oh! What a fine young man our son has become!"

Richt: Shut up!

A support

Richt: Hey, Rufure. I'm done with my letter. Could you please send it off for me?

Rufure: Oh, this is your letter to your family, right? You sure you're ready to send it?

Richt: Yes. I put that I was so lonely without them, but that I can't see them yet until the fighting ends.

Rufure: Oh no! How sad! Will you be able to make it?

Richt: Haha. Anyway, I told them that I still have a long way to go before I can bring glory back to our family. I put that I'm still a kid and pretty weak. So, in order to meet that goal, I have to become a lot stronger.

Rufure: I see. If that's what you said, it looks like your parents won't be so worried about you.

Richt: Really?

Rufure: They'll probably think that if you can realize your own weakness in the bottom of your heart, you'll get even stronger. In that way, you've taken a step closer to becoming an adult. They're probably proud of the progress you've made.

Richt: Ahaha, you think so?

Rufure: Of course! That's a good boy, making your parents so proud!

Richt: Hold it! Stop patting my head! I'm not five years old! Didn't you just say that I had taken one step closer to adulthood?

Rufure: Sorry, sorry. Since I've been watching over your progress, I just couldn't help myself...

Richt: I'm not YOUR kid, you know!

S support

Richt: Rufure, here. This is a gift for helping me with my letter. Please take it.

Rufure: Richt, you wrote me a letter, too? How cute! Thank you! Ugh... it's heavy...The envelope's really big, too. Is this really a letter?

Richt: Hurry up and open it!

Rufure:Um..........This is a rock right? It's very pretty.

Richt: Yup! That's a kind of gem that can only be found on Devil's Mountain!

Rufure: Devil's Mountain!? You went to a place like that all by yourself? That's practically the bandits' capital! A-are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Here, show me your arms.

Richt: Stop treating me like a kid!

Rufure: Richt?

Richt: I...I...wanted Rufure to see that I was an adult. I've tried very hard to get you to see me as a man!

Rufure: Huh? That's...

Richt: I've really liked you for a long time! I don't want to be your kid brother, I want to be your lover! In lieu of a ring...will you accept this gemstone?

Rufure: Well...well...it's true that you aren't a child anymore. I also like you, but I was deceiving myself into thinking that you were still just a kid. But, from now on, I will see you as you are. I'll happily take your gemstone.

Richt: Really? Yes! Thank you, Rufure!

Rufure: But, please stop being so rash! If you need anything, please let me help you.

Richt: Ugh, I told you to stop treating me like that.


Richt: Hey, I'll be all grown-up soon! So, do you mind if I just hug you for now...?

Side Note: Since it's being released in the US on Feb. 4, how much more should we translate?

Edited by Sky Soldier
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Well, Liz/Emmeryn!Mark can get with Krom!Brady/Azure, too

Oh yeah ... now I feel idiot. This is why I should'nt write anything past 2am.

I'm a big brother, too, and I have to say, this captures our dynamic quite well.

Male MU (Rufure) X Richt

(Female MU X Richt is the exact same, but the S support isn't up anywhere)

I'm pretty sure that the S support is on the Pegasus Knight.

Edited by December Knight
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No, it isn't. That's where I found the CBA supports, and they don't have the S one. See for yourself.

Oh I see ... it was there before, I'm so sorry.

I did find this http://www18.atwiki....pages/566.html.

Again I'm sorry.

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Thanks! Translating it now.

Sorry if it seemed like I was mad or anything.

No problem, I just thought you would been more annoyed then mad really and you don't have say sorry, I really should have doubled checked to see if it was there.

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Cousins from the second generation can get S support right?

Uncle's too.

Also, Richt's support with a MAle MU is fun. It's nice to see MU can enjoy teasing people too.

Also, it's pretty much entirely unrelated to either of the things I just said, but is anyone else having fun 'headcanoning' how the Bad Future timeline went, based on the pairings they've chosen? Because I am.

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is anyone else having fun 'headcanoning' how the Bad Future timeline went, based on the pairings they've chosen? Because I am.

I've wondered how it could have gone down a few times, myself. Although I haven't actually figured out everybody I'm pairing together just yet.

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Also, it's pretty much entirely unrelated to either of the things I just said, but is anyone else having fun 'headcanoning' how the Bad Future timeline went, based on the pairings they've chosen? Because I am.


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I've wondered how it could have gone down a few times, myself. Although I haven't actually figured out everybody I'm pairing together just yet.

In pretty much every timeline I've got in my head, MU get's captured by Fauder at some point in the war, generally either quite early on or towards the end.

MU getting captured early on just seems to make sense to me. It would explain how the other First-Gen characters start dropping like flies during the war for one thing. With no Tactician or Strategist, they'd have considerably less chance of getting out of any given situation alive.

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. It would explain how the other First-Gen characters start dropping like flies during the war for one thing. With no Tactician or Strategist, they'd have considerably less chance of getting out of any given situation alive.
or maybe viole took over with his unit killing strategies at least that how it played out in my head
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or maybe viole took over with his unit killing strategies at least that how it played out in my head

Speaking of viole, I remembered something. You know how viole is french for rape? Well his new name, virion, means virus.

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Side Note: Since it's being released in the US on Feb. 4, how much more should we translate?

I say around a month before we stop and to be honest I don't even think we'll be getting even a few more support conversations at this point. Though if it's not to late I would like to see Selena X Mark support translated.

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I say around a month before we stop and to be honest I don't even think we'll be getting even a few more support conversations at this point. Though if it's not to late I would like to see Selena X Mark support translated.

All of YOU can stop. But I'll still be recording because my weeb self wants Japanese gruntsvoices in the supports. :P

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Viral Ion... :v

Come on, science, you can do better than that...

This game gently caressing loves its symbolic names.

Lucina roughly means 'She who brings children into the light'. Lucina was the first of the the second-gen characters to time-travel and the rest followed her. We even see her running into a light in the trailer.

Gimle? Gimle is the place where the survivors of Ragnarok were foretold to live. Ragnarok being the end of the world, which the in-game Gimle was more than happy to bring about.

Ferox, the translated name of Basilio and Flavia's country, means 'fierce' in latin. Which is fitting, given the militiaristic and combat-loving nature of the people from it we've seen.

And this is just off of the top of my head.I'm pretty sure there are more.

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All of YOU can stop. But I'll still be recording because my weeb self wants Japanese gruntsvoices in the supports. :P

\(^o^)/ This! I need Tomokazu Sugita's "Toh! Hi! Toh!" and no one will ever convince me otherwise!

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