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What's up with Orson?

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I think how they added Orson into the storyline is just plain pointless. He has nothing whatsoever to do with the storyline..........

ALSO, in chapter 5x your all like "WTF ANOTHER PRE-PROMOTE?" Then he is the boss in chapter 16 and your like "AWMG IS THAT DA SAME ORSON? WHERE'd HE COME FROM!?"

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If you actually read the story instead of skipping it, you would know that Orson fits in with the story just fine, and you wouldn't be asking yourself such silly questions.

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Plotwise, he's responsible for Eph and Eirika reuniting, IIRC. After that, he just sort of disappears and serves as a way for Eph to get some of his angst out. He is probably the most suitable steward for Renais, though. But after chap 8, he doesn't really serve much point.

Plus he's responsible for getting Seth to say "And why... Why do you conceal a blade within your doublet?" Arguably one of the greatest lines in FE.

EDIT: Then again, Eirika was looking for Ephy anyway, so I'm not really sure what the point of having Orson was, aside from making sure you couldn't fuck up 5x and then making sure the game wasn't even easier by giving you two Seths. I will give him that he made their reunion a little less coincidental.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Orson's there just to get a bit of tragedy, and I think it works pretty well, since you're tricked into thinking he's yet-another-Jagen but ends up being a boss (who's also batshit insane).

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Plotwise, he's an excellent candidate for the chapter 16 boss. The subplot of him spending all day locked up in the bedchambers banging his zombie wife Monica while Renais went to hell is both creepy and hilarious.

Actually... did Ephraim really kill Monica? I am pretty sure his EXP doesn't increase after the story scene. Killing a level 1 Revenant should grant at least 1 exp. I mean, even Lyn gets 1 exp for her ballista dodge.

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Actually... did Ephraim really kill Monica? I am pretty sure his EXP doesn't increase after the story scene. Killing a level 1 Revenant should grant at least 1 exp. I mean, even Lyn gets 1 exp for her ballista dodge.

>Killing off screen

sound effects and [ClearFace]

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I mean you don't get EXP for killing certain bosses in FE games :/

But that trait is usually reserved for the big badass dudes like Ashnard. I don't think Monica quite meets up to those standards.

Jokes aside, the thought of Ephraim taking Monica out back and putting her down like a rabid dog is truly chilling stuff.

Edited by Gryz
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True enough there. He was just sort of a random character to possibly humanize the enemies, since you could either go "aww poor Orson. He really did love his wife" or "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING TRAITOROUS FUCK!" You could also say that he's there to serve as a lesson to Ephy about what a king must do, but I don't honestly remember that being brought up in the story ever. Anyway, it doesn't really seem like he was necessary to the plot by any means, but he wasn't a bad addition.

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Just a question: What happens if Orson (somehow) dies in his starting chapter? Is he still a boss later on or do you get a Game Over?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Just a question: What happens if Orson (somehow) dies in his starting chapter? Is he still a boss later on or do you get a Game Over?

He's still a boss later on. His "death" during Ch. 5x has no bearing on the story whatsoever.

EDIT: Someone beat me to it.

Edited by Fancy Grunt
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On a related note, apparently if Forde and Kyle are defeated in chapter 5x, they come back alive and playable in chapter 8. I never actually tried it though.

Source: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe8/chapter_a.html (notes section for chapter 5x)

And if they are defeated in chapter 8, I believe they are still alive as far as the story is concerned. They show up in Eirika's departure scene and the game script listed on this site doesn't list any alternative dialogue. Although not like it matters since they have no story presence after that.

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Just a question: What happens if Orson (somehow) dies in his starting chapter? Is he still a boss later on or do you get a Game Over?

I've never attempted this, but can only assume it's the same case with other plot-important characters like Myrrh, where they receive a crippling wound that doesn't kill them, but prevents them from fighting (Presumably by the time of Chaptur 16 that woud might have healed). It's hard to do without intent as Orson was slay enemies left and right in that chapter if you let him. (I would avoid doing this because he'll take valuable EXP away from units that could use it more in Chapter 5x. Also, there's literally no point in letting him fight at all because when you unlock him in the postgame he will always be at level 13 and be a fixed inventory regardless of what you did with him in 5x. Even then, the only good thing he's got going for him is the Runesword that comes with him. By this point you'll already have Seth, Franz, or Amelia (if not all three) at very high levels and will outperform him anyway.

In terms of story, however, I find him to be an interesting case, but the developers could have fleshed him out more. He's one of the few characters in the series to turn into an enemy after being playable, but sadly this didn't come to as a shock to me, as it did to Ephraim, Eirika, and Seth. When I first looked at his portrait and saw Orson's scraggly beard and sly smile, I was like "Yup, he's a turncoat," before it was even mentioned by the characters. I quickly passed all of his gear to my other units and let Ephraim solo the chapter. I really think he could have benefitted from looking less... menacing and having his treason be more subtle until the reveal.

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I've never attempted this, but can only assume it's the same case with other plot-important characters like Myrrh, where they receive a crippling wound that doesn't kill them, but prevents them from fighting (Presumably by the time of Chaptur 16 that woud might have healed). It's hard to do without intent as Orson was slay enemies left and right in that chapter if you let him. (I would avoid doing this because he'll take valuable EXP away from units that could use it more in Chapter 5x. Also, there's literally no point in letting him fight at all because when you unlock him in the postgame he will always be at level 13 and be a fixed inventory regardless of what you did with him in 5x. Even then, the only good thing he's got going for him is the Runesword that comes with him. By this point you'll already have Seth, Franz, or Amelia (if not all three) at very high levels and will outperform him anyway.

In terms of story, however, I find him to be an interesting case, but the developers could have fleshed him out more. He's one of the few characters in the series to turn into an enemy after being playable, but sadly this didn't come to as a shock to me, as it did to Ephraim, Eirika, and Seth. When I first looked at his portrait and saw Orson's scraggly beard and sly smile, I was like "Yup, he's a turncoat," before it was even mentioned by the characters. I quickly passed all of his gear to my other units and let Ephraim solo the chapter. I really think he could have benefitted from looking less... menacing and having his treason be more subtle until the reveal.

Also, if the game hadn't told you there was a traitor. It wasn't going to be the Lord or one of the Red/Green Cavs, so...

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>OP has a sacred stones sig

>clearly he's not serious about this topic

>people take it serious.

are you even trying SF?

Far from the Forest would be a better place for his topic in that case.


He's doing it for this:



He did it for his waifu.

He didn't care about anything else. Literally.

The country was crumbling under him, and all he cared about was his resurrected waifu calling him "Anata".

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We’ve finally made it back. Yet...


Mmm... We can repair the castle, and what was stolen, we can do without. But the wounds and suffering inflicted upon the people of Renais...


It’s too late to undo their pain. Once I become king, I must set our country right. I doubt the people will give me a warm reception, though. I did abandon them. All I can do is try to win back their trust, no matter how long it takes...

(Seth comes in, to the twins)


Princess Eirika, Prince Ephraim. You should look outside.



(They go outside the castle, maybe on a corridor)


Prince Ephraim! Princess Eirika! The king has returned! Our king! Glory to Renais! Long live King Ephraim!




...They’re not cheering for you. They cheer because Orson’s misrule is at an end. They cheer the possibility of a better tomorrow, not the deeds we did today. But how will the hearts of the people move tomorrow and the next day? That is for you to decide.


I will not let their hopes and dreams be shattered again. I will be king. Like my father before me, I will dedicate myself to their happiness.

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