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The Resistance IV


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I'd prefer Kay instead of Eclipse, myself.

Good for you.

I'll consider it if you give me a reason to swap ladies.

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well, Marth is still MIA, though I'm sure things have not changed for him either.

The last proposal before Eclipse gets to run the show, and win the game if she's a spy.


Proposal 4.3

Elieson, Marth, Eclipse

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We almost don't even need tables because the update is basically going to be

Round 4.2: Mission 4.

Team: BigBangMeteor, Bluedoom, apocalypseArisen

Yes: Bluedoom, BigBangMeteor

No: Elieson, eclipse, apocalypseArisen, Kay,

Result: Yes - 2, No - 4

Proposal Fails.

Leadership passes to Elieson

Elieson, propose a team

Tables you can just quote me when this is right


Round Prop 4.2: Mission 4.

Team: BigBangMeteor, apocalypseArisen, Marth,

Yes: BigBangMeteor, Marth,

No: Elieson, apocalypseArisen, Kay, eclipse,

Result: Yes - 2, No - 4

Proposal Fails

Elieson, propose a team Elieson has proposed a team. Assuming that is the team you want (it was in bold), everyone to vote on it (start voting and if Elieson says otherwise we'll change)

Rein, we know you were a psychic spy in the last Resistance, but please stop excising the power over me. It's creepy.

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No, be scared only if you're a spy.

Is that your final proposal, as in, you're not going to change it? I think I've said enough about why I don't trust Eclipse, and I'm far too lazy and tired of this game at this point to say it all again. To give another reason, however- if Eclipse is a spy, she wins after this proposal. By including her in this team, if she's a spy, she's won already, because if it goes through, she sabotages and wins, if it doesn't, she uses her cards and wins. Another reason why I'd prefer it to be Kay instead of Eclipse.

If this proposal fails and Eclipse doesn't auto-win the game for the spies, then by all means, include her in the following proposals. In fact, the next proposal is mine (assuming Eclipse doesn't use Strong Leader). I'll include her in the proposal myself.

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Rein, we know you were a psychic spy in the last Resistance, but please stop excising the power over me. It's creepy.

8) 8)

I'm going to re-read a bit harder, maybe make a post with



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And why did I pick eclipse? Because kay is my 4th pick, coincidentially. And as much as I know Eclipse could win the game, if she were a spy, she has next round to do it too. She'll do it if she wants.

And eclipse argues better than you all anyway.

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Exactly. If she's a spy, she wins next round either way. Why are we allowing her to win a round early? If she's resistance, whatever, we can have the remaining proposals have her on it.

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If I was a spy, you guys already lost. I'm holding both No Confidence (I can veto this mission outright) and Strong Leader.

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That still leaves 4.5. Of course, if this is Elieson's final proposal, you don't need to veto this one as a spy, because you're on it.

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Also, I figure that if both you and Rein were spies, you guys would have come out and said it more conclusively and proved how the game was unwinnable by the resistance. Or Tables would have auto-resolved it.

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So that means one of us isn't a spy. If you think I'm the spy, then go ahead and get it so that Rein gets to 4.5. Alternately, if Rein's the spy, then make sure that it doesn't reach Rein.

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Well, let's see what happens with this proposal first.

I just realized also that if you're a spy and Rein is not, he could Strong Leader after you Strong Leader and take it away from you. Or you could do it to him. Blah too confusing.

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Just as a point of information, if someone (on either team in fact) PMs me demonstrating a forced win, I'll autoresolve them winning. Of course, you should normally be playing under the assumption you can still win, so this doesn't change things at all.

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Round Prop 4.3: Mission 4.

Team: Elieson, eclipse, Marth,

Yes: Elieson,

No: BigBangMeteor, apocalypseArisen, Kay, eclipse, Marth,

Result: Yes - 1, No - 5

Proposal Fails

Leadership passes to BigBangMeteor.

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Now I'm feeling strongly that I was right and that Marth isn't a spy, based on his vote.

And I seriously hope you aren't gonna ask why I voted yes, as it should be pretty obvious by now.

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Now I'm feeling strongly that I was right and that Marth isn't a spy, based on his vote.

And I seriously hope you aren't gonna ask why I voted yes, as it should be pretty obvious by now.

Wait what? How does a no make me not a spy?

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