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dat new ephraim art

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oh baby

now my status has been upgraded to if the dlc doesn't ship overseas for some reason I will import a japanese 3ds and learn moonspeak to get ephraim

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oh baby

I am so making a new signature out of this


Edited by Spectakitty
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you know that whole two units per game, one m and one f each thing othin was predicting? I kinda hope that ends up true and that each dlc artist does both arts for their game so that eirika can get done by this artist as well (though people might be mad about aiku, or not since he's being done by someone who did art for a mecha light novel so it will probably look ridiculous/amazing like Elincia)

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you know that whole two units per game, one m and one f each thing othin was predicting? I kinda hope that ends up true and that each dlc artist does both arts for their game so that eirika can get done by this artist as well (though people might be mad about aiku, or not since he's being done by someone who did art for a mecha light novel so it will probably look ridiculous/amazing like Elincia)


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The art's pretty good, but does anyone else think his nose looks weird?

Yeah I did too... or at least something on his face does.

But it's pretty easy for me to ignore~ XD

(maybe it's that the mouth and/or nose looks too low? =o)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I think we really overreact to these images.

And I think we really underreact to these images.

Besides. Being able to see your pretty face does not outweigh the importance of a helmet. HELMET!

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His nose looks fine to me, just prominent.

And that is allll good. 8)

Actually, it's more that the outline of his nose is sort of faint, so sometimes it looks like he doesn't even have a nose.

I mean he still HAS a nose, which is better than say Micaiah, but eh.

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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you know that whole two units per game, one m and one f each thing othin was predicting? I kinda hope that ends up true and that each dlc artist does both arts for their game so that eirika can get done by this artist as well (though people might be mad about aiku, or not since he's being done by someone who did art for a mecha light novel so it will probably look ridiculous/amazing like Elincia)

Sosuke Ike.

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