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A Simple FE7 Hack


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No! He needs to fix it!

It's not your hack, it's his.

Do you realise that.

If he's decided to change his opinion, fine. Respect that change. If you really think it's a problem, then go make your own fucking balance hack for FE7.

Also it's really charming that you called everyone in this thread a stupid elitist. I loved it. How mature of you~ :wub: :wub: :wub:

EDIT: Also,

Let me apologize on behalf of Crash.

Don't bother, he's not worth it.

Edited by Illuminate
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Because it's wrong, he took out a really awesome thing and should put it back in.

The flamewar will stop happening when you stop bringing it up, you dopey shit.

I know.

are you seriously trolling me crash

are you fucking trolling


you've won


Did anybody even read what I posted? STOP ARGUING OVER THIS.

I read it, I'm not going to stop arguing until you fix it!

If he's decided to change his opinion, fine. Respect that change.

No, it's not a change worth respecting.

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BTW, it's a sad truth that if actually making things make sense wasn't a priority, Mekkah's Troll hack of FE8 would be the best hack I've ever played.

What's with the "if"?

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Jesus, Crash, you've devolved even more overnight.

This is not important. Let it go.

EDIT: Also, the innate hypocrisy of "elitists made you change your ideas!" -> "you're wrong now and i know because i'm right!" is killing me.

Edited by Integrity
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Ayiyi... I'm just gonna leave this alone and not say anymore about it. Talk about it all you want, Crash, no-one cares.

All chapters up to Chapter 16 are up in the OP now and I'm done for tonight. Actual progress will be made tomorrow!

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Ayiyi... I'm just gonna leave this alone and not say anymore about it. Talk about it all you want, Crash, no-one cares.

All chapters up to Chapter 16 are up in the OP now and I'm done for tonight. Actual progress will be made tomorrow!

Good on you.

but why did you nerf merlinus' skill growth :(

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Well, WRT the thing about nobody caring, he said he just changed it because the majority were against it so if I'm the only one who cares then that's 1 for and 0 against, making the majority for it.

"My vote is worth more than all of your collective votes because I care more."

Why is Crash even allowed to post in this thread anymore?

Edited by Integrity
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Hey Crash, got a tip for you: You didn't create this hack, hence, your decisions are not final.

While yes, you can give suggestions, it isn't the be all end all if your suggestions are not implemented.

Maybe be a bit more reasonable?

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man you guys need to take like ten calm pills each.

Think for a moment if it really matters whether there is a 1-2 range bow that may or may not ever be used because it has shit for mt.

I don't really have much in the way of actual crit. IDK how much the growths will do (but I find it hilarious Hector doesn't change at all). Also props for noticing Guy's ridiculous CON (does he even double with his killing edge I swear he doesn't base).

Edited by Ninja Caterpie
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No, you need to change it back! There's no reason to "leave it alone"!

Sure there is. The creator's already made his final decision on the subject and you need to stop those bloody tantrums of yours over simple details. You do it when it comes to FE13's tome merging and like in here, it won't change a bloody thing so just stop posting if you're going to continue whining over some change only you seem to believe is of significance and again, no means no, it doesn't mean "I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT IF YOU'RE A TOTAL PEST ABOUT IT".

Furetchen and JB, you two need to find some better to do when Crash is being foolish.

Several posts have been set invisible.

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@Integrity: it's not like Merlinus needs his skill growth. What's he gonna do with it?

@Epic Fail: exactly. My hack, my decisions

@Ninja Caterpie: I think Guy does double at base now with an absurd 8 con. I'm going to drop the Myrm base to 7, because 8 is obscenely high for the class that the Myrmidon is.

@Sirius: thank you for making some of those posts invisible.

Now, I've go some work to do!

Also, does anyone have any problems with any of the promoted class caps or promo gains? I'm just wondering about it.

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Did you mess with any of the promoted caps?

Most of them. The biggest change i think i made was nerfing the Bezerker's skill cap so the class as a whole isn't so OP. Also increased most of the other caps, so the hero's str & speed doesn't suck, and most of the not as good classes, like the Valkyrie and the Bishop have gotten stat cap increases. I'll note them as they appear in-gam. The general's stats were covered in Chapter 10's notes, and the Paladin's in Chapter 9

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Most of them. The biggest change i think i made was nerfing the Bezerker's skill cap so the class as a whole isn't so OP.

Dart and Hawkeye aren't really OP...

Also increased most of the other caps, so the hero's str & speed doesn't suck, and most of the not as good classes, like the Valkyrie and the Bishop have gotten stat cap increases. I'll note them as they appear in-game

So you nerf Dart and Hawkeye, but buff Raven and Priscilla and Lucius who are good characters? Good thing this isn't a balance patch!

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Considering Dart and Hawkeye don't even break 20 skill with their average level 20 Berserker stats, lowering the skill cap has pretty much no impact on them.

However, it could impact HHM 32x Berserkers. They have like 19-22 skill and increasing class growths by 10% would add like 3-4 more points.

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Dart and Hawkeye aren't really OP...

So you nerf Dart and Hawkeye, but buff Raven and Priscilla and Lucius who are good characters? Good thing this isn't a balance patch!

Could you NOT act like an utter jerk here? I really do not appreciate it.

I don't mean that Dart and Hawkeye are OP, but that the beserker has ridiculous Str, Skl and Spd caps, which is ridiculous, and it's not buffing the characters directly anyway. Was Dart or Hawkeye ever likely to cap Skill anyway?

Thank you for mentioning that about Dart and Hawkeye, Gryz

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Thank you for mentioning that about Dart and Hawkeye, Gryz

Oh, but I wasn't trying to support the cap change. My opinion is that it should be left untouched since it already has no bearing on Dart and Hawkeye.

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