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A Simple FE7 Hack


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Nope. Crazy hair colours, skimpy outfits that actually work and silver being strong as opposed to heavy and crap. There is nothing good to be gained from realism here and so much cool stuff that can be gained from flushing it down the toilet entirely.

1: yes because crazy hair color = THERE IS NO PHYSICS

2: ^ except -hair +outfits

3: You're taking the "silver" too literally, as outlined. Or, shall I say rather amusingly, too realistically. Perhaps silver is used as part of a compound because it is easier to enchant, rather than for its worth as an edge? That's common in fantasy.

And after all, once we've counted these three points we might as well FUCK REALISM!!

(i hope you know you sound like an incredible tool.)

And besides having a short-range bow is not THAT unrealistic, certainly more plausible than the way Javelins work in FE.

You ...throw them? I don't get it.

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Sure, a typical fantasy story.

Like Fire Emblem.

dude were you even fucking reading Integrity's posts

And besides having a short-range bow is not THAT unrealistic, certainly more plausible than the way Javelins work in FE.

Stabbing someone with a fragile spear less effectively than one stabs with a spear designed for stabbing vs. melee range bows. Yeah, no.

And it may not be 100% necessary but it can only help and only be a good thing.

No, it can't only help and be a good thing. It could be a half-assed and unimaginative attempt to cover up a weakness rather than further define a strength.

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No, it can't only help and be a good thing. It could be a half-assed and unimaginative attempt to cover up a weakness rather than further define a strength.

No it can't, even if that's all it does it's still minor positive utility.

And what I meant with Javelins is that they fly as far as an arrow and somehow manage to appear back in the unit's hand. Surely that's less realistic!

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No, it can't only help and be a good thing. It could be a half-assed and unimaginative attempt to cover up a weakness rather than further define a strength.

which is what it is, if there's any doubts.

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No it can't, even if that's all it does it's still minor positive utility.

And what I meant with Javelins is that they fly as far as an arrow and somehow manage to appear back in the unit's hand. Surely that's less realistic!

I always thought they were carrying multiple javelins, maybe that's just me.

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And what I meant with Javelins is that they fly as far as an arrow and somehow manage to appear back in the unit's hand. Surely that's less realistic!

What's wrong with buying/carrying 20 javelins?

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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It has the negative effect of being a stupid idea. Personally, I found it just pissed me off in the few hacks I played with it like that. Tactics Universe... Early game... All those fucking nomads...

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First off, that's not a negative effect.

Secondly, he doesn't have to put them on enemies.

Hell, the enemy angle is a point in its favour since that means Denning couldn't be trivialised by having one in inventory in case he was surrounded.

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Another thing that is stranger about FE (gba) than firing a bow at range 1: if you swap an iron bow between an archer and a warrior, then the bow changes shape when you take it into battle!!! How strange is that?

What's wrong with buying/carrying 20 javelins?

Besides the fact that the question answers itself, I'm pretty sure javelins don't consume uses when you miss. So, what, the unit ran after the javelin and picked it up? Why don't archers do that with their arrows?

(If the question doesn't answer itself, let me ask you this - what's wrong with buying 5 packs of 20 javelins and having someone carry 100 javelins around? And what's wrong with 1 javelin taking up as much room as 20 in the scenario you pose?)

Hell, the enemy angle is a point in its favour since that means Denning couldn't be trivialised by having one in inventory in case he was surrounded.

If you can surround Denning with 4 units, can't you probably manage to kill him? Even Denning's dialogue is trivial.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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Sorry 'bout the topic derailment, TC!

I brought up Wil's Speed, because that's one of the problems people have with him. If you're upping enemy stats, he's probably doubling all of never (and may be doubled in return). This doesn't help him, especially taking into consideration that he starts off one level ahead of Rebecca and behind in Speed. If he had Gonzales-like Strength and Lyn-like Skill, it might work, but he doesn't.

Thanks for addressing Florina's Strength. I think she should have some chance of damaging enemies!

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The main problem with giving 1-2 range shortbows is that it's lazy. Instead of trying to make bows good and useful in their own right, the "solution" is to make them more like other weapon types. Well, that is one way to balance the game; the easiest way to make all the characters balanced is to make them as similar as possible.

BTW, it's a sad truth that if actually making things make sense wasn't a priority, Mekkah's Troll hack of FE8 would be the best hack I've ever played.

Edited by Anouleth
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The main problem with giving 1-2 range shortbows is that it's lazy. Instead of trying to make bows good and useful in their own right, the "solution" is to make them more like other weapon types. Well, that is one way to balance the game; the easiest way to make all the characters balanced is to make them as similar as possible.

"It's lazy" is no good reason not to do something. It can be done in tandem with other things to make Bows useful and there's no reason they should be locked to a particular range when that's not the case for ANY OTHER WEAPON TYPE plus it only makes sense in the context of the hack because it seems one of his priorities is to make 1-2 range more universal (hence magic Swords being more common) and there's no reason to arbitrarily shut Bows out of that whatsoever!

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Sheesh, enough arguing over the Short Bow, IT STAYS AT 2 RANGE, AND ALL BOWS ARE STAYING AS THEY ARE. END OF STORY. Also, with the realism debate, it's a game, shut up and deal with it, I don't want anymore kinds of arguments like that in this thread, as it's going off-topic from what this thread is about, which is an FE7 hack. However, I do like the idea of the Reinfleche being 1-3 range, and I'll be implementing that for now.

As for current progress, I'll try posting the changes of all the chapters I've edited so far, and then I'm going to start working on stat averages to see how characters stack up against each other now and just in case it gets brought up in any posts.

Now to address today's issues.

@Gryz: For now, the weapon ranks stay as it is, and with giving the dragon 40 attack so that Athos can solo it would be pointless since I removed Athos' ability to use dark for that exact reason.

@Anouleth: I find Wil to actually be very underrated, increasing his bases is enough for now, as far as i'm concerned. It's my hack, so I can do what I want with it, but I will put the S-rank weapons back to 25 uses until I make them obtainable earlier.

@CrashGordon94: If I gave Assassins a crit bonus, they'd be OP because of lethality activating a lot more.

@eclipse: Increasing Wil's strength could be a viable idea to make him more viable, but I may just buff all of the playable archer's stats/growths so that the archer class is far better and that people might want to use them.

So that's everything I care to cover in this massive shitstorm of a debate. Any other problems?

Edited by HeroMaster47
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No, don't do that! Surely you must've thought it was a good idea if you did it originally, right? Don't let stupid elitists kill your ideas, just put it back in! It fits in with your hack and will do it good, plus it'll stop the flamewar from ever happening again (since taking it out was what caused it in the first place) so just ignore them and follow your artistic integrity!

As for Assassin crit bonus: Fair enough.

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No, don't do that! Surely you must've thought it was a good idea if you did it originally, right?

Crash, when people say 'hindsight's a bitch', they don't mean that it's influencing their current decisions negatively.



Don't let stupid elitists kill your ideas, just put it back in! It fits in with your hack and will do it good, plus it'll stop the flamewar from ever happening again (since taking it out was what caused it in the first place)

Crash you are a fucking idiot nobody was going to bring it up again until now you stupid bastard

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The flamewar will stop happening when you stop bringing it up, you dopey shit.

are you seriously trolling me crash

are you fucking trolling

there is no way you can be this bad at putting two and two together

you've won

I give up

get out of my life

Edited by Furetchen
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Did anybody even read what I posted? STOP ARGUING OVER THIS.

Also, I've decided to give Wil +5% to his Speed growth, which gives him an average of 25 spd at 20/20.

Let me apologize on behalf of Crash. Also, thanks~! I really like Wil, but I can understand why people don't like using him.

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