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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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why is Rapier ignoring the possibility of both a scum and mafia roleblocker

also the possibility of other roles such as Jailer

also also Manix doesn't have to be scum for you to be scum

Jailer kidnaps. Also, Manix believed too hardly in my theory for me to be forgotten by the players in case he's Mafia.

And no, I'm not ignoring this hypothesis. It's just that the chances of you being scum are high, and there's only one case scenario in which you're Town (if we have two roleblockers). Unless the Safeguard gets his ass here and tells us if he safeguarded you or not.

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Sounds kind of strange to me. You already fakeclaimed once, and now you could very well be doing it again (because who would be dumb enough to fakeclaim twice B2B).

What's to say you aren't lying again? I don't see you as obvious town now. Eclipse called liar before I subbed in, but she was right, even in speculation.

Needless to say, it was a brave move, and early at that. But I question what role you might claim as next.

And even if you prove that you are rolecop, then what? You established yourself as a liar, and don't seem to really have any qualms about it. All so you could investigate Paper.

I don't know what to think of you right now, but I feel a townish vibe coming from your direction.


Rapier, in short, is a 50/50 split. He is either scum RB or town RB. If he is, it's dependent on paper. Manix got a town vibe from Paper though, meaning that there is a connection between Paper and Rapier.

Paper, tbh I can't read you very well. Mostly because you are just you in general. Add in some above filler here since im at work/on my phone, and can't multiquote, or dedicate long post time (this is taking me roughly 2hrs to create).

Honestly, I'm not getting much of a town vibe from anyone but Manix and Shinori. If Eclipse and Aere would join, I could at least have more to consider/more views to think about.

I'm still torn. but for now, until I get a longer break from work,

##Vote Rapier

Btw, this my first actual related and thought out post since I took over for Helios.

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Sorry, my first sentence was aimed at manix. I've been working on that on and off for a while

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Sounds kind of strange to me. You already fakeclaimed once, and now you could very well be doing it again (because who would be dumb enough to fakeclaim twice B2B).

What's to say you aren't lying again? I don't see you as obvious town now. Eclipse called liar before I subbed in, but she was right, even in speculation.

Needless to say, it was a brave move, and early at that. But I question what role you might claim as next.

And even if you prove that you are rolecop, then what? You established yourself as a liar, and don't seem to really have any qualms about it. All so you could investigate Paper.

I don't know what to think of you right now, but I feel a townish vibe coming from your direction.


Rapier, in short, is a 50/50 split. He is either scum RB or town RB. If he is, it's dependent on paper. Manix got a town vibe from Paper though, meaning that there is a connection between Paper and Rapier.

Paper, tbh I can't read you very well. Mostly because you are just you in general. Add in some above filler here since im at work/on my phone, and can't multiquote, or dedicate long post time (this is taking me roughly 2hrs to create).

Honestly, I'm not getting much of a town vibe from anyone but Manix and Shinori. If Eclipse and Aere would join, I could at least have more to consider/more views to think about.

I'm still torn. but for now, until I get a longer break from work,

##Vote Rapier

Btw, this my first actual related and thought out post since I took over for Helios.

... And you didn't explain why you voted me, in the end.

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Manix and you both fakeclaimed. Only, his was first, gutsy, and well defended.

Your claim wasn't.

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Actually let's just do the whole post, one by one.

It doesn't matter. I'm saying that I'm the Roleblocker, so that means Manix was not hooked. If you think we are scumbuddies, then by all means vote on yourself so that we can kill 2 scums on the following Day Phases.

I don't think I ever posted this opinion. I said Manix was scummy on D1 because he had a stupid gameplan but his Watcher claim made me reconsider a bit.

Also you telling me to selfvote to get you and Manix lynched makes me think if you're scum that Manix is definitely town. And you looking scum is looking more and more likely. So nice job.

I personally think Mayor is a stupid and broken role in a game in which 5 votes get someone insta-lynched. Fools want to be lynched as soon as they can. Idk what Vanilla and Neighbor are.

Vanilla is a role that has no special abilities. All it can do is vote. It's what Blitz was. Are you paying attention at all?

How else was he incapacitated of acting? Unless he's lying, of course. Then, if he is, we'll lynch him on the next Day, because you'll flip Town in this case scenario.

He could have been hooked. Or jailed. Or lying. I don't even understand how you all jumped to the conclusion that I was safeguarded.

Also, aren't you assuming a lot about how the roles have been sorted in this game?

lmao, coming from the guy who immediately assumed Manix's action failed due to a safeguard and that there's no way Manix is lying scum, I'm the one making assumptions. Okay, buddy.


The Watcher will still know who you visited, even if the player targetted to die is also targetted by the safeguard. This makes no sense.

You are thinking of Tracker. Watcher sees people that visit its target, not who its target visits.

I am the hooker, unless you're saying there are two Roleblockers, one scum and one town. And unless you're saying I'm Manix's scumbuddy, my word is true. Also, stop over-reacting please, that only makes it harder agaisnt you.

Yeah how dare I point out that the potential wagon on me is only based on everyone jumping to a conclusion that is only one of many possibilities. Clearly I should have rolled over and died instead of pointing out how awful you look right now.

Also I never targetted [shinori]. I'm just questioning you, nothing wrong on that. Those who do not have anything in debt to not need to fear.



Because I hadn't roleclaimed yet.

Yeah but if we are going to factor in the possibility of a scum hooker having stopped Manix why is he suddenly jumping on me when you could be lying or the possibility of two hookers?

Does it stop scum from going out ot kill, too?

Yes that is the whole purpose of a town roleblocker.

There's no way Manix could have been hooked. I am the hooker, and I targetted Shinori. I am telling the truth because it would be awfully stupid to show myself as a Mafia and draw attention to my scumbuddy Manix since I'm playing the same game as he is (if you flip town, we're obviously Mafia, and the minority of 6 must be 4. Losing 2 scums on D3 is really bad). That is why you were protected by a Safeguard. And the reason is, because the Safeguard is Mafia, else he wouldn't have protected you on D1.

I've already discussed at length why your logic is unsound and is smallminded, which is hilarious considering you are berating me for making assumptions about the setup.

If you were actually reading you would know why, but from my point of view you are just trying to get me lynched so that Manix gets lynched.

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Jailer kidnaps. Also, Manix believed too hardly in my theory for me to be forgotten by the players in case he's Mafia.

And no, I'm not ignoring this hypothesis. It's just that the chances of you being scum are high, and there's only one case scenario in which you're Town (if we have two roleblockers). Unless the Safeguard gets his ass here and tells us if he safeguarded you or not.

Jailer is a role that protects its target (either from just kills or all actions, depends) and also roleblocks it. The role that kidnaps is called Kidnapper. Hence why it is called kidnapped.

Also why are you still assuming there's a safeguard?

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Sounds kind of strange to me. You already fakeclaimed once, and now you could very well be doing it again (because who would be dumb enough to fakeclaim twice B2B).

What's to say you aren't lying again? I don't see you as obvious town now. Eclipse called liar before I subbed in, but she was right, even in speculation.

Needless to say, it was a brave move, and early at that. But I question what role you might claim as next.

And even if you prove that you are rolecop, then what? You established yourself as a liar, and don't seem to really have any qualms about it. All so you could investigate Paper.

I don't know what to think of you right now, but I feel a townish vibe coming from your direction.

It's the opposite here: If roleclaimed Watcher, and now he's roleclaiming Cop. It means that, if we have a Cop, he'll counterclaim and lynch Manix. He could be lying, but it's too dangerous.

Jailer is a role that protects its target (either from just kills or all actions, depends) and also roleblocks it. The role that kidnaps is called Kidnapper. Hence why it is called kidnapped.

Also why are you still assuming there's a safeguard?

'Cause it's the only alternative. Unless there is a Mafia Roleblocker, which is the only way you could not be scum. Also, you should know better that people getting kidnapped can't post, and it's announced by the Host. There's no way Manix could be there posting if it was the case, nor you.

Vanilla is a role that has no special abilities. All it can do is vote. It's what Blitz was. Are you paying attention at all?

Oh, right. So Shinori can't be vanilla, because Blitz already was it.

He could have been hooked. Or jailed. Or lying. I don't even understand how you all jumped to the conclusion that I was safeguarded.

That's exactly the point. He could have been hooked by a Mafia Roleblocker, but he couldn't have been jailed, nor hooked by me, and we would see if he was lying or not just by lynching you.

lmao, coming from the guy who immediately assumed Manix's action failed due to a safeguard and that there's no way Manix is lying scum, I'm the one making assumptions. Okay, buddy.

It's because I didn't think there could be two roles in opposite sides in the game, like a Town RB and a Mafia RB.

Yeah how dare I point out that the potential wagon on me is only based on everyone jumping to a conclusion that is only one of many possibilities. Clearly I should have rolled over and died instead of pointing out how awful you look right now.

Not one in many possibilities. The only way you could be Town is if the RB is scum.

Yes that is the whole purpose of a town roleblocker.

I meant Safeguard.

Jailer is a role that protects its target (either from just kills or all actions, depends) and also roleblocks it. The role that kidnaps is called Kidnapper. Hence why it is called kidnapped.

Also why are you still assuming there's a safeguard?

How else would Manix's action have failed? Unless there's a Mafia RB, of course.

My whole point is: We will get to know a lot of things if you are lynched. I'm not saying you're obvscum and should die in a fire. That's why you're the best choice imo.

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'Cause it's the only alternative. Unless there is a Mafia Roleblocker, which is the only way you could not be scum. Also, you should know better that people getting kidnapped can't post, and it's announced by the Host. There's no way Manix could be there posting if it was the case, nor you.

Kidnapper and Jailer are different roles. I am talking about Jailer. Jailer does not silence or kidnap people.

Oh, right. So Shinori can't be vanilla, because Blitz already was it.

Actually it's entirely possible that he is. If a setup has a vanilla you are pretty much guaranteed to have more than one of them.

- an unspecified amount of players will be vanilla
That's exactly the point. He could have been hooked by a Mafia Roleblocker, but he couldn't have been jailed, nor hooked by me, and we would see if he was lying or not just by lynching you.

He could have been hooked by you because *you are in no way clear* and he could have been jailed because *you don't know what a jailer is and are talking about kidnapper*

Also lynching me to see if he's lying is a dumb idea, because *he could still be telling the truth*

It's because I didn't think there could be two roles in opposite sides in the game, like a Town RB and a Mafia RB.

Why? It's happened before

Also who is the one making assumptions about the game now?

Not one in many possibilities. The only way you could be Town is if the RB is scum.

Or if Manix is lying.

Or if he was hooked by something other than a roleblocker

Although considering you don't even know what a vanilla is I think we all have to call into question your ability to accurately judge the number of possible scenarios.

I meant Safeguard.

Why are you still assuming there is a Safeguard?

"hurr it's the only possibility"

How else would Manix's action have failed? Unless there's a Mafia RB, of course.

... If you are going to continuously ignore gaping holes I point out in your logic, I recommend you go debate tier lists instead. I hear they encourage that kind of behavior.

My whole point is: We will get to know a lot of things if you are lynched. I'm not saying you're obvscum and should die in a fire. That's why you're the best choice imo.

No, you won't get anything. You just think you will because you are tunnel visioning.

I'm done talking to you.

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Votal Time !!

Rapier (3) - Paperblade, Shinori, Elieson

Manix (2) - Ether, Manix

Ether (1) - eclipse

Paperblade (1) - Rapier

Not Voting: Aere

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. You have under 21 hours left in the day.

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This is a clusterfuck and a half. We already have one mislynch, and I'd rather not have a second one. Now, with that roleblocking claim. . .ugh.

I'm not sure if I dislike Manix's flip-flopping claim or Rapier's logic more. For one thing, claiming a different town role could easily out another person. Second, there's nothing preventing a role cop from being maifa. The question is whether or not you guys thing that there's a second cop running around. For now. . .


I want to hear speculation on the possibility of a separate, alliance cop. If that exists, I'd prefer that Manix gets lynched. If not, I'll put more logic into it when I have dinner and a good night's rest in me.

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Obviously that is unless there is another cop claim forthcoming but it's been nearly 24 hours since Manix claimed cop so I sincerely doubt there is another one unless they think Manix is going to get lynched anyway ?_?

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